Star Army

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Approved Character Dey Ralli(final)


Inactive Member
Name: Dey Ralli
General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Family Mother: Martha Ralli, Father: Martin Ralli, both deceased.

Employer: Star Army of Nepleslia
Occupation: Planetary Soldier
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5' 7" - 1.72 m
Weight: 180 lbs - 81.8 kg

Build and Skin Color: Lean, Tan
Facial Features and Eye Color: Narrow features, Vision enhancement(ranging, night vision, thermal) over right eye. Eye without enhancement is ice blue, eye with enhancement is black.
Hair color and Style: Brown, cropped short in the military style.

Distinguishing Features: Likes to wear military-issue clothing, as well as harnesses, the more strewn with pockets the better, because they "feel good on (him)." They are also "practical." Dey has kept his body lean and hard, mainly to allow for crawling through brush and tight spots to allow him to sneak up on people unawares. His clothes, too, are kept zipped up and buttoned down, to keep him as streamlined as possible. Dey also keeps a number of knives hidden about his person. During searches, it seems no one can quite find them all.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Tends to be quiet, only speaking when something that needs saying has gone unsaid. Dey also has the (to others) irritating habit of looking whomever he is talking to directly in the eye. This, coupled with the two different colors of his eyes, makes talking to Dey sometimes awkward. Dey is usually a good soldier, but sometimes refuses to follow orders because "they strike (him) wrong." Dey always stands by his decisions, regardless of where they mey land him. However, when Dey does decide to actually do something, he does it well. Very well, in fact. When alone, Dey sits and thinks to himself, while scanning the area for new developements. Although Dey seems a quiet, gentle man, he sometimes has bursts of violence that seem to surprise even him. It seems the deaths of his father and mother disturbed him in a way. Dey is very loyal to his friends, going to great lengths to help them, in combat and out.

Likes: Quiet, Guns, Being Alone, Reading
Dislikes: Stupid, incompetant people, heights,
Goals: Listless, mainly. To survive and perhaps find a better life one of these days.

Grew up on, you guessed it, Nepleslia. Lived with his father and mother until their deaths. The Ralli family lived under the control of a local crimelord. As such, they lived in constant fear of being killed, sold into slavery, or ousted into the elements. As such, Dey lead a rather nervous life as a child, which probably lead to his inward personality. He never had an official teaching, but taught himself basic engineering techniques. As a child, grew up fascinated by firearms, and after mastering a few of the basics, began to design his own weapons. At the age of 16, Dey was able to "secure" a number of small tools, and began tinkering with then, working his way up to actually building a pistol. Ever since then, Dey still tinkers with his weapons, studying them, and making minor inprovements. At 17, he was pressed into service with said local crime lord, and learned a number of fighting skills. At the age of 19, the crime lord was overrun by a rival, and in the confusion, Dey escaped, only to find his parents dead, killed in the same confusion that allowed him to flee. Dey made his way to the recruiting office of the Nepleslian Army, and signed up, intending to become an armorer or somesuch.


Communication: Dey is comfortable with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, ships, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Dey is fluent in English. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. Dey is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

Fighting and Physical: Dey received intensive hand-to-hand combat training (primarily focused on disabling and/or killing opponents) and has followed up that knowledge with a rigorous training program. Weapons he is trained in include pistols of all types, knives, grenades (and other forms of explosive weaponry) and rifles of all kinds. Dey can repair weaponry with adequate tools and time. Dey is in excellent physical shape and has considerable endurance.

Survival: Dey knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Dey can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Strategy (Tactics/discipline): Dey can understand and give out tactical commands and work with his troop to follow those commands efficiently. He knows the importance of teamwork on the battlefield, has been intensively trained in discipline and morale, and is able to recognize the command structure even while under extreme pressure (combat, etc). Dey is able to recognize ambush points. He knows basic math in order to calculate distances, etc, and can use a tactical map.

Vehicles: Dey learned to drive various types vehicles at an early age. He is comfortable with almost any type of steering interface, though he prefers the old-fashioned steering wheel and pedals. Dey is also fairly proficient with various speedbikes(wheeled and otherwise), but not by a long shot a master.

Rogue: Although mainly trained in combat, Dey has picked up a few tricks here and there, mostly as a result of his time on the streets as a child. These skills are mainly the offshoot of being manually dextrous, and while he is no master, often supplements his interactions with people with exercises in these skills.

Technology Operation: Since he lived in a farily tech-oriented world, Dey thought it would behoove him to learn the basics of computer operation. He can usually figure out various aspects of any type of operating system, given the time. Once he has the basics down, he can use most of the intermediate functions of the computer he is using. He does not have the skill to crack codes, hack into accounts and such, or any very advanced tasks.

Updated and all that good stuff. Added the skills for the Nepleslian planetary forces. Basically, I can't really think of any other skills to fill these spots. Demolitions and engineering are out, apparently. the ones above, if deemed appropriate, will be fleshed out.
Character approved.
Nepleslian planetary soldiers rarely contribute to the operation of a starship; therefore their required skillsets are somewhat different than those of a standard soldier or member of Yamatai. Nepleslian planetary soldiers must have the following (substitute for default requirements):

Communication: Your character is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, ships, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Your character is fluent in English. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. The character is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

Fighting and Physical: Your character received intensive hand-to-hand combat training (primarily focused on disabling and/or killing opponents) and has followed up that knowledge with a rigorous training program. Weapons he is trained in include pistols of all types, knives, grenades (and other forms of explosive weaponry) and rifles of all kinds. The character can repair weaponry with adequate tools and time. The character is in excellent physical shape and has considerable endurance.

Survival: The character knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. The character can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Strategy (Tactics/discipline): The character can understand and give out tactical commands and work with his troop to follow those commands efficiently. He knows the importance of teamwork on the battlefield, has been intensively trained in discipline and morale, and is able to recognize the command structure even while under extreme pressure (combat, etc). The character is able to recognize ambush points. He knows basic math in order to calculate distances, etc, and can use a tactical map.

The logic behind this is that Nepleslia is much more rough and tumble than Yamatai, and, in effect, their soldiers are very grizzled and combat ready (but at the same time not as "technical" I guess you could say. :) )

Soldiers who aren't on starships very very rarely see any Kessaku OS.

I think your character may be trying a bit too hard to be a bit of everything. He's good in combat, he's good in tech, he's good at engineering and he can blow stuff up too.

I don't think the "basics of engineering" in your character's history is enough to justify him being "quite competant in the fields of engineering."

His knowledge of demolitions would make the soldier a "Demoltions expert" by Nepleslian standards.
The demolitions expert is responsible for the usage of explosives to their maximum effect. They're the guys you call in when you want to blow up a big target, booby trap and area with explosives, or break through a wall.

Demolitions: The character can identify, manufacture, handle and dispose of explosives. With the proper tools, he can detect and disarm enemy explosives as well.

I guess what I'm saying is give the guy one focus in combination with his training. He's a good character, but just a wee bit overpowered as it stands.
Tom said:
Nepleslian planetary soldiers rarely contribute to the operation of a starship; therefore their required skillsets are somewhat different than those of a standard soldier or member of Yamatai. Nepleslian planetary soldiers must have the following (substitute for default requirements):

(etc, etc)

The logic behind this is that Nepleslia is much more rough and tumble than Yamatai, and, in effect, their soldiers are very grizzled and combat ready (but at the same time not as "technical" I guess you could say. :) )

I see your logic. Changes shall happen then.

Tom said:
Soldiers who aren't on starships very very rarely see any Kessaku OS.

okey dokey. Ill get rid of that bit.

Tom said:
I think your character may be trying a bit too hard to be a bit of everything. He's good in combat, he's good in tech, he's good at engineering and he can blow stuff up too.

I don't think the "basics of engineering" in your character's history is enough to justify him being "quite competant in the fields of engineering."

His knowledge of demolitions would make the soldier a "Demoltions expert" by Nepleslian standards.
The demolitions expert is responsible for the usage of explosives to their maximum effect. They're the guys you call in when you want to blow up a big target, booby trap and area with explosives, or break through a wall.

Demolitions: The character can identify, manufacture, handle and dispose of explosives. With the proper tools, he can detect and disarm enemy explosives as well.

I have a tendancy to do that. I'll drop the explosives bit, and see where i'll go from there.

Tom said:
I guess what I'm saying is give the guy one focus in combination with his training. He's a good character, but just a wee bit overpowered as it stands.

Advice taken. thanks a bunch.
Looking much better. Just put whatever you like in for the last three skills.

Rogue is fine, if not recommended.

Vehicles is fine. Everyone needs someone who can drive a vehicle/fix it.

Tech Operations to a certain extent is fine as well. Don't go making him a hacker or anything, though. You can always make this last skill a "soft" one like Domestic, Entertainment, Knowledge, etc. Give the character some flair!
Tom said:
Looking much better. Just put whatever you like in for the last three skills.

Rogue is fine, if not recommended.

Vehicles is fine. Everyone needs someone who can drive a vehicle/fix it.

Tech Operations to a certain extent is fine as well. Don't go making him a hacker or anything, though. You can always make this last skill a "soft" one like Domestic, Entertainment, Knowledge, etc. Give the character some flair!

Ill look into having something other than Rogue then, perhaps.

No, no ueber-hackars for me. Just plain guns is fine. Just casual competance with computers and such.