Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Laz Public Network Dietrich's Oath


Inactive Member
To Whom it May Concern said:
Ladies, Gentlemen, and things unclassified, I send this message in the hope of a new future. A future with a price, but a bright, joyous, and prosperous future. I ask you to be a part of the foundation for that future.

For more than two years now, the Yamatai Star Empire and the Misshuvurthyar's Sfrarabla Nougpift have been at war. Before then, they had fought a similar war which left Yamatai exhausted, bloody and war-weary. The Nepleslian Democratic Imperium has lost millions in the recent conflict including entire worlds. Even now, their homeworld is under siege and in the midst of a bloody struggle that spans their entire capitol city, where the majority of their senate was assassinated.

Billions are now beholden to the mercy of abominable things -- things spawned from the blackest depths of the Void. Things whose sole goal is the pacification and eventual demise of every living being that does not shout words of worship. They are wretched, twisted things who sit in the dark and lash out in wild abandon to extinguish our flame -- yes, our flame, though many of us stand idly by; These people are indifferent, and damned for the indifference. They think they have the answer, that they can just let Yamatai handle their own war.

Indifference isn't an answer. Doing nothing isn't the path we take to stop the deaths of men, women, children, of many species, creeds, races, and beliefs. Doing nothing smothers our childrens' hopes and dreams. Doing nothing is a sin so vile as to be the equivalent of the genocide visited upon the occupied peoples and warriors of the YSE and NDI and UOC. It is a crime.

I didn't know until now; I was indifferent. My hands are stained with the blood of untold lives I could have worked to save.

To all who wish to join me, you are welcome. Gather in the Jaspis system, bring what you can to fight with or clear your holds for an evacuation the likes of which you haven't seen before. My goal is to save as many lives as I can, starting with a trip to the UOC and dashing away to liberate civilians elsewhere in occupied Nepleslian and Yamataian worlds. We will not succeed in saving them all, but the ones we may rescue in the brief moments we fight for over every world and planet we visit will be another life added to -- and we cannot kid ourselves in this -- the biggest struggle the Kikyo Sector has ever seen; the struggle for life, and liberty, and the convenience to expand and thrive as we did before the SMX/NMX incursions.

To the governments whom this may concern...

Yamatai, your efforts to support my expedition will be welcomed. I wish you well in your war for life and hope. I will drop civilians off on your worlds and at your stations as the situation calls.

To Nepleslia, I wish you your homeworld back and safe. May it forever flourish and be the greatest sight of political freedom anyone has ever seen. Any help you can provide, in forms of bed, medical, or military aid will be appreciated.

To the occupied worlds far and wide -- whomever may be listening. I am coming for you. Today, tomorrow, next week and next month until the swift injustice of the Sfrarabla Nougpift is lifted from your worlds or I draw my last breath, I will not cease in my efforts to secure your freedom.

To my government, the Emperor and Empress Rosenthal. I am going, and following this message I will send a formal request for any escort and aid you can provide. I am resigning as a Representative, for the task I am about to undertake will be dangerous -- my voters will need a senator that breathes and is dedicated to them to have my seat. My company, Dietrich Starkwerk, will continue to work tirelessly to produce designs and manufacturing centers to fuel your efforts and support the survival of your Empire.

And to the Sfrarabla Nougpift, you black void-spawn who slaughter indiscriminately. I ask that you walk away, or face the wrath of a very angry Abwehran.

My name is Augustus Dietrich, and I swear by everything I hold dear, and by the light of Jaspis and the thousand suns of the Kikyo Sector that I will not stop in my efforts until I cease to breathe.

Augustus Dietrich
This idea is foolhardy, risky, and whole-heartedly idealistic. You just exposed this plan to the enemy, telling them exactly where you'll be, and exactly what you'll do, right in their faces to the eyes of every being in the universe. There's only one thing that a man of my position can say to a plan as grandiose as this.

You better damn well expect Nepleslia to send more than some beds, medicine, and aid.

Sky Marshall Pyros Thrull Westwood
Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
Their government has chosen their fate years ago. The UOC agreed to surrender to this...resistance, and attempt at "rescue" will only result in harm for them.

Furthermore, it is not going to matter whether the Jiyuuan people are removed. Eventually, they will be in our hands, or dead.

We gleefully welcome all nations to send as much of their military as they can into the former UOC territories, which we now control. Come and be baptised in the fires of aether and burn to nothingness for the sake of your foolish care for these people.
Paragon is locked, cocked, and ready to rock, put us within twenty miles of those squidie bastards on the ground and I can guarantee you a pile of carbonized remains.

-Signed- Colonel D. Wyatt