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RP [Die Screaming] I Shall Not Die From The Cold.


Tobias began working at decoding some of the ID tags for the different signals that Molotra had retrieved from the crashed shuttle's black box. He knew it would take time, but some information was better than none, and it was possible that it could give them better clues as to exactly what kind of mess they'd ended up in now. The former-operator also set about trying to piggyback on the signal coming from the emergency transponder, seeing if he could identify any ships that were recieving the signal and trying to home in on it to find the position of the survivors.

As Molotra asked for advice as to what to do with the parts from the ship, Tobias thought for a brief moment before answering the now-legged freespacer. <"If you can get that skimmer working, it could either serve as a scout or even a way to carry wounded we can't get walking. Hopefully I'll have a few drones up and running soon too, so we can see what's going on at that treeline.">

Tobias set his crate down outside the wreckage where others were gathering, and cracked the seal briefly. Inside he found what he'd been hoping he'd packed near the top. Rather than deal with the bulky standard issue Emrys environmental suit, he'd bought a slimmer one from a Yamataian company, and a suitable helmet to match from Galactic Horizon, which had been a relatively well known name before he'd been thrown into The Swamp. As he retrieved his standard plate carrier, the suit, and the helmet, the operator turned to look for Quilly.

The bird was probably bleeding heat from her wings, and he wanted to see if there was anything he could do to help. She'd be a liability if she got too cold... and he didn't want to lose any of the few friends that he had left.
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Waller began to trudge through the snow, spiraling out from the crash site where they had been congregating. He moved slowly and deliberately. Stopping to scan the horizon with the thermal and IR optics on his rifle. The cold suit he was wearing would grant decent optical concealment. He made sure to check in with SGT Matchbook Canterbury every 5-10 minutes with updates as he continued the patrol.
"The days here are short." Borok stated without so much as looking at Caffran as he continued to to squint-stare through the snow glare and into the seeming nothingness. It was obvious from a just barely audible sound of distress coming out of the opened shuttle hatch above them what he was trying to drown out in professional disconnect from what his son had likely found up there.

"At this time of year, and if we are in the northern hemisphere we have maybe a couple of hours before nightfalls. The temperature will plumet almost certainly by half again if not more. The snow and your man's shelter will help insulate but it will not do well for the wounded and I do not think it is safe for rescue shuttles to search at night in such conditions."

It was almost a certainty, he declared, that they would be stuck there overnight. To reinforce his statement the sun seemed to have already dropped from what had seemed like a high noon as recent as any of them could recall to a late afternoon with the sun sitting just a few hand-lengths above the horizon.

"We will hunker in the belly of the shuttle through the night. It will be dark and cold but most will manage."

While this went on Molotra and Tobias' efforts were practically fed to them as the aforementioned cargo belt of the shuttle was emptied of anything non-essential to make room. Scrap electronics, servos, miscellaneous devices, oxygen and gaseous containers too suspect to keep in tight confines, personal baggage added to the wind-break, dislodged shuttle panels, wires, piping, gyrostabilizers, seeming equipment none of the Kuz likely could place or understand, a grav-jack used to move heavier pieces of equipment from the bay. There was a seeming scrappers treasure trove being tossed out into the snow or in haphazardly sorted piles by a few self-appointed quartermasters.

Beyond this was more if a bit more effort with half-broken shuttle parts, nozzles, an engine, a white-camo outrider half crumpled at the roof, some jettisoned cargo still wrapped in tarps large enough that they could have contained a full-sized maximus tank to have been crammed in the shuttle somehow.

They were not the only ones to find opportunities and encounters. Waller, before even finishing his first circuit found himself in the crash-trench of the shuttle segments rear. The wind had picked up significantly and practically forced him in from the threat of frostbite-capable windchill only to find out he wasnt yet alone.

One of the marines he had yet to formally make acquaintance with was kneeling over someone amongst the makeshift mass-grave where the fatalities had been deposited. Coming closer the female marine, Francis had a gentle hand on the shoulder of one of Boroks nieces, Iki, who was still in shock over the still and now freezing form of her lover Yana . More than a few jackets had been thrown on the girl, likely from the other Kuz, but seemingly none had pulled her away yet either from some cultural respect for the girl to grieve and choose her own end if need be, or simply due to urgency.

Sensing him approach, Francis straightened and turned to Waller, a styrling 12-gauge held by its grip in one hand not unthreateningly but not at east either. Looking at francis she was gaunt and too pale even in the cold and the belt of her greatcoat was cinched extremely tightly over her stomach where one side of it had a clearly dark stain of a noticeable but not yet concerningly modest size of just one more unhidden injury amongst the survivors.

"What?" Francis demanded rather harshly at waller over the whipping wind above their heads as if he needed a good reason to be anywhere near her. While there was a camaraderie between most marines the clear venom and animosity that dripped from the one word was all the indication Waller Redhawk needed to know this woman did not so much as dislike him or was even acting from the stress of the situation they were in but for some reason without even knowing a thing about him detested him to which her hazel eyes reinforced as they bore right into him like a hawk over a mouse.

"Well?" She practically hissed at him while he registered it all. Meanwhile the young Kuz girl behind Francis still stared nearly comatose at a desecrated corpse as if expecting the practically headless corpse to sit up and spark up a conversation with her like it was all just some joke...
Waller stood, his rifle held at the low ready. "Walking the perimeter. Nothing significant to report at this time. Everyone is congregating near the front of the shuttle." He leaned his head to the side to get a look at the girl. He dug into his pocket and found a self heating coco packet and tossed it at Francis' feet. "Might help her later, I have to get back to work." He turned and walked back towards the side of the trench, waiting for the wind to die down as he updated SGT Canterbury on what he had seen there.
Tanya was looking through the crates that they had managed to grab before the smoke got too bad for personnel without masks, and was frowning.
Everything was so far either medical supplies, cold weather gear, personals or weapons.
No Food, no communication gear that she had found, though the latter had seemed to be found elsewhere. She did find several full face gasmasks with oxygen tanks, and she had seen several other crates with symbols for food rations before they had to leave the smoke filled hull, and fire had yet to be sighted in that hull.
"If we can't get a friendly ride out of here we need food rations. I saw some back in the hull before the smoke forced us out."
She attempted to gather a few others to go back in, but she was committed. These were her people, both her squad and her cousin Kuznyetski's.
She would NOT let them starve if she could prevent it.
Shit, The
Lupin, a few meters behind Waller, simply observed the little incident between the marine and former commissar from the edge of the trench. His fairly well-camouflaged form was skylighting against the frozen air as Francis noted the lad's presence, he had nothing to say to her, one gloved hand rising to the PTT device woven into his plate-carrier's webbing.

"Copy that Molo, the night's going to be long, plenty of time to try and catch our bearings," Lupin's nanomachines broadcasted back to the 'spacer though the short-range comms system, he could see heat difference between Francis' bloodstain and the rest of her uniform, he wanted to help staunch that wound but if she didn't want to accept that then there was nothing he could do but wait for the pint-sized supernova to come to her senses. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Without another word Lupin made moves to catch up with Waller, footsteps near inaudible as he plodded along off to the other marine's side.

"We've been through worse, you know," came the sniper's deep, baritone voice, almost as cold as the air that carried it to Waller. He might not've had the context, but it was clear enough that those few words had a lot of weight behind them, and if Waller looked back he'd see a much older soul behind the ethereal eyes of the young sniper.

"You seem like you realize the situation we're in, stick with us and be smart, we'll weather this."
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Impromptu Wrecker's Yard, Port Side Front Of Shuttle

Molotra did a small rapid double-nod towards Lupin, closing their eyes as if putting more effort into it was more reassuring...

But then he just trudged after Waller, without realising she was standing pretty close to him in person. Maybe he was in heat vision, and couldn't see her cold suit?

...Was she wrong for just letting Francis do her own thing?... They didn't have much time left for preparations...

The clinging snow aggravated their movements towards the building pile of spare parts, and she found that her new wheels just sunk right down into it. She'd been on comets before, and they were never this bad. It was the damn gravity. Her tracks would actually have been better.

A shrug. Following the directions from Tobias, they started planning out an impromptu skimmer, or at least some type of surface-effect vehicle that would get them across this flat ground.

Too much damn flat ground. Too much gravity. Fuck planets.

<"Okay, I don't think we have the parts for an airbike, Operator Carrick... No small-scale stabilizers even if we can get the generator-weight-to-grav-push-force ratio right."> She transmitted, whilst taking a gander at the shuttle-scale gyro from the pile of semi-damaged parts. <"We could just build a platform out of containers and put a bunch of floor panels above it like a directional grav-sail, not sure if it would be too top heavy or not...">

A short, annoying thought. Molo did have a small gyro, she had the one in her legs.

Did she wanna tell the others that bit yet?.... Maybe time to rule out some of the other options first.

Lumbering through the frozen dust towards the Outrider, she turned over the engine to see if it would at least start using standard SAON codes. Or at all. After that, she had a look under the larger canvases, and prayed for some kind of vehicle with tracks, or a corkscrew drive.
Crash site

Slowly, but not nearly as much as desired the sun began to droop until it was just a distant candle flame on the so-distant treetops where it lingered momentarily before it would drop finally as yellow-red turned to orange, and then a dark purple-blue until only the last few rays still remained.

With the setting sun came the cold. If the cold of before was any indication this new chill brought on was something new entirely that cut almost entirely through most of the survivors' cold weather gear as if they were stark naked. The few exceptions were those hunkered in the underbelly of the shuttle with makeshift fire making it at best uncomfortable.

Not all were hunkered down, however. Around a new makeshift windbreak an operation was commencing as the butchered remains of wreckage were coming together into a semblance of unity as the work on an all-terrain vehicle was taking shape and the constant work keeping the impromptu mechanics at least warm in spirit.

"No!" The one surviving mechanic tasked with the black snakes now broken vehicles argued a point with molotra on weight distribution as he waved about a prybar threateningly to enunciate his point. "One strong gale of wind will tip the whole vic over on its side if we do that!"

The 'skimmer' had taken a different direction than intended as most started huddling in the shelter and those who refused to sit still brought their minds together and ideas and work flowed together. The outrider was as good as scrap, but most of its internal rollframe had kept the body itself marginally in tact except for some easily patched spots of warmed armor. With the frame came the general shape and eventually enough of the shuttles omni-directional gravity system was salvaged from the roof of the shuttle thanks to the one kuz with Impulse armor and with some more salvaging from some single-seat skimmers a couple battery-powered powerplants were hooked up to create a bastardized hovercraft.

Steering was still complicated, essentially using several grav-pannels to push the skimmer in a general direction if on a wide turning arc. And it did not so much as brake so much as slow down to a halt over time. But it was functional...

For the most part.

The main issue was space and power. The former issue was that with the expanded frame and some makeshift modifications to expand the back it could fit perhaps only ten of the close to thirty survivors. Borok has leveraged his authority to decide that if resuce had not come first light then those most fit would depart alongside the powered armored pilot in his impulse Rammi who managed to hook his armor up to what was left of the main shuttles passive-running terminals to drain the last bits of juice out of them. It wouldnt do the suits long-term life any good but it got it most of the way charged which, if the crash was close enough to the main settlement meant he could
hypothetically make it most of the way there himself if it was within at most a hundred kilomiters and get a call out.

The skimmer would make the best-guess estimate towards civilization and do its best to get Rammi as far as possible so he could make his way and find a signal to call for help.

The latter issue of power was that the more weight was loaded onto the skimmer, the more power it would need to burn to keep it off the snow. With a team Borok decided would be no smaller than five not including Rammi and his armor, and supplies it was unclear how far the outrider-skimmer would make it with the two powerplants and little enough way to recharge them.

Regardless all the men Borok had chosen for the expedition included none of the marines. His men were better trained for the environment and better coordinated. The marines, he explained, would be better served watching over the wounded with Carinas medical care and staving off the many predators he assured were out there with their small arms.

"Enough!" The man himself strode out into the snow and the windbreak, his SOL physiology barely swayed by the incredible wind or cold for all appearances sake. Having to shout over the sound of a near-blizzard he gestured towards the shuttle which even barely a stone's throw away was almost invisible in the somehow already present blackout that had fallen on them in their fervor. "We have done all we can, save your energies for tomorrow."

There was still leftover scrap, electronics, and the like. But little else for more than a few handheld items that could at least be assembled in the warmth of the shelter. With a few knockdowns of a couple tarps their main project was sheltered from the weather best it could and the last souls outside scampered inside.

Shelter - Zero Dark

Inside the shelter of the shuttle was almost miserable. It was dark, but also just bright enough from chem lights and a couple flares and chemical fires. Just warm enough to break the chill but not enough to make anyone comfortable. There was a smell didnt require carina to tell any of them that someone with a severe gut injury was not going to make it. It was louder than one might think with a mixture of wind buffeting the shuttle barely muffled by snow, coughing, sneezing, moaning in pain, cursing, and quiet conversation.

With all that combined with adrenaline and stress only the few Carina could sedate managed a dreamless sleep, if any. At some point Kirill had found his grandmothers strung instrument somewhere and quietly played a haunting melody next to his still torpored cousin. The instrument was strange and made a chiming-stump sound unlike any guitar that almost sounded like a mixture of hard and chime and was almost electric in some way. The elf, herself, was wrapped in fabric and stacked unceremoniously with the rest of the unliving and would get her burial alongside the rest.

Borok showed no emotion to the passing of his mother, his niece, or any of his men. And sat with Rammi and the rest of the team he had chosen; Silently going over the best direction and route to take from what they could gather with the information on hand.

The rest who could not sleep amused themselves in conversation to break the tension and attempted to fix equipment, sorted through gear to bide time, or paced anxiously.

The time was Zero-Dark; Midnight propper on local time and the darkest part of the night.

For the team of marines stuck in their various tasks and busybodying, it was their part of the shuttle they found themselves in that first heard the sound. It could have easily been passed as displaced snow or the wind hitting loose pannels. But being just bellow ground level it was a concerning sound when something began scratching at the same level as them. Within moments something made an audible screech as a sound that sounded an awful lot like ripping the top off a can of sardines vibrated the entire shuttle and silenced the whole shelter as what could only be a part of the outer layer of the shuttle was somehow ripped open and there was a thud and scratching on the level above their heads.

Francis, who had been shaking nearly uncontrollably as of late and had only gotten paler in the cold silently pulled her styrling 12-guage to rest on her lap and ever so gently pulled the breach back enough to check the chamber but made no actual move yet.

Something was outside and somehow prying its way inside the shuttle above them despite its elevation. Worse it was on the same side as the burrow Clayton and the others had dug by the entrance. If some kind of predator managed to make it inside the tight confined of the shuttle's underbelly it could turn dangerous with the tension and amount of small arms present.

As quietly as possible someone finally moved as Rammi, the PA pilot began carefully crawling towards his suit.

It was the perfect time for Ikki, the near-fetally-torpor kuz girl and Boroks niece to come to her senses when there was an intense thud and dragging sound above them and began screaming seemingly for the sake of screaming again.

Above them, the sounds went silent as something pulled out of the level above them and something somehow slammed against the shuttle with enough force to somehow send a vibration through it.

"Move!" Kirill and Borok shouted at the same time to different people as the former traded his guitar for an M2 and shouted towards the marines and started towards the shelter's entrance alongside a couple of other steady mercenaries while the latter practically shoved Rammi towards his armor and drew an HHG from a holster.

"Kill the fucking thing before it makes a new hole inside, dont let it near the wounded!"

Unlucky Star

The Unlucky Star was a Terrene assault shuttle belonging to the local government militia and was currently, in the middle of the night, flying 20,000 foot above the ground while Masato Matokai sat on a pile of equipment crates with a thermas-cap of local-equivilent tea steaming unnoticed in his hands.
Arriving on Stenkagorad several days earlier it was his prompt arrival for his new posting on the dredge of a world that had been his first mistake. His exchange transfer for training and coordination had seen him better travel and accommodations seemingly than his new unit which had yet to arrive even on the planet.

While there was a barrack-berth for them, and by extension, him. Nobody at the terminal had the authority, inclination, or motivation to authorize him entry from the terminal propper and without a non-existent officer in charge to officially take him to his new station he was for all intents and purposes stranded at the terminal.

Unable to legally leave the terminal onto the planet or even take a shuttle offworld to the starbase in orbit he was stuck in a form of limbo and despite his rank, experience, and status was little better than a homeless beggar forced to sleep on a waiting bench in the terminal for two days.

With the locals taking KS as well as DA he could easily feed himself, use facilities, and even take a shower in a private-use stall for visitors that locked from the inside. There was little to do but people watch for the past couple days which gave him some insight to what the other marines had gotten in a briefing packet he would have gotten when officially checked in with his new superior. The people were nice enough for such a burgeoning underdeveloped world as Masato experienced almost oppressive hospitality from the local Kuzynetski settlers and was never short for company, stories, or even food even when it was impossible to eat more.

Likewise the other side of the coin was present and Masato first hand could feel the palpable tension in the air when some of the local-government mercenaries passed through the terminal. From his experience, he could recognize foriegn Nepleslian mercenaries from the once Kuvexian force that had flodded the sector with their purple-blue face tattoos denoting now defunct ranks and strata, metalic-gold brands of some now distant kuvexian fasion trend that had been molten-poured onto their faces if the pink scar tissue was any indication, and strange accents in Trade even for Nepleslians.

Besides them were rixxikor, elefirn, other strange alien races, and even a few Kuvexians and hybrids in their new plebian station.

Few enough of them showed him any ill will, and more than a few kikyo-native Nepleslians even sympathized with his current Limbo status. It was a group of these very mercenaries who had approached him a couple hours earlier, and under some actual weight of authority were able to take him out of the terminal proper to a local authority within the local branch of the NPF; Nepleslias police force who after first interrogating him out of the blue finally informed him that the shuttle they had been expecting had been lost after breaking atmosphere and was currently presumed to have made a crash landing. After giving little else useful information Masato was given provisional entry into the settlement and before taking a single step out of the terminal to find transport to his new temporary lodgings in the city proper was intercepted by a group of mercs he had seen frequently and had brought him to the NPF.

They explained that one of their ships was about to join the search around the last known location of the shuttle and expand their search from there and that one of the Militias commanders running the operation had personally invited Masato to join them for what was likely a consolatory gesture on his part towards a now orphaned soldier.

The Unlucky Star was hardly a rescue vessel. And the near half-hundred mercenaries riding it along with him not including the crew were scrambling about assembling equipment from anti-grav collapsible stretchers to offroad-tracked armored vehicles they had on hand with large heavy weapons still mounted. Things had gotten more and more excited within the last hour and it didnt take the Militia commander approaching Masato to know there was some kind of development.

"We found traces of what we think are the black box from the shuttle of the Feast of the Stars. It's patchy at best in the snowstorm but we think we've narrowed it down." The friendly officer informed him, joining him as they watched the controlled chaos that for a well-trained eye like Masato's couldnt not notice the body armor and full combat loadout of all the mercenaries and even several suits of Powered armor of unknown make being unlocked in their cradles.

"If my navigator is correct we should be upon their general location in less than a half hour after narrowing it down. My men will handle the rescue effort; Let them do their jobs and stay with me and try not to wander off. Stenka is dangerous at night and its easy to get lost in the snow. "

This man, Masato recalled was one of the commanders of the local militia. Despite his seemingly young age he carried himself well and professionally and despite clearly not being one of the locals seemed to have adopted their outwards charismatic optimism in his tone as he casually handed something to Masato.

If he could recall, the man's name was something along the line of 'Tsar' Masato remembered as he examined the polished white leather belt on the holster and the pearl-gripped 45. in it.

"Just in case." He might have winked behind his shades despite the hour but Masato could not tell more as the commander looked at him clearly expecting something from him other than stoic silence.
“Would help to know what’tha fuck it is!” Carina protested from where she’d been administering care. Monitoring those she’d treated and fretting like a mother hen. The girl had remained strapped. A rifle at her side, one of the huge revolvers at a hip and oh so many knives hidden about her person. As Ikki screamed bloody murder, one of Carina’s callused hands almost lazily held her in place. Just enough pressure to do so but to fight against it would be akin to trying to scrabble against a solid Durandium bar the size of the Marine medic’s arm.

Why hadn’t she just told Molotra to find a damn battery. And that damned gamma emission literally powered her skeleton and cybernetics? Likely because she enjoyed the fact, she held such a trump card up her sleeve..

As the kuz girl continued, Carina let go, cupped both sides of Ikki’s face and had her stare directly into the medic’s hazel eyes. “Lookit me, jus’ look at me. Keep lookin’. Breathe, damn it! Screamin’ ain’t gonna help.” It was an attempt at soothing and admonishing all rolled into one.
Waller sprinted towards Carina, using an overturned cargo bin for cover he started to yell at the mercenaries to start making overlapping fields of fire. "Spread out, don't get caught in a group. Protect the wounded, stay away from the danmed walls!"
It was so cold you had to use a flamethrower to thaw out your toothbrush. Old Nep Soldier

Caffran had spend most of the day moving around. Helping move wounded into the shuttle hull, looking over the skiff that Motol and Tobias along with some of the mercs were trying to put together. He gave more encouragement than orders. For some, just having someone around who seemed to not be too worried about their circumstances and that they'd make it out of her was calming. True be told, Caff was worried too. There was a good chance they'd make it out of here, but their was just as good a chance as something going very very wrong.

Even during the night, Caffran kept moving. He'd wrap his camo cloak around his head and step outside to see how things were going. Even tried to scout around a little bit but the wind was just too cold. It pierced through cloak, coat, armor, uniform and insulated bodysuit like nothing he'd ever experienced. He crouched behind a discarded crate out of the worst of the wind, tying to get a feel of the night. It was difficult to hear when so many layers were needed to protect his bare skin. He was about to head back in when he paused and looked around again.

Caffran had been a soldier for a long time and a hunter and woods man long before that. He had that animal instinct that warned you when you were being hunted. He switched his vision to inferred and then the to heat signature and scanned the area. Nothing appeared but he couldn't shake that feeling of being hunted. Finally when his body began to shiver uncontrollably he retreated back inside the shuttle. Inside the shuttle it felt almost balmy after the freezing wind outside. He unwrapped his head and did a check of his weapons, making sure they hadn't froze up in the cold.

That was when he heard the scratching sound. Caffran remained still listening. When Borok yelled to kill the thing Caffran quick threw his cloak back over his head and headed outside. He pulled out his Svafnir. Short, compact, and had enough punch to blow a PA off it's feet, Caffran held it low and at the ready while he scanned the area with his cybernetics. He couldn't see anything yet but he could feel it. Something moved along the hull. The Scout knelt low, trying to get to an angle where his shot wouldn't hit the shuttle and risk puncturing it. He saw the glow of somethings eyes reflecting the infrared light from his own eyes. Caff fired.
Unlucky Star

Quite a few things flashed through the digital mind of the man known as Matokai Masato as he studied the crude yet elegant lines of the Styrling Silver Special he’d been handed.

Fury, for he knew beyond a doubt that he hadn’t requested a transfer off of the Azalea II - let alone to a position he had zero practical experience in.

Embarrassment, both from nearly killing a Kuvexian - who'd only been spared when the Shoi's NSP misfired - and from the resulting interrogation he'd received from a particularly irate NPF sergeant.

Annoyance, at the shoddy, barely serviceable equipment he'd been given - though bringing said equipment back up to serviceable standards had admittedly helped the second day pass by much quicker.

Regret, for he knew that his chances of seeing Asami and Nasrin again were very, very, very close to zero.

Surprise, from just how incredibly, no, obscenely hospitable the locals (Kuzynetskis, they referred to themselves as) had been; clearly, the Yamataian view of Nepleslians as arrogant, crass, violent, selfish, gun-toting, beer-guzzling, and chain-smoking primitives was... less then accurate, to put it mildly.

And yet... despite all of that, Masato felt his features warm up ever so slightly as he lifted his gaze up to that of Tsar's, for at that very moment he felt one final emotion flow through him: hope - hope that maybe, just maybe, being planetside would finally put an end to his curse.

"Thank you," replied the AMES-clad Minkan in an even, level tone as he slipped the pistol into its holster and set about separating said holster from the leather belt that accompanied it. "It's appreciated, though I'll be favoring my NSP, as I'm vastly more familiar with it."
Outside the shelter Cayton was still busy digging the snow cave when he heard the loud thump and shouting coming from the shelter. Stabbing his knife into the snow he would crawl out of the snow cave and shout. "What the hell is going on now?" He stated only to pause and gawk at the creature he sees. Looking for a possible solution he didn't want to use any explosives that could harm the ship more and he wasn't sure his guns would piss it off or kill it. Pulling out his only potassium spike grenade left he would pull the pin and huck it near the beast into a snowbank. The chemical reaction of the potassium spikes and snow should make a big boom and snow cloud to scare it off.
At least that was the hope. "Fire in the hole!" He shouted before ducking back into the mostly completed snow cave.
Hel, Frozen Over

Lupin had been huddling in a state of half-sleep for some time now, still aware of the other marines and mercenaries moving around near him, but the crate he'd propped himself up against was so damn inviting. His mind wandered through the murky depths of half-sleep to dream of streaks of light cutting their way through the darkness above all the wind and snow, their paths curved by magnetic winds~

Then the scratching started, deafening compared to the roaring winds outside, and Lupin's eyes craned open. The lad had enough sense to not let the carbine cuddled against his chest fall or clatter, gloves creaking as their grip tightened against the injection-moulded steenplast furniture. Then the slamming started, adrenaline washing the fatigue from his bones as Lupin was upright in an instant and already moving, daring not to take his eyes off the wreck's entrance as a gloved finger felt into his weapon's chamber to confirm the presence of a round.

He let a few of the mercenaries filter out first just in case before breaching into the night himself, the gene-edited tapetum lucidum behind each of his eyes adopting a glow not too dissimilar from that of the beast currently assaulting them~

Lupin flicked on his carbine's infrared illuminator and briefly swept the snowy wastes with it, checking for more surprises, before training it at the angry blur trying to crack their wreck like an egg.

"Is it alone?" Lupin called out as he dropped low and fired off a few tight bursts, it was hard to tell with all the target's movement, but Lupin was trying to place his shots into the assumedly softer sides of the animal, seeking out those vital organs to try and finish this as soon as possible.
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IPG Leftovers Stuck in the Icebox

As Tobias was shaken awake by survivors scrambling around the makeshift shelter, feeling grateful for his Yamataian-produced environmental skinsuit. The piece had been one of his first purchases after leaving The Swamp. It now was a layer below his tattered uniform, seeing as how the majority of his spares had been torn up for either fuel for torches or for bandages. The environmental suit had managed to keep the chill from his bones, and as he rose he was at the very least not exhausted from burning calories to keep warm.

Almost immediately, Tobias' vision flickered to infrared, retrieving his ZARCNAM from his side. The familiar weapon had been hard to obtain inside The Swamp, but it too had been an easy requisition. The ex-operator pulled out the magazine for a moment, checking its load, still full like he recalled, returned the magazine to the weapon and then moved to Lupin and Caffran's side.

"Do you have any idea what this thing is Lupin? Canterbury, are you able to see in this light like we can?" He asked, while peering outside the shuttle, attempting to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing the ruckus without exposing himself too much.
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The situation had given Molotra no small amount of contempt for Borok's commands going forward. She admitted that her point of view was a little cyborg-centric, but having integrated radio connections would have made navigation a great deal easier, as well as made it possible to remain in contact even if the rescue expedition had to split up for some reason. But no, this was just another situation where pure organics put blind intuition before pragmatism... She cooked the rations that would spoil or become inedible in the short term, and then waited for the dull rage of being potentially abandoned to set in.

As always, there was no time to sit there and sulk, however. As was tradition, there was a sudden escalation of noise and carnage, as some other unknown entity began trying to kill them.

Explosions. Somebody outside was throwing grenades.

Lupin ran towards a hatch-opening, and she reflexively grasped her oversized laser-bazooka in order to follow, cranking the charge dial into an active state.

"Y-y-you're the one with the night eyes, wolf boy! You tell me!" The short tank sputtered out, wheels immediately becoming bogged down in what was now frozen, globby mud directly outside the doorway. "You bought tracers, right!?"

It was tempting to just start firing, and using the gun's own blasts as a light source. But not only might that put some new giant holes in their only shelter, she only had the charge for a decent five shots or so.

<"Tobias, are you awake?"> A quick digital missive. <"Giant... thing... no visual... Can you give me eyes on it? Telemetry? It's... It's going for the wounded, I think?... You think it can smell them?....">

It was hard not to have flashbacks of that night on Ukk, when the parasite worms rose up out of the ground.

Didn't know how they survived that night, either.
Shuttle Exterior

In the flash of light on reflective snow, shadows danced as too many men began to flood out into Claytons bulwark and began laying down small arms fire where Clayton and Caffran had shot. There was not the wild spraying of panic but the clipped, controlled bursts of reactionary fire in that direction.

When the potassium charge went off, it disrupted some of the massive snowbank that was building as wind built up snowdrift on the side of the shuttle, and kinetic and energy rounds alike honed in on something not far away but was distorted by the changing lights and the obscurity of near-whiteout conditions even so close.

"Hold fire. HOLD FIRE DAMN YOU ALL!" Borok strode out, clipping one of his men hard enough on the back to knock the wind out of the man as the SOL drew his HHG and pivoted the light outwards as well.

"The beasts here are large. But they are not simple; You must never underestimate them." He calmly stated, the now static lights landing on the assumed target as a shuttle panel opened up to the interior became lit up as men watched it carefully. Under the considerable overwatch and unprompted three of Boroks men peeled off and out of the bulwark. Covering their faces from the wind with one hand each the point man toughed it out with M2 raised as he advanced while the other two followed behind him with a hand outstretched onto each others shoulders to stay together as they advanced to cover the breach.

It was a tense minute until they were most of the way there when it happened...

There was no way to have seen it beforehand as it blended in with the snow against the shuttle as something almost as tall as the shuttle itself peeled back and pulled its massive head out of the hold it had stuck it in to investigate the insides. At almost 15m nobody would have thought the entire snowbank was a living thing, and as it moved and snow fell off of mophead-thick hairs of a fur coat that snow stuck to hiding its thermal signature a massive beast turned to regard the lights.

The shape of a man with two stumpy legs and arms thicker than the torso of even Borok it stood like a great ape covered in a thick coat of cold-defying fur that obscured even its facial features but for two beady black eyes that showed with cunning, savage intelligence, and an open-breathing maw of fangs longer than a mans arms that protruded up from the bottom lip and almost to its nose as it loomed menacingly down over them like the literal giant amongst men that it was.

The sheer size and proportions of the megafauna before them was downright staggering. And the obvious intelligence in its eyes as it studied them was as impossible to miss as when it brought its other arm out of the hold in the shuttle it had made, and with casual indifference while looking at the tiny and inferior men before it brought a missed corpse from the interior up to its mouth; Practically the size of a doll in its hand, and took a stunningly casual bite out of what had once been a man right at the shoulder with an audible crunch.

The sounds of screaming inside of the shuttle shelter from Iki, and the flow of a few people out of it who then immediately retreated back inside at the sound did not take much for such a creature to put two and two together to surmise that this nest of creatures before it had more biomass and sustenance inside of it to need only pass the warrior caste that guarded the anthills entrance. Two massive nostrils flared to blow out steam strong enough to displace the falling snow as, with many still processing the giant yetti before them it brought up an arm above its head.

A spiked the corpse it had bitten into their midst like a meteor; Collapsing a portion of the bulwark in its path as the yeti opened its maw and roared at them like a foghorn and lurched forwards what would only be a few long strides for its massive form.

These men were not so easily cowed, however, and Borok was the first to fire as his HHG barked.

And nothing happened as the massive HHG round simply blunted against its massive coat and obvious shield of thick fat.

Shuttle Interior.

was screaming. She was screaming and rambling at Carina in the Kuz with strange words with the unfocussed eyes of someone out of their mind in shock. Her hands had grasped Carinas fatigues and twisted almost painfully as she rambled while a firefight went on outside.

When the firing stopped the girl too seemed to wilt as she was forced to finally intake air and began to wheeze and cough in respite. A few had scrambled back inside at this point cursing and shouting in the language of the Kuz to no apparent sense to Carina as they got as far away from the entrance as possible to crowd at the back wall with what small arms they could muster.

One merc kept gesturing wildly at Carina and the girl with wild gestures. Between words, at least a couple came out as "Silence! Quiet! Shut her up!" which was punctuated by the sound outside over the silence after the gunfire of what sounded like a foghorn of all things and then more shooting.

The sounds were muffled outside, and inside many had gone deathly still and quiet. Even Iki seemed to retreat inwards and while still grasping Carina tightly seemed to be fading and just mumbling incoherently to herself and her surroundings.

"Hey." The word was almost missed, so quiet as it was with everything else going on it was easy to mishear.

"Sanroma." A bit loader, actually getting Carinas attention as someone nearby in a corner of the shelter and alone-away from the others called out weakly to her.

Francis was still sitting in the same spot she had been before, holding her shotgun to her chest and pointing down but ready she looked odd at a glance. Her posture was slouched and she was leaning heavily on one side and her legs splayed out in a way that would clearly be uncomfortable long term looking almost like a marionette puppet that had its strings cut.

The chemlight nearest to her was dim but gave off a warm white light to expose clammy, sallow skin and dark rings under her eyes as though all the color had been sucked out of her. She looked awake and aware but when everyone else had run off, despite being at the ready she had seemingly flopped right back down in her spot without notice.

"Something doesn't feel right." She stated clearly, still in control of her mental faculties even as her head was drooping onto one shoulder almost subconsciously and it seemed she was holding her firearm against her chest with little more than limp wrists as she began to visibly slump back against the wall of the shuttle to stay upright.

Unlucky Star

"Be careful with that." The commander, Tsar, warned Masato. "The locals might seem friendly but a few of them might not be able to help themselves to get their hands on something like that. Its nothing some of them couldn't make or even buy here but with the locals and weapons you see more often a keep what you kill mindset about them."

He continued to explain some nuance about the Kuzynetski that sounded genuine enough to be believed. In their fervor and fell moods for insight into what may be within reach financially or even within the ability of some of them to make it was not always easy so far from the core to get their hands on the niche or advanced. Masatos weapons, his armor, his very possessions he warned may be as valuable as dropping a Daisy suit of armor infront of some of the locals.

The local NPF, a barely token force kept mostly to themselves and did not interfere much in the colony and would likely be of little help or deterrence for him.

"They have a hard enough time keeping the locals away from your marines billet, or the ship in orbit still fully stocked as the last day it flew to worry about such things."

He looked to be about to continue when something that was before unseen rose up abnormally tall for the crate-loader it was prone behind. It looked beautiful at first. With a long coat like snow. But then he noticed the too-long face, the eyes of pure black with but a speck of white, and the long razor-like teeth.

Tall as a horse it looked around and stretched before noticing them and casually striding over with its thin and too-long legs as it towered over them and was simply ignored as commonplace by the militia milling about. Tsar noticed the beast and casually scratched it on the chest and under its chin while it loomed over them both, staring down Masato with unblinking eyes as it moaned what almost sounded but not quite like words in a high-pitched sing-song voice.

"You're not uncomfortable around dogs are you?" Tsar asked casually at the presence of a seven-foot tall horse-sized monster. "I heard most Yamatains are cat-people by nature."
Walker looked back to see Francis in a bad way, he made an executive decision. He slung his rifle and moved next to Carina. "Look after Francis, I'll take care of this one while you do." Walker went to a knee besides the medic and Iki, he made to keep the girl in a recovery position so Carina could look after the other member of the team. He kept the pistol grip of his rifle close to his hand, he could hear the continued bark of weapons fire from outside, and watched as Borok charged outside. He also dug into a cargo pocket and removed a cravat. If the girl started to scream again, he would be quick to silence, or at least, muffle her.
Shuttle Exterior

Tobias grimaced as the snowbank seemed to come to life, the creature's thermal signature beginning to show up even before it stepped into the lights that had been set up. They must not have seen it because of the layer of snow and its own insulating fur had acted to minimize the heat it lost while it was moving relatively slowly. He began to pull back slightly to within the shuttle's remains, dropping to a knee when he had a clear line of fire against the massive yeti-like creature.

He began to send optical data over the communication link he shared with Molotra and Carina, offering his perspective, and night vision, to help the other two build a better sense of the situation. <<It's big, really big, but at least it only seems like there's one right now. I get the feeling these things don't play well with each other.>>

The ZARCNAM 39 had been the former operator's weapon of choice while in the IPG, with its reliable action and underbarrel plasma accelerator, rated even to take down an M-10 Raider in a few shots or to act as a flamethrower. This was a time he was glad to have it by his side, even if he had needed to requisition two different types of ammunition for it. He called out "Stand clear!", waited for a split second, and then fired the launcher, sending a spear of plasma lancing out at the creature. He wasn't sure what it would do, but it was far better than plinking away with the normal fire from his weapon.
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Shuttle Exterior -> Shuttle Interior

This job, yes... They paid the tank girl to go to the worst planets, and put munitions into aliens...

Today, yes, so a... snow man... a giant walking carpet, angry and hostile incarnate...

Of course there was something like that.

"...A-b-b-bababominable sn-snow m-ma-mannn!~" Molo's chest wheezed, laughing through the increasing storm of gunfire around them. It was too absurd to be afraid of. Watching the bullets do little but wrangle clumps of snow from that ultra-dense fur, it was just so utterly demented and baffling in concept. "W-w-hat do we even do!?"

Tobias' communication seemed rushed by them engaging in fire themselves, and that didn't confirm the exact number of these things, or a proper plan of action. Heck knew if the damn things flew or breathed fire at this point.

The tank didn't use their own weapon. They didn't even try. They turned around and went back into the shuttle, rather than daring to get stuck outside in the snow.

Eyes dazzled and the interior not the brightest in the first place, their head bopped face-first into the lower abdomen of Walker. The smell in this interior compartment was horrific. A glimpse of Francis- Some unfamiliar girl- And Carina too.

Molotra's wide unblinking eyes tracked the worst of the metallic blood-smell to Francis, and observed a glossy dark patch spreading in their clothes around the abdomen.

Instincts said to keep a grasp on her laser-bazooka and prepare for a counter, but... The other medics looked busy, and she wasn't exactly sure how much life juice the unstable lady had left in her.

"...D-did you d-do that yourself?" A metal finger addressed it, raspy voice struggling to whisper through the gunfire-educed deafness and brooding panic. "...L-Let me s-see..."

Her first aid experience was pretty bad. But she did still have those molecure tape hull patches, from before Borok had shot down her vehicle building idea...
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