Star Army

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RP: Setareh Wing [Debriefing] Quayside Synthesis


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
ON, VSV Arha
I'Timad 26, 941
7:59, Commonwealth Standard Time

In the same wardroom as the last debriefing had taken place in, Naak sat with Ishtar, whose Nohman-Synthoids guards were close by, and Nanise. All of which were good company to have in the wake of finding out that questioning the New Veyrin Republic General Daurjana was leading nowhere. Nanise was quite busy telling them a story from Hlarai and only after she had finished, did the lull in conversation make Naak's mind go back to their lack of information.

She asked Ishtar, "Will you keep tabs on the line of questioning going on with Daurjana while the debriefing is underway? Alert me to any developments."
If there was going to be more to the conversation that started, it was abruptly interrupted as the doors to the wardroom slide open suddenly. There was no page or forewarning when a young woman stormed into the room. She paused just past the threshold, thereby allowing the doors to close behind her as she glanced around , light reflecting off of the goggles resting on her forehead. Noticing the two people seated already she walked over.

Taking a second after she walked over the young woman nodded, then bowed slightly to Ishtar. "Ishtar, been a while." She said to the FIOMNI. She then turned to the other person. "You the one in charge?" She asked, not bothering to wait for a response. "Jyotsna, Alia Jyotsna." She said, "I'm your new VANDR mechanic." She said introducing herself.

Naak replied, adding extra emphasis on the first word, "Lanbalri Jyotsna. It's a pleasure to have you working with us, and alongside Ishtar once more. Several frames will need repairs after out last battle with the New Veyrin Republic. Let me know if you need anything to make sure those repairs happen."
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Ishtar meanwhile merely nodded an affirmative. Turning her attention to the newcomer, the construct perked up and began waving with all the fury her petite body could muster. "Yes! It has! Now that you're here, the VANDR will be kept in optimal conditions!" she exclaimed.

Alia walked over to Ishtar and plopped a hand on her head and began to pet. "Yeah, you got that right." She said smiling. "Nothing to fear with the VANDR doctor here." When Naak mentioned her rank, the young lady shook her head. "No need for that kinda formality," she said, "I'm no soldier, my rank's just a formality so I can facilitate proper care for the VANDR that will be under my care." She then looked down at Ishtar, "I can also give you a tune up if ya'want."
He was late. He was late! He had to be late!

Feet thumping into the panels of the ship, Akjit ran to the debriefing he was supposed to be in. Nightmare kept telling him he was fussing over the damage to much, but even after all the battles they had been through, he was the type to worry anyways. Retrieving the remains of the destroyed arm was also something he made sure to do and...well, finding the right spot to dump the pieces was something that worried him too. As he stopped in front of the doorway, and making sure it was the right doorway, he took a deep breath and entered in as proper as he could muster. It was important, he reasoned. After all, he didn't want to just make a bigger mess that some of the mechanics would have to deal with. Some of them could have quite the tem -

"A-Alia!?" the Ivuori's eyes widened in surprise. He knew Ishtar would be here, but he wasn't expecting her too!
Ishtar took the petting with all the regal grace of a pleased cat. When a tune up was mentioned, she nodded, "I have not been assigned a handler to perform that task as well as maintaining my other functions as of yet. A tune up would eliminate the need for such until someone can be found." Ishtar responded with a small, pleased smile at the attention. The exclamation however brought her out of whatever thoughts were crawling about in her mammoth mind.

All Akjit would receive from Ishtar was that stare. A stare that seemed to bore through someone's physical existence and into the very fabric of their being, right into the soul itself.
Altair had overslept. Again.

For some reason he was always the most tired after missions. Altair changed into his duty uniform before stumbling out the door. As he walked into the meeting room groggily, he mumbled an apology while running his fingers through his hair.

"Sorry I'm late again ma'am,"
The pressure. He could feel it.

It came in from every direction and didn't stop. It kept going, threatened to crush him. It was a darkness, a black pit that opened up and consumed him whole. But worse yet, it came from within every fiber of his being. Akjit knew this feeling. How could he forget? He hadn't felt this presence since...

"I-Ishtar! It's really nice to see you again," he blushed, flustered. "It's been such a long time. H-how've you been doing?" the veteran Frame Runner asked. Her stare pierced him to his soul, drowned his ears in its deep , ominous drone. The deafening - wait, no, that was just the ship running, he realized.
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Karuah stepped into the same briefing room as before, this time she was once again in work clothes, however now she had grease on her outfit. She had just come from doing some repairs on her frame along with maintenance on some other things in the hangar. She looked a little spaced out, like she was thinking about something else as she entered, and proceeded to sit down.
Rasima slipped into the room quietly, behind all the excited veterans flocking to old comrades.

She took a seat towards the back, leaving her kepi on a table within reach.
Alia turned when she heard her name being exclaimed. She also felt Ishtar's head turn in the same direction, so naturally, the mechanic spun around behind the FIOMNI, wrapping her arms around Ishtar's neck abd rested her chin on said FIOMNI's head, and began to "cat stare" at Akjit as well.

"Akjit," she sais from her perch, "what did you do?" She asked accusingly, since she knew that reaction wasn't just because of her being there.
Even as Alia plopped her chin atop Ishtar's head, the small FIOMNI didn't so much as blink or tear her eyes away from Akjit. However the pilot was feeling in his current predicament, she frankly had no clue. But, she did raise a hand and wave to him, her stare softening the barest fraction.
"N-nothing! I, uh, just came back from a flight, that's all!"

It was true! He didn't do anything wrong...Did he?

"I think." Already, the cloud of doubt began to settle across Akjit's mind as he thought back. He obeyed orders, attacked the enemy, stuff like that. He had done everything that was asked of him, and by the book. But those eyes. Their eyes. Their judgemental eyes! Sweat began to bead on his forehead as they pierced him to the soul. As this reached intolerability however, Ishtar waved at him. SHE WAVED AT HIM! Reduced to a stiff, sweating, nervous statue, he could only curse the gods.

'Why do women have to send so many mixed messages?!'
ON, VSV Arha
I'Timad 26, 941

Zoren sighed as he walked through the halls of the ship. The surgery had gone well and his patient was going to make a full recovery. But she needed constant supervision after the surgery. He had just finished another check up on her, and realized that he was late to the meeting. He walked into the wardroom looking exhausted and still had his scrubs and surgical cap on.

"Sorry I'm late boss..." He said as he trudged in and sat himself down in one of the chairs, grabbing a Rysari flavored tobacco. He took a long drag on it and let out an equally long breath.

"No problem at all, Zoren, Altair," Naak said, choosing to address those that had entered in and apologized for their tardiness in a more informal manner. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"We neutralized a threat to the Commonwealth and were able to take captives in the process. We did a fantastic job dealing with threats new and old, those that we could recognize and those we could not," she said, alluding to the frames and liftracers. "Our assets worked with us well and the Sengraiv is happy. We are to remain on standby for the--"

It was at this point that Ishtar received communication from Ki Lea and relayed it to Naak with a hand cupped over the officer's ear.

"It seems we will be on standby on a colony of the Commonwealth. The intel we have gotten from General Daurjana points us to the Dahbi-class colony near the Al'Mirzam system. We will be stationed there until further notice."

Needing to talk more about this issue with the mission adjutant officer, Ki Lea, and the Sengraiv, she hoped, she stood and spoke out with a thrust of her head towards her wing, emphasizing her point.

"Meeting adjourned. Touch divine until we next meet."