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Deoradh (Freespacer) Culture -- A Visual Guide


Inactive Member
A friend surprised me with a ultimately awesome shiny new stylus pad as a Christmas present, since she knew I'd been without one for a few years. Since then I've been doodling up a storm. I decided to put a bunch of concept doodles together and explain the cultural side of castes a bit more. So here it is. Oh and by the way this is my first attempt at doing something in this style (visual guide), so please let me know what you think and what can be done to improve it. Enjoy.

Basic Deoradh (Freespacer) Information


Due to their very sensitive immune systems the Deoradh often have to resort to reverse quarantine when in contact with other races, as usually harmless bacteria could be potentially lethal to their systems. This causes many Deoradh to view many planet-bound races (or 'dirtdwellers') as dirty or diseased due to their cohabitation with many types of bacteria. This perception can cause a degree of xenophobia among many. But due to their nomadic lifestyle they understand well the hazards of travel, and are usually willing to offer shelter to a fellow traveler without hesitation.

Deoradh usually live spartan lifestyles. They have a narrow diet of algae and fruit, do not produce advanced textiles (for anything other than spacesuits), and have little in terms of personal ownership. They tend to have a highly communistic mindset, only choosing to own personal property if they have a great sentimental attachment to an object. Otherwise, property is considered owned by the Deoradh's respective fleet.

With little in terms of physical luxuries, the Deoradh instead turn to the digital world for leisure, thanks to the standardization of neuro-implants. Video games, virtual reality simulations, and digital media are very common passtimes among the Deoradh.

The Deoradh do not train their citizens in the traditional sense, simply because their short lifespans make standard education impractical. Instead, they use 'Mindware' in order to assimilate information via their implants. The effect is the equivalent of memorizing an entire text book in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately this process cannot simulate true experience (the ability to keep a cool head in an unexpected situation, and so on) so its uses are limited.

Type Ones
[No Image]

Since the implant revolution several generations ago and the development of cloning technology, natural born Deoradh (Type Ones) are virtually unheard of. The high rate of miscarrage in their semi-toxic environments and the disadvantage of having unaugmented intelligence makes natural born and bred children simply impractical. This has resulted in the virtual extinction of this caste. However, they do still exist in limited numbers where certain religious beliefs or limited technology will not allow the production of biomechanical implants and clones.

Type Twos


Image: A Type Two "Oremonger" (Miner) in a Voidwalker suit. Type Twos are rarely seen without their pressure suits, with which they have a great attachment due to the fact they by far perform the most off-ship work of any of the castes. They commonly paint said suits with bright and colorful decals to better identify one another when working.

"Do not weep for us, or fear the path we have chosen. What we do now, we do for the survival of our species. We ourselves are taught not to weep for our short lives, but rather to rejoice we had a chance to live and see the wonders of the galaxy at all.

"Consider us no more than neurons in the network, cells in the body. Alone they are nothing. Insignificant. Capable of little. But once we unite and support one another, we each become a small piece in a magnificent creation."

From their birth among Mothership nursery facilities, Type Twos are constantly reminded that they are short-lived beings whose individual existence means nothing over the prosperity of their race. This idea of self-worthlessness may induce clinical depression among some (who are then promptly killed and recycled), but most Type Twos are indoctrinated without ill effect. These Type Twos, knowing full well they have only a short time to live, will work and follow orders with total disregard for their own well-being.

Type Twos live by the words, 'It's not how long you live, it's how you live.' They tend to be highly idealistic and noble, and will often cling to the ideas if they believe it is for the greater good of their race. They also tend to be very expressionistic and whimsical, often living for the moment rather than preparing for the future.

Type Twos preform the most hazardous tasks in society due to their short life spans, but can effectively work in a wide range of fields. Miners, technicians, merchants, and infantry are usually the norm among this caste. Because the most dangerous work tends to be in the field, such as mining and independent trading, Type Twos by far have the most contact with outsiders of all the castes. In conjunction with their perception of self-worthlessness (they don't particularly fear enemy attacks), they tend to be exceptionally welcoming to outsiders in comparison to other castes.

Despite being a lesser caste, they are still highly respected among the Deoradh for their selfless nature. They are often seen as a role models for society: ideal citizens, always putting the greater good ahead of their own wants and needs without ever thinking about themselves. Unfortunately the use of indoctrination upon Type Twos causes foreigners to perceive their existence a form of slavery and brainwashing, even the Type Twos appear willing to do the bidding of their superiors. The higher castes argue that their relationship is no different from that of cells in the body; During a child's development, certain cells are pre-programmed to commit suicide for the good of the whole body, and this use of Type Twos is no different.

Type Threes


Image: A Type Three Druidess. "Stargazer" of the Cult of the Moonlight Shadow (Stellar Navigator and Cartographer).

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the masses. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

The largest caste, the Type Threes are also by far the most diverse. Since they are significantly more expensive to produce and they have longer lifespans than Type Twos, and as such they aren't indoctrinated with the same perception of self-insignificance. For this reason they are generally more careful (i.e. non-suicidal) and less radical than their Type Two counterparts.

Due to their more liberal and open minded nature, they tend to take up careers as the scientists, engineers, and thinkers of the race. This is also in part because their longer lifespans make them more suited to tasks that require greater training and experience. Type Three's also make up the majority of specialist starship crew (engineers, doctors, science officers, and so on.)

Type Fours


Image: A Type Four "Mastermind" (Chief Scientist)

"Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence."

The intellectual elite and the driving force behind the Deoradh technological revolution, Type Fours are the de facto leaders of the entire race.

The process of upgrading to a Type Four is a brutal one, and usually involves the removal of almost everything but the brain itself. All organs required to nourish the brain are replaced with mechanical substitutes. Instead of neuro-implants, entire computer systems and AIs are integrated with the brain. Unlike Type Twos or Threes, the Type Four upgrade is never given at birth due to the difficulty of fitting a body that hasn't reached it's maturity.

Because the Type Four upgrade brutalizes the body and radically alters perception, generally only the most serious-minded and selfless citizens volunteer for this upgrade. It is for this same reason, and their further heightened intellect, that they are looked to as the leaders among the Deoradh.

Their additional appendages and advanced neuro-implants allow them to effectively operate as engineers, scientists, and leaders to such an extent that a single Type Four can perform the work of several Type Twos or Threes in almost any given field.
An artist we should perhaps recruit for our own evil purposes. Could you ask them about that, Leutre? Our artist pool is very small right now.
*Cough*Iamthatartist *Cough*

I work much better with digital stylus pads instead of paper. For most artists pencil then inking turns out higher quality, but I personally can't stand how long it takes to draw then ink then scan then color a piece of art. Plus, I can't work a scanner worth crap.

I can do 'solid' objects fairly easily like buildings and ships and stuff. It's the softer things I have trouble with, which is why all my doodles lack faces. I guess I don't have enough practice with anime-style stuff. I *can* do them, it just takes me a long time, and those were quick doodles.
Well, since you are a roleplayer here (and a damned good one), we know you won't run away on us, so I don't think your speed is as huge a worry as it might be for others.

Just consider it, all right? That's all I ask.

...that and maybe doing Elisa if Valhammer doesn't pop up by Christmas. >.>
I could probably do a few, but the problem is I really don't have the time to produce top quality penciled-then-inked-then-CGed art, since I'm having trouble with my university math stuffs. That's basically why I haven't been showing off my art too much the last few months I've been here, because I haven't had too much time to draw.

The best stuff I'll have time for is only above average quality stuff like the above pictures. I could probably do a bit better by cleaning up some more and adding more detail, but it wouldn't be on par with the professionally detailed stuff that those $20-40 commissioned artists do. But if you're fine with that, I'd be willing to give one or two drawings a shot, if I find the time.

However, if get enough free time I may be willing to try something bigger and more detailed. It's just I've never tried doing bigger 'soft' (people, characters) pictures before, so I don't know how long it'd take. Perhaps I'll try over Christmas break, assuming my professors don't dump a crapload of homework on me.