The Wardroom
Dr. Zoren grumbled, as Irfan complained about his assessment. As she continued to complain, he stood and looked to her, and roared with a voice that would put fear onto a drill sergeant. "And this is why I said it, you accepted orders, but not without bitching the whole time!" He roared back at her. "You don't have to like an order, but bitching about it over an open channel is a pet peeve. So you get to train with me..." He said with an evil smile.
"You wanna know why I don't need the sim time? Do you see my badge? I have served for more than 15 years, piloting that same VANDR, with more team than I can count, and that has landed me here, as your NonCom. So when I say jump, you had best be in the air before I give you an altitude restriction, cause I am saying for a reason! AM I CLEAR MARBALRI SONG?!?!" He roared again, before moving to stand before them.
"You're all skilled pilots, however your team maneuvers need work. And here this glorious military, we don't fight solo. We fight as a team, not as individuals. For the names called, training begins tomorrow at 0500 shipboard time sharp with some PT... Whoever else wishes to join in on my sim training, then you are welcome to come." He ended, sitting down, allowing others to say their piece.