Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Deal with the Devil [18+]

Gardener in the dark

Inactive Member
Commune base was a massive undertaking, involving the technologies of several different races cobbled together into a seemlessly functioning mechanisim. One of the marvels of modern technology, and mysteriously located in the dead between stars. Many claimed it a myth, others a paradise. According to the lore it had been opened once, as an amusement park, but that the advertising campaign intended to attract customers had gotten tied up in red tape because the goverments it had been applying to had no place on their forms for a location that wasn't orbiting a body.

That wasn't why the ROM construct was visiting, however. She was visiting due to another rumor. That the primary backer of the project, and majority shareholder was a Mishu seperatist with unusual belifes who went by the definatly non-mishu moniker of Schlock Grunder.

Her ship was a small courier vessel, fast as mercury and manned by one. It had no conventional habitation areas or cockpit - simply a coffin with a Lazarus stasis system and a neural setup little bigger than a fighter, to keep things quiet. The location her sources had given her was correct, the amusement part glittered in her vision like a flying saucer set with gems.

As she pulls into the base Aiesu received a hail. "Welcome, I was expecting you" the deep voice richly intoned. "Do you need assistance finding the proper dock, or can you make it yourself? It's docking bay D43, here are the coordinates"

The small craft coasted in on inertia toward the massive structure - a small angular dart of white with black paneling and deep amber, almost golden panel over its top and bottom halves. A faint spray of a luminous blue flickered as it began to decelerate as it was swallowed up by the bay. A low thud sounded as its gear extended, locking against the ground below.
She soon emerged as the heavy doors of the bay slid closed and the area began to oxygenate, flooding with atmosphere. The golden capsule rose up out of the body of the vessel, opening like two halves of an egg - a pale figure slowly standing on shaky legs - dripping wet in preserving fluids like a newborn as she stared down to see who would be there to greet her - before sitting on the pale hull to take her clothes, dressing there and then for the meeting to come.

Only one person stands in the docking bay, apparently having been in there even when the doors were open, having watched the whole affair - noting the way the figure had no clear evidence of male or female anatomy - though the voice Schlock had spoken with had indeed been female.
The figure was humanoid, in a general way. It also was obviously something cooked up in a tube somewhere and run by remote. It was wearing a deep burgundy suit, with intricate gold stitching, and holding a cane that likely held concealed weaponry. it's face was black as midnight and covered with flecks like stars, and it's hair was coarse and braided into long strings down its head, each one topped with an elaborate bead. It's eyes glowed dimly, grey. it took an elegant bow.

"My lady Aiesu I would suppose?" it asked in a deep and resonant voice. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you... not in person, I suppose, but in mind." It chuckles a gentle and warming sound "Care for some tea in my quarters while we talk about plans and wheels within wheels, and conspiracy, and we plan to stab each other cordially in the back once the other is not useful? I've found that a good cup of tea makes the whole game so much more enjoyable. You can also pick out a more suitable outfit, once we're there."

Aiesu slowly descended from her craft, sitting on its edge in her usual pale shirt, striped white/red tie and bicycle shorts - deciding to remain bare-foot as she dropped sharply from the craft to land before Shlock before staring back at the thing and then up at him - cerise eyes bright as she took in his figure curiously. She was notably shorter than he had expected - and somewhat more cheerful to boot as she stretched - still dripping in clear fluid from the cryo unit that stained her long slender legs.
She took some time to take in the sight of him. It was an unusual appearance, eclectic and rather elegant - which she hadn't expected for a Mishhu. She cleared her throat, feeling translational software burned into her construct kick in - surprised to hear herself speaking High Elysian.
"Outfit? ....Well... Tea sounds good."

"Yes, outfit. I like to be surrounded by elegance, and I have found that most of my partners prefer elegance to the lack thereof as well" he said "Your outfit is certainly useful and utilitarian, I would wear something similar were I making a trip like this. But now you are in the comfort of a station and impractical, beautiful, and comfortable clothing is more suitable for negotiations than utilitarian faire."

He began leading her through the halls. Most of the surfaces had complex mosaics or engraving. A certain symbol seemed to be repeated frequently between them, a heart broken in half and held together by chains. Others depicted battles, some famous, some not. others planetary scenes, sunsets, lovers sharing a moment together. Statues existed in intersections between halls, and fountains. Below her bare feet was a plush and soft carpet, in some places it had a texture like living leather, in others like decadent grass. They pass some workers, all female, in the halls. Some of them are wearing collars, some are not. All of them are also barefoot - something Aiesu took careful note of - and their outfits are as decadent as the surroundings. Some wearing heavily embroidered skin suits, others wearing poofy chiffon dresses with several layers of near see-through fabric. Schlock nodded to most of them as they passed, and gave the ones with the collars a brief "hello, how's it going *name*" to which they blushed and giggled. Some of them watched Aiesu with cold speculation in their eyes, and others with friendly curiosity. Schlock's own feet were booted.

They soon reached a transit tube with a vehicle sitting in it. Schlock gestured for Aiesu to enter the small cabin, then scooted in next to her, the smallness of the car pressing them close together on the plush and comfortable seats. "How are you liking my station, so far?" Schlock asked "I'm afraid I don't have good artistic abilities myself. All of this was decorated by my... employees"

Aiesu peeked back at the corridor, back toward the other area and then up at Schlock. She wrinkled her nose, noting the mural on the ceiling of the cabin. "H...Huh... They say the works of a person are... An expression of who they are..." she said, trying to infer what she could of him. "You're entirely what I didn't expect."

He chuckled gently, placing a hand on her knee reassuringly. "I get that frequently" he says "My people are violent. Culturally primitive. Little understanding of art, other than the art of torture. It still surprises me that people think a separatist would want to share the barbarism, instead of making a clean break with it. Mind, the art of torture is still a beautiful thing"

Aiesu gave a simple hurried and quiet nod, feeling the lights of the tube wash over them, between warm white and the darkness of the tube itself - watching how the light moved over Schlock's face as the thing rolled to a stop.

"just not so much so as this" He gestures out the windows as the transit tube emerges from the station, allowing a close look at the habitats inside. Large translucent domes covering ecosystems full of beauty and mystery. A brightly colored bird passes by as the tram lazily goes close to one of the domes.

Finally they reach their destination, the central dome. The vehicle's tracks plunge into the dome, surrounded by vibrant colors and thriving life, and it comes to a halt in outside a mansion. The architecture here is a sort of warm, open style, with adobe walls and fresnos. There's a slight feeling, however, that the designer couldn't decide what sort of architecture they wanted to use, and some glimpses of the other faces show that they're in a different style.

"You've... Really done well for yourself, haven't you, Mr. Grunder?"

Grunder smiles a very predatory grin, his teeth sharp and pearl white. "Yes, well, my tactics kept me from losing material while inflicting the same damage as other leaders. I redirected the supplies that would have gone to replacing my non-existant loses to this. Five years hard work. I'm quite proud of it!" he patted Aiesu gently on the head, then appeared to notice something. "Miss Aiesu, your ears!" he says "Whatever happened to them? Oh deary me, we should fix them up" he says with genuine concern in his voice as he leads her through the doors.


The interior was, amazingly, more humble than the exterior. Full of warm colors, and soft tones, without the complex patterns he favored in the rest of the station. it was gentle, and comfortable. Each room had one carpet, each with a different texture. he lead her through the main hall into a room lit by a false sun through fake windows that opened onto a small model village. Other women sat around the table already, and Schlock pulled the chair next to it away for Aiesu. These women wore distinctive, collars, each unique to the woman.

The construct lifted herself up to the chair, arms out for leverage - the seat higher from the ground than her hips were. Sat, she watched Schlock and then looked over the girls and their... Exotic attire - a hand reaching up to tweak at her glasses, only to realize she'd left them on the ship. She clicked her tongue in disappointment, squinting instead to make sense of everything.

"You left your vision enhancing lenses behind. have one of mine" Schlock says, passing her a monocle. "Let me make introductions..."

She tried fitting the monocle, having some trouble - the focal length different to what she was used to. She instead kept it in her hands, thumbing delicatelyover the metal edge of the lens.

"This is James, my bodyguard" he says, pointing to a very tall woman with a cybernetic eye and arm. The women had some sort of primitive pole-arm strapped to her back, and was wearing a green outfit embroidered with golden dragons. She grunted

"This is Kasha, my... let's call her an adopted daughter" he says pointing to a broad winged patrician youth, who's eyes were milky and white. She was wearing a fluffy pink princess outfit - utterly adorable as she sat at her place at the table, playing with the spoons.

"This is Dionysodoros, my lead tech designer" he says, pointing to a slender woman, with small wings, dressed in an outfit that may reminds Aiesu of a brightly colored bird. Dinoysodoros bows slightly and mumbles 'pleasure'.

"And this is Laquer, my primary artist" he says, gesturing to a woman who wore nothing but body paint and tattoos. The woman does a rather elaborate salute with her napkin

"Hum... Not the crew I expected a ... Gentleman of your particular sort to keep." she smiled - her anxieties of the Mishu reassured somewhat. She thought it was quite an exotic and unusual bunch - but not one of entirely poor taste. While the Mishu's tastes weren't well developed, she felt he was exploring every avenue imaginable. It was as if a child's drawings had come to life in rich, complex ornate and living form - to create something entirely new in and of itself that she found quite charming, if ethereal and abstract - like she'd stepped into a cartoon or imagination of some distant dreamer.

He grins again, patting Asieu on the head as a young Helashio comes in in a french maid outfit, and begins serving tea and pastries to all around the table. "Thank you Zetsu" he says, taking a sip of the tea. The helashio grins and walks off, a bounce in her step.

"You're quite the prince of whimsy, I see?" the construct smiled, watching the maid walk.

"Yes, I feel the need to explore."

"We have a word in Lorath for that, you know? 'Qua'ns'ael' - or 'The little prince who dreams'. There's a whole aesop around him but judging by your decor, you're quite familiar with it."

"And it's quite fitting" James speakes up "Schlock here is quite the little prince, and quite the dreamer. We still havn't figured out how to make some of his most grandeose dreams into reality. He wants to build a Dyson sphere, eventually."

"Funny you should mention that." Aiesu pondered aloud. Even the consortium had lofty dreams of their own.

Schlock nods. "Yes, but my next project is a bit smaller. I'm attempting to complete the unification of technology. Each race's technology is good for different things, I'm trying to grow it together to make something good for everything. So far the price is still overly high, especially as it cannot be mass produced but has to be put together by hand in the workshops on this station"

"Well... If money is a problem and this does have real potential, as you believe it does... We might be able to ... Grease the wheels some."

"And you'll be able to give us an inline into current lorath technical practices?" Dionysodoros asks "My knowledge is a bit outdated at this point"

"Actually, if you play well... We might be able to show what you what they'll get before they get it."

"Now that is an intriguing possibility" Grunder says "One moment... Kesha, dear? While the jam certainly looks pretty spread on your face, it'll get sticky fairly soon..." he stands and walks gently to his 'daughter' wiping the jam off her face. She smiles and hugs him despite his half hearted attempts not to be, and getting the jam on both of them.
iesu curled her lips into a smile, trying not to laugh. Indeed, she was adorable. She took a sip of her tea, surprised by how good it was. She hadn't eaten or drank in ... Well, never, actually. New constructs usually didn't until they reached their objectives.

"So what does your faction want in return?" Schlock asks, still working on cleaning his 'daughter' and himself

"Well... For once, this blending of technologies interests us. Next... There's the ... Well. We don't really know much about the ... About your people, other than the fact Yamatai is scared shitless. We'd just like to know why."

"Oh that's simple. We were engineered to kill and destroy, much like the Nekos were. We just do what we were made to do." Schlock says, deliberately missing the point. "I'm sorry but it's hard to share much about our culture. A lot of it is best left unspoken. Especially not spoken in front of my friends" he gestures around the table. The others nod, clearly not wanting to share Schlock's demons. He extracts himself from his 'daughter' still messy with jam, and walks over to Aiesu to whisper "There's another service I can offer. I can break people down, and extract the information from them, then build them back up into loyal, happy, and strong people. Would you fine that useful?"

"Incredibly, actually... I know its a cliche but... Good help really is that hard to find." Aiesu said, taking another sip of her tea.

"Oh I know." he says. The maid comes back in with an outfit and some makeup. "Ah, here, I had it tailored for you after seeing you. I feel it will suit you well, though of course I can expand your wardrobe..." There's a simple, feathered, collar with it, with a single piece of black jet set in the center carved into a dragon. The outfit it's self doesn't cover her crotch or breasts, and is made of elegant black silk and feathers that shimmer iridescently. it's elegant and nearly immaterial. A small mantle tops the affair, made from some sort of white material that twinkles and refracts light as though it was woven from diamonds. "Would you like help changing into it?" Schlock asks gently

Aiesu felt a strange sensation in her belly. "Wh... " she didn't seem to know what to say. She eyed the material - surprised by how strange it seemed - like liquid spider-web shimmering. "Well...Er..." Her gaze lowered - clearly embarrassed - meek and possibly even demure.

Schlock takes her stammering as consent, gently hooking the collar around her neck, and starting to help her out of her clothing with gentle strength, starting by lifting her shirt.

She stared with wide cerise eyes in confusion, arms up over her head as she stared back - like a child being told it was bath-time. She couldn't really make sense of what was happening. It really was like a dream. "A-Ah?"

Jamie and Laquer take her legs, getting her out of the pants and helping her into the deliberately off kilter skirt while crooning over her legs. "They're quite strong" James says approvingly.

"Hey... Wh... Well..." she wrinkled her nose - dizzy now as she wrinkled her nose. The compliment threw her off

"Could you er... P-Put me down?"

Dionysodoros puts the top on her, and Jamie and laquer slide the bottoms up, zipping them shut and fastening them. Schlock tops it with the gauzy, film like mantle. Zetta brings in a full length mirror as Laquer finishes it up, tying some ornaments into her hair.

It had been almost five minutes now since Aiesu's feet had met the ground - a flurry of attire too and frow in a flurry. She couldn't quite fathom why her body hadn't bothered resisting - her muscles weak and tingly. Whenever she tried to tense, everything just felt warm, bubbly and sleepy. And yet she didn't panic - and she couldn't work out why.

Aiesu felt her pale toes meet the ground - a tightness behind her ankles lifting her onto the front of her foot as he heels just sort of hovered. She noted her pale palms and the black shimmering textured material - almost like a smooth seamless coating of feathers - blending through grays and blacks in slow rich gradients along her arms and her legs. "Wh.. Do you have a mirror or something?" If she wasn't panicking, the construct decided, there likely wasn't anything to be worried about.

Schlock kisses her forhead, then wheels the mirror into position with a "Voila! Like the blackbird's wings and the black lotus' petals. Take a look at yourself." The other girls pose behind her, in ways that, in the mirror, make her look like the center of a dance routine. Kasha jumps onto Schlock's back, slightly ruining the effect. "Pappa made you pretty!" she says "He likes making people pretty!"

Aiesu turned to look at the mirror, eying it suspiciously. To Aiesu, mirrors had always been the enemy - a great source of disapproval and disappointment. The figure that stared back was not these things. That gradient of featherless flew over her arms, her legs - even her neck with rings like the eyes of peacocks as she stepped closer - noting the pale paint taking her milky unhealthy and almost translucent skin and making it now almost doll-like - that red flicker like flame about her eyelids and the edges of her eyes accenting cerise - the dark marks about her eyes painted away with expert hands - and so quickly. And then her hair - straight and flowing, rather than messy - a distinct volume now - two ribbons - one red and the other cerise wrapped in helix about her hair on one side, tied into a knot that trailed down. Her throat felt sore - eyes furrowing for a moment as she tried to make sure exactly what - or who it was she was looking back at.

"I see..." she spoke - irreconcilable in her awe as she downplayed it - clambering for her defense behind an air of inscrutability.
Her eyes fell on the blinding white of her body - treated to the same as her face. Her doll like torso was completely bare, nothing hidden beneath her collar-bone down low beneath her hips and the flat where genitals should have been - her own skin like a swimsuit against the gradient blacks and grays with those spots of slithery glistening rings of color in the collar of her neck and the mantle that clung to the upper half of her clothes - one moment a cowl to hide herself like a cocoon of comfort - the next, disappearing into the upper-half of this quasi-bodysuit.
Her hands moved instinctively to cover herself, back hunched over to hide herself as realization tickled through the pit of her belly.

"D..Did it have to be naked?!" she squeeked.

"You had no problem being naked in front of me when you were thawing" Schlock points out, his melodious voice amused

"W-When you have pretend money, you're not afraid to give it our or even lose it..."But now?" She'd never felt this naked before - even with nothing on and had never tried to hide it. In her own mind she rationalized it.

"The other girls wear outfits even more... flattering." he says "Plus your smoothness is exotic, and I chose to enhance, rather than hide, it" he gently reaches forwards to stroke her belly in a reassuring fashion, his black skin contrasting brilliantly against the white of her skin.

"Exotic" she repeated, her words mulled and sticky as she eyed the flat between her legs in the angled reflection of the mirror - watching where it her her thighs and absolutely nothing happened - the place her belly-button should have been and then the utter absence of nipples despite that faint formation beneath that moved as she walked in a way she still wasn't used to.

Schlock ran his hand gently, comfortingly up, starting with her thighs, and stroking her up the length of her body, running across the bumps under where her nipples should be, and ending with a light touch of her neck. "Exotic, Erotic, Exquisite" he whispered into her brutalized ears.

It descended down her back like ice - pushing her heels further from the ground up onto the fronts of her feet. She noted her toenails had been painted with that strange almost holograph quality the peacock feathers about her neck had - the bodysuit of feathers ruffling as she ever so slowly turned her head. She wasn't used to being called these things. In fact, she'd never even conceived of being called these things, let alone appearing to match her own ideals of such things. She leant her head back, deciding not to look directly at him - only eyeing him from the very corner of her gaze now - a slow sharp intake of breath. And then she felt the feathers flutter on their own as if they were her own, ruffling up - the strange suit responding as it represented her goose-bumps - a whole new universe of body-language represented now that had her small vestegal wings outstretched nervously.

Schlock's hand was there, suddenly, gently pressing her back, tickling the joining of her stretched wings and her back, preening them gently with his fingers. His breath comes hot and loud.

The air deflated from her chest audibly, wrapped in a quiver she'd tried so hard to hide in her throat. She knew Mishu were masters of mind-games but hadn't thought it to go so far. She took a step forward out of nerves, putting space between himself and her in what defense she could make, turning about to face him.

He learned gently forwards, planting a delicate kiss on her lips, gentle, and caring, his hands now at her shoulders. His kiss moves down to her neck as his hands search out her bundles of nerves and rub them away.

She leaned back and yet... The step that should have come with it to whisk her away never came - a quiver in her calves as slowly her heels lowered - hovering just barely over the carpet now. Her heart was pounding in what should have been fight or flight but the feelings dancing through her belly were completely different. The edge of the blade was the same but she was completely lucid, maybe more than she'd ever been.

He lifts her bodily up, now, carrying her with a grin, nuzzling against her. His skin is somewhat dry, almost lizard like, but soft and warm. Other hands were touching her, stroking her, as he carried her. The other girls, perhaps. Schlock's breath had a sweet scent to it, with a hint of Cinnamon, and was overpowering this close to her face. His musk draped it's self around her like a blanket. He touches his nose against hers almost playfully, before leaning in for another kiss

Aiesu's rational mind was screaming - deafening in her damaged ears, telling her what this was and what was happening and what it meant and what would happen. And yet. She didn't care. The facsimile that allowed her to control her own neurochemestry was there but she couldn't bring herself to use it - confused by the complex messy burning heat in her belly. Her bare body was much too warm now - a bead of sweat trickling down over her front - the sensation of it making her teeth chatter as if she were cold. She couldn't look him in the eye. Indeed, despite her dual aspectation, in a situation like this the shark gave way: Aiesu was a prey animal.

Aiesu found herself lovingly placed into a large, sofa nest filled with pillows of various texture and firmness. It's not a proper bed, and is more of a large pit full of pillows with a mattress at the bottom and chairs carved into the sides. Schlock loomed over her, leaning down and caressing her body with his hands, with his tongue, and with tentacles that had slowly spread from under his shirt. The tentacles were slightly slimy, and smooth, but also warm and soft. They gently stroke her, seeking out her points of pleasure, and leaving behind a residue that slightly enhanced sensation.

She panted delicately, like an ornate doll over the pillows - cerise eyes barely open as they watched - his visage so close to her a blurry one she struggled to make out. She could feel her skin shining just barely now with that thinnest sheen of sweat - knees shifting to try and cover herself, to hide what of herself she could.

"I'm... Not a toy, Mr. Grunder" she almost spat, feeling the air squeezed out of her with a motion against her belly - feeling the thick muscle rolling against her and recognizing only with sensation what they actually were.

"Indeed you are not" Schlock whispers "No toy could be as magnificent as you"

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut. A sharp shaky breath tickled through her hips and out through her nostrils before she opened them again. She'd fantasized about this sort of thing but... Reality wasn't the same. It couldn't be the same. She couldn't allow it to be. Already, she was wondering how he knew how to do this to her, which buttons to push and so forth, especially considering she wasn't even capable of the most basic of psionic readings. She owed it to Schlock's experience and his simply being what he was.

"You're a client. A collegue... I'm... Not a token of their appreciation" her voice almost slithered now, back tensing as she refused to let it arched. It was then that it dawned on Shlock that she'd chosen a construct with no sexual features for a perfectly good reason.

"I can give you want you want, in your heart." Schlock responds "I can give you love... if you'll accept me."

"I haven't even been here for an hour and you're..."

Schlock looked like he desperatly wants to press the matter, desire washing across his face. Then he grunts, and punches the bed. Hard. "I'll give you time, if that is what you need" he says "But... I have an infinite quantity of love to give, and I like nothing more than giving of it freely. Please consider my offer." he says, standing with some difficulty, his body soaked and panting. "You can sleep here. In the morning we will have fixed your ears." he mutters as he steps out.

Slowly, she sat up - confused with a mixture of regret and awe in her throat as she watched.

The other girls flutter in, questioning. "So how was it? Did you enjoy it?" one asks with a grin "He's really something, isn't he?" another says dreamly

"Wh..." her eyes dropped, a knee rising and an arm about herself as she struggled, still making sense of the way things were unfolding. "I...I've only known him an hour and... "

"It's actually been about a few days since you got on the station" one of the girl says, starting to fix Aiesu's messed up hair, "You were with him for a long time."

"I... What?" Aiesu stared back now, staring up at the mirror on the ceiling now. "What's... Wrong with me?"

"Grunder's a romantic" one of the girls says "If he's affected you so much, it means you're one too!" she giggles, giving Aiesu a friendly hug.

"R...Romantic nothing... I've only been here an hour." the construct insisted, starting to worry now. "How does an hour become 'a few days'?" She was starting to panic now - grinding her teeth softly, their serrated shark like edges clicking.

"Through love" the girl says "You know, he knows you very well too, has been loving you since before you came. Remember that contact, the Jabberwocky, who told you about this place?"

"...Yes" Aiesu paused her clicking, listening carefully.

"That was him"

"...I still don't see how an hour has become... And what do you mean love?"

"Schlock has a very full heart. He loves us all. And he loves you. He would not have invited you here if he did not. He loves your mind, and your soul, and your body" the girl says "He loves us too of course. Sometimes we like to compete to see who he loves the most" she giggles "He says your soul has been spread thin across the galaxy, like a beautiful spiderweb, touching several bodies and shimmering in the dark between the stars"

Soul, bullshit - a construct doesn't have a soul Aiesu thought to herself - still ever the skeptic. "He... He di... Look, ...You can have him" the construct scoffed - starting to feel like a prisoner of a cult. She couldn't fathom how she'd lost time like that - her brain was synthetic and even had a clock. Even going through her own logs, it was all accounted for and yet she remembered none of it as her own experience - as if she were viewing her own memories from the outside in.

The girl snorts "Oh, so you rejected him? You know that's just going to make him pursue you harder? I wonder how long you'll last" she grins, and kisses Aiesu on the cheek, in a sisterly fashion. "Will you at least join the faimly? We're all faimly here, and we all love each other."

"I'm... Not even used to being around people. I just want to be alone for a little while... This is a lot to process, you know?"

"O.K" the girl says with a nod "But... all of you can join us... if you want, whenever you want" she nuzzles Aiesu gently, then scampers out, leaving Aiesu alone with her thoughts and a plate full of snacks, goodies, and warm milk in the cloying room. A sign on the door seems to signify it a Aiesu's

The construct just sat, surrounded by low light, cushions and plesant things - perfumed and dressed in ways so extravagant she could barely imagine them. In a single day, she'd lost almost a week. She sat there, in the silence of it, trying to work out where her days had gone after slipping between her fingers.
It had been almost an hour now, before Cerise eyes slowly opened - exploring the room. Familiar surroundings again.
The presence of her original inside her mind was almost like a dream - many parts intentionally redacted from her memory that made her curious. Aiesu felt her cheek on Schlock's lap, slowly turning her head to peer up at him.

Schlock was relaxing, his eyes closed, his chest rising an falling slowly yet powerfully. arms resting on Aiesu in an intimate, fatherly, way. A couple of tentacles were resting on her too. By Lorath standards, that too was considered fatherly.

"How long was I out?" Aiesu called out, trying to read his features.

The impulse to reach for her glasses was still there but she was already learning that she had no need for them, not bothering to find them with her hands as she did normally.

Schlock woke with a start, something - presumably tentacles - beneath his coat making it rise and then tucking themselves away post startlement. “I… I’m honestly not sure… One moment… An hour and fifteen minutes, you’ve been asleep for.”

"Huh..." she watched - a lock of milky white hair shifting as she turned her head slightly.

Schlock patted her head gently, engulfing her in a hug.
"Good to have you back, little one. Your mother was quite insightful. You're more innocent." he teases gently.

Mother? Did he mean the original - the template?

"Well... I'm not always in possession of all the facts the same way she is."

"She's agreed that your value has increased enough to attempt to extend your mental life."

"She has?"

"Yes." Schlock said, deep words like velvet.
"Though sadly, she has not yet agreed to visit me in person. We shared some interesting conversation."

That sounded slightly evasive.

"How are you feeling?" This time, it was genuine concern, coupled with evasiveness.

"Things are different... I'm still getting used to it."

It seems the original had taken the time to ensure the construct could discover her ears in her own time, judging from her reaction.

"What... Would happen to me if she did visit?"

"I would keep you." Schlock said, holding her protectively, enveloping her against himself
"Even if she decided to stay, I would keep you. You have distinct personalities, and have somewhat different relations with me. You would not be redundant or discarded."

Her eyelids fluttered for a moment, thinking about this

He continued to hold her, though his tentacles poke out and begin to braid a small length of her hair.

"I'm never going to be allowed to leave, am I?" There was a long quiet pause as she thought about it.
"I'm ... Starting to see why she sent me now. To appease you, so you wouldn't want to own her... But you can't help yourself. Those instincts, to conquer and own still run through you, don't they?"

She sighed, forcing a smile.

"I'm not really a person though, so it doesn't matter."

Evasive again.

Schlock put a finger in front of her forhead, and poked it, just once.
"And there you go again with the not being a person thing. Oy vey, what a complex"

He was... teasing her?

Rather than feel opressed, the construct was oddly relieved, knowing she didn't have the responsibilities of a real person. That she didn't have to plan or scheme or think about life beyond two years ahead.
It would be a long two years - the way she was made would assure that - but that's all it would be. And then she’d have her reward.

"Hey. Smile time here" Schlock says with a raised eyebrow, using two fingers to gently lift her lips into a smile.
"You just woke up. You are greeting a new world, one of wonder, with eyes that had, only moments ago, not been seeing."

His voice was friendly, playful, and relaxed now. Not seductive like in the budoire earlier. This was another side of him, a less forceful one.

Aiesu wasn't sure if she welcomed this development.

Her rational mind viewed it as simply switching tactics, that he wanted something out of her and he was shifting gears. It was reassuring and yet there was an odd vacuum left behind. She wasn't really sure what to make of it.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just found out I get to live beyond my allocated two years. I should be thrilled."

"And yet you are not." Schlock says. His voice was became more melodious once again.
"Is my company really that unbearable?" he bends down to take a few strands of her hair in his mouth. He chewed on them thoughtfully.

"Its nothing like that" she felt her shoulders rose slowly and fell sharply like waves.

He licks one of her ears, gently. "So then, what is it?"

A tremble wormed its way through her belly - back arching as she sighed - allowing a long wait before she almost laughed.
"Its funny... I keep expecting to see my own breath. "

"Would you like me to adjust the temperature?"

"No no... See, every construct is idiosyncratic."

"A unique snowflake."

"Sort of. The differences are... Formed in the moment. During the read-cycle. The template was freezing cold when she made me... She didn't know if she'd make it."

"Lorath winters are quite bitter, aren't they?"

"I don't know. I don't know why I'm ..."

"If you don't know, don't let it bother you." Schlock whispers into her ear.
"Just enjoy it." his hands once again touch the place between her wings and shoulders, gently rubbing it.
"If you really want to leave, and your other self wants to stay, I'm sure you can take her place in the world."

The construct wrinkled her nose - feeling her wings - vestigial as they were flap once or twice. They were driven by instinct - one that told her to put space between herself and him. But she ignored it.

Her teeth clenched tightly. Tight enough for her new ears to ring. She ran her fingertips together, noting something strange about her sweat - the slippery texture of it - and then stared down at herself. She could see it. The way the brilliant white of her body against the torsoless feather-bodysuit just seemed to glow.
Even with her pale skin, she could make out specular highlights that emphasized the muscles of her belly, the budding mounds of her chest and even the smooth curvature of the fat between her pubic bone and the skin above - wrinkling her lips in an odd sense of disappointment.

The stuff coating the white was firm like plastic, a glassy glossy polymer...

Pulling her fingers apart, it felt like glue - a tendril of slimy fluid flexing before it broke with a pop like rubber - each half liquid again as they split. Odd stuff. And her body had made it.

"This is different... You know, I've been here ... How long now? Three days? Four days?"

"Almost a standard month, most of which was in surgery."

"Right. And we're still not talking numbers or legal yet. What can you offer the Consortium, really?

"I wasn't aware that shadowy conspiracies required legal contracts." Schlock raised a single eyebrow. Hairless.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let's get something straight. As nice as my stay is, when I ask you a question, I expect a straight answer. I'm a facilitator - and a nice bonus to you - but a facilitator first and foremost.. Its been... How long did you say it was again?"

"Twenty five days, seven hours, and fourteen minutes~" He says in a singsong voice

"Right.I need to start pulling my weight around here. When the negotiations are over, you can do what you want with me - modify me, show me off to your friends, explore my humanity, whatever gets your rocks off. But not until."

"Not until?"

"Not until. Now let's try this again. What can you offer the Consortium?"

"I can offer you a staging location, specifically here. I can offer you a byline on some of my research and technology. I'm sure you're interested in my methods of tech combination. I can offer you military support with my small strike squads I convinced to stay with me after I resigned my generalship and left the NMX empire. I have a small byline on resources I can share with you, but I suspect that's too small to be valuable to you, other than perhaps the NMX weaponry and vehicles. I could sell you some of my less favored pets, the ones who don't adjust well. Once I have the casino up and running I can sell you intellegence captured from surveillance. What do you want?" Schlock poured himself a cup of tea while talking, then took a deep whiff of it, the steam curling into his nostrils.

The construct ran her tongue over her teeth - already resenting the lack of serration. Not that she'd tell him. That would be more time useless in surgery. It could wait. Right now, she had to put on her business pants on and play grownup.

"Can you offer deniability of our relationship?"

Schlock gives her a long flat look, over the cup of richly honeyed tea.
"I'm sorry, I thought this was a shadowy conspiracy, not a society ball. "

"Its an animal. Like any other. It lives, breathes, thinks and dies. Like everything that dies, it has guts. Anatomy. If you're to become a part of that, I have to make sure you're A) Not vestigial - that you'll pull your weight and B) That if we're autopsied, you won't be found -- because this is our third incarnation now and we intend on surviving many many more."

"Yes. Obviously. That goes without saying."

"Good. I know we don't have any business telling you how you run your game - nor you ours."

Schlock noded slowly, taking another sip of his tea.
"I'm glad we're in agreement about that. So what specifically does your lady want, other than, possibly, a new body?"

"To refine her own work through you. You're outside expertise - and a means to live exercise with the big boys, maybe with a slice of deniability - so when our product hits market, we know what it can and can't do. She's an enormous fan of pragmatism."

"So you want me to be your test platform? Am I permitted to attempt reverse engineering of the toys that come my way? My people have gotten quite good at that."

"Actually... We want to make something that would be hard to reverse-engineer. That your people would struggle to understand. Part of that is letting you try and seeing what slows you down."

Schlock pulled out a cigar, and lights it. He begins to puff it, to add punctuation to his words
"That and improving already existent technologies. Unfortunately my engineering people lack the creativity needed to pull new technology from the aether.... You know, pipes and tea, cigars and brandy and cigarettes and coffee are matches made in heaven, but they're not quite as good when not paired in that fashion. It's really an intriguing example of how the senses work. Care for a puff?" He holds out the stub of the cigar to Aiesu.

She held up her hand, declining.

"We can pull new toys - though we'll need somewhere noone will watch us piss ourselves before we learn to do it stood up without a toilet, like adults... We also need to know what you - and by extension Yamatai can and cannot see - so nobody sees the names in the snow."

Schlock takes another puff. "Yamatai covert intelligence is probably the best in the world, and they're difficult to fool. Mishu covert intelligence is honestly worse -- The NMX has been scrambling to keep up. I can tell you what I know that they know, and I can tell you what I don't know if they know, but I can't really tell you what they don't know."

"I figure your connections are half your offer here... But you haven't put that on the table yet..." she said. The construct popped a grape into her mouth, chewing noisily.
"Could you point us toward someone who could give us an idea of what they know as they know it? I'd adore something like that."

"Sure if you don't mind talking directly to more brutal mishu." he responds "The problem is that my connections in yamatai are actually connections with NMX intelligence and counter-int. At least until I actually open for service. Then my connections will be whatever people I can... summon... on the casino section of the station."

"Looking at the place, you sound like you want out. I can't shake hands with someone who's end-game isn't at least vaguely parallel."

"My end-game is a few hundred years away" Schlock responds, puffing his cigar again.
"When does your game end?"

"The game is procedural. We have no idea."

"Then our goals are in parallel for at least a few hundred years. You want to sting Yamatai a little, and to develop immortality. I want to aid your lovely self in that goal."
His grin is indulgent.
"And to conquer the universe, eventually, of course. Doesn't everyone? Would you like to be princess to my king?" he teases gently, a holographic cheese-board appearing between them - the food real but the platter solid volumetrics.

"Singularity" she said - ignoring the quip of princesses and chess - popping another grape - and then another into her mouth - those razor like teeth vicious now.
"Ruling the universe is no fun at all when you're all alone. As for Yamatai... I just don't want them interfering, getting the wrong idea. They're welcome to exist... Just not interfere - and they wipe everything off the map they're even slightly unsure about. That, we won't stand for."

Schlock laughs, "Singularity is over-rated and yet necessary for my goal. It's an important step. Reachable within 10 years, by my estimate, but you'll need a freespacer for it. Of course that's when you'll find that there are degrees of singularity" he says, watching her greed with a pleased grin.
"If you think those are good, would you like to try my personal cultivar?"

"Cultivar?" she repeated the word. The meaning wasn't obvious to her - and for a moment, she thought he was offering her the position - to be his personal cultivar.

There were holes in her High-Elysian - and she felt dirty speaking the language.

Not that it was dirty, but that the Elysians always lorded themselves as so much better than the Lorath - as memories of 'Duq Duq Goose II' - an Elysian/Lorath exploitation film both sides pretended didn't exist would remind her.

"Breed, variety, type. I grow several types of grape on the station. That cultivar is popular for it's sweetness, and it's convient size, as well as it's seedlessness. My own personal cultivar is larger, and seeded. Also less sweet and more tart. Says a lot about me, I suppose." Schlock reaches forwards, and picks them out of a hidden fridge, then pops one into Aiesu's mouth. It was as red as blood, and the juice was red and thick.

Her lips closed about his finger as he settled it there, teeth grazing before she took the grape with her tongue and leant back, taking herself from him

The difference in flavor caught her by surprise as she laid back feeling her small wings compressed against his belly - arms massive either side of her like some great roll-cage of a man as she chewed slowly now. His arms encircling her, protectively.

"I can understand negotiating power... Money... Time... Even property. But people? You're a strange one, Mr. Grunder..." she let her eyes fell - tipping her head back - brushing her crown against the small of his chest where his solar plexus likely sat if he had such a thing.
She seemed quite content - her expression dreamy. As inscrutable as she tried to be, she was not immune from pleasure. Shclock had chosen well to attack her through these means - it indeed made for powerful persuasion - a low sigh from her shining lips - feeling the clear stuff - the slime she'd secreted a creaking glassy laminate over her revealed skin - really driving the swimsuit aesthetic home.

His solar plexus was somewhat cup shaped, and was warm against her head. He holds her, hands gently massaging her tensions away. A single tentacle grabs another grape, and pushes it pleasantly against her lips - planting itself between her lips and into her mouth before withdrawing.

"What I want is membership, not just tit for tat. We share our resources, don't keep track of costs to within twelve decimal points, and every so often you throw people to me. Interesting people. Rare people. For me to seduce, and to help us." He whispered hotly into her ear, before licking it gently.

"A-Ah… I can think of a few people - though... There are only twelve of us."

His hands sweep across her belly, gently spreading her warm and strangely comfortable slime across other exposed locations of her body. "Mmm. Your scent is mildly intoxicating, like champaign."
He uses it to draw whiskery marks on her cheeks.

"A-Ah....Hah..." she felt her backside tighten in reflex. "You know... Beyond one unwanted incident, I've never experienced coitus..." she quivered, trying not to laugh now - nerves strange.

"Is that so?" He leaned down and kissed her neck. his long tongue traced around it gently. A finger slides gently down between her legs. He squeezed her powerfully against himself. Two tendrils emerge to touch the bumps where her nipples would be, softly and lightly.

Aiesu cleared her throat - feeling what swollen mass she had about her chest rise - sinking with a bounce as the tendril rose and lost its leverage to its own slipperiness. The L’manel rolled her shoulders, clearing her throat - but did nothing to stop him.

"Must you?"

Grunder began at first simply by kissing her. He held her close, gently. He was reassuring. His touch was good.

Brash, bold. But not violent. It was not cruel, despite his means or his blood.

He held her - at first his hands upon her shoulders. His touch sank. He could taste her want with those strange senses of his, through his fingertips like smooth tastebuds sampling sweat and pheromone alike. And his tongue. It was a sweet cruelty - mapping parts of her only known to her in latin names in bound manuals older than she, filling them in a way a tongue simply could not.

An appendage danced across her body as his hand sunk - long fingers binding like a corset about her ribs. He was eager, powerful and firm. But he paid attention to the tension of her muscles. The way they danced. The speed of her breath. Something - which was all she could describe it as - rolled against her shoulder-blade.

The difference in mass between the two was something to behold. Like watching a grown man handle a child, though Schlock Grunder was born of a legacy that man could not imagine. It simply was, as she was - dwarfed by his unusual mass - standing taller than even the Fyunnen she'd grown up with who started as her peers to become mountains of flesh and bone. And he dwarfed them.

It was a strange bondage the way he held her - lifting her up into his lap now - that appendage dangling about her neck like a heavy python or necklace and then down over her body. Keeping her to him. Comforting but also restraint, which she didn't forget. She could feel it now, in the tightness against the undulating pulse in her neck - the rush of blood flooding her ears with every pump of her quickened heart. She was still a prey animal but this time things were different. She could taste his want - drowning in it.

Something in his hands told her that he desperately wanted her. Needed her. And would refuse to give her up - a sort of posession or ownership humanoids by nature only knew on a one to basis. Schock needed more. But he was afraid. She was a fragile thing, that might crumble in his grasp like a sculpture in the sand - his touch tentative but still embracing.

An appendage slowly curled about the base of one of her wings - undulating against her back in strange but firm massage before doubling over the other in a figure of eight.

The small things fluttered sharply in panic as her eyelids parted and her back arched. He soon displaced her small shoulder-blade beneath in his touch - a delicate pressure about her ribcage that forced the air from the upperhalf of her body. In a way, he was testing himself. He could with brilliant and unsettling ease rip her wings clean from her back like a farmhand ending a chicken. She knew this. She thrashed. Simulated adreniline wormed its way through her construct before being brilliantly silenced - a triumph of rationality as she took a slow breath through her nostrils. In and out.

It was his stillness. To show her that his natural disposition, instinctual programming and living need to lurch toward violence in all areas of life wasn't his compass. It was part of him but not one he'd intended to share. It was a restraint rare among his kind - a collar and almost a noose about his neck with rare exception. And he was that very exception.

Their stillness was almost broken with an involuntary twitch. Last ebs of the thrash - like a rabbit in the teeth of some exotic predator.

She felt the thing about her neck delicately tighten, its tip dabbing against her ear. The noise flooded her. Ruffling like sheets or surf - a sensual morning friction. Back and forth, from root to tip and again and again. The surf rose up inside her like a sweet tingling through her temples and a numbness down her back as he felt the cusp of her muscles through her back unlock.

Now almost like liquid, he was learning the youthful curves of her body. Like a diamond in the rough - paradoxically sensual with her almost child-like disposition. Grunder could imagine the attention she'd sought in her daily life, the looks she'd seen others getting. And then the gutward lurch of disgust her undevelopments milked from them, because only then did they feel like perverts.

It made her feel offensive.

She could sense it in her sinuses now. A musky mucky scent that she could almost cut through like cake. Making her think of hot burning embar - of salted wood that cut into her own scent - almost womanly but stumbling, failing in some way with a sweetness of condensed milk with a dirtiness that refused to heed the binary of he and she. It was offensive, to her own senses. But she could feel him, Blanketing her senses, letting her forget. And she let him, drowning in him.

It was comfort.

She felt her toes writhe, pushed apart by a warm dampness. Like standing in thick living mud, flowing smoothly like fingers to divide each toe in sequence - weaving above and below to squeeze like locked hands, fingertips intertwined of tentacle. That rich compression made her ankle arch - her hands wrapped the same way, rendered more harmless than they had been. Captured, but not stolen.

Her breath escaped through her nose - a cut wince in her throat.

Delicately, even regretfully, the kiss crumbled. The hush of breath between them was a wave that broke, tumbling through her hearing with his touch. Again, surf was saliva - bauble beads of liquid something suspended on silvery streamy threads that were thicker than saliva. They swayed as the two caught their breaths - in the way he shared her inexperience. The way he played the game with her, being what he thought she needed - knowing without being blunted bent or bored

The construct could feel his heart through the thing on her ear. The vibrations were a strange resonance that met her own. And earnestly, even with new hearing, she couldn't tell which rhythm was his and which was her own.

She swallowed audibly, eyes trying to discern meaning as he lifted her - easily and delicately as a father would a child with that look in his eyes. A tightness welled in her throat as something tickled against the flat of nothing between her legs where his lips had chosen to land. He lulled and rolled against her in a way that was natural for Lorath but still alien to her, a person who tried to be anything but Lorath. A quiver tickled through her calves like a sweet bruise. He wouldn't look her in the eye though. Focused on his task. She felt something else too. A third, not about her neck or wings but snaking its way down her back - blunt between the cheeks of her backside. Panic shot through her belly again - but he held her just so. And she could only watch.

He was tentative, like a bee - a live wire sending sharp prickling flutters through her chest that didn't belong. Her wings flexed and branched as she doubled over - arms crossed over his head.

Schlock felt the chatter of her jaw and grinding teeth, Aiesu indeed a prey animal - a rabbit. Saliva rolled down the back of his neck. It took him a moment to discern the cause:

The girl was drooling.

Like a second kiss, Schlock silenced her moans and slowed her drooling. A natural silence sung through her ears - so loud it drowned out all sound. Carefully, he popped a broach from Aiesu's strange new attire, slipping a metal ring away from the polished angular bauble gemstone. Carefully, he placed the ring of metal in her mouth - pulling at straps that wrapped about her head of some strange leather-like material hidden inside the hollow interior of the gemstone. - forming a ring shaped gag. It nested behind her incisors, top and bottom - her tongue hanging through the loop.

Wincing now, Aiesu squeezed her shark-like teeth, metal as they were, laminated in fake enamel. But the ring didn't budge - its angular strength and strange metallic form too tough even for her augmented jaw. Soon she found she couldn't stop herself from salivating - drooling now like a dog. She couldn't close her mouth - her throat contracting as she tried to swallow the saliva building in it.

The remainder of the broach soon sat ontop of a pillow, alone.

Now, Schlock leant closer to Aiesu, stroking her cheek as he lowered her back to the sheets - fingers along her sensitive lips now - her breath a whisper as she watched him with wide eyes. She couldn't close her mouth - couldn't hide herself from him.

Soon, Schlock held her tongue, between his fore-fingers - stroking it with his thumb - the tickling sensation making Aiesu squirm and gurgle beneath him. And then there was something else. A silky sensation, against her tongue, tonsils too like velvet - leaving an acerbic yet arousing trail of slime that stunk deep into her sinuses just sweetly - leaving her heedy and even dizzy. And then she felt it, the faint pressure on her teeth - an appendage pushing through the ring of metal. Her hands shot up, each pulling at the infernal thing - dragging it back from her esophagus - intent it was trying to bury its way into her stomach.

Schlock chuckled softly at her struggles. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." he whispers so quietly that even to her enhanced hearing it's only a murmer. His husky breath brushes her ears, stirring up memories of vast grasslands swept by storms. His heavy, excited breath surrounds her, and his tentacle pulses in rhythm with her heartbeat as it slowly keeps oozing it's way down. He gently touches her hands, a request to lower them, tentative, cautious, and almost uncertain. His earthy heady musk was again right in her face, enticing, comforting and fiercely possessive.

A grumble, almost a moan surrounded the appendage burrowed between the metal ring, stopping her from biting down as her instincts screamed for her to. Slowly, her gaze settled on Schlock, unsure what to do now as she felt herself doubled over, his body atop hers - her belly swirling unfairly. Every so often, she flexed and tensed, still fighting him to try and get out from beneath him as she felt one of his hands envelop both of her wrists with ease, holding her just so.

"H...Huuaahhnnuuuurrrnnh..." Aiesu said. Or rather, tried.

Schlock gently lifted Aiesu's wrists over her head, leaving her whole body strung out, exposing her body fully to him, as she dangles before him. Exposed and helpless, wriggling like a lure on a line. He watches her, fiercely, his eyes tracking her every movement, watching her so hard that she can almost feel their pressure. His breath comes in ragged, longing gasps, and yet he holds himself back for a moment, letting the heavy anticipation hang over them.

"Nod if you're ready" he whispered hotly his voice begging her to nod, to agree yet even with so much power over her offering her, in her helpless state, some modicum of choice. He caressed her backside as he spoke, his fingers using the slime from her body to gently lubricate it, lightly stroking around the rim to bring up shivers, relaxation, and unclenching, before spooning some of the lubricant in with a finger, then withdrawing to repeat while he awaited her response.

"And... when you finish climax" he whispered teasingly "Blink your eyes to the barber's knock"
Some other day, some other time.

She’d lost another day. Or however long it had taken for that day to pass.

Aiesu's vision began as a blur as her eyelids lifted now. Sitting up slowly, she felt heavy - aching throughout.
She tried to add something to sweeten her bones - a digital equivalent of opiates for her artificial brain but apparently this function had been wardened off for now.
Feeling a few other things off, her eyes searched the walls for a clock of some sort to synchronize herself with - but she found none. She had no idea what he time or date was now and couldn't administer anything for the pain.

Quietly trying to remember the last few days. Among may things, recalled being sprawled out, laid out like meat on a table with food draped over her naked skin in Yamataian Nyotaimori style.

She wrinkled her lips in distaste - once again sat in the middle of the pit of pillows. Her nest.

Putting two and two together, Aiesu knew if she'd been allowed to awaken, there was likely a good reason for it.

That someone would soon be here.


"Hi" A woman's voice says
"How are you? Schlock used you a bit hard I'm afraid, you're officially 'recovering'. No sex with schlock for a while. He feels rather guilty about it."

"You mean remorseful...I can't self-regulate. Did he change something?" the construct quizzed, scratching the back of her neck.
She noted her skin had been washed - maybe even scrubbed by hand, like some sort of polished toy and fragrances - though she had no pre-collection of any sort of bathing. It was then that Aiesu realized she was speaking high Elysian, though her partner in conversation kept messing up the odd word in the dialect.

"He's had to change a few things. I don't know if he's changed that specifically."

It was an Elysian of the lower class, her body no longer gaunt but still baring the marks of the starvation once common in the Elysian lands, her wings too small to support her in flight, as were Aiesu’s.

She was wearing an outfit that only slightly similar to Aiesu's. White, gauzy, feathery, it was a somewhat looser fit and provided more coverage, more like a robe than a body-stocking. It also lacked the oil-slick beauty, relying instead on small glittery Chrystals. "I'm Magdaline" she says, inspecting the construct's delicate hands.

"Huh..." Aiesu began, unsure quite how to respond - watching Magdaline explore her hands with an odd curiosity. "Aiesu. Nice to meet you." She'd never been this close to an Elysian and wasn't sure how to approach. "Your wings. I thought they'd be bigger."

"I'm not a Partician or a Caelosian. I'm just a pleb" Magdaline responds tersely. "I'd always thought that Lorath were more birdlike. Don't you have a beak?"

"Oh.. That's a common misconception. We have a phrase which means "To have a beak" - which is a bit like "having a silver tongue" in Nepleslian..."

"I see. Yes I can see how that would spawn a misconception" Magdalane says, somewhat thoughtfully. "But you still don't look very much how I expected a Lorath to. At the very least I thought that they were just sorta... Black colored Elysians. Negrati sum sed formosa and all that."

I am black but beautiful

"I think that might explain the getup" Aiesu couldn't help but laugh, holding her arm up to peer at the black feathers of her bodysuit, realizing the likely origins of its appearance now.

"I'm... L'manel myself. We mix our genetics."

"You mix up your Genes? Isn't that bad for your racial purity? And your children would have mixed up Genes too. The taint would last forever." her wings flutter nervously

"Oh, you misconceive: We mix our genetics with other species - we call that 'aspectation'. It encourages biodiversity"

"Biodiverstiy?" she asks.

"In variance resilience is born. Specialization is for insects, afterall.”

"I don't see how that's important. Sentient species are responsible for selectively breeding themselves to reach the highest evolutionary level." She says, hands on her hips, wings tight against her shoulders.

Aiesu's eyes drank in the sight of those hips for a long time before she spoke.

"Well... Evolution is about trial and error, right? What works survives, what doesn't doesn't?"

"Evolution doesn't apply to sentients. Sentience is the pinnacle of evolution. Past that all that matters is purity. We plebs are impure, and that's why we're unimportant" Magdaline says this wih a twisted lip.

"See... This is where I disagree" Aiesu said, thinking very carefully to find her words.
"Sentience doesn't come in a single flavor. For example... My own attributes are influenced by my aspectation... A rabbit, and a shark... So apparently I'm supposed to have a lot of energy and drive but I'm also quite ferocious and single-minded" Aiesu said - speaking of the L’manel genetic horrorscope. She'd always dismissed them but the look on her face said she was pondering their authenticity once more.


"Those things allow me to do my job. Lorath culture values those sorts of idiosyncrasies. ...If... If everyone thought alike, innovation would be dead. So in Lorath society, you - a plebian, would be more valuable than a pure-breed because you offer more... Like how pure-breed animals are prone to genetic defects in most species... We view these as subtle expressions that breed corruption in society by those who contain and isolate their wealth and hide innovation - which is one of our highest crimes."

"Oh the patricians have engineered away all genetic-defects" Magdaline says, her wings fluttering and ruffling. "I guess the Lorath don't have quite sophisticated enough bio-technology to do that? It must be somewhat sad, having to be imperfect because your race doesn't have the technology to create perfection."

Aiesu scratched at her thighs, feeling her legs - reminded of the years before she was a construct - the itch she always got in her stumps when she was angry.
The Lorath did but what the consortium had outshined it vastly. But she couldn't talk about that.
"Perfection is defined by context. If context is ever-changing, perfection cannot be attained, only chased." She could feel the itch building.

"For something to truly be perfect it must be perfect for every situation every context, not just one. And once that perfection is discovered it must be seized and held as purely as possible. Elysians have found that point, and we are constantly bettering ourselves towards it." Magdaline half snarls, her face twisted and ugly with emotion.

"You can't be perfect for every situation: generalization is choosing to compromise. You do know, that, right?" She could feel the itch building, fidgeting now.

"And when has generalization helped you, misses 'needed new ears, new legs, and new everything' upon reaching our little paradise?"

"Mommy, mommy, the pretend Lorath broke my argument so I have to fall back on slander! Are all Elysians as ignorant, self-centered idiots - or are you just gifted?" Aiesu chuntered under her breath.

"Are Lorath so insane as to lack a basic grasp of evidence, patterns, and cause and effect?" Magdaline counters, in a birdlike screech. She's leaning over Aiesu now, wings mantled aggressively, and hands in tight claws.

Aiesu could feel her voice lowering now. It was like arguing with a child.

Trolling was fun, granted, but what Aiesu really hated was ignorance.

Stupidity could be forgiven.

But ignorance?

"...Actually, I'm the exception to the rule. Most of my kind aren't unlike you. Ignorant, miserable... Boring. All talk and no accomplishment in their entire miserable lives" She was calm, smooth, quiet. The same detached switched off ice-cold that she wore in negotiations.

"No accomplisment?" Magdaline shouts "I'll have you know that I am one of Schlock Grunder's most efficent drydock foremen. I have personally managed the construction of many vessels in his fleet."

"… 'I'll have you know I'm the best at moving the toy boats in my master's bathtub!' You're adorable, truly" Aiesu said, slowly standing to her feet.

Walking was one of the few things that would flush out that unplesant itch.

"Not to toot my own whistle, lassie but I exist in six thousand locations simultaneously. I have clocked up over nine-hundred years of life-experience in the last three years. I have designs not on little boats or dry-docks but on the things that will replace starships and dry-docks - and in my long-game, I have designs on the universe itself. I have a finger in every pie, a card in every hand, a finger on every trigger. I'm the wallflower of every political event in the last two years. Yet. I have no legs, I'm functionally deaf, I have to bury myself in immunosurpressants so I'm not eaten alive by my own body and I'm only thirty six - yet I've done all this. Again, not to toot my own whistle, but what's your excuse?"

"You're just a shallow copy of a person. And even the person who is that is, ultimatly, powerless without people willing to work in her drydocks, or follow her rule."

Misdirection again. Aiesu was beginning to hate her.

"Now now... " she began, smiling.

Aiesu was soon robbed of that smile in the deadpan quiet that hung in the air between the two.

"You don't really think people are that important, do you?"

"If they were not, then Schlock would probably have taken whatever he wanted of you with no care for your wellbeing." She responds.

She really did. Hah.

"So you're now saying I am a person?"

"Schlock thinks you are. I disagree with his assessment. You're a bloody robot. Maybe a sophisticated one, but still no better than the ones we use for vacuum scutwork"

"Oh absolutely. Vacuum scutwork is a job I'd probably excel at - since my bones are all motorized and jointed and I can survive without oxygen indefinitely, even if my pretty organic packaging dies. Good ol' me, I'm just a clever facsimile of someone else you'll never have the misprivilage of meeting... " Aiesu smiled before slowing down then, her tone smooth now, with a twinkle of wonder.
"But then... So is everything I represent and everything I come from... And hey, you know what?" her voice warmed, almost laughing.
"There's only twelve of us and not one of us is a docker. Your job must really be quite awful none of them want your title."

"Your empire is built on air. You're fictional. You don't exist." She responds

"Your foundations are built on water. You move only with the tide because you never learned to catch the wind."

"You live your life as though it was a VR sim game, and pretend that that makes you 'experienced'"

"You're saying reality isn't a game?" Aiesu was walking about now with a whimsy in her step, scooping up an apple, nibbling on it.

"No, reality isn't a game. Life isn't a game. There are no points, there is no score, and there is no one thing that's important."

"Only if you get to play it just once."

"...The life of the lowest dockworker is no less valid, Albert perhaps less 'valuable' then that of the highest of patrician."

"Do you think an ant is less significant than yourself? Less valid?"

"Its not sapient. It doesn't count" The Elysian responds dismissively

"I consider you less sapient than myself in much the same way." Aiesu stood now, taking a deep resounding bite from an apple, briefly baring those teeth of her's.
"Arrogant - even vain - I know, but I'm not known for my kindness."


"I said I'm not known for my-" Aiesu replied with a mouthful, rudely cut off.

"I heard you. There's no sliding scale of sapience. Either a thing is sapient or it's not. Everybody knows that."

"So the ant isn't sentient, but you are? And I thought I was vain. Hoo-ey. My goodness."


"Sentience isn't boolean. Things aren't even sentient or not sentient. It isn’t some mythical flickering bathroom light in the house of the universe. Its just a word for defining things you use because you're very comfortable with those unscary definitions that make everything neat and tidy and uncomplicated so you can get on with your miserable little lives like bacteria. They make you feel big and brave. The universe is a big scary place, you know?" Aiesu said, taking another bite then throwing the Elysian her apple in a big arc.
"Tell me, cousin! What do you think sentience is? Simply as you can - come on now, chop chop."

"The ability to recognize yourself as existing"

Aiesu inhaled through her teeth in a hiss. "That ego again, so vain... While self-centered, but sure, I'll accept that answer. And what else?" Aiesu said. Her palms were together as she stood on the higher step, trying to coax the Elysian. "Come on... Tickity tock..."

"I think therefore I am. That's really all there is to sapience."

"BEWWWWNGH" Aiesu copied the sound of a buzzer. "Wrong answer! ... See. You're repeating yourself now. Knowing you think is thinking about thinking. Seeing your patterns and changing them instead of just doing. That's what makes you sentient. But there's more than that. There's the semantic framework, the protocol that enables communication between different sentients and even non-sentients. The tools that grant you this wondrous gift of thought. What do we call that?"


"Language. Language is a way of storing things. If a word doesn't exist, we can't describe things, so without units of language, a semantic isn't easy to explain. This is why language evolves: That's the intellectual evolution of a species."

"And your definition of sapience leaves out some of those bizarre species that only communicate through telepathy, aye?"

"Weren't you the one that excluded ants? I mean, I could strike them off the guest-list but you'd be the one hurting their feelings... How to explain... Sound is really just sonic phonetic telepathy, turning thought into noise and flying it through the air to decode it. Ants do the same with pheromones. If they didn't, if they all had the same thought, they'd be like coral - just copies of the same thing. And they don't think about thinking: They just exist. Classically, that's the big issue networking AI." Aiesu said, now taking a deep bite into an orange.

"Copies of the same thing? So like you? You're saying that you're coral?"

"Well in the beginning, yes. And yeah, the stuff in my skull is like coral. But coral doesn't network or change. I - and by that, I mean we - do" Aiesu replied.

She could hear the beginnings of understanding.

Taking another bite, she tossed the orange to the Elysian to catch. "But I changed. Just like they did. See how they're different? Yes, quantifiably not dissimilar but fundamentally alike. Picture... The orange is a thing bigger than thinking. See how its different? Yes, quantifiably alike, but fundamentally different."

The elysian catches the orange confusedly. "You've lost me"

"Okay, look. Sentience is other stuff too. If we need language to think about thinking, then the logical step is to become language and to master it. Language never dies. Its a time machine to the past and tells of the future. If we can manipulate language and both sides understand the change, we are thinking about thinking about thinking."

"This is coming fairly close to the religious belief that no-one is truly dead so long as their name is spoken" Magdaline says thoughtfully

"No. No! Not their name! Not the idea of them in memory. Their WILL. Their DRIVE. Their IMPULSES. The base core goey wonderful stuff that decides what makes them them. Things you can execute. Instructions. I mean... You must see yourself as more than some biological slump of mush or some childish exposition about souls or other bullshit. What it boils down to is that you're code, executing on a biological computer. Bizarre messed up Elysian code - obviously - but yes code. You're not a concept. You're a thought in motion."

There was a long pause between the two of them.

"I've lost you, haven't I?" Aiesu scratched her chin thoughtfully.

"No, I think I understand what you're trying to say" Magdaline says "We're well aware of how to run... code on biological devices."

"Right, but you're the code. The computer isn't important. Only that the code runs. You're a reaction arising from stimulus and core elements in software. You're actions. But actions are born of instructions and instructions from executable records."

"So you're saying that people with ST pods are immortal?"

"Not quite. An ST doesn't execute. Its just a memory. an image. A frozen archive that doesn't react. Like a book or a transmission. It never changes. It just is."

"So you're trying to, what, become a virus that infects biological computers with your mind?"

"You mean a meme? Heavens no, nothing so crude. Most people are far more complex than a simple meme. Well, maybe *you* aren't" she almost sounds like she's teasing now. Aiesu was laughing now - for the first time with child-like enthusiasm that suited her form as she took a bite from a lemon, husk and all.
At first she disregarded it with a grimace but found herself going back for another bite - curiously enjoying it.
"Here. Those in your hands. What do you see?" she spoke, muffled by her lemon.

"Two different fruit, with different genetic codes that were bred for different things, both half eaten by a rambling idiot?"

"No, no, no. Well yes, but no. Look. Move past the farce and the bullshit. Its an apple and an orange. Say it. 'This is an apple. This is an orange. Come on."

"This is an apple. This is an an orange" She says, uncertainly

"Right, and what are those things?"


"No, no. Not the thing itself. The word. What is the word? What turns those grunts and clicks into meaning?"

"Well, the linguistic center of the brain, I would assume"

"Right. It turns that noise and that idea into a visceral thing for you, doesn't it? You recall experiences, taste, touch, association. Mechanically speaking, everything - even our universe has something similar to that center. By introducing the right code, you could probably change the universe in its wibbly wobbly atomic memetic glory, making things come into existence that weren't there before, just like altering a book."

"And now you're sounding like Mr Grunder's attempts to extract people and meaning from the Aether"

"Am I now?" Aiesu smiled. "I'm an idea. I exist in billions of software clients, unbeknowngst to the people running that software. If every executing version of me, my organic original and even all my hard-backups are wiped out, I can be recalled from that archive. I can be recalled over and over again. I mean you can kill people" she said, taking another bite of her lemon - making an expression like a dog chewing on a toffee for a moment before the initial taste was no longer quite so vastly overwhelming to her studential palette before she continued
"But you can't kill an idea. If you can become an idea, you can be more than people."


"Okay. Each of me, the coral, communicates. Like a neuron in a much much bigger brain. That thinks about thinking about thinking. Another layer of sentience above things like me or you. Mob mentality is like a very young version of this mind, that can't coordinate because it has no clarity or language. I'm just a representative of that higher post-sentient mob."

"And now you sound like a freespacer discussing polysentience"

"Poly-Sentience! Right!" Aiesu nodded. She hesitated this time before taking yet another bite of her lemon, instead choosing to sample a similarly shaped fruit in green, rather than yellow - tossing the yellow fruit in the direction of her Elysian companion who was now building quite a collection, needing only a few more pieces to complete the set and have a playable deck of fruit to play Plarlswanch - though such Freespacer games and their rules were at this moment beyond the thoughts of either residents - further cementing the games dying legacy.

Somewhere, a Freespacer shed a small tear and took a bite from a lime just as Aiesu now did.

The expression she made was more severe this time. One could only imagine what had replaced the toffee in the dog's mouth. Bees, maybe? A wasp?

Just for a moment, Magdaline thought Aiesu was having a seizure - or that maybe she was drunk and bringing herself under control in some attempt to impress her as so many Elysian males had in the past outside small bars with glowing neon signs on her way home from work in another lifetime.

"Ewuugh. Mmh. Mm. Not bad. Well. Aether probably works the same way."

"So you're saying that... Aether is a sort of polysentience?" Magdaline asks, head tilted to the side with the sort of uncertainly usually only small animals displayed when the V-word was mentioned - or when attempting to communicate and thus establish proper waste management protocol - so often a fruitless task. But there was that twinkle of understanding.
"Schlock says that everything has a presence in Aether, and that we're all connected through it. Are you saying that some of my thoughts are, dunno, comingling somehow in this... other space... with an ants, and yours, and the space stations... to form the thought of some sort of... imortal higher being?

"Being isn't the word I'd use. Will, maybe. Or desire."

"Are you sure you're not religious?" the Elysian quizzed again.

"Yes. Magdaline."
Aiesu's expression became somber now - an eraser over the chalkboard of her previous contortive expressions, their brief kinship of mutual understanding washed away with thick swarthes of pet-peeves and memories of her mother.
"I'm quite entirely sure I am not religious."

"Because your beliefs match those of a number of sects, including the freespacers" Magdaline says, carefully.

"I think if something exists then just like anything else that exists, you can probably lie to it or kill it" Aiesu replied.

"Like there aren't stories of people lying to god, or even killing gods, in myths and legends"

"I hate that word. God. Or Goddess, if you prefer. Its some nonsense sentients like you invented so that when you fucked up someone would be there to know you'd gone and maybe even miss you a little bit. 'Oh, look, the Elysians are gone. Blew themselves to bits! Would you imagine? What a pity. Oh such a shame! But look! The bees are doing quite well, aren't they?'..." Aiesu said.


Aiesu took a slice of ham and a lobe of her lime - wrapping the meat about the fleshy quart of green and applying cream cheese thickly over the top - as Seiren had recommended in another life.
She slipped the mixture into her mouth - chewing with a look of horror before her expression normalized into something quite pleasant.

She soon began making another.

"That's a later interpretation of gods. The original meaning of the word refered to rather powerful creatures that didn't really give a shit about those lesser than themselves except as playthings. With a handful of exceptions. You certainly have interesting tastes?" Magdaline says

"You? You meaning I, not me... Right. I'm still cooking. We're all a little different and its all decided in our first experiences, so I'm soaking up every experience I can. When I'm finished, I'll know who I am. This is a new mouth so new rules. New palette. I actually used to hate ham, you know?" Aiesu said, popping another one of those odd wraps into her mouth. “In another life, that is.”

"Puns are the lowest sense of humor. And I'm not surprised, a lot of people are ambivalent about foods, different foods for each person."

"I'm not making a pun. I am literally still cooking, cousin. Constructs are changed by their experiences, just like people are - especially early on. Even though I'm Aiesu Kalopsia, I still get to decide who I am based on what I do... This brings us back when we started. He's changed things about me again... I really don't like that. Its like he knows... I'm cooking - and he's... Changing... The recipie" Aiesu said with careful pauses as the conclusions came ot her, speaking in flow of thought as she so often did - disjointed but smooth.

Magdaline shrugs. "I honestly wouldn't know about that." she says "I know he plans, and schemes, and that he likes to leave his mark on people... Physically, mentally, emotionally."

"Sexually" Aiesu said, rubbing at a bite-mark she felt on her neck beneath the feathers of her suit. It had been in the same place as the real Aiesu’s scar.

How had he known about that?

"Probably" Magdaline said with a nod "Certainly has a lot of sex with people. Though I wonder sometimes if he does that for the sex, or he does that because sex is a powerful way of leaving your mark on someone."

"I see your point."

"Here" she spreads some lotion on the point that Aiesu was rubbing "That should help some. I was instructed to entertain you, and give you a tour of the station with special emphasis on the workshops and the casino floors."

"I've only seen this room and a surgery in the three days I've been here."

"Three months" Magdalane responds

"...Right. My chronometer isn't working. My internal clock? All constructs have one. He's disabled it, along with my logging systems, so I don't know what changes he's made to me. Pretty disingenuous if you ask me."

"Once again, I wouldn't know" Magdalane says apologetically. "I don't have access to the records of what specifically was done to you. I know what he's done to me, mind."


"Modified my hormone system, in a few ways, so that I could focus better on whatever task I'm given. Reinforced my muscles and bones somewhat so that, despite my lack of nutrition in early years, I'm not disadvantaged. Enhanced my eyesight and hearing."

"Hence your little wings" Aiesu turned, briefly showing her back - extending her own entirely vestegal wings - flapping them just briefly. She noted now that they were more line fins of skin - the feathers an illusion formed by the bodysuit.

"No, actually, I could have gotten bigger wings. But I'm not a patrician, and it's not right for me to look like one" She gently strokes Aiesu's wings, grooming them with her fingers.

The shorter girl bounded up onto the tips of her toes, sharply turning about rather defensively now. She wans't used to this sort of contact. "A-Ah... I'd rather it if you didn't..."

"Sorry" The other girl says, with a blush at Aiesu's reaction "Wing touching is a somewhat intimate gesture among my kind too, but Schlock encourages us to be intamate with each other."

"Well... He's a pervert. And a scoundrel." Aiesu said, holding her arm out, eying the suit oddly.

"And he's also very nice, sees everyone as a person and a potential friend or ally, and is willing to be remarkably generous"

"You're still telling me this isn't a cult?" Aiesu stared flatly.

"You're still saying you're not religious" Magdaline responds.

"A cult is a means of manipulating people, just like a religion is."

"A religion is simply a way of answering the age old question of 'why'. 'how' and 'who' and even 'what' are relativly easy compared to that one." Magdaline shoots back

"I don't define religion, I just try to avoid it" Aiesu turned about again, eyeing the door, watching as it opened. “Like the plague.”

"By finding your own answers, right?" she asks.

"I haven't been able to get that thing to work in the... How long did you say I've been here for?"

"Three months, two days, and seven hours"

"Yes. That. I haven't been able to get it to work in all of that" Aiesu stared flatly. "Was it broken or something? Did I do something wrong?"

"You're not officially a pet yet. You don't get free run yet. You have to be in the company of Schlock or one of us. You can call for us over the intercom located right here" She points to a button near the table "You've been using it mostly as though it was a simple food ordering button"

"Well... Where I come from, there isn't much to eat that isn't cheap shitty Yamataian surplus Ramen."

"Of the more than three hundred different dishes you have ordered so far, none of them are ramen based" Magdaline observes, playfully

"Three hundred?" Then Aiesu peered down. She noted a slight paunch, giving her a very... Maternal look, she decided - in spite of her mostly barren and infertile form. She grit her teeth, grumbling softly.

"So... tour, my little fatty?" she teases, offering her arm and leading Aiesu out

"GGhhkh... You ... Don't have to call me that."

"I can get you set up with some exercise facilities. Sex burns some calories, especially with schlock... but..."

"...But he has a habit of putting them back, I find." Aiesu said grimacing now, remembering the heavy scent in her sinuses from the night prior and the fullness of her stomach. Just where did he get that?

"yup." She says, "And you seem the sort who's concerned about your weight."

"...Lorath diets aren't very rich. Ramen was as good as it gets for a student."

"Plebician ones aren't either. Nutrient Lichen. I gained 100 lbs before I worked out how to use proper exercise equipment"

Aiesu subconsciously began searching for stretchmark on Megdaline -- and then herself. She finds a few on each - her own tucked beneath the black feathers.

"That a fact?"
Magdalane lead Aiesu from Schlock's private mansion, first into the gardens surrounding it. They did not linger there long however, quickly entering a rapid transit train thing. "So, casino floor first, or workshops?" Magdalane asks as butterflies begin to flock around Aiesu.

"Explain to me what the workshops are first. Then I'll decide if I really want to see them or not" Aiesu replied. She soon lost track of Magdalane, following the butterflies instead. To her, they were more interesting hosts.

"The workshops are…

Magdalane had to steer Aiesu back onto the path.

“The workshops are the places where the more technically inclined members of schlock's entourage invent new designs for Schlock's approval" Magdalane says
"Some designs are not cost effective, or simply don't work as well as existing solutions. They're fairly impressive, though"

"...I'd... Yes. That sounds nice. But. But ... If you don't mind my asking... What's a 'Cay-see'nuu'?"

"You've never heard of a Casino? Well the casino floor is technically a collection of themed casino-resorts with spas and restaurants. It's a full fledged business. We've just been open a few days"

"...Right but... What's a Cay-see'nuu? You keep using that word."

"It's a place where wonders happen. Games of skill, games of chance, amazing shows, bright lights, loud music, impressive visual themes and effects. It's a place where dreams are made, and a place where dreams go to die."

"Gambling, basically."

"Much more impressive."

"So... Gambling with tinsel. And maybe lights."

"Have you ever gambled before?"

"I came here, didn't I?"

"Snarky. Ever use a slot machine?"


"Ever play a round of poker?"


"Pachinko, Mahjong, Baccaurat, Blackjack, Roulette?!... you poor deprived child!"


"How about betting on the outcome of a sports event? A game of chess? Taken part in gladiatorial combat?"


Magdaline's wings flutter excitedly "Designed a robot for a round of battlebots?"

"...I've... Designed machines to fight, yes."

"Built a machine from scrap for a contest? Pinball, arcade machines, bingo... something for everyone" She finishes the impressive spiel, practically shining. "You've talked me into it, we're going to the casino!"

"H-Hey! Let go!" Aiesu trailed, following behind Mag as she took the construct's hand, dragging her off into the bowels of the complex.

Magdaline drags Aiesu off through the beautifully decorated back halls, showing Schlock's whimsical mixing of tastes and eras to a wire mesh gate. She types a code, and the gate rises, leading to a hall decorated with huge hedges, clocks on everything in unusual shapes, fractal mirrors, giant tea-cups. "WELCOME TO WONDERLAND" Magdaline says eagerly.
Tiny garden statuary, bonsai trees, and huge pepper and salt shakers. It was verdant and green, with mushroom trees, and bizarre houses, made of things like candy, and cake, and washing tubs. The houses had signs that signified them as serving food, massages, or other things.
The halls were sparsely crowded. This area wasn't super popular, but it had some popularity, mostly parents with children. A lot of the guests seemed to watch her and Magdaline curiously.
"So pretty" a child whispers.

Aiesu felt her blood freeze. She slowly peered back at the child, watching over her shoulder as she and Magdaline passed him, wrinkling her lips. She wasn't used to having such a thing self-applied. "...Huh. Strange."

"It's wonderland. Surely you're familiar with it, Alice" Magdaline teases. "You said you put rabbit into your genes, I mean, surely you're aware."

"Of what?" Aiesu rose a hand, ruffling up her hair. It was then that her gaze rose. The living portions of her strange feathered attire had changed some - developing tall thin ears of matching motif. Or so she thought before realizing those were her own. "This... These is Schlock's doing, isn't it?"

"I was told that if you asked, it was your own doing"

"Huh... How high was I when I had these fitted..."

"I dunno. how high were you when you aspected yourself? They're 'your' ears."

"Gghk. I've never touched drugs in my life! ...Other than ... Alcohol and opiates, sure. But everybody has. That's Normal."

"Anyway, Alice, welcome to wonderland. if you're not familiar with the reference, you can look it up in schlock's library" Magdaline teases again.


A little girl tags Aiesu's hand "'Scuse me... are you the white rabit? Can I get your autograph?" She holds a book out to Aiesu.

"A-Ah... Uh... Wh... Er... " she begins, stumbling over her words. She points to herself now - recognizing in the girl's spoken language what was a mis-pronunciation of her own name. She felt the need correct her - that maybe she was an employee or something?

"Aiesu. Ay-ess-uu."

"Oh! You're Alice! That's even better! Autograph pleeeease? And a picture?"

"Ah...Layse?...Wh.. What... " Aiesu's gaze slowly rised - pouring up at Magdaline like a dog about to be taken to the vet.

"Sure thing sweetie" Magdaline says, taking the book and giving it to Alice.

"Here, write your name on this page, and then 'to my beloved' and then the girl's name... what's your name little girl?"


"Does your mom have a camera, Amy? Good..." She goes to the girl's mom, and poses Aiesu with the girl, then takes a picture.

"There you go.." She pats the girl sweetly on the head.

"Hurry on or you'll be late for a very important date" The girl runs off giggling

"Who did she think I was? She kept saying something. Aalliy'sss?"

"Alice is the main character of Alice and wonderland, the story that this setting is based on. Also through the looking glass, which this is also based on"

Magdaline responds "You really don't know this? She meets with a little white rabbit in a suit with a watch who she follows into wonderland. You know Aiesu is just a Yamataian mispronunciation of Alice, right? Alice. Arisu. Aiesu. So she's kinda your namesake."

"N...No? ... " Aiesu began pondering. "Though my mother ... She has a fondness for foreign fairytales."

"And she never told you about it? She named you after Alice, and never told you."

"I know the origin of my own name. Its from the root-word Aiess. Lorath informal, for 'she' or 'that'. Sort of depersonalized. Dehumanized."

"A mother would not name her daughter that way."

"You haven't met my mother."

"Trust me. It's based on Arisu. Which is the Yamataian misspronounciation of Alice. And then its filtered into Lorath, so Aiesu, since you don't pronounce R's after A's except after other letters. No mother plans far enough in advance to be a bad mother to name their child after the word 'she' in an ancient language."

"Hey, Ci'kesa isn't an ancient language. We still use it."

"Even so, If it was supposed to be 'she' that's what your mom would have called you, in her own language. Read 'A child named it' for a little look into the mind of mothers who do that. You're far too verbal and lexic to have been a child of a mother quite that terrible. Not that I doubt your mother was bad, cold, and demanding. But you were not a 'she' or an 'it' to her."

Aiesu thought about it long and hard. As hopeful as she was, she was born before Yamatai met the Lorath, let alone other species. There was no way she could be named after such a thing.

Magdalane responds as though she was lecturing before a student. her wings in a dominant positioning. Aiesu just sighed. "Yes your Mother was probably bad, but there's a whole level worse than that, and the children of those mothers don't become galactic powers. Or learn to read and write. Or live, usually. You meet children like that, as a Pleb."

"...Is Elysia that bad?"

"Was when I was there. I'm told it's better now." Magdalane responds "They've solved the starvation problem, and that's helped reduce the child abuse problem."

“Child abuse? …Everywhere is that bad at least once. What are those, over there?"

"Ah, yes, the games!" Magdalane leads Aiesu over to the arcade clearly glad for the subject change, passing some nekos and neps in card themed outfits, collars, and bare feet.

The ground feels like living grass. The arcade is shaped like a cake, and has a sign on it saying "Jam tomorow and jam yestarday. No jam today".

She sits Aiesu in front of a slot machine, then hands her a credit chip. "Let's start you with slots..." She says "You scan the credit chip, select how much you want to bet... between 1 and 25 points... then pull the lever."

Aiesu looked over the credit-chip. "How much is this worth?"

"500. it's a good starter" Magdalane says, helpfully

"500 what?"

"500 points, it's a sort of internal currency. Can be exchanged for the currency of choice upon exiting the station in the exit terminal, or in one of the small banks on the station, though the banks usually charge a small fee. Can also be used to buy things on station. You can buy points with forign currency very easily, it's just hard to transfer it back. A trick Schlock learned from other resort towns throughout history. The other trick he learned is having the machines distribute physical tokens that you have scanned onto your chip at various desks. People like to keep the tokens as souvenirs."

Aiesu stuck the card in the slot and immediately pulled on the handle. She watched the three faces roll and stop, each different. Blomp blomp blomp.

"What does that mean?"

"Drink me, Rabbit, Alice. It means you don't win anything this time." Magdaline says, patting Aiesu "Better luck next pull? You can get multiple lines if you up your bet from one point. Makes you more likely to win"

Aiesu pulled the handle again. Blomp. Blomp. Blomp.

"And this time?"

"White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit. 400 points" Magdaline says cheerfully as small tokens embossed with rabbits fall out of the slot, along with a few embossed with tweedle de and tweedle dum, and many cardman tokens.

"That's good, right?" Aiesu said, waiting for the money to deposit. She pulled the lever again.

"It's certainly not bad. It's a medium sized win" Magdaline says encouragingly. "You got 400 points for 1."

Blomp blomp blomp. They didn't match. But she knew to pull the handle again. The construct went through a cycle of this for several minutes without saying a word to the Elysian who'd brought her here.

Magdaline watches her with a look of bemusement on her face, and grabs a drink off of the tray of a nearby card-soldier then hands it to Aiesu.

Aiesu takes a slow sip, grimacing at the taste - handing it back to Magdeline. But she didn't stop playing.

Magdaline strokes Aiesu's wings gently in an intimate gesture. "Alright, that's enough. You've pulled the lever 400 times, and there are other games for you to look at"

"A-Ah… But… …This is… Really fun."

"Really?" Magdaline says teasingly.
"It's also a good way to lose a lot of money."

Aiesu didn't respond, pulling the lever again. Blomp. Blomp. Blomp.

Magdaline tugs gently on Aiesu's wing.
"Come on, you've yet to try Pachinko"


"Yeah, it's a lot like this but with falling balls that hit pegs, and the hole they land in on the bottom determines your reward. You can get away with rocking the machine, if they don't catch you"

"Huh... Okay." Aiesu took her winnings and lowered herself carefully from the stool. She still wasn't really sure about this place - looking back at the slot over her shoulder, missing it already.

Lots of other people were sitting around playing the machines just as obsessively. Many of them were quite old... Magdaline lead Aiesu into a more energetic looking hall with younger people, and some nekos, putting balls into machines and letting them fall.

"You buy balls up front at that desk with your points" Magdaline says, with a playful grin "One point, one ball. You currently have 578 points"

The neko behind the desk was in a white rabbit costume, with vest and pocketwatch hanging from her stripy pants.

"Ah, a collar. You're an employee?" She asks Aiesu
"You get a discount. Not many employees choose to gamble, you must be new"