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Curiosity has gotten the better of me, and going through the wiki hasn't turned up much. I am a bit confused by the nature of digital brains. According to what I have found out a digital brain allows for the (for lack of a better word) programing of the rudiments of a personality, extremely efficient long term memory storage specifically semantic (understanding meanings and concepts), and autobiographical memories (episodic experiences), all managed by an OS.
However, from posts on the site, I am lead to believe that a digital brain does nothing for procedural memory ("muscle" memory). A being with a digital brain, even if a skill is encoded at expert level into their semantic memory still needs to practice to form the procedural memories needed to use it. For evidence I take Kai's character on the Illustrious, who needs to practice fighter piloting even though, as a Neko, she probably had the skill encoded when she was transferred.
Now the way memory works presents a bit of a problem here. Long term memories are encoded in purely organic brains by physically growing specific types of neuroconnections, creating a complex web of associations between them. The more feelings or concepts you associate with a specific memory or skill, the easier it is to recall it. This is why mnemonics work well for memory retention. It is also this vast web of neuroconnections which is currently believed to be responsible for constructing a personality. Basically our memories help shape us. As shown on the site, by the differing personalities of characters, a digital brain does not interfere with the natural "growth" of a personality only the rudiments.
By this evidence I am led to think that a "digital" brain is more appropriately a techno-organic system. The genetic code governing the growth of they temporal lobe and hippocampus have been severed in Nekos and Yamataians and those lobes replaced by intrusive cybernetic implants that the new-born brain grows around. The cerebelum, governing muscle memory, is left alone due to the absurdly complex nature of its relation to essential areas of the body. The frontal lobe, which consolidates and analyzes memories to synthesize new information, also appears to be left alone, though it likely has either technological or organic "add-ons" to govern telepathy and gravity control (my money is on technological). the Personality programing can be explained by stimulation of the growth of specific neuro-transmiters to connect to the digital memory implant, forming the associations of specific emotions and feelings with memory.
Of course all this is just guess-work on my part, and I would rather not rely on it if my character ever has to perform the nightmare of neuro-surgery on a Neko or Yamataian (tissue healing while surgery is being performed = NO FUN). Thus I would either like confirmation or correction on how exactly a digital brain works both to better play my character and to satisfy my own voracious curiosity. Thank you.
However, from posts on the site, I am lead to believe that a digital brain does nothing for procedural memory ("muscle" memory). A being with a digital brain, even if a skill is encoded at expert level into their semantic memory still needs to practice to form the procedural memories needed to use it. For evidence I take Kai's character on the Illustrious, who needs to practice fighter piloting even though, as a Neko, she probably had the skill encoded when she was transferred.
Now the way memory works presents a bit of a problem here. Long term memories are encoded in purely organic brains by physically growing specific types of neuroconnections, creating a complex web of associations between them. The more feelings or concepts you associate with a specific memory or skill, the easier it is to recall it. This is why mnemonics work well for memory retention. It is also this vast web of neuroconnections which is currently believed to be responsible for constructing a personality. Basically our memories help shape us. As shown on the site, by the differing personalities of characters, a digital brain does not interfere with the natural "growth" of a personality only the rudiments.
By this evidence I am led to think that a "digital" brain is more appropriately a techno-organic system. The genetic code governing the growth of they temporal lobe and hippocampus have been severed in Nekos and Yamataians and those lobes replaced by intrusive cybernetic implants that the new-born brain grows around. The cerebelum, governing muscle memory, is left alone due to the absurdly complex nature of its relation to essential areas of the body. The frontal lobe, which consolidates and analyzes memories to synthesize new information, also appears to be left alone, though it likely has either technological or organic "add-ons" to govern telepathy and gravity control (my money is on technological). the Personality programing can be explained by stimulation of the growth of specific neuro-transmiters to connect to the digital memory implant, forming the associations of specific emotions and feelings with memory.
Of course all this is just guess-work on my part, and I would rather not rely on it if my character ever has to perform the nightmare of neuro-surgery on a Neko or Yamataian (tissue healing while surgery is being performed = NO FUN). Thus I would either like confirmation or correction on how exactly a digital brain works both to better play my character and to satisfy my own voracious curiosity. Thank you.