Star Army

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RP: Abwehrans Dietrich's Expedition

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Inactive Member
Act One: The First Of the Gathering
Jaspis System
1300 Hours Standard

Jaspis glowed sullenly in the dark, lighting the moon called Abwehr. Ships flitted between the world and orbiting stations, happy to be about their business. Far from them, in the shadow of the monolithic defense station Fortress, a large force gathered. Hundreds of ships of different styles, sizes, purpose, and nations. They were arranged in simple groups, weapons powered down but communications abuzz with talk of the coming 'operation'. Aboard the Abwehran Battlecruiser Rosenthal's Star, Dietrich waited for more of his guests to arrive.

The Observation Deck's lounge was large, flat, and had been specifically outfitted with a small table and uncomfortable chairs. All around -- with the exception of the door leading out to the corridor linking the deck to the ship -- was a view of the space around the capital ship. Sitting at the head of the table was Dietrich, glossing over information on his Touchcomputer.

The Deck's hatch would open to reveal two individuals. An older Nightwalker with a bald head and quite a bit of scarring along the right side of his face grimaced as he entered. He wore an Officer's Uniform of the Weltraumflotte and his rank insignias seemed to identify him as a Kommodore. The other gentleman wore the uniform of the Foreign Service, which had no rank insignia. He wore his silvery hair cropped short and slicked back, while his tanned skin didn't seem to hold any distinguishing features other than a neatly trimmed moustache. "Herr Dietrich," the bald Kommodore stated. "I'm Kommodore Alfons Junker, Commander of this Task Force." he introduced gruffly.

"I'm Hans von Muller," the silver-haired Abwehran replied. "Battalion Commander of the Mercenaries you hired."

Yamatai's forces consisted of Taisho Ketsurui Yui's two fleets, the First Fleet and the First Expeditionary Fleet, both consisting primarily of heavy-hitting battleships and cruisers along with gunships. They were fresh from the battle at Ether and still marked with damage from their brief and victorious scuffle with the NMX. The combined fleet numbered roughly 500 starships, centered around two seven-kilometer colony ships ready to move UOC refugees.

"Welcome Herr Junker, Herr Muller. I'm glad that you could join me for this impromptu meeting. The Yamataian representative should be calling in shortly, so we can begin to coordinate our operations." Dietrich said with a brief glance and absent smile.

A chime sounded as the YSS Yamatai hailed the Rosenthal's Star.

The communication's officer on the Wahrheit's bridge deftly redirected the call with a mere statement of "The Yamataian Commander."

The Star Army's commander, Taisho Yui, had personally come to surpervise the operation. "Gentlemen," she said, looking pretty comfortable in her captain's chair. Yui had chest-length dark green hair and red eyes like glasses of cranberry juice. She was dressed in a skirt uniform.

Both Abwehran Officers brought themselves to attention as video of the Taisho came on, bringing their upper left hands to their eyebrows and their lower left fists to their chests in salute.

Dietrich merely nodded his head in recognition of Yui, setting aside the Touchcomputer.

"Guten tag Taisho Yui. I'm very glad you could join us. This is just a small meeting, and I was hoping more would be present, but..." Dietrich shook his head. "Well, I plan on another, more official meeting later."

He stood, taking out another Touchcomputer from the depths of his red duster's pockets and sliding both computers across the table to the Abwehran officers. Perhaps the meeting's quick assembling was stressed by what Dietrich wore -- his comfortable red duster and his polo shirt and dark pants. His red-and-orange eyes seemed intent on the view outside, however, as he began staring off while he talked.

"Those are my immediate plans, and what I expect to be ready for the expedition in time for our leaving five days from now."

The computers both showed a list of goals, summaries of ships, troops, and transport capacity, including civilian and mercenary additions. Yui would recieve a data file outlining the same, sent from the Wahrheit quietly. Two Mercenary companies, Seigan Solutions and Paragon stood out for their contributions. Origin was also mentioned to have pledged to the cause with transports and escorts for them. Nepleslia was an unknown and... Well, the list went on. The immediate plan was a strike on Shugosha, a fringe UOC world that would likely be sparsely defended.

"The Star Army stands ready to assist you. After Shugosha is secure, we intend to push to Jiyuu and secure the capital system. It will likely be the largest battle we must face in the UOC territories," Yui explained. "I expect the NMX resistance to be extremely extensive given they know we are coming."

While Hans merely nodded, since he was there to do whatever his employer told him to do, Kommodore Junker cleared his throat. "All very well and good, Taisho," the rank came out slightly strange in his thick accent. "However, I'm under orders from High Command to maintain watch on any civilian craft and transports being sent for humanitarian aid," the Flag Officer replied. "Parliament seems interested in keeping the Empire out of trouble," he continued, though leaving out his own opinions on the matter, "so I am to only fire upon NMX vessels if they are a clear and present danger to the transports."

"Kommodore," Dietrich interjected, "We all know that the moment we appear on NMX sensors that we'll be targeted. They simply don't care about politics. Without any declaration of war they proceeded to bomb and occupy worlds, stations, and emplacements in YSE and Nepleslian territory. They'll likely try to destroy the entire group with whatever force that can be brought to bear, to make it as quick as possible. We don't have the luxury of waiting for them to fire first -- there will be no warning."

"Quite," Alfons replied. "And I will be sure to adapt to the changing situation...however, I still have lawful orders to follow."

"Would it satisfy your superiors were I to ask the NMX to step back and allow us to evacuate Shugosha colonies?" Dietrich asked.

"I don't know, Herr Dietrich. You've obviously worked with Parliament more than I have." the Kommodore replied blandly.

"Indeed I have." Dietrich turned and cocked an eyebrow. He folded all four of his arms across his chest in thought. "I figure that once the NMX are within weapons' range that everyone is in danger. Taisho Yui, what have you to say on this?"

"That sounds about right," Yui grimly nodded. "I would not expect them to be anything but hostile, unless they specifically offer some sort of armistice...and that is unlikely. The NMX have shown that they care precisely nothing about killing civilians, regardless of whether the civilians are peaceful or harmless. That attitude is also why the expedition is so urgent and necessary."

Alfons was silent for a moment before nodding. "Then I believe my superiors should find nothing to complain about when I put a few 600mm Spikes through an enemy vessel." the Kommodore stated non-chalantly. Though Hans seemed about ready to chuckle on that comment.

"Taisho Yui, I had planned on deploying Paragon and my Foreign Service troops for the evacuation sites and transports, but I still must wonder if any Yamataian ground troops will be present on Shugosha? Also, we have a distinct lack of Anti-Parasite capability. Infiltration will be a definite problem."

"I am working with limited resources and hope to deploy my ground troops to Jiyuu if possible. I can land some on Shugosha but they will have to catch up to my main force as soon as they can," Yui offered.

Frowning for a moment, Hans cleared his throat. "Far be it for me to be a bit prideful, but if we have almost three different mercenary groups, including our 3000 Foreign Service infantry, I believe we can allow the Taisho's ground forces to be held back, Herr Dietrich," the Battalion Commander responded briskly.

"You're correct, Commander." Dietrich said.

"Very well," Yui nodded.

"That still leaves the issue with the infiltration of infected personnel." Dietrich said with a grimace.

"Yamatai can supply you with some scanning equipment that could detect infected individuals. I do not know if we have enough for all the colonists. The best course of action would be to monitor the refugees and to segregate them as much as possible. We can detain them on the ships until they are cleared for departure. That brings up another matter...where will we bring the rescued people?"

"I believe my medical staff would be delighted to get some information on his subject," Alfons stated. "Though that does bring up a valid concern. I'm sure the Abwehran Star Empire would definitely let refugees in, but they'd have to be place on space stations due to the gravity. An mention of 'infection' may spoil the possibility considering...'previous encounters' with such situations."

"I'm afraid placement of refugees will have to wait. That is something we require input from the Nepleslians for -- and they have not yet arrived in-system. I think it also makes for an excellent place to stop for the time being... I'll send out the schedules for the planned meeting later on, so we may all be present. Thank you for your time." Dietrich said.

"Ships would safest since the parasites can spread in the open air. Yamatai is currently looking for somewhere to set up refugee support camps," said the Taisho. "Good luck."


Act Two: The Round Table

Jaspis System
1800 Hours Standard
Expedition Time -0200 Hours
Aboard the HMS
Rosenthal's Star

The Observation deck had been changed again. Instead of a lounge meant for the relaxation of the crew, and in the stead of the small (and quite uncomfortable) chairs and table from yesterday, there now stood a large circular table. At its center was a simple projection device, able to display intangible objects and pictures in rendered 3D. Toward the 'back' of the room, instead of seats there sat two similar projectors.

But the rest of the deck remained unchanged. The walls were thick windows to the outside world, and the only solid wall was the one with the door out. Should danger present itself, in a matter of seconds an armored cocoon would enwrap the glass and to protect the occupants within. Meanwhile, however, it provided a breathtaking view.

Hundreds of ships hovered outside. Most were merely specks of light at that distance, but the more visible ones were as varied and different as the nations and people who operated them. Abwehran transport ships, Yamataian transport ships, Nepleslian transport ships, warships from Yamatai and Nepleslia mixing with corporate ones. Perhaps the ships themselves were ugly, but the collection of them from far and wide was simply beautiful.

Dietrich stared at the Touchcomputer in his hands, the window to his back and sides. He appreciated the good light given from the cieling lamps as he looked up every now and again to mark things on a piece of paper. In front of every seat was another Touchcomputer, ready for their new owners to begin to explore them. They would be let in in -- Dietrich checked the time -- twenty seconds.

After the twenty seconds was up, the first of the representatives arrived- this one was a Captain of one of the ships in the independent group of Origin's OriSec fleet, commander of a Kouken-class sent to escort ships helping out in the evacuations. He'd been in one evacuation effort before- having fought in Origin's own battle to evacuate Tami several years ago, and, as such, his commanders thought it befitting to send him in- mostly because they didn't want to go themselves.

This man, Robert Toyomo, was a somewhat older man of the Geshrin type, with a very short beard, just more than stubble, and brown hair, which was mostly hidden underneath a Black Ballcap that had the Origin Industries and OriSec logos emblazoned on it, as well as the name "OIF Halberdine" stitched onto it just above the brim. He wore his Origin Uniform with pride, and carried himself as one of gentlemanly disposition.

Finding his way into the room, Robert Toyomo made his way over to Dietrich, and bowed slightly, not a traditional Yamataian bow, but a much more elegant form of bow normally associated with Nepleslians. he righted himself, before holding out a hand and introducing himself. "I am Robert Toyomo, Captain of the OIF Halberdine, and Origin's representative in this endeavour. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mister Dietrich."

"And you, Herr Toyomo. I'm glad that Origin could make it." Dietrich said, standing and setting aside his computer. He shook Toyomo's hand "Please, take any seat."

"It would be my pleasure." Toyomo responded, nodding to the Abwehran before finding a nearby seat, and seating himself upon it, before looking over the touch computer, pondering what to do with it, or if he was supposed to wait for something.

The next person to walk through the door was a tired looking Nepleslian man wearing urban BDUs that where covered in some kind of grime, his name was Sergeant Hanover, Paragon's representative by random appointment. He also walked up to Dietrich, putting up a salute. "Sir, Captain Nylund sends his regards and regrets about not being able to make it, I've been sent instead." he said.

"Ah. Well, by all means take a seat. There's a Touchcomputer with information for you to review. It includes ship counts, their donators or owners, and how many we expect to be able to evacuate."

"Aye sir," his hand dropped and he moved to a nearby seat, bringing up the small devices interface.

Without any particular ceremony or warning, one of the projectors at the back of the room turned on to display an avatar composed of two interlocking gears. "And with that, the meatbag and myself have arrived. Well, kind of. Misophist. Truly a pleasure."

The aforementioned 'meatbag' entered the room several seconds later, in the form of Grand Admiral Vladimirus Corcyra. "Gentlemen. I am Grand Admiral Corcyra, head of the Nepleslian forces on this operation." He looked to the avatar. "I see you've already met our Freespacer liaison."

"As far as is necessary," Misophist continued. "I am the designated Strategic Operations Mainframe No. 2. We were...made to run a war that your puny brains cannot comprehend the totality of. My better half is also with me should you require it."

"Well. You are both welcome in this endeavour; I'm sure your insight will be valuable in the times to come Misophist. I'll forward you the pertinent information. Admiral, you may take any seat you wish." Dietrich said graciously.

Corcyra found a chair and sat, but not before taking his datapad from his uniform's pocket and beginning to click through it.

"Unfortunately, Taisho Yui has sent word ahead that she will be late to the meeting. Something about Pizza. Anyway, we shall go ahead without her. To the first order of business..." Dietrich picked up his Touchcomputer again, and checked it.

"Perhaps the thing we need to be most sure of is how many evacuees we can put where."

A chime sounded as Yui's ship hailed them. The Rosenthal's Star's comms officer forwarded it directly to the projector set up for her.

"Ah. She made it just in time. Welcome Taisho Yui."

"Good day, Gentlemen," Yui replied. She was walking through an engine compartment of some sort and had to move into a side corridor so she could be heard properly. The camera followed her as she walked.

"Well. Back to what I was saying. We need to know where we can put the evacuees."

"Evacuees? It seems my projections overestimated them. I was expecting all of the populace to be dead by now. What a shame. In any case," Misophist's gears clanked, "We have a colony ship we were planning to drop from high orbit onto an enemy formation, but that can be repurposed."

"...That would likely be best." Dietrich said.

"We should send this defective intelligence back to the spacers for a functioning replacement," Yui suggested, now in a turbolift.

"Oh, I am trying, my dear. I learned from the best after all. I studied the scenario of the genocide approximately 4915 times in the last month." Misophist chortled. "One day I may be as good as you."

"Excuse me, but this isn't the place to play politics. We have a mission, and a lot of innocent lives are depending on us. Please reserve this for private channels or for a more formal stage." Dietrich said icily to them both. "Anyway... There is less a problem of transporting capacity as where to put them when it is all done -- these people can't live forever on these ships. Many of them are government or privately owned."

If necessary I can find more ships to use as temporary housing," Yui offered. "My colony ships can support the refugees as long as they are needed, since the Empire's colonization programs have been effectively halted by the war. We would even purchase more ships if needed...even from the Lorath," she added with a grumble. "My nation has a vested interest in showing goodwill to the UOC citizens."

Corcyra spoke up. "I assumed we'd already thought of this. Regardless, any refugees who want a place in the Imperium are welcome to come back with us and apply for citizenship, and it's possible for us to set up some refugee centers."

"If I may," Misophist chimed in, "After the genocide we became rather adept at settling refugees and have treaties for this purpose in place with numerous races, including the Lorath and Iroma. We could undoubtedly convince the latter to donate further moons for this purpose."

The Iroma? Dietrich remembered hearing about the horned humanoids, but he knew little about them. "Very well. If further arrangements need to be made I'm sure dialogue can be opened again in the future."

Dietrich glanced back down at his Touchcomputer, and tapped the screen several times in quick succession. To those armed with their own computers, a display of the Shugosha system would appear. "This is the next item. I request this fringe world be our first target. The NMX know we're coming, but assaulting obvious frontline worlds is foolish -- they should be weaker here, allowing us to breach their defenses and evacuate as many civilians as possible before reinforcements arrive."

"Star Army intelligence indicates that there are at least two thousand NMX ships within 30 light-years of Jiyuu and also that there is a significant presence of SMX forces as well," Yui interjected. "The force includes at least three flagships capable of destroying stars. Our best chance is speed."

"Indeed, and that is why I recommend Shugosha. The likelihood of an NMX flagship in Shugosha is close to nil. The goal is to evacuate as many as we can before having to depart due to enemy reinforcements. From there you can split off to strike Jiyuu as you planned, and the rest of us can strike another system which will likely be almost empty because of your new assault." Dietrich provided his reasoning with a small smile.

"Because of the blackout, it is unlikely the survivors know we are coming. It will be a race to gather them all in the minutes it will take for the enemy forces to mobilize," Yui noted. "Perhaps we can send a small advance team to notify the locals and assign assembly points and get good LZs."

Hanover opted to speak on that regard, "We have a two companies worth of special operations troops as part of our deployment, their specialization in infiltration and escape and evasion may make them the best to deploy for that task ma'am." He commented.

Vlad frowned. "Why would we concentrate all our ships in one system? Especially a backwater. It would be better to go to multiple worlds with sizable populations to evacuate them, and make a stand against coming reinforcements. The more spread out the Mishhu are, the better for us, and the better for the civilians."

"An alternative solution may be possible. What is the expected number of refugees?" Misophist queried.

"The UOC never was able to perform an accurate census," Yui said, "But based on Yamataian population data, 2,880,000 people left for the UOC. The number remaining is estimated to be significantly lower, though."

"Grand Admiral Vlad Corcyra's assumption of insufficient fleet strength is based on the assumption the number of ships is limited." Misophist explained to the room. "It is not. It is possible to have 2000 additional ships among three fleets to jump into low orbit around various planets. Calculation error will result in 8% immediate casualties due to jump error. The remaining vessels will deploy ECM to create a blackout. Result will be chaos. And fun."

"The NMX is not particularly suspectible to communications disruption," the Taisho pointed out. "And our best bet is to stay ahead of them. Remember it will also take time to move through each system's Hill Sphere."

"The deception is not in the blackout," Misophist retorted. "It is in the number of vessels. Our civilian vessels are indistinguishable from our warships at long range. A distraction, is all. Naturally some of these fleets will pick up refugees. Others will be genuine warships. They will not know which is which until well within interdiction ranges."

Corcyra smiled. "I'm bringing along a sizable contingent of IPG ships that specialize in making sure that the enemy has a hard time pinning down ship numbers. I can disperse them to other systems, make us look like we've got more men where we're not."

Misophist sighed. "In any case I'm moving my Militants to your ships, Admiral. Clearing out that colony ship for pickup duty...speaking of which, where are we planning to deploy ground troops to other than evacuation zones? I brought a whole bloody army to collect combat trial data on and we aren't even going to conquer a planet..." The AI trailed off in a dejected tone.

"Well. You all have legitimate concerns, and legitimate ideas. I didn't expect to have a mechanical army in the mix, and since they'll be landing anyway... I recommend striking at manufacturing centers and communications centers especially." Dietrich said.

"As to focusing everything on the Shugosha system... I felt it was the best idea, considering it would likely be the weakest defended. The problem with splitting up our forces is that -- as Taisho Yui said -- there are over two thousand enemy ships in the area. We have perhaps a thousand, and far too many of them are simple transport ships incapable of combat. Splitting up isn't the ideal -- we'll be isolated and crushed. But perhaps after Shugosha and the subsequent strike on Jiyuu by Taisho Yui, the rest of us will be able to slip through to other worlds while combat occurs in the UOC's former capital." Dietrich explained.

"Have you guys considered 'requisioning' peacekeeper force ships that have been abandoned at anchor?" Asked the sergeant. "They wouldn't be much but in the very least they'd add to the task force's combat capability even with skeleton crews."

"I find the possibility of working but unused ships not very likely in this war-torn sector," Yui noted.

"You know squiddie tactics ma'am theres a damn good chance most of their crews never even made it to their ships and the squiddies haven't started scavenging yet." Countered Hanover.

"There is a good chance they have zombies at the helm," Yui countered.

"Alas, I suppose that means my Automata would be best suited for the job...I will have to carry the burden of capturing and using these vessels," Misophist piped in.

"Nothing a combat team can't clear up, or a few homicidal clinkers." The sergeant said gesturing toward the avatar.

Dietrich interjected himself there, "While the possibility remains -- however remotely -- that the UOC has left ships at anchor, I doubt we will have the opportunity to acquire them. But by all means if the chance presents itself go ahead and seize the ships."

"No one said they have to be functional, either," Misophist added. "As long as some of the guns are working, we just send over a team with a microreactor and bring them online. Hit them right where it hurts. Hell, maybe drop them from orbit and make us some orbital batteries..."

"I like the sound of that idea. Misophist, send some of your automata you want for that role to these ships," Corcyra punched some keys on his datapad, sending the AI a list of several Malchiks. "They can drop you off, and the Operators can help you onboard."

"I suppose we all plan to strike Shugosha, and move on from there?" Dietrich asked, trying to organize all the information.

"I just looked Shughosa up and SAINT says there are approximately one million people on the main planet in the system," Yui said, stepping into her office. "We may have to go back before we hit Jiyuu."

"The likelihood of rescuing everyone is nil. Between the amount of losses the NMX occurred upon occupation, and the time we'll have to evacuate those people... We're not looking at a million."

"I can bring in a 4th Freespacer fleet, but that's pushing things. Direct encounters with battlegroups will suffer 1:4 killratio casualties -- thats, on average, four ships lost per each of theirs killed." Misophist muttered quietly to himself, "I expect a total casualty percentage of at least 18% without escort, overall. This'll put a serious dent in the rebuilding efforts..."

"So what is our exit strategy, scortched earth?" Hanover asked the group, "We can't just leave behind all of that infrastructure and let alone the food or breeding cattle those we can't pick up represent."

Corcyra frowned before speaking. "I've got more than enough ships to cover your transports, Misophist. No offense, but your tech can't hold up to the Mishhu. Nepleslians can hold the line against the NMX at Shughosa, provided Yamatai's picking up the slack at Jiyuu. As for what we're leaving behind, I'm thinking we burn it."

"The infrastructure will do the Mishhu no good without people to maintain it. We should not waste time on disabling it...though I agree any military assets should be neutralized," the Yamataian admiral suggested. "Remember: speed is key."

"I agree with burning military infrastructure we leave behind... But the possibility exists we won't be able to stick around long enough to fry it all. Speed, as the Taisho says, is everything." Dietrich added to the others' statements.

"If that's the case," Misophist chimed in, his tone rapidly changing to a cheery one, "Nukes! Drop them from orbit, timer on the warheads, and set them off after evac!"

Yui had know that was coming. "We want these systems to remain inhabitable so we can eventually recolonize them."

"I'm with the Spacer on this," replied Corcyra, "an Orbital bombardment is quick and easy, and scrubbing radiation isn't exactly hard. We can use our plasma cannons, if it makes that much of a difference."

"If you render a world uninhabitable, I must say that you'll find me gone without you so fast you'll be spitting dust," Dietrich said coolly. "Precision bombardments only, please."

"I'm not saying we render the entire planet dead, it would be selective nuclear or antimatter strikes targeting population centers, military centers, and production facility concentrations. Leave the squiddies nothing of possible military or economic value." Responded Hanover.

"Let's not forget there may be innocents left behind due to time constraints. I do not want their blood on our hands," Yui added.

"Anyone we leave behind is Mishhu food, unless they are heavily armed or are very stealthy. They are no more than infastructure the enemy can utilize for their own war effort. If you insist," Misophist spat the word, "on being moral, we're saving them a prolonged period of torture as food or toys, or even zombies."

Taisho Yui scowled. "It is not our place to mercy kill. As long as there is life there is hope."

"Keeping your own personal hands clean is more important than relieving the suffering of others, as is the case with most organics. For me, however, it is not," Misophist retorted.

"Kindly cease arguing. We are not murdering the remaining people on these planets, we are not rendering them uninhabitable, and we are most definitely going to rescue as many as possible. Misophist, from what I can gather from the Lazarus 'Net and the messages you are currently exchanging with other nations you value straight-forwardness. Well, simply put, I will order my mercenary forces to fire upon any of your ships that so much as harms a hair on a civilian. Understood?" Dietrich was serious.

"The Star Army will do the same," added Yui.

"We will nuke strategically significant targets. Projections indicate that NMX forces will concentrate around these points, making any civilians in proximity at least three times more likely to be killed anyways," Misophist snapped back. "The sheer value trade-off of a mine or factory to the unlikelyhood of one or two survivors makes the choice clear."

"Then perhaps you shouldn't be a part of the bombardments? It will be better to leave it to the precision weapons of the Nepleslian and Star Army units. You are free to deploy your Automata to aid with the defense of evacuation centers, of course." So long as you don't bomb them. Dietrich thought.

Corcyra sighed. "As much as it unsettles me, the 'Spacers do have a point. Any infrastructure we can take out, needs to be, even if it means a few dead civilians. We are at war, and Yui, you know as well as I do what the NMX does to a world they've taken over."

"By that logic, we should simply exterminate anyone on the ground because they could have been exposed to parasites. It will be inevitable that these 'zombies' will infiltrate our rescue ships. So what? We have to fight for every life we can save. We can't start justifying the murder of innocent bystanders to win a war. Will they die? Of course. Do we have to encourage it, or purposefully put them in those situations? No. Kindly do not put me in the position of bidding for lives because one objective might be better than another." Dietrich argued.

Hanover pulled a file recently uploaded by a Paragon sweep team in Funky City and put it on display, it was from the point of view of their helmet mounted cameras as they entered a building. A few minutes later after moving past piles of bodies the squad was fighting their way through a Mishhuvurthyar hive, off to the side the camera's view could see their various 'activities'. "Thats what your bleeding hearts will be consigning to those left behind."

"Save it," Yui said. "I have been fighting the Mishhuvurthyar since YE 26. I know what they are capable of. We are the good guys. Let's act like it."

"We seem to be at an impasse. I recommend we all stop and take a breath to collect ourselves." Dietrich finally said.

"I would like to point out," Misophist interjected, "Certain parties here have a vested interest in keeping their hands clean due to their politically significant status, which may skew their judgement with factors outside the war situation itself. I, however, have no such status. Nor does the mercenary. We both agree striking these targets is the correct course of action."

"I also have no politically significant status. I gave it up to save lives. That's what I plan to do, with or without any of you," Dietrich said with a shrug. "I never expected for anyone else to try and help -- at least, not entire nations. Kindly keep your politics away from this expedition."

"I have offered a compromise of only striking strategically significant targets, rather than a population extermination. I have been more than accomidating," said Misophist, his digital voice straining.

"No nuclear weapons," Yui said firmly.

The Nepleslian admiral shook his head. "Very well, my vessels will take care of orbital strikes. But, I must not allow my ships to take on any passengers in areas of heavy parasite infestation, and I'd like to point out that zones like that should be razed unless you'd like to save the Mishhu a lot of work."

"Then we are agreed as a majority. If there is nothing else, I suggest we depart for our various ships to prepare -- unless someone has anything to add?" Dietrich asked.

"We have an accord," said Misophist. "No fission-fusion weapons. We will limit strikes to conventional, chemical, and nanomechanical virus warheads."

"Misophist, I recommend you not take part in the bombardments unless directly requested from non-automata ground forces... Just for the peace of mind of others," Dietrich suggested.

"The Star Army will begin conducting reconnaisance sweeps with our scout ships immediately to let us know what is ahead," Yui said. "Again, I recommend we send for a replacement SI from the Free State."

"That won't be necessary, Admiral," Corcyra responded, hoping to head off any more headache-inducing fighting between the Yamataian and Free State reps. "Misophist, I'm sure I can trust you to follow my lead on this?" The admiral spoke with a hint of venom on his voice.

"How about someone send us a replacement neko" mumbled Hanover.

"Sergeant Hanover, I will remind you that I'm the one holding Paragon's contract here and I reserve the right to cancel it for any reason." Dietrich rebuked his employee.

"Fiiiiiine, mother. Conventional and short-half-life chemical warheads only. There, are you happy?" Misophist snapped.

The Nepleslian admiral grunted. "Never. Are we done here? I need to prepare my fleet for the jump."

"Yes. We are done -- thank you all for attending. I will let you know when my units are ready to depart," Dietrich said.


Act Three: "You Are About To Embark On A Great Crusade, Toward Which We Have Striven These Many Months..."

Jaspis System
1800 Hours Standard
Expedition Time -0005 Hours

The ships were assembled. The Rescue Ships would arrive two minutes behind the main military force in Shugosha, formerly of the United Outer Colonies. Crews were readied for combat, final messages sent home by the many soldiers and sailors being sent off to battle. No one knew what would come of the Expedition. Many suspected more death, bloodshed, and pain as had happened for the last two years since the beginning of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War and to no avail. Too many expected defeat.

In part, that was why the Expedition needed to happen. Perhaps that was the reason so many nations had pledged support for Dietrich's rash little crusade. People needed hope, and seeing an opportunity to provide it to them, those leaders had offered aid.

Dietrich checked the time: five minutes until the Expedition left. An electric thrill ran through him at the thought of going into combat. Once they exited Fold, all hell would break loose. He keyed up a message for everyone from the meetings: "If we succeed, we're blessed. If we fail, we should have seen it coming. The Void bless you and keep you all."

Corcyra entered the massive bridge of the Rok'Veru as Dietrich's transmission came in. His expression didn't change at the grim message, and he continued along the catwalk to the large captain's chair in the center of the huge room, scanning the room the make sure that the dozens of crewmen were ready. He opened a channel to all the ships under his command.

"All hands, fold jump in five minutes. Finish loading the Automata and stow non-essential objects. Marines, be suited up by the time we exit fold. This will be a rough operation, be ready for anything. Corcyra out."

Colonel Watts was one of three people on the small bridge of the Kouken-class escort leading the mercenary formation of ships. The volumetric display in front of him began flashing from yellow to green as each individual unit under his command checked in and signed off of their status.

The operations officer to his left confirmed what he already knew, "All units have checked in and are awaiting go order sir." There was a slightly nervous tone in her voice.

Watts opened a channel Dietrich, "All Paragon ships ready and accounted for." He leaned back into his chair watching the image display as the armada assembled before him.

It was mere moments before a large Mothership jumped in alongside the ships, and Misophist broadcasted, "There's an 85.62 percent chance of a favourable outcome, so no need to be worried." It paused for a moment. "Oh, and I have the other three fleet scattered outside the UOC deployment zone ready to jump in. Happy day."

All things said that needed to be (Yui remained silent through the brief exchange) the Expedition folded on-time. It would take them fifteen minutes to arrive, since the lead ships needed to slow for the rest of the fleet.

When they did arrive, however, they found a contingent roughly half their size waiting for them. NMX and SMX Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers, and Destroyers were arranged in one large blob toward the core of the star system. Their enemy sighted, it began a head-on rush for the Expeditionary forces.

"Watts!" Dietrich opened the channel to his employee, "I want you to follow me toward Shugosha II. It's the closest and we'll be in the thick of it. Deploy your troops on the colony and start evaccing survivors."

The massive Rok'Veru pulled out of Hyperspace right behind several hundred other ships, in the middle of a massive formation of Nepleslian warships stretching thousands of miles. The Grand Admiral's bridge was immediately a storm of activity, as the fleet CIC was barraged with information about the incoming Mishhuvurhtyar fleet.

"Fleet, keep the carriers back, screen them with the C-lines. I want our DD4s and Tolchoks forward. Wipe the bastards out. Operations, I want all of our fighters scrambled and our Point Defense up immediately. Get the Curbstompers firing, HT torpedos, focus on their battleships."

The walls around the bridge displayed the system as a massive hologram, as bright red targets indicated which unlucky Mishhuvurthyar ships would bear the brunt of the Nepleslian assault.

"Rodger that, Kines!" Said Watts as he glanced over to the operations officer.

"Orders away sir." she responded, now genueally nervous.

The escorts formed up into two chevron formations, one in the rear one in the front, all the while using their secondary weapons to screen the incoming NMX strike craft and torpedoes. Between them where numerous transports, mostly Origin equipment being used by the mercenary army. This group followed closely behind Dietrich's formation.

Scimitar starfighters danced among them, pursuing and destroying any strikecraft that survived through the screening fire.

"Alright boys and girls," Misophist once again came in over the comms. "While your lot is playing military parade, I have gunships harassing every border planet in the UOC. Projections indicate the Mishhu will peel off somewhere between one-sixth and one-fourth of their fleet to check them out, at least until they wise up. Better hurry and get fragging!"

Several of the Don Quixote transport ships began surging forward towards the planet, wasting no time in hotdropping through the atmosphere towards major population centers.

The NMX threw themselves against the Expeditionary forces. Battlepods, Strikecraft, and PA tangled between the two masses of ships, settling into the grim work of slaughter. Numbers told in the battle: NMX ships were outgunned by their more numerous enemies, and knowing this left their more aggressive cousins (the SMX) to toss themselves on the spearhead. The NMX were already spreading out on the 'flanks' of the Expeditionary forces, trying to get at the transports just arriving. Curiously, several freighters had arrived just slightly too early behind the Expeditionary force.

Origin rushed forward, covering the Don Quixote ships. Taisho Yui threw her own forces into a central offensive with the symbolic Plumeria leading the way.

Dietrich turned his handful of Abwehran ships toward Shugosha II.

The Paragon Colonel was keeping his formation close, it wasn't his job to engage the NMX fleet it was instead to survive until they hit the surface. As a result most of his strikecraft where kept on a leash and weren't in the mash of single ships between the two massive formations.

Already the first of the Quixotes were touching down in parks and parking lots. Although what they were saying couldn't be heard, there were suited 'Spacers motioning evacuees towards the loading ramps.

The Nepleslians were being substantially more conservative with their transports than their comrades, sending out their Redhills out only several at a time with fighter escorts, landing them in cities onworld. Once on the ground, marines spilled out, firing at any Mishhu they could see and herding civilians onto the ships hurriedly. Medics scanned everyone for parasites as they boarded. The unfortunate few to be carrying one were executed on-site.

Above, however, the Navy was being as aggressive as one would expect a horde of furious Nepleslians to be. The vanguard of the Nepleslian forces, mostly comprised of Tolchoks and DD4s were filling the Mishhu ranks with aether fire. Hray gunships targeted multiple lead Mishhuvurthyar battleships with EMP torpedos, followed by Tolchoks sending waves of scalar radiation to try and find a vessel that had had its damping field disabled. Casaulties were thankfully still quite light, with only a handful of ships inoperational.

The NMX and SMX continued to put up staunch resistance, even as they were quickly forced to give ground to the attackers. Combat began to center around the more populated world of Shugosha I -- both above and below. On the ground, beams of Aether slaughtered both sides indiscriminately, and Koynagi City itself went up in a vicious flash of orange Aether. The offending NMX battleship in orbit was quickly silenced before it could attack another city. But the truth was, even the other cities were likely lost. Between the parasites and the resident NMX garrison, freighters were hard-pressed to land or take off or to even collect civilians. Thousands were infected, and had to be executed before they could rush the freighters or clean civilians with suicide bombs or other weapons.

Suddenly, the freighters that had arrived noticeably early behind the Expeditionary Force revealed themselves to be a new NMX Cruiser-type. At close range, they each acted like a dagger with their singular cannon and volleys of aether torpedoes.

The first Paragon starliners began air dropping their units as the front of the formation reached the operational area. To compound the existing issues the surface was barely habitable as the first boots began hitting ground and engaging the NMX garrison.

Corcyra swore as the freighters behind him began to open fire, and felt minor vibrations as one of their cannons smacked the shield of his flagship. He made a mental note to scan everything he saw in a system in the future. "Send the C-lines after them, we have enough space between us and the main battle group."

Dozens of the C-series battleships that had been shielding the larger carriers broke off and began pouring fire into the new cruisers with deadly accuracy and a massive wave of F-2 attack drones, even as some of the warships fell to the surprise attack.

On the ground, several dozen transports had already been lost, and marines were beginning to convene together in the center of cities and fortify large buildings against the hordes of enemies present, and waving their un-infected charges into the fortifications for later pickup.

"All units be advised, beginnig hotdrop of Automata." Several Quixotes began simply dumping them out the hangar doors from a short distance above ground, where they would simply pick themselves up and begin firing their autocannons at the nearest target. They steadily advanced towards the landed transports to begin setting up a defensive line there, keeping the NMX at bay with heavy caliber fire.

Just as Paragon forces arrived and began trading fire with the admittedly lacking NMX garrison of Shugosha II, several Aether bombs at the center of the mining detonated. Any survivors that had been there were there no longer. Additionally, from tunnels dug into the surrounding terrain of the colony produced NMX forces. They were pitiful in number, but in the wake of the explosions they managed to strike the green Paragon troops hard.

Meanwhile, above Shugosha I, the Mishhu forces had ceased to give any meaningful resistance as their formations broke apart under the stress of the combined Nepleslian and Yamataian assault. Many simply turned and fled with weak parting shots. On the ground, however, it was a different story. NMX ground forces harried the expeditionary forces constantly with hit-and-run assaults. Nepleslian Marines gave a little ground, but refused to give up their prepared positions. The Automata without prepared positions quickly found a large armored force attempting to wedge itself through a small gap in their line.

Out by the asteroid belt of the system, Origin made its presence known where combat began between it and several NMX vessels protecting the mining facilities there.

As the inexperienced mercs fell back the emboldened NMX would rapidly find themselves in a full on threat enviroment as fighter bombers and VTOL gunships began hunting for targets, the latter of which proved devastating as it was directed toward the advancing NMX by the very troops they were pursuing. Slowly but steadily ground resistance from the NMX was ground up in a combined arms mechanized machine. Issues began arrising however as crowds of survivors began making their way toward the landing zones, thermal scans by the aircraft overhead began indicating as much as 20 percent were infected. These indivudals began various attacks, either directly assaulting Paragon personnel or blowing themselves up at key points. Several incidents broke out where nervous troops simply sprayed entire crowds with automatic weapons fire as things went from hectic to chaotic.

Through the loudspeakers of its vessels, Misophist boomed, "Die you vermin! For each machine that falls I have a thousand more waiting to replace it! You will be erased from this planet! Run while you can!" It laughed maniacally.

The second wave of hotdropped Militants began breaking off to aid the Paragon forces, and Misophist blurted over the comms, "Simpletons! If you require reinforcement, just ask for it! I'll only charge double hazardous oversight pay, which quite frankly is a bargain."

An hour later the bulk of the fighting was over, and civilians were beginning to flow more freely into transports. Every now and again, surviving NMX ships or garrison units started up a scuffle, but outnumbered and cutoff they did their best to continue surviving. Taisho Yui bid farewell, took the very small handful of NMX Nekovalkyrja prisoners, and shot off toward Jiyuu.

Reports were coming in from the Freespacer AI's distraction forces: fighting was heavy elsewhere, but the NMX had peeled off to go back to Jiyuu.
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