Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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SYNC Denouncement of Nepleslian Citizenship


🎨 Media Gallery
From: Lisa "Thorn" Ironhart
To: Whomever it may concern

Due to the nature of my career operating primarily outside of Nepleslian borders, I wish to deny my citizenship to Nepleslia and apply for status as a free agent with jurisdiction in so mentioned and all other government space as a noncitizen contract scientist, sovreign unto myself alone, and operating under the law of my current residence.

This will ease my career by removing diplomatic problems and allowing smoother transition between territories.

I also understand that this will invalidate the current registration of hull number JR2-AA52D, for which I will be reregistering internationally through yourself, Yamatai, Elysia, and Asteria. Please advise on international private starship registration for the record.

With many thanks,
Merc-Sci Thorn Ironhart
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From: InterNep Mailer via SYNC
To: Merc-Sci Thorn Ironhart/Lisa "Thorn" Ironhart

.:A D D R E S S N O T F O U N D:.

Your message was not delivered to:
"Whomever it may concern"​


Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
/end transmission
Thorn glared at her screen, before making a quick document search and readdressing the letter.

From: Lisa "Thorn" Ironhart
Sky Marshall Gaelen Sanders,
Senate of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia,
Office of Immigration, Office of Human Resources

Due to the nature of my career operating primarily outside of Nepleslian borders, I wish to deny my citizenship to Nepleslia and apply for status as a free agent with jurisdiction in so mentioned and all other government space as a non-citizen contract scientist, sovereign unto myself alone, and operating under the law of my current residence.

This will ease my career by removing diplomatic problems and allowing smoother transition between territories.

I also understand that this will invalidate the current registration of hull number JR2-AA52D, for which I will be reregistering internationally through yourself, Yamatai, Elysia, and Asteria. Please advise on international private starship registration for the record.

With many thanks,
Merc-Sci Thorn Ironhart
From the desk of Gaelan Sanders,

It is with great confusion I speak to you today as your subject matter says you are denouncing your own citizenship? To denounce is to make a formal accusation against or to announce something calamitous. I believe you mean renounce. Semantics are always important, even when penning a non-obligatory renunciation of citizenship.

The body of your message is of no consequence but in the beginning it does further allude to a rescinding of citizenship. As this is of some significance, I will relay the information to the desired channels and we will be sure to deny you the rights of a Nepleslian citizen. This means a few things. A representative of the DIoN can meet with you to discuss these changes to your freedoms. Either way, please do make sure to watch the border on your way out.

About your starship registration number, one is enclosed.

Elouise Nickelson
Desk of Gaelan Sanders
Elouise Nickelson

Thank you for the clarification and correction. I make no accusations against the great nation of Nepleslia, aside from my lack of need for citizenship. That said, I will be approaching the border at 87 I in approximately three hours, on my way through to a potential assignment in Asteria, from the USO territory. I can meet with DIoN during my refuel at any depot I may find there, or be allowed to continue to Svodog to update my hull number.

My flight plan from there takes me straight shot via interstellar space across the border to Yamatai's HX-5 outpost for another refuel stop and be at Asura with a reasonably full tank.

Thank you for your assistance in the matter.

After speaking to the representatives closest to the systems you will be approaching, we have a request that you take one passenger with you on your journey after changing hull numbers that you can pick up in Svodog at the Bulwark station there. This passenger will be completely self-sufficient once your mutual destination is reached but needs your assistance with transportation.

Thank you for your assistance, as well,
Elouise Nickelson

In order to accommodate your passenger, I will need to make some minor repairs to my cargo pod and ready it for personal use. Currently, it is full of rather expensive survey equipment that I will either need to return for or have shipped. I will not need more than a single tube of butalyne nitrile hull patch and an hour or so to perform the repairs. Please inform the passenger that gravity will not be available, and to bring a book. As for my fuel needs, please do have thirty liters of elemental deuterium in liquid form ready to be pumped into my fuel cells and we will have the matter sorted by the end of the day.

Thorn looked at the screen uncomfortably. She didn't usually take passengers, merely because her ship was ludicrously tiny and could barely fit her comfortably. Nonetheless, Bulwark station was coming into view as her hyperspace fold collapsed and ruptured like some relativistic zit with the force of a billion ruined prom nights.

Setting her ship to automatically adjust course to dock, she put on her EVA helmet and popped the hatch, letting the air flow free into space. A quick tether job and she crawled around the outside of her hull to open the cargo pod and check over the foam packed crates. A look over her shoulder and she stood up on the nacelle opposite her door. She stepped once to turn with canopy open and her orange and white suit almost lit from within against the darkness of space around her. A quick movement of her foot closed the cargo pod, the ship gently coasting in to a waiting null grav hangar space.

Thorn was not surprised to clip her helmet's forehead as the lip of the floor passed beneath her and she almost slipped off. "This, folks, is why we wear teathers. Still, four foot three and still whangin' my head on shit."

Your needs will be fulfilled. I have already seen to your requests and you can rely on them all being carried out.

Thank you for your partnership with DIoN during your exit. Don't be afraid to reach out at any other time if you need anything at all, Thorn.

Again, thank you,
Elouise Nickelson
Elouise Nickelson,

Through mild discomfort due to the minimal accommodations my ship was able to provide, your passenger has arrived at her destination safely. I would thank you to have my equipment at Asura Station by the time I get there.

Thank you for your assistance and time. My apologies for the inconveniences and the discomfort.

Your passenger sends her regards, though I will not place them, here, as they were worded as an incoherent string of expletives.

Love, Thorn
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