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Detail Submissions for the Azorean Wiki


Well-Known Member
Some things that I didn't add to the original wiki, but have been asked about.

Azorean Currency

Azorean currency is known as neeras (single: neeer). Most citystates have their own set currency, but neeras were officially accepted as trade currency between the citystates. The Physical form of neeras are thin chips made out of a mixture of durandium alloy, bit of gold, and a coral extract. These chips are fairly durable and rarely rust at any point in their 'lives'. A neer can be easily transferred into local currency, but the relation towards KS, DA, or any other alien currency is unknown at this time.

Note: This section will be added to the Azorean Commonwealth wikipage.

Azorean Ranks

Due to the increased need for organization among certain personnel, the Commonwealth Parliament ordered the formation of ranks like never before. The Viceroy take precedence as an admiral or supreme commander. Judges have no direct power over the 'military', but can request a change to occur, which will be voted upon. Kelnius is the title for captains, co-captians, and planetary commanders.

Warrant officers are referred to as Eccatus. Their roles are primarily for the training of Baeros, or the "new blood". The Baeros are not allowed to enter space or any other form of field work until after successfully completing their training to the Eccatus' expectations. Baeros then move onto the Rinotos rank, and onto the Tarinos after at least five years of service. After another five years, the Tarinos are applicable to become either Eccatus or Kelnius if the Parliament permits it.

Ranks are normally recognizable by metallic symbols on Azorean clothing on the left breast. Common reference to those of higher rank is by their rank alone. When speaking to equal, lower, or no ranked personnel, their respective names are used. Azorean 'salutes' are actually simple nods, but nods are also for civilian greetings, so there is no difference there.

Note: This section will be added to the Azorean Commonwealth wikipage.

Azorean Corporations

Although most of the Azorean industries and facilities are partially funded by the community, they are directly controlled by independent sources. These 'corporations' compete with each other to collect, manufacture, and supply goods for the people. The total number of corporations per citystate depends largely on the size of each citystate. The corporations rarely compete or otherwise interact with rival companies of other citystates.

Note: This section will be added to the Azorean Culture section of their wikipage.

Azorean Tutoring

These trades that they are employable in are usually taught by a mentor, or "master", who has worked in that trade for most of his/her life. The young adult students are referred to as "disciples" and will be taught everything that the master knows. Masters may take up to three disciples at one time.

Disciples that enter the service of the temples are always referred to by that term unless they are elected into priests, and in turn, high priests. Priests may only take a maximum of two disciples at one time, but after two years of servitude, those disciples are considered members of the temple and need no more training from individual priests now.

Those who decide to join the Commonwealth are instead given the title of Baeros and must serve under an Eccatus in a group of four to eight. This number varies with the skill of the Eccatus as well as the overall ratio of Baeros to Eccatus. The Baeros may, on occasion, call their assigned Eccatus "master", etc.

Note: This section will be added to the Pre-Adulthood section of their wikipage.

So, what do you all think? Any comments, suggestions, and/or opinions?
Looks good. My comment is that being a primarily aquatic race, that using something that might oxidize or rust from prolonged exposure to the salt water might be a bit silly.
Well, it only rusts it unused for several years. This means that if it is left in the middle of the ocean without contact with anyone or anything, then it will start to rust, but I see what you mean. Would you like me to take that comment out of that article?
If you've seen anything pulled out of the ocean, if it doesn't rust and it's been unused for a while, then it gets covered in algae, barnacles, and sometimes coral.
Alright, I edited out the rust part, but that is pretty understandable about the algae and coral growing on it. Any other objections before this is stamped for approval by someone? I might add a couple more things to this later on, so please do not move this into the Approved sub-forum if that is ok. ^_^