Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Dear Cuz...


Inactive Member
To: Bors @Riko
From: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]

YO Cuz...

So yeah i finally found your contact info... strange that it was sooo hard...
So how are things...
I joined the Navy.. You remember by Boy? the marine.. well... He was shipped out and didn't come home...

I served sometime on the Venus... it was a strange ship full of freespacers... one was cute but she never would give me a second glance..

Well now I'm a Exchange officer, sent to the Yami's to see how we play together...

My CO is a freaking Princess... hanako... sooo not going to try to spell her last name... or first or what the hell they use...

The ship is this little gun boat called the Eucharis... She's nice but the pilot /gunner didn't like me helping out on the bridge... but the White haired daemon... well we ended up in the rack together... strange that... she's cute.. but I'm not sure what to do about it... we were butting heads just before we ending up fooling around.

Any Advice Ol'd man?
To: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]
From. Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]

First off,how the hell did you get this address, and second how the hell did you become an officer an exchange one at that?

Sorry about your boy, I would put something condoling but you know how I am with those things. Funny you should mention that ship, used to be on it just transferred out recently, may still be some of my stash with the fish. Pretty sure I cleaned it out though will double check, then again I swear these ships are like floating luxury liners with guns so you can pry find some about.

Advice though? I would say try not to get any babies more trouble then there worth, though the fact that the main fighting force is on average three years old still makes me a bit uncomfortable.
TO: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
FROM: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]


The poo you talking about? She seems like she is at least my age...

Also what's this about a stash... any booze and smokes? I could use a stogy...

As for how.. I'm not an officer persey.. just a cadet right now.. an E3.... and I volunteered...

they asked for one, my time on the Venus was up... and well it sounded fun, but they let me keep my uniform and my HHG... hell one neko broke her wrist using it.

Now looking you up and hunting I did a data hunt for you... wasn't hard once I found your Yami address.. though why'dja switch your name about... it looks stupid... And well yeah just that.. are you trying to fit in or something?

How did you end up in the Yami military...

TO: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
FROM: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]

Long story, though its also why I haven't set foot in funky city for the better part of a decade. And yes it was to fit in a bit, had to lay low for a while stayed in Kyoto for a bit and figured I needed a job that lets me shoot crap and well the cats wouldn't really let me join the force with my record so military it is.

Just thinking that white devil, poofy white hair red eyes? I may know of her.
TO: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
FROM: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]

Yeah that's her... why? you know her? She was bitching about her friends left her... and then I kissed her... awkward....

Why did you leave. Who'd you piss off. I can send you some money if you need it to pay people off.
TO: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
FROM: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]

Yeah she was my bunkmate.

Well kinda pissed off the group I was working with, had slight a mishap that cost us a couple mil DA. Wish I could say I got out with a scratch but well I made a surgeon and a biotechnician pretty happy.

Booze, smoke are damn hard to come by out here. Plus I swear they can smell those things half a mile away, they'll light you up faster than drunks to a free kegger.
TO: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
FROM: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]


You on your own... though I might be able to take them out if you pay for my ammo and travel expenses. family first and all that bull...

So I have been warned... A Warrant took my box of smokes before shipping me out here. Swore it would be there when I get back, but we all that lie. So where are you based now? anywhere cool?
From: Jotto Hei Riko, Bors @ [email protected]
To: Antonia Stark @ [email protected]

On my pay? Give me a few years and my retirement bonus then maybe I can squeeze you in on an econo class freighter. Currently on a Battle Ship called the Soyokaze, been decent so far bigger ship more places to hide and have a drink or six. Also no princesses.