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Developing new Companies for the Abwehrans

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
I've come up with yet another thing to work on, since I seem to be having ADD when it comes to developing for the Abwehrans. Considering I've stated over and over again that the Abwehrans were a capitalist society (over all), I've either been asking people to bring in foreign companies or been using corporations I've made at the beginning of the Abwehrans.

Looking at the list of corporations in the Economy Page, I don't have very many competitors for the native corporations. In fact, there are some markets that are not represented at all. So I'm pondering taking the plunge and making corporations for other markets as well as to compete with the native ones.

If anyone is interested in helping out, here's a list I'm planning on:

Retail Stores:
  • Clothing

  • Electronics
    Starship (competitors)
    Vehicles (competitors)
    Weapons (competitors)

Resource Suppliers:
  • Food Stuff
    Medicinal/Miscellaneous Plants

  • Shipping / Transportation (mass trans = State-owned Enterprise)
    Luxury Cruises
    Consultant Firms

Many of these (retail, suppliers, and services), would mostly be fluff / culture articles considering they don't manufacture goods. So I would greatly appreciate some assistance in these.
I've also created a Google document to list the various corporations under different sections. Current Corporations, both foreign and domestic, are already listed. If people don't want to actually create the wiki articles for this new companies but still want to assist, they could create names for corporations and basic blurbs. This would allow me to brainstorm corporations easily in comparison to just coming up with them on the fly.

The document can be found here in Abwehran Corporations.
DSW is also in the Weapons and Starships areas; though the starship thing may be kinda iffy, seeing as they don't actually manufacture the BC they designed themselves, really.
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