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RP [Die Screaming] I Shall Not Die From The Cold.

Shuttle Exterior

With little more than personal lights the true darkness of the hour and the biting winds kept everyone squinting at best as little more than personal lights and one of the nearby glow-poles the mercenaries left behind that stretched out towards likely the other shelter remained as the only thing keeping them from being swallowed up by the dark.

Even the shuttle, a stones throw away, could have disappeared entirely the light cast so short as it reflected off the whipping snow.
There was a tense atmosphere from the abandonment as tempers flared, morale and cohesion became fragile, and the true weight of the situation began to weigh. Masato and Haisley were now with them, outsiders of a sort but joined with them in the shared situation dispelling some of the suspiscion for just plain weariness from already tired individuals both physically and mentally.

With Tobias and Caffran both taking charge preemptively, there was a pause in the mental gears as training, loyalty, and a desire to simply be led out of the situation warred. The orders were similar enough that it didnt feel like taking sides or a line to be drawn.

The skimmer, only somewhat buried under the tarps and its windbreak was still there and waiting for use. It would still be cramped, slower than a crawl, and a bastard to try to steer but the part of the exposed battery bank and the heat it would give off, and the mass of bodies would keep everyone warmer than they were current when it started running. It has a sled jury-rigged as well just waiting to be loaded with supplies enough for a day or mores travel; Though with more bodies and the required supplies, it would weigh more and no doubt require more power to move and, hence, make it travel less distance.

Power though was the major issue. With the barely charged and scrounged batteries, the skimmer would make barely five leagues; Less than twenty miles and not even to the treeline where the closest ground-located signal was seen. If it werent snow, if they wouldnt sink and slog then they could take turns half in and half out walking along the skimmer, but to do so in the deep snow would run them dry even faster just waiting for them to catch up.

It would run. It could get them all most of the way there. But without more power in the half-full batteries, the skimmer would only make them die tired.

Whats more, part of the front hatch of the skimmer was already uncovered and someone was inside...

Nearby, while Molotra and the others worried about their survival there was more important work to be done as Lupin appraised the prize at hand. The Yeti that had attacked the shuttle was massive. And even with all the gunshots, plasma, and grenades looked entirely intact that had he not seen its death himself Lupin might think it still asleep.

The Yeti was the first Megafauna he had seen up close and even fought. The ones he and Caffran had tussled with had been crushed under the Terrene but the one at the shuttle; Even larger than those, was entirely intact. It had enough of a pelt that given time could cover an Agressor like a poncho with room for a smaller suit of Powered armor, and each finger ended in a wicked nail like a claw that was as long as any of his fingers and thrice as wide.

The real prize, however, was in its mouth.

With its massive maw hanging open with a tongue the side of his bicep hanging out Lupid was greeted with a proverbial treasure trove. Thirty-Two teeth lined its mouth in various stages of repair with a few of them being cracked, chipped, or broken. Each was as long as his index finger and ended in a sharp flute-like flat that implied the Yeti were more carnivorous than herbivores. There was gore and detritus and cloth stuck in between several of the teeth but what transfixed Lupin even more than those were the canines as four of its longest and sharpest teeth extended thrice the length of the others and were almost a foot long of four pointed porcelain daggers each as long as his forearm and as thick around as two of his fingers while being wider at the base and slightly narrowing at the points.

Shuttle Interior

A sound like a child's cough in the silence of the shelter drew Carina's attention from her thoughts as Francis began coughing weakly before wheezing for breath. With one of the glowsticks hanging above her Carina still had enough light to see that she wasn't lucid and had not coughed up blood thankfully but beside risking tearing her wound back open she was anything but still.

Francis shook and trembled like a leaf as a combination of the dropping temperatures now that all the other occupants had left, her considerable blood loss, and being soaked through her own blood and bodily fluids was dropping her internal temperature fast. The Fever was still there, trying in vain to keep her temperature rising but it was a losing battle. In her state it was more than likely that she would rapidly succumb to hypothermia as the cold and her lack of proper blood circulation slowly shut down or caused her organs to fail or stop her heart altogether.

It was blow after blow to her condition as everything fought for its turn to kill Francis Euphoria with Carina as the only stopgap to prevent or delay it. She could refill her medical supplies with what was left behind by the mercenaries such as various medical instruments, bags, drugs, and the like. But unless Francis got treatment soon she was fighting against the clock and against all odds as it was increasingly drawing that she would not make it through the night if left alone.

She needed treatment, she needed blood, and she needed to get warm as fast as possible otherwise Carina would simply be choosing which would kill her...

Shuttle Exterior

The large overwrap was not too hard to find from where Waller had remembered it last. Delayed only by the dark and wind he needed only to brush off the layer of thickly-packed snow that had obscured it from most investigation earlier as just more snow-covered debris as Waller first pulled, and then wrestles, and finally cut through the thick material until something was revealed.

A thick and sturdy metal greeted him that upon revealing more seemed like a massive drum of some kind used for storing materials but much larger. Pulling more an more of the tarp away his hand brushed the container and he recoiled in instinct as a tingle passed up his wrist and up his arm like pins and needles. Having pulled the tarp away from an entire face of the massive object his first approximation was wrong; While it was cylindrical in nature it was no storage drum.

A cylinder in the middle of a box-like metal construct it was robust and sealed by seams of massive bolts that lines its length in dark gray industrial metal. Various ports and connectors were bare on one side of it as a million warning labels, text, stickers, and symbols covered its mass in a way even an illiterate imbecile would know better than to meddle with what his mind was starting to put together what he was quickly coming to the conclusion of what this massive device was.

The size of a main battle tank; Such an Antimatter container was 90% containment for a small core within no doubt the size of his fist which was just another containment measure all its own. Large enough to power a small starship the Antimatter Container likely held enough condensed antimatter in its core that if ruptured and not dissoluted into the atmosphere could, under the right conditions, destroy an entire city...

And it had crashed with the shuttle and them...
Waller took a moment to ponder the significance of this veritable gold mine before him. If they could figure out a way to use this to power the grav-sled, or maybe even juice up some of the systems in the shuttle they could get a signal out, or at least have a decent chance of making it somewhere other than here. He quickly accessed the squad comms channel. "Waller here, I found an antimatter container here. The damn thing lit me up just by touching it, so we may be able to coax some go juice out of it. The container is about the size of the house. Sending the location data......now." He made his way back towards the gutted and dilapidated shuttle. On entering he saw the fragile state that Francis was in. She may have been a frigid bitch to him a few hours before, but that wasn't quite enough to have Waller let her die of hypothermia. He began to strip out of his Galactic Horizon Cold Climate suit and transfer it over to the wounded. It might not save her life, but at least she wouldn't have to die cold. The cold air immediately began to gnaw at his skin through his uniform as he foraged about for any bits of cold weather gear in the luggage and items left behind. He didn't think it would take long to get enough gear to at least maintain a survivable body temp.
Shuttle ext

Haisely felt as though she was in a dream, her mind wandered back to many days in her childhood spent in cold streets scrapping clothing and food together. The snow bit against her arms and while she wasn’t wearing proper thermal clothing the decision to wear long sleeves and a windbreaker we’re definitely good ones as they would stave off frostbite for now.

She didn’t know these people and they didn’t know her, so the punk girl stayed quiet and kept to herself, watching, observing the others to find out as much as she could. Their prospects looked grim, and her mood only worsen as she stood there.
Out In The Snow

"...We need to secure what supplies we have left, first of all. Borok kept us out of the loop. Even before things reached the roche limit." Molotra spoke to Tobias, suddenly snapping to a state without emotion. For all the frustration and despair, it seemed facts and figures were the one thing she could always rely on. "We need to reorganise. And figure out who to trust here."

...And then there was this oddly bookish, far too clean cut man now speaking to them, blue uniform and badges already desaturating with the intense build up of frost in this cursed place. The stocky red-haired tanker gave Matokai Masato a predictably harsh look, but didn't say much to him directly.

After all, it would be pretty pointless to infiltrate this sad bunch of abandoned rogues. It seemed more like he had been betrayed, himself.

So for now, she just assigned him to the 'Tobias can deal with this' box and moved on, legs snapping back into the form of caterpillar tracks, so she could ride back out into the increasingly fearsome gale of white. Somebody was messing with the anti-grav skiff. The door was open. Needed to check that out.


The pink haired girl was just standing there- Possibly a Yamatai civilian? More data was needed.

Soon enough, Haisely was visually accosted by some cyborg tank-thing even shorter than them, but with a distinctly chunky marine vibes and dirty ginger hair in twin billowing braids.

"...Well, you must have pissed somebody off..." They spoke in passing, not really stopping to make yet another stranded stranger their personal problem. "No shortage of other people's clothes in the shuttle... If you feel like making yourself useful, there is a wounded lady... Or you can help me getting parts together for this hunk of crap."

If they actually looked like a hacker to a spacer's eyes, they might have given them more credence. But as things stood, they just looked a bit too, well... Attractive.


<"I read you, Waller. Nice find."> She transmitted back to him a little late, but that was because she was still trying to figure out what else the mercenaries had taken before leaving. <"Problem is we don't have a transformer to downscale the power output... Right now that thing might only be useful as a particularly nasty surprise bomb... Maybe we can set up some kind of laser sail base, but... I don't know... Maybe we should concentrate on fixing the holes in the shelter, and leaving half of the people behind until we find out what's on that ridge...">

A shrug. She was at the anti-grav transport in meatspace now.

Pulled her pulse laser up around her shoulder on the sling, clonking it down onto the bottom rim of the hatch.

"Hey. What are you doing in there?"
Carina had let out a puff of warm air as a stray lock of her growing hair tickled her forehead. Francis was stable...ish for the moment. But that would not last. And the girl judged it would come sooner rather than later. With a muttered curse, what supplies the Kuz and others scrounged for her were brought to the fore. Raising her voice, Carina's accent was a lot less thick and more easily understood while continuing to try and salvage the woman at her feet.

"'ey! Anyone of you out there better get me somethin' warm for this lady. Right fucking now. A coat, fire, fuckin' mylar would work." she barked an order to which she had not one iota of rank to give. But then again you didn't piss off the healer. "'an I need volunteers for transfusions! If'ya know your blood type sound'tha fuck off!"

Holding a cartridge to the light of a glowstick she squinted. Nanites. With a grunt of approval, she loaded them into her hypolathe. It chirped at her that the quality was not up to the most exquisite of Nepleslian Medical Standards. But they would help get the job done and help stave off the encroaching specter of death. One shot in the jugular, and another close to the site of that gorgeously disgusting wound. Ejecting the cartridge she spied it still held enough for perhaps another injection. Best to save it for later.

But the small canister in the kit kept drawing her eye. Galactic Horizon's yellowjacket emblem was emblazoned on it. That was the Hail Mary last ditch actual quality shit. And right now it could very well put Francis into such a state of shock her heart would stop just from its application until she could bolster the woman's waning strength and stability. Another cartridge clicked into place. A pinkish liquid sloshed around inside.

"I don't hear no soundin' off!" her voice like the crack of a whip that held the promise of violence of the nuts in the vice type. Bedside manner be damned.

"Hang in there Franny," she muttered just loud enough for the downed Commisar to hear. And in a rare instance of sympathy gave the wounded woman's hand a soft squeeze and pat on her cheek. Afterward, she disinfected again of course. The liquid droksin also met her jugular and a few other things. A small cocktail of pharmaceuticals for only the most discerning of patients on their deathbeds fighting for survival in a frozen hellscape.

Setting the 'lathe down she tore at a packet with her teeth pulling the plastic apart exposing a blast bandage. At the same time, Carina went about the whole process in a methodical fashion.

<"This is turning into a losing battle."> Carina sent to both Molotra and Tobias. Both got a real-time visual of Francis' current state, the hands of blue nitrile readying a bandage.

<"Rolo, you find anything like mylar out there? Somethin' to reflect heat? Preferably meatbag size? This lady's an asset I'd rather we keep alive. But I'm losin' this shit.">

Their view quickly shifted as Carina's did as she looked into the medical kit now prepping an IV kit, 'Ringer' on the bag but instead of setting the bag up she tucked it inside of her clothing and against her bare skin. Ever since she received her generous 'upgrades' from nearly dying thanks to a psychotic gray abomination she ran a little hotter than most. And this was shaping up to be helpful in warming up the solution to a tolerable temperature.

<"I got her as dosed as possible without outright offin' her. And tha' hail mary,"> which seemed to be a canister with the GH emblem on it, <"Could probably save her, but more'n likely jus' kill her from shock. Plus this was part of'tha private stock."> emphasizing the last words. Molotra's cyborg kindred, it seemed was of a like mind when it came to stockpile for survival. She held things in reserve only doling it out under extreme circumstances.

And having a crazed man-hating Commissar was both a good and bad thing to have on your side. Good if you were of the fairer sex and saved their life. Bad if you had dangling tackle below but with the off chance of gratitude however high-handed it might come off as. The video feed cut out and Carina ran a blood test on her patient and waited on the results.

"Preferably if one'a you people are O-Neg that'd be fan'fuckin'tastic'. 'an if'ya got AB I might need'ya for plasma. We're talkin' transfusions people."
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Haisely scoffed as the mechanical menace made their assessment, that recruiter would pay for this as soon as she had network connection again, cushy room on a starship her ass.

"You know what, just tell me what needs doing i'd rather help you with something technical than deal with a dying person I don't know."

Haisely moved to follow the tank in fleshy form, idly kicking through some baggage to see if there was any decent clothing that might fit her. As the spacer pulled a weapon on the hatch of the vehicle the pink punk extended her claws and instinctively tried to find a corner or hunk of shit to hide behind.

"Not a friend of yours I assume?"
Out in the Cold

Caffran remained silent, processing Tobias's words. The man had some good points, and maybe Caffran would have agreed to that Bastard's terms but in reality the Sergeant didn't really know what his squad was capable up. He had only been placed in command a very short time of this rabble. He would need to learn his teams strength and weakness. He had planned to, he just thought he would of had more time before thrown into a situation like this. He would make a point to sit down with Tobias as soon as they were out of this mess and compare notes. For now though, there was work to do.

Caffran quickly returned the Shoi's salute. "Introductions later. If whatever you have on is sufficient for this weather give the Corporal and Private a hand with the skiff. Otherwise, get into the shuttle and see what you can find to insulate yourself." Caffran moved off to take stock of what was still left to them he came upon Lupin examining the dead snow creature. It was certainly an impressive beast. "Wish we had time to skin that thing properly." Caffran said to Lupin. "What a warm suit it would make." The dragon tattooed man thought about it. This thing was probably very valuable to the locals. It's teeth and claws would probably be very valuable for trade with the locals. Its skin as well.

"See if you can extract some of it's teeth at least. I bet we could trade them for some useful information once we get out of here. Also see how tough it's skin is to cut. We know it absorbed punishment like crazy hence how hard it was to kill but maybe once you start cutting it come easier." Said Caffran. If they were able to get some of the skin, they could insulate their wounded and their new 'friends' who weren't well equipped.

Before he could say more, he heard Carina yelling for blood. Caffran hurried into the shuttle. He saw Francis pail form. That decided it. He'd kill that Bastard on the spot if he ever saw him again and be damn the consequences. "I'm AB." Caffran informed Carina.
Quilly was ruffling herself up in a bundle as Tobias nudged her attention, tarp in hand. She took it without initially saying anything, immediately setting to trying to cover up her plumage. A grip with her pearly whites helped tie the knot before she commented, "We're not built for this much cold. The heat is usually enough to keep snow and ice from affecting our flight, but that's at subzero temperatures, not the thirty-below we've got out here." She took some time testing her freshly-limited mobility. It'd take some getting used to, but she'd never get used to it sitting around.

Standing up, the almond-eyed quail started fiddling with one of her grenades, safely starting to disassemble it with surprising swiftness. "Lucky I brought some low explosives with me. They're never gonna go long but if you wanna start a fire quick, take their container off an' give them an ignite. What we really need is some fuel to burn in the long term." It was hard for Tobias to tell if she was talking to him, or just talking out loud, until she actually mentioned his name.

"Tobias, what's going on anyways? That big thing that crashed seems to have taken off again, and knowing how things move up there it's another week before we get help. I'm thinking we use those... Whatever was outside to our advantage. Creatures, sounded like, so they might have meat. If they have fat I can try burning somma that but it's gonna smell awful, and barely be a net positive. AND it'll have to be in a shelter or else we're just wastin' what heat we get from it..."
Out in the Shit

"My thoughts too, sergeant, it should also lend credibility should we need to explain the finer details of this shitshow we've been stuck in... if some marines who look like they went awol came in trying to explain half of this then I would probably find it hard to believe myself," Lupin admitted as he went back to poking at the beast with his axe, testing how much give the beast had at various spots by how far the sharpened tip sunk in. But this was hardly going to be a clean field dressing.

By the time Caffran had started heading back to the shuttle Lupin had already formulated a plan of attack, rearing back his blade to strike at one of the few visible wounds inflicted on this behemoth's ape-like torso, taking a few good swings for his axe to actually catch on the greasy mass. It was a slow and far from surgical process for the young prince to turn a small pock-mark into a gash and eventually an almost two-meter long slash, using the slight slope the beast was on to naturally drain at least some of the blood away from the work site.

"I'm O negative," Lupin spoke between grunts, his undersuit's throat-mic doing a good job not picking up the squelching of flesh and snapping of bones that came from him trying to gain access into the yeti's ribcage, that liver could do Francis some good if she managed to survive the night. That organ alone was probably big enough to feed the whole squad for a day at least~

"Once the sergeant is tapped out I can offer some, I'll see what else I can find scattered out here to pad out your medkit, Carina. Out~" he huffed, stepping back to take a look at his progress barely managing to remove a section of a single rib as the snow beneath him blossomed into a messy red slush.

It was going to take a while... and they still had to see if the meat was safe to eat, but he'd bring back everything he could salvage from this fallen statue. Fat, meat, pelt and anything from the crash that hadn't been buried yet.
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Crash Site

With the amount of fat over muscle on the yeti it was surprisingly easy to skin a large portion of the pelt on the side, flank, and back; Netting a 10x12 rounded and uneven pelt at almost a hundred and fifty pounds in weight. As soon as it was exposed to the intense cold, fat and blood turned to slush and could be scraped off easy enough to cold-treat it and lower the weight somewhat.

One of the arms was also serviceable and when cut down the middle was large enough to make a cloak or poncho if a rather heavy one at nearly ten pounds it might only be viable for the extra weight in such an environment.

With the pelts rolled up and placed off to the side it was a simple blessing that the teeth came out just as easily. Each tooth needed barely more than generous force to wrench out of its socket with loose gums and under each tooth was a new nub of a new tooth, implying that the Yeti had evolved to likely shed milk teeth frequently and grow new ones likely yearly or more.

The canines were a different story. Each dagger-length tooth, while able to wiggle a bit refused to come loose. And it took lupin cutting into the gums and chipping away at the base of each fang in its socket to finally get them loose until he was thouroughly covered over one hand with disgusting yeti phlegm and plaque.

Meanwhile, outside the skimmer, the door was kicked open against having partially frozen shut and a familiar face stared out wide-eyed at the two women.

Kiril, Borok's son, flinched away from Haisley but at least recognized Molotra as he stammed as soon as a cold bout of wind hit him in the face causing him to pull back into the vehicle as a shelter.

"Apologies." The young man spoke, taking a hand off the pistol grip of the M2 he had at his side and becoming more at ease towards them as if he had expected a less warm welcome.

Slightly apprehensive towards the stranger that was Haisley but recognizing Molotra the young Kuz stammered off several excuses before, under the harsh gaze of Haisley and the cold calculating one of Molotra he gave in and shifted slightly to reveal something crammed in behind the drivers seat.

A brown-khaki tarp was wrapped and rolled and laid in the back of the skimmer to rest against its walls. It did not take much deduction or his eventual admission to tell it was one of the corpses of the crash.

"Even my father agreed that we couldn't leave her here. It's just not right." As if to reassure himself more than them he added; "Besides, I am an adult and can stay behind If I want. With us helping you at least have someone to help you navigate and orientate instead of driving blind."

It took a moment for the Us to register. As if speaking it into existence and the inclination it causes the two women looked about for anyone else only to find another already in their midst.

The suit of powered impulse armor had been as quiet as a ghost from wherever it had been hiding. Standing close enough behind them that had he not been in armor Rammi the pilot would have been felt breathing down their necks as little more than a foot separated their backs from the mercenary pilot standing behind them.

Without being able to see his eyes it was unsettling to not know his thoughts as he loitered close enough that he could have easily dispatched them had it been required.

"If we hook the container to one of the shuttles ion thrusters it won't do much down here but blow heat and burn it out. But it will work as an inverter and you can charge up and get a couple of miles out at least before it overloads the thruster and blows the rest of the shuttle with it. There's enough 20k cable in the shuttle that I can run the lines and have my suit take the ground without risking any of you."

Reaching past them, the mercenary pilot reached to close the door on Kiril who protested with a cut off "I can hel-"

"Shouldn't take me more than an hour when you are ready; Make any modifications you need or load up anything before then, you won't want to be here when that thruster overloads."

None of it was spoken as an order, but the cold inflection and accent had replaced the normally optimistic and friendly tone of his people as Rammi strode through the waist-deep snow like it barely slowed him down as he passed lupin and then Tobias with little more than a respectful nod to the former and a tap to his ear at the latter as if to say im on your comms.

It was extremely unlikely if not impossible that Rammi had a link to Tobias shared connection to Molotra and Carina, but there was still the radio net they all shared. With the impulse armors internal optics at play and not needing any mounted lights the suit of powered armor disappeared into the dark as if it had never been there but for a once again lingering IFF signal marking his location as he moved.

It was now just past 3AM local time...

Shuttle Interior

There was enough left about to swaddle Francis in far too many than was normal silver-chrome blankets that, while not able to warm her, kept what body heat she did have from escaping nearly as fast as it had been. In the light of the hanging and strewn about glowsticks that reflected off the wrinkled mylar fabric it almost gave Euphoria an effervescent glow about her to match her name.

In her supplies as well was thankfully everything Carina needed to perform several transfusions, as well as vacuum-emptied 250ml bags that, while smaller than hospital-standard 1,000ml bags made up for it in numbers and each bag having a lining of soft-passive nanites not unlike each marines basic nanite package that would remain dormant until they detected the right proteins in blood and should help clot any micro-lacerations that might still remain open and help her drastically reduced cardiovascular functions transport oxygen to vital areas like the brain and limit a chance of her having a stroke or aneurysm.

With a healthy military-age male like Caffran and the amount of blood francis was down already Carina was able to transfuse 100ml back into Francis slowly while filling up another 750ml in three moderate-life bags that should last the better part of 12-14 hours in sub-zero temperatures so long as they didn't fully freeze.

Her training kicking in, Caffran was forced to wait idle in the shelter after giving up almost 750ml of blood to avoid the risk of any vasovagal reactions when exposed back into the blizzard that might cause him to suddenly pass out in the snow and either suffocate or die of hypothermia before anyone could even find him. Their rations neither dwindling nor unlimited the Sergeant was crammed with half a meals worth of energy bars and a bag of freeze-fried pickled beats one of the Kuz had left behind as his crashing adrenaline rush and less blood content caused him to passively shiver.

When lupin found his way into the shelter for his turn on bloodbag-duty lugging pelts and crowns the shelter was as silent as the grave as a somber silence oppressed the four occupants with only one of them being without the faculties to actually speak by being unconscious.

Be it stress, tension, or something else by the time Lupin managed to plop down near Francis sorry state for his turn at the draw the fatigue of the entire ordeal almost knocked him out cold now that he was off his feat and it didnt take even the light of the glowsticks to see the same on Carina and Caffran as the adrenaline of the crash, the fighting, and their situation died down.

Even with a bright-white glowstick held over his arm, however, and reinforced skeletal musculature Carinas hands shook and she even dropped the needle twice before failing to find a vein three times on Lupins arm.

Staring blankly at the needle between her fingers it took a mental prodding from her JANE to actually remember what she was doing after zoning out and staring blankly at Lupin for several seconds and then at the small bruise on his forearm.

It didnt take the specter of Chiaki Kokuten tutting over her shoulder to know that she was crashing hard.
Waller watched the exchange with the two mercenaries, and passed on to them the info about the large anti-matter container. If the thruster blew, Waller wasn't sure how far away they would need to be for them to be safe from the anti-matter blast. He was a grunt, not a physicist. Once the info had been passed along, he set about gathering needed items and lashing some of the light bars, switched off, to the skimmer. Then spare ammo and some makeshift windscreens to hopefully keep at least some of the airflow off of them as they moved. It wasn't going to be a comfortable ride by any means. But it was much better than sitting here and waiting to become a human popsicle.
Crash Site

Haisely raised an eyebrow at Kiril as he poked out of the skimmer, it was obvious he wasn’t expecting to see her which sounded about right for how her transfer was going so far. The bright haired nepleslian didn’t react to his words, she knew when to shut her mouth on these matters, even if bothering to bring a corpse of some kind was a waste of space on what sounded like a very cramped trip.

“Well I’m glad i can recharge my gear though unfortunately it was all on that ship that just left, anything I can do without a suit to he-“ and the armour was gone.

It was directed more at the newcomer in the Impulse though since they left as soon as they arrived she looked over at Molotra, honestly Haisely just wanted to do something, even a tiny job to avoid standing around freezing to death doing nothing.

“Yeah nice meeting you too, jackass.” She muttered kicking the snow, hands now firmly planted in pockets with claws hidden.
Shuttle Interior

Lupin lazily palmed down his face, handsome features marred by dark bags beneath his eyes, the prince's two-tone crown of hair a matted mess as he sat there - managing to keep himself from falling over but not much else. Much like the sharks that circled Funky City's Quais area Lupin felt like his life had left him the moment he'd stopped moving and distracting himself with work, the fatigue from combat and sub-optimal conditions wreaking havoc on his body.

In retrospect, the hanging of pelts was fairly half-hearted, and he could still see a few bits of gunk that needed to be scraped off their undersides... later, he could do that later and hopefully not cut his hand to shit in the process. So here the sniper sat, one half of his black undersuit pulled down below his chest so that Carina could get to his veins after a few attempts.

The exposed skin was glowing red hot the moment it'd been exposed, the lad's suit maintaining his core body temperature and then some, but that extrav heat had been radiated off his headstone-like pectoral and muscular arm the longer they sat exposed to the chilled interior of the crashed shuttle.

"We should check that liver and make sure it's safe to eat... I also managed to find some scattered bits of kit out in the snow," Lupin mumbled, free hand reaching over to unzip his pack, which had the massive canine teeth tied to its back. He retrieved a blood-spattered IFAK and a small, unmarked autoinjector containing some syrupy, red liquid of unknown origin - both of which were slid across to Carina's half-slumped figure before Lupin added his jacket to the pile of things keeping Francis warm.

Reaching into one of his thigh-mounted pouches Lupin retrieved a GH autoinjector with a greyed, brackish-looking fluid visible through its window. All the markings pointed it to being a booster shot of Galactic Horizon's own brand of medical nanites, something from Lupin's personal kit, something expensive.

He was quiet for a long moment as his nanite-laden blood was leeched into Francis' veins, jaw clenched tight as he stared off towards an inky stain on the floor of the shuttle, having no idea who or what it belonged to. Visibly angry as his half-exposed chest rose and fell, scar on his pec twisting as the muscle beneath tensed up.

"...this is all pointless though, really. They're willing to kill a bunch of Marines via proxy over, what, nerimium shipments? We were sent here to secure a supply chain and the thing that kills us might be a petty dispute over something as archaic as land claims? Maybe I'm just over-analysing to try and stay awake but it's really all quite pathetic~" the secret prince huffed quietly, muscles finally relaxing as he slumped a little further back into the corner he'd claimed, taking a small sip from his insulated canteen.

That free hand lazily reached down to his PTT device in the pile of gear, slowly clicking the button down.

"Quilly, you were looking for something flammable? Managed to rend some fat from one of the yetis, that and some gutted upholstery should give us some way to start a decent fire~ I'm over with Carina giving my blood to Francis, out~"
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On The Clock

<Lupin, when you're done with the blood, start carving up chunks of that fat and wrapping it in spare fabric. We've only got an hour on the clock before we've got to get out of here so there's no sense in burning it now, and that stuff intact is going to be our ticket to a quick fire if we need one even if the smell isn't great.> Tobias said over the team's comms. <If the signal ends up being a bust, we've got to be ready to bunker down with whatever we can carry with us.>

The ex-operator began to sort through what was left of his box of equipment, pulling out a spare of his model of environmental suit and a small emergency kit, setting it out and checking the contents of the kit. He'd noticed that one of the newcomers had lacked any kind of environmental protection, and called out to let Haisley know that that he had a spare suit for her. Things would be hard enough without someone else getting frostbite. "It's not going to be a perfect fit, but it'll be a damn sight better than what you've got now. Won't be running out of power either, that's why I bought this model." He explained.

Finally, he turned back to the cloth-covered Elysian next to him, and began to explain the situation. He covered the attack from the giant apes, the crash of the mercenary ship, and how the commander of the mercenaries, Tsar, had left them out in the cold, both literally and figuratively. "We've got an hour before Kiril and Molotra get us moving, but for now let's just get you into the vehicle. It's a smaller space so it'll be warmer inside there, and in the shape you're in you're not going to be doing any work out there in the cold with us."

The ex-operator offered the Elysian a hand up, helping her onto his back as he carried the bundle of blankets and wings over to the vehicle and finding space inside the Skimmer to deposit the Elysian while he stood outside to continue to coordinate the marines. <Molo, Kiril's got something cooking, a way to get our batteries charged using one of the shuttle's thrusters as an inverter. Whatever you need to do to get that plan working, do it.> The message was once again sent over the team's normal comms, so that Kiril could hear.

I checked with Arbs about moving Quilly
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Crash Site - One Hour Later.

Fatigue or not it was hard to collapse from exhaustion the way the shuttle shook and vibrated horribly as if those inside of it were experiencing being caught inside an active dryer as it shook itself to death when a brick was chucked inside as an external Ion thruster spun agressively enough that had it not held so long already one might think it would have torn itself loose.

It did not actually vent or thurst. But the internal mechnisms spun and provided power even as the entire rear section of the unit glowed an ominous and forboding red as superheated durrandium fought to catch and vent heat faster than it could be warped.

With all the equipment that could be loaded onto a sled at the read of the outrider-turned-skimmer, most of the team waited eagerly for the final assumed percentages of power that it would need to be completely full and necessary to even have a chance of making a lone and solitary signal so far away. Francis had been loaded like a swadled child without so much as a protest let alone regaining conciousness as a bag of plasma and fluids were hung by a piece of warped metal over her frail form and fed into her arm. Cramed morbidly alongside her was the wrapped up elf-corpse that while thawing had yet to show any signs of decay as of yet.

Beyond that, there was barely enough room for everyone with Kiril having to lay prone over his grandmother and Francis' legs just to fit in the rear. With rammi remaining outside and confident in his ability to keep up with a makeshift vehicle able to reach top speeds of three miles per hour all that was left was Molotra at the proverbial wheel; Or more likely the series of additional grab plates that would start an arduous shift to the left or right if they had a hundred meters to spare just to make a turn...

When the batteries were as charged as they could take without blowing them, Rammi in his impulse armor began pushing the vehicle slowly from behind to give it a start and with a thwump of releasing cabled the skimmer was off to a snails sprinting pace.

With less than an hour before the thruster popped like a firework it was tense at best if they would even make it a kilomiter or more before then as the skimmer drifted more than anything at a brisk walking pace. Within fifteen minutes they at least could not see the shuttle any longer through the blizzard, and within thirty they had passed the other shelter. Lacking any reliable lights to work off of in the dark a few of the light poles had been scrounged after being left behind by the mercenaries and with a slow pulsing rhythm as they passed with the poles strapped to the outside of the craft like whiskers.

Just past the other shelter and almost out of sight from even that there was a light.

At first able to mistake it as the spotlight of perhaps a rescue craft the interior of the skimmer lit up from behind and a shadow cast ahead of the skimmer. From behind, however, there was no light source but for a black streak somehow even darker than the night itself that swallowed even the blizzard around it and illuminated its surroundings in the twinkling glitter of twilight stars as a section of event horizon tore their surrounding in half like a rent in reality itself.

It was oddly silent. And even inside the skimmer, no sound escape even their mouths despite their best effort as even that too was swallowed up.

And then the implosion reversed like a popping bubble and the blizzard was blown away for a mile in every direction and the second shelther behind them was hit with such force that it rolled partway over. The sound came rushing back then as, even broken by the second shelter from the blast the shockwave passed over them and were it not for the armored aspect of the glass on the doors they likely would have shattered but instead wobbled concerningly for a moment.

As the Ion thruster went off, it tore open the antimatter container and, luckily, only created a small enough breach to vent the container's insides to dissipate in the open atmosphere. Still lethal were they any closer it was a lucky save compared to the hypothetical megatons it could have unleashed were it ruptured properly.

When the shockwave passed there was nothing left for them to return to behind and the only way was forward.

Nine Hours Later

At some point, even the most vigorous of them had succumbed to deep, dreamless sleep from exhaustion. One by one conversation had ebbed and consciousness faded until all fell asleep upon one another in an awkward and uncomfortable mass of bodies in the cramped space. Unguided but set on its course the Outrider-skimmer continued without prompting or guidance as the heaviest sleep any of them would ever recall took them in its grasp for hours and refused to let them up until, finally, the outrider jolted violently forwards and down and slammed the entire vehicle and its passengers hard enough forwards to jolt them violently awake as bodies intertwined and fell over one another.

Pointing at a wall of white the front of the skimmer was embedded into a snowbank larger than it could overtake and had collided with it gently but enough to jostle its passengers into the land of the living once more as muscle fatigue burned limbs and joints, and almost drunken confusion overtook some just to recall where they were. With groans and moans more pressing needs took over as bodily functions made themselves know and ready as stomachs and bladders warred for attention.

Outside, while not yet sunrise, the blizzard had faded and even the snow had ceased falling as the darkness gave way to the twilight of pre-sunrise of at least a half hour or more from the red-ball of fires predicted to rise into the skies.

At some point and unclear as to who was responsible, One of the vehicle's doors was opened and cold and still freezing air rushed in to throw the last bits of sleep from them and wake them up completely as a literal new day greeted them.

It was time to get their bearings and decide on their next course of action from what they found...
Skimming on Hopes and Dreams

Like everyone else Haisely eventually found herself succumbing to sleep, trying to curl into a ball as removed from the pile of bodies as possible the short Nepleslian girl had a fitful rest with plenty of mumbling and tossing. In her dreams she was being chased, hunted, mocked, and served ice-cream on some occasions, truly horrific dreams.

As the dawn of the next day and freezing winds it brought with it washed over the group Haisely awoke, sat still while looking around with one eye for a moment, and finally attempted to carefully untangle her body from the rest since it looked like she’d woken first.

”Yo, I think we’re stuck, anyone got any idea where we are?”
I See A Red Door…

With a pain-laced groan, Masato opened his eyes - only to immediately wish he hadn’t, for what surrounded him was the ultimate proof of his ultimate failure: the inky blackness of Hell itself…

And the smoldering ashes of what had once been his home - no, not just his home, his final home.

He desperately wanted to remove his suit’s helmet and make the pain, the self-hatred, and the remorse go away forever via exposing his tear-streaked face to the relief that was the cold, hard vacuum - and yet the Minkan couldn’t even do that, for his arms, body, and legs were seemingly bound by invisible chains. The Shoi Kohosei screamed in raw, primal anguish as his rage, his frustration, and his fury all boiled over…

”Yo, I think we’re stuck, anyone got any idea where we are?”

…then froze, his blood turning to ice - and a frown adorning his features - as the voice of a dead Nepleslian crewmate echoed over his suit’s comms. Wait, what? That doesn’t make sense, because I know Koyama-Taisa would’ve never let her precious ship be tainted by something as “unclean” and “barbaric” as a Nepleslian, so how… oh, I'm dreaming again…...

* * *

There Goes Your Tip

With a pain-laced groan, Masato opened his eyes and let out a lengthly sigh; though relieved that he’d remembered to mute his survival suit’s internal speakers before nodding off, he was still thoroughly annoyed that he’d forgotten to set an alarm - because he always ended up reliving a traumatic experience or three whenever he closed his eyes for more then a few hours. And they wonder why I’m a night owl. Anyways, let’s not make that mistake again, because if they ever find out…

After relieving himself - whoever had invented catheters was, in the Shoi’s opinion, a certified genius - Masato undid his makeshift restraints, made the decidedly painful mistake of stretching, unmuted himself, and with a noticeable wince said “Ouch… ehm, uh, is everyone alright?” as he looked around at everyone else.
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Spacers were supposed to love vessels of a home made quality- The careful touch of personal craftsmanship was akin to imbuing the vehicle with its own spirit. Humans had felt the same thing going back thousands of years, referring to all of their motor vehicle's ignominious quirks as mere 'personality', something they came to cherish on long mutual journeys.

But Molotra hated this skimmer. Absolutely loathed it. Borok's engineers had taken their simple minded copycat bullshit and managed to assemble a motor car into something even worse than a motor car... There just wasn't any time left to argue. An hour wasn't enough time to come up with a better plan.

So there she was, stripped down of all her armour panels and tank treads, a metal skeleton trying desperately to save every kilogram of weight that they could. Her autogyro at least kept the damn thing straight, even after her organic brain gave out. Some semblance of a direction had been obtained on her internal compass, using the radio transmission on the ridge as a sort of lighthouse, but she couldn't be sure that things hadn't been altered accidently in her half-conscious stupor.

"...Doors open..." A groggy tone, unclasping her excessive amount of seatbelts. "...Can we get a head count?... Lupin? Toby? Carina? Quilly?..."

With the hiss-click of autolimbs, the girl rose awkwardly and gazed at Caffran, then Francis... But only got more annoyed, when she realised she couldn't check the pulse of the wounded woman, with her finger sensitivity as screwed up as this.

"Haisley wasn't it?..." A sideways glance, barely able to see in the glare of the red-orange haze outside the pod. "Since you asked... I'm throwing you a signal profile. Better if we both triangulate it."

Whilst the data loaded onto the Nep catgirl's device, giving her access to what the tank had gotten from the shuttle's black box, Molotra stepped out into the powder and readied her 'pistol'. Just the underslung shotgun attachment of the M3, without the M3.
Waller was in such a happy place. His arms wrapped around an impossibly beautiful woman of seemingly angelic proportions. The mess of her strawberry blonde hair exuded the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Her warm flesh cradled against his own and… then he woke up.

He eyes creeping open to glanced around the white hell scape to which they had been sentenced. The intense need to empty his bladder became his foremost thought as his mind became focused enough to realize he had his arm around another marine.

Caffeine, cafferty, no….Caffran. OH FUCK. He was spooning Caffran. He ever so gently extricated himself from the lovers embrace he had found himself in, hoping no one would realize what had happened. He was suddenly very happy for the helmet visor that was hiding the very deep red shade of crimson on his face and ears…..
Snow Crash

Tobias stirred from his slumber, doing his best to rouse those who had not yet woken. His first concerns were towards Lupin, Carina, and Quilly, each of whom received a shaking which could be described as gentle only if one were being extremely generous, with the exception of Quilly for fear of damaging the Elysian's hollow bones. Turning then to wake the group's CO-in-name, he found Caffran being spooned by one of the newer marines, Waller.

Giving Waller a slight smirk before he polarized his visor, Tobias clapped the man on the shoulder as he began to make his way outside to investigate the situation, "I'm sure there'll be no hard feelings, marine. After all, the nights are long and cold here on Stenkagorad."

Exiting the skimmer, Tobias found himself almost ankle-deep before his feet met compacted snow, allowing him to regain his footing and begin to survey the situation. He reached out with his mindware, searching for the signal that they had come all this way to search for, and instructed Molotra to do the same. <Let's see if we can't find what we came all this way for, is the new one helping?> He asked over the private comm-net, referring to Haisely as he idly asked the cybernetic cat-girl "How's the suit fitting? It was all we had on-hand, so I apologize if it's not quite right."
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