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Approved Character Dey Ralli(final)


Inactive Member

Updated and all that good stuff. Added the skills for the Nepleslian planetary forces. Basically, I can't really think of any other skills to fill these spots. Demolitions and engineering are out, apparently. the ones above, if deemed appropriate, will be fleshed out.
Character approved.
Nepleslian planetary soldiers rarely contribute to the operation of a starship; therefore their required skillsets are somewhat different than those of a standard soldier or member of Yamatai. Nepleslian planetary soldiers must have the following (substitute for default requirements):

The logic behind this is that Nepleslia is much more rough and tumble than Yamatai, and, in effect, their soldiers are very grizzled and combat ready (but at the same time not as "technical" I guess you could say. )

Soldiers who aren't on starships very very rarely see any Kessaku OS.

I think your character may be trying a bit too hard to be a bit of everything. He's good in combat, he's good in tech, he's good at engineering and he can blow stuff up too.

I don't think the "basics of engineering" in your character's history is enough to justify him being "quite competant in the fields of engineering."

His knowledge of demolitions would make the soldier a "Demoltions expert" by Nepleslian standards.

I guess what I'm saying is give the guy one focus in combination with his training. He's a good character, but just a wee bit overpowered as it stands.

I see your logic. Changes shall happen then.

Tom said:
Soldiers who aren't on starships very very rarely see any Kessaku OS.

okey dokey. Ill get rid of that bit.

I have a tendancy to do that. I'll drop the explosives bit, and see where i'll go from there.

Tom said:
I guess what I'm saying is give the guy one focus in combination with his training. He's a good character, but just a wee bit overpowered as it stands.

Advice taken. thanks a bunch.
Looking much better. Just put whatever you like in for the last three skills.

Rogue is fine, if not recommended.

Vehicles is fine. Everyone needs someone who can drive a vehicle/fix it.

Tech Operations to a certain extent is fine as well. Don't go making him a hacker or anything, though. You can always make this last skill a "soft" one like Domestic, Entertainment, Knowledge, etc. Give the character some flair!

Ill look into having something other than Rogue then, perhaps.

No, no ueber-hackars for me. Just plain guns is fine. Just casual competance with computers and such.
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