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RP: GM Cinematics Days and Days...Cat and Mouse


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.7
RP Location
Kosuke Sector

The First Three Days and Nothing​

In the forlorn expanse of the Kosuke Sector, a relentless pursuit had transpired over the span of three arduous days. The YSS Lorheim III, once a pristine Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser, had doggedly pursued the enigmatic SMX Neithorngom-Class Battleship it had spotted and reported. This intense celestial ballet of strategic maneuvers had left both vessels marred and bruised, with their crews bearing the heavy burden of fear and desolation. Yet, in the face of overwhelming adversity, the crew's unwavering allegiance to the Yamatai Star Empire remained a shining beacon of hope. Across nearly fifteen light-years, through the one-star system and out the other, it was a game of cosmic cat and mouse that irked Taro to the depths of his digital consciousness. Communication had been nonexistent, and the identity of the opposing vessel remained a mystery, casting a nightmarish shadow that seemed interminable.

The chase unfolded as an unrelenting game of pursuit, with the Neithorngom-Class Battleship, a nightmarish entity forged from Mishhuvurthyar animosity, taunting its pursuer. Its Terminal Aether Spines extended like cosmic tendrils, menacing the Star Army Expeditionary Command Cruiser. The ship executed evasive maneuvers with practiced finesse, its Continuum Distortion Field System's protective barrier flickering under the strain, resulting in breaches across some of its decks. On the upper bridge level, Shosho Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro paced, his gaze locked onto the ominous specter that had tormented them for days.

"Evade! Push harder!" he commanded, his voice resonating with the weight of their three-day ordeal. "Tactical, prepare the Mass Launchers."

With a desperate grace, the Command Cruiser contorted through the cosmic void, narrowly avoiding the majority of incoming fire. Nevertheless, the strain on their systems was undeniable, as Akari-Shoi reported, "CFS integrity dropping, Shosho! Our endurance is waning. We got too much damage, our damage control teams are stretched!" Across the abyss, the malevolent Mishhuvurthyar advanced once more, its grotesque form contorted by malice. Its Aether Spine Cannon Network unleashed a relentless barrage, seeking to ensnare its prey. It was a titanic showdown, and the confrontation had endured long enough.

Hiroshi-Taii, one of the ship's loyal Bridge Bunnies, clenched her jaw. "Shosho, I have a clear shot. Initiating firing sequence for the Mass Launchers." KAMI assisted the officer.

In a calculated act of defiance, the Star Army vessel unleashed a volley of mass-launched projectiles that tore through the void with vengeful fervor. Explosions blossomed across the Battleship's hull, leaving nightmarish scars in their wake. As the two vessels closed in on each other, the cosmic dance of annihilation intensified. The crew of the YSS Lorheim III clung to their unwavering loyalty to the Yamatai Star Empire, their maneuvers serving as a testament to their bravery in the face of insurmountable odds as aether flared through the lonely expanses.

Amidst the unrelenting combat and encroaching darkness, the Shosho's crew executed each maneuver with the precision and resolve befitting those who grasped the dire nature of their mission. The vessel of some eldritch terror they faced, sought to crush them, but the crew with their skilled and desperate maneuvers, stood as a bastion of hope—an embodiment of their unwavering allegiance to their empire. At the very least, they had managed to prevent the SMX from discovering the exact whereabouts of the Colonial Initiative Fleet.

As the chase approached its eighth or ninth climax, both vessels bore the scars of relentless combat, their systems pushed to the brink. Yet, the crew of the YSS Lorheim III, their faces etched with determination and their hearts ablaze with loyalty, refused to yield. Amidst this cosmic confrontation, as the two vessels continued their deadly waltz, a final act was about to unfold. The Shosho transmitted an encrypted distress call to the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City, a beacon of hope in the void, while they watched their adversary once again slip away into the stars. After the recorded message to Katsuko concluded, Taro could only curse, "They have eluded us once more!" It was done for now, just for now. Taro couldn't believe that they had got away again.

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