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Approved Character Devon Heartstring of Kohana


Inactive Member

Before I go further than that rather lengthy introduction, I'd like to point out that I'm prepared for the worst with this character. I've been made to understand that Kohanians are rather new and under a lot of scrutiny, but I'd like to be part of the solution to this little bit of galactic racism.

Without further ado-

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ch ... eartstring

There you have it! If nothing else, I hope you enjoyed at least reading over his bio. I got into writing it and before I realized wrote more than I had planned. It happens.

Anyway, I'll be going to get my raincoat and tower shield ready for the oncoming onslaught as the n00b-hunting weaponry is dug up once again. Be gentle, please; my ego bruises easily ;.;
Wonderfully written. The character has a good story to tell.

But I cannot approve the character. Not without word from an admin that the magic abilities are OK for IC usage.

Yeah, I was told that it would make a fuss. I can change the skill easily, but I'd really like if I could keep it. I know how to keep from going overboard with the powers, and should he leave Kohana, the only magic he could feasibly take with him is the spirit around his neck, whose power is so stunted that all it can do is mimic the most rudimentary of things.

I'm just looking for a flavor for him instead of a godmoding power that can let me wreck face. Most of the other characters have weapons and gadgets that can do that for them. If I'm able, I'd like to be given my powers on a trial basis. If they prove too 'out there' for the setting, then I can gladly get rid of them, but I'd like to have a chance with them at the very least.

You won't even know I'm here.
While that's reassuring, Matthew, I can't approve a character based on your word alone. This is a setting issue, not a character one, and I don't have the power to define the setting.

Again, really well written though. At first I was like, "HOLY SHIT CUT THE HISTORY DOWN" but after reading it I was like, "Well hell, it's good, and Kohana doesn't have much back story to it, so why not?"
:3 I figured as much; the reassurance was meant for the being in charge of my approval.

Thanks for the compliments, though! If I don't get the chance to play him, at least I have a main character for a story I could write.
Argh, I'm torn here. I don't want to screw up the character concept, but if I open the "magic" door, it invites other players to build on magic and sooner or later, it will be abused. Magic as a whole goes against Star Army's setting, where technology reigns and stuff has (even if it isn't always the soundest science) some explanation. Give me until tomorrow night to decide.

Comments by all are welcome.
Well, it is a dangerous subject to incorporate something that can't really be locked down to a logic or science. However, you can usually weed out the ones who wish to abuse the power by making them come up with the hows, whys, and whats of their magic. By doing that, you can force them to come up with reasonable limits based on their own descriptions of their 'special skills.'

Another way of doing it is to get together with AoK and come up with the hard limits of what Kohanians can and can't do on and off their planet. In fact, you could restrict magic to only those born on Kohana.

I know it's not the most scientific thing, but you could basically create artificial works of magic by saying 'nanomachines did it.' Making it so that any spell someone could cast could at best duplicate what technology can do is a good option. My power could summon a spirit from a nearby river to help me catch fish, but you could get basically the same result from a fish finder. On Kohana his powers might be a bit exaggerated, but he can't take that unbelievable power with him. Off the planet, he's a glorified medicine man, communicating with spirits like a native American shaman would (with no mega-blatant supernatural affects).

Well, that's my comment. I love figuring out little plans and plots like this, and I'd be glad to help work any hypothetical situations out that you might have trouble with.
That "weeding out" solution falls either on character reviewers or GMs. We banned magic in the first place as a preventative measure, so we wouldn't have to be reactionary when someone abuses it and louses up an RP.

I think the idea of 'limit what they could do on and off the planet' was already tossed about, too, but I don't recall what was decided about it. AoK might remember better.

And I'm sure we tried the artificial part of it. The kind of magic you're talking about, with nanomachines, was done away with, too, for reasons I don't know. That, and I think AoK already said he wants actual magic, not science-based magic. I could be wrong there.

I'm relaying what I believe to be facts, by the way, not my opinions.
For now, the status is that magic works on Neo Kohana, but not anywhere else.
I won't go into massive OOC discussions here, but Doshii is kinda right.

We had artificial magic for a while, until it was told to me, that it would be under PANTHEON if I wanted to take it off planet, but that it would still be only usable to make a small lighter like flame from a fingertip, or cool a drink slightly, there would be no true magical effects, because it would take away from the technology that is supposed to be the main focus here.

Also, if I agreed to the Nano-magic I was told that it could be turned off if a GM felt it was giving the Kohanian player too much of an advantage. That, I felt, would be unfair to my players, as the culture of the Kohanians looks to these effects as gifts of the gods, it is what their religion is based upon. It would be like asking a neko to stop being based upon the japanese, or the Nepleslians to stop using guns and smoking/drinking.
I approve magic use as described in the above post for this character ONLY. This is an individual case only and any other magic-enabled character submissions will be judged on a case-by-case basis. The above judgement does not change existing policies or character rules. Again, this is a one-time exception for this character only.
Considering the post above, this character is approved for IC usage. If you have not updated your contact information, please do so here. There is no communication thread for you to file in.

Welcome to the Star Army RolePlay.
*Puts on Queens "We are the Champions" and starts waving a lighter.*

No, that wasn't a sampler of my actual RPing skill. I'm just giddy. It happens.

Thanks, and it's good to be here.
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