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Senate: Misc [Discussion] Embargo on the Lorath Matriarchy


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"I wish to discuss...the possible future motion as follows..."


In response to the The Northern Colonies Incident.

1. The placement of strict embargo on the Lorath Matriarchy for its actions.

2. To protect the Yamatai Star Empire from a possible threat.


1. That all trade between the Lorath Matriarchy and the Yamatai Star Empire cease and be made illegal immediately.

2. That the Lorath Matriarchy may not have passage through territories of the Yamatai Star Empire.

3. Suspension of any tourism, effective immediately.

Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

"I encourage the members of the senate to consider this seriously. I also ask that Hanako be permitted to give report to the Senate as to the seriousness of the situation that the YSS Eucharis faced during the incident." Katsuko said, encouraging the review of her proposal. "I also ask that you please, discuss this freely. As one of the Taisho who was called upon to mobilize. I find the need for this to be paramount." She wondered if the reception would be different, regardless she put what she felt was needed before them.
"I'm abstaining for now, but I would like to raise a caution: Shosho Hanako does have an obvious bias against the Lorath, and I'd advise that you take her side of the story with a grain of salt." The senator said very evenly, not letting his emotion get the better of him.

"I think the Lorath are perfectly capable of tearing themselves apart, with or without our help." He then stood back down, saying nothing further. He looked over to the colleague on his right and asked under his voice with a grin, "You did see their senate brawl video, right?"

The video in question was the Lorath Matriarchy's attempt to let a senate have a say, before things got out of hand and it ended in a brawl - figuring out that thanks to their rigid hierarchy and adherence to the Matriarch, a true senate was impossible.
"No need to vote, senator." Katsuko noted, "It is only a discussion for now. I find it important that everyone be privy of the details before we even consider a proposal such as this." She didn't comment on the brawl video. It was best her personal views remained out of this one. For the sake of everyone.
"Most of the Loraths' woes stem from one simple factor: arrogance. They could have dodge many bullets, turned to their gainful advantage many situations, had they better understood thier place in the universe.

Unfortunately, they were not prepared for that. They blustered and showed thier claws on repeated fashion even when faced with the reality which was that their new neighbors were giants in an universe yet unknown to them... and there was little reason why they should put up with a newcomer.

In the beginning, this was understandable. They were new, still hampered by religion over reason, and they struggled against the unfair things that apparently befell them. But it was not all misfortune - efforts were made to help them stand, help them be gainful members of the interstellar community. And yet, the main flaw remains: not knowing thier place in their universe, and so their chosen stances drawing them in yet more trouble. They have not learned their lesson.

Despite helping uplift them to space, granting them FTL technology, saving them from Mishhuvurthyar conquest... we have been repaid with scorn, goaded and extended cawing mockery over trivialities. All they've been to use as parasites and vultures.

I do not think it is seemly of us to keep our claws sheathed any longer. I do not propose war, but I believe it is time that a clear statement be made that we are not to be thriffled with. We are not friends anymore, we have little respect of each other and if they defy us, let us shove back. If they show teeth, let us tear off their feathers. If the whine and bluster, let us kick them in those very teeth.

Until they get the picture. Until they stay in thier system, and give us a wide berth wherever we go, and wherever we choose to exert our power - most especially in the face of their tyrrany and blatant displays of genocide.

...and if they don't get the picture, we'll just strip them of what we've given them, and leave them all on their single little world without the capability of traveling the stars. That's how we found them, and how we can make them again... if. They. Don't. Stop. Being. So. Vexing."
"And that's precisely what they are: An annoyance. Giving them any attention in any form only validates to them that they're a threat towards us, somehow," Senator Winsbury rolled his eyes at the Lorath logic, but he was familiar enough with it, "And as far as I know, there's an informal embargo already on the table where Yamataian ships take pot shots at Lorath Ships just for existing, and putting it into writing would only make them retaliate. We don't want to give them any attention."

He then looked through SYNC and tracked down some Lorath census data. The stuff was difficult as hell to come by but it was available, "So why should we be the ones holding the smoking gun yet again when they can fall on their own sword?" He presented the census data aggregates and made particular notes of the income brackets. "This data shows that they've been in a deficit spiral for the past three years. The disparity between poverty and wider is growing wider and wider. Hold on, let me crunch some numbers..."

He spent a minute running some simulations and economic scenarios based upon the public census data. The results were in and it wasn't pretty: "Their economy is overdue for collapse, their military is bordering on unsustainability, and their population is dwindling. Within a few years there's likely to be a shortage of goods and services, leading to an economic collapse." He then sighed, "Finally, we're just coming out of one war, why tarnish our hands with another when we've barely had time to rebuild? It'd be economically unsuitable for us too."

He then chuckled at Kotori, a captain of the Star Army, "I thought bigger things were supposed to annoy you. The Lorath are vexing, but show some restraint." His voice was highly condescending towards the tool of war, "Let's not let them drag us down to their level."

((OOC RANT: Andrew, nobody wants FvF PvP against a player race with virtually nothing to fight with or anyone interested in PVP. Plus, it'd be a one sided war to the Yamataians. Woo, go them. As long as I am a GM for a plot that happens to be Lorath and is completely disinterested in PVP, drop it. I can't speak for my idiot of an FM but talk to him in private with your beef and don't drag it through here where everyone will agree with you based on your 'veterancy'.))
“Time and time again the Lorath have displayed a sense of entitlement beyond their station,” Taisho Hokusai Akiyo said. “Yamatai is an empire of compassion, no doubt, but we should not be forced to endure this belligerent nation’s mewlings and the embarrassment that results from letting them passed unpunished.

“I agree that trade with the Lorath should be made illegal for all Yamataian citizens,” the Ninth Fleet commander stated plainly and without hesitation. “Moreover, travel to and from their systems ought to be restricted. As the leader of this nation’s northernmost permanently stationed fleet, I offer my humble service to carry out whatever this Senate decides. And while outright war with the Lorath would be folly, they must not be allowed to antagonize our glorious star empire. Free from the fear of our just retribution they will surely continue to display dangerous, rogue tendencies that threaten Yamatai’s safety, the safety of neighboring states, and the safety of their own people.

“That said, the first step should be to deliver to them a final ultimatum: Play by our rules, show deference to the honorable Yamataian Star Empire, and cease all hostile attitudes against us. If they continue their ridiculous and crazed method of foreign policy after being given a clear warning, they deserve far more than simple trade embargoes.

“As a final note, I request that Senator Winsbury be issued a formal censure for his lack of respect. He seems to have forgotten that Ketsurui Kotori-hime is a member of the ruling clan and has saved the Empire from certain destruction on more than one occasion. Disagreement is acceptable,” the taisho admitted. “A lack of composure and recognition is not. Indeed, the fact that we are discussing such about the Lorath should make that clear.”

(ooc: That’s cool, bro. I don’t think we should have PvP either. But this is an in-character matter now.)
"It is fine. I mind not. Senator Winsbury's words are spoken largely out of ignorance in my regard, so I can hardly blame his lack of omniscience.

He wasn't there when Hanako-hime lost her life to their stupidity. He wasn't there when the lorath gloated behind our backs about how their greeting rituals would make us suffer - how they hoped we would scream.

He wasn't there when things got bad enough that when the Star Army was considering forceful conquest and annexation of the Lorath people to make sure that the Mishhuvurthyar wouldn't find them first and do much worse.

He wasn't there when I practically singlehandedly salvaged things and allowed for a diplomatic inclusion of the Lorath people into our Empire of allied races. I was even proud of that, at the time!

He wasn't there when the Lorath welcome the Mishhuvurthyar when they came to their world, gave them a much more dignified greeting than what we got, and considered alliance with them when we came in, exposed the spiteful Mishhuvurthyar for what they were, and did our best to stave them away.

He wasn't there when I rallied ships into destroying a planetoid the Mishhu brought into play that could've entirely ruined their planet. Perhaps he could even care less for the ships that fireballed in the process of accomplishing this, without so much as a thank you at the end for our troubles.

So, I'll forgive him his ignorance. I have enough grace for that.

What I have less grace for is the continued antics of the Lorath people, practically haunting us in spite of the good deeds we've tried to do for them. I am tired of it. I do not want them hurt so much as I want it to end.

But there are definite benefits to holding the smoking gun. That way, you can make sure it is only aimed in the direction you want. Given the choice, I'd much rather see thier blood being on our hands, than that of our people on theirs.

Considering the completeness of the ruthless genocide Hanako-shosho has discovered evidence of makes it quite obvious of the ill they can do against thier kinsmen. What then of us, whom have already made a stand against such an atrocity? I, for one, would much rather see us display a show of strength that may both pacify the Lorath and make sure as few of our Empire's citizens as possible will be harmed in the process of this debacle.

Because I am very weary of my people's blood being used as tax for the mistakes of others. Recently it was the UOC. I don't want to see the Lorath added to that list. Either they get it, or else. Nothing gentler has so far resolved this and they are still messing with us. It has to stop sometime.

Actual conflict is much more the province of the Star Army, and it will get to that if it is needed. Until then, though, I would be in support of Motoyoshi-Taisho's position. If nothing else it would be a very obvious statement for them that the time to play with fire is over."
Sakumi Maverick sighed, watching the exchange between several senators. She tapped her table with a pen, thinking and noticing, looking up data she needed on SACN meanwhile.

"Dear senators," she finally spoke up. "Why we even focus our time and effort on Lorath is beyond me. I think we have bigger and more important issues to handle right now. The NMX are retreating and our Empire will hopefully see peace soon."

"With peace comes another worry though. You want to frown and point guns at Lorath, hoping they will see reason or they will be afraid. While we should instead focus on building. Or rather re-building out great Empire. We have systems to fix and colonies to build. I think giving Lorath any attention more then is absolutely required is just a waste of time."

"Ketsurui Kotori-sama, I understand that pride of our Empire was hurt by Lorath, but our pride is one thing and our citizens are another. This so called Embargo, which I am afraid Lorath will only see as blockade will surely escalate into War. Do you want another war? I do not and I believe neither our citizens or even our soldiers do."

"And do you think Lorath would be too afraid? As was pointed out today several times, they are hardly the most reasonable state. They would go into war with us and the damages on both sides would be great. I am not afraid of them, but why should we poke at them with a stick? So yes, I think we should just ignore them, which I think in the end would benefit us most. After all, if they draw their guns, we have more and better guns when needed."
From Taisho Kurita Shunsaku,
To the Yamataian Senate, and Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi in particular,

It would hardly benefit our attempts at improving relations with the Nepleslians by smacking one of their friends with an embargo. I am no student of Nepleslian-Lorath relations but last I had heard, they were fairly warm.

Escalating the tensions would hardly serve our purpose of stabilizing the galaxy. I notice that our gunboat diplomacy didn't really resolve very much. I fail to see, therefore, how much harm sending an embassy to the Lorath to come to a mutual understanding. After all, if both they and the Nepleslians don't like us, there must be a reason since their mutual friendship and distrust of our nation cannot be coincidental.

One would suspect that you, Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi, are, in fact, trying to sabotage the prospect of international stability when viewing your protectionist leanings and this saber-rattling together. It makes little sense to offer peace to one, greater hostility to the other. Not an arrangement I can the Nepleslians agreeing to. War with the Lorath could very well drag us into war with Nepleslia. With Nepleslia involved, the Gartagen Union would become suspect as they are allies to both Nepleslia and the Empire. The IWL would become strengthened by open and direct aid from Nepleslia and the Matriarchy. It could easily become a war against three enemies.

Call it my views apologist and appeasement if you like. But rather than continually blaming the other side, I suggest reflection upon how they may view the subjects at hand. Experience as a parent in conflict resolution requires me to listen to both sides before determining who is at fault. Often times, it is not just one child is wrong and the other is right. It could well be that all of the children involved bear responsibility. The world is black and white, might makes right, Taisho. Lacking such a moderating presence, it is obviously on us (as the more morally upstanding) to first do our own soul-searching into the responsibility of the matter.

I should hope that this discussion of embargo ends soon since it is nothing more than a plan to further isolate the Lorath and force them to do something far more drastic.

To my honored colleague, Taisho Hokusai, I cannot help but wonder whether there is still a justification in Senator Winsbury's words. My fleet's current operations center on pacifying the Hanako cluster. Following that, supporting operations against the IWL. We are at war with two factions, the NMX and IWL. Those should be our primary strategic concerns, not the Lorath. Fight the wars we're already in, not the ones which others want to drag us into. I should hope that such people with the strength of conviction exist in this Senate for opposition. Censuring the Senator serves no purpose other than to punish him for voicing his opinion and divide an already divided Senate. If that is the intended effect, I await your motion to censure me.


Kurita Shunsaku
Taisho Hokusai shook her head in shameful regard for her Star Army peers and the civilian senators who were twisting the subject.

“Nobody here is proposing war,” she declared. “Indeed, the Senate has no power to direct the military’s operations. The measures being discussed here and proposed by Motoyoshi-taisho simply put widely accepted and practiced policies in writing for Yamataian citizens. By taking a firm stance against the Lorath’s truly evil regime it sends them a message that we are no longer willing to let them be ‘an annoyance.’ If any conflict were to come of this act it would be from their retaliation, thus justifying the reasons for an embargo in the first place.

“And, Kurita-san, you either misunderstood my motion or chose to misrepresent it for your own ends and neither are acceptable,” the little taisho scolded. “I have no problems with disagreement but I will not stand for Senator Winsbury’s clearly condescending words and lack of respect for our honored protectors.”
"Taisho. Taisa. Shosho."

Senator Mifune Adele snorted from her seat behind her podium.

"I would like to remind our honored protectors that military policy is something that needs to be discussed within the confines of the military branch of our government. Am I the only one getting tired of this saber-rattling from nekovalkyrja whose only purpose in life is to murder? I understand that you have been fighting the Lorath on several fronts, ladies and gentlemen, and that, on the Frontier systems, saber-rattling is a way of life. But I beg you to consider the diplomatic implications of this because you are now standing in the middle of a senate, not a war council.

"I am keenly aware, representing several mining colonies next door to Nepleslia, that our relations are not just strained with the Lorath - but everywhere else as well. The only real allies we seem to have are the Gartagens and Hanako-Shosho has unthinkingly been stretching them by drawing them into what seems to be an unnecessary rivalry with the Lorath. Yes, the military records on your recent debacle were released to the public, and yes, the public rolled their eyes.

"As to the Lorath? We failed to protect them when they were under our control and I expect they're very bitter.

"According to publicly available information on the SYNC network we were also the cause of an extremely bloody civil war. That is, rather to say, one of our illustrious military leaders was the direct cause of a very bloody civil war. That civil war seems now to be over.

"I for one judge the actions that our military has been taking recently to be nothing more than senselessly provocative; I view this intrusion on the senate and this suggested embargo as nothing more than an extention of this military agenda. So with referece to motions presently on the senate floor to ensure the civic mindedness of the individuals voting and discussing our bills, I would like to ask that more senators weigh in on this issue, as opposed to the - and no offense meant, here - frontier officers who have too much cause to hate the Lorath, and not enough cause to consider the effect of their warmongering on the people of the Empire."
Katsuko was not there to be a politician, she relayed what she considered to be an important matter to the government. She had opened a discussion, proposed no laws or inducted any kind of interest that would lead to war. The subject at hand would do that in their own way. This was one topic where no pushing was needed, for if something did happen down the road with the Lorath -- she would be able to point out how the discussion had proceeded.

The discussion remained on task, focused on the situation at hand until Taisho Kurita Shunsaku addressed the senate and tried to accuse her of sabotaging intergalactic relations. She was surprised to hear such accusations and shame soaked words coming from a member of the admiralty. Katsuko had served the Star Army, she had preformed her duties without mar. The dishonour she had suffered was within the realms of the civilian arena, and it never once touched her military career.

Continue. Don't let it bother you. the whispers of tranquillity extended from the gallery to where she briefly looked. The meeting gaze of Motoyoshi Misato, the only Tange who remained in the Star Army after the incidents. Katsuko remained composed, the matter was as it should be.

"I am not seeking war, or legislation. I find it important that the military and the senate are able to discuss matters such as this." she knew that there was no reach that could be made in the direction of accusing her of anything. On that angle, every time they attacked her it drove power through the movement of her now solidifying hold on the tributaries who had gathered at Motoyoshi-jo. The false accusation of the other Taisho was observed through the feed it was all it took to unhinge Yamada Ayano Chujo from the slight resistance that she had held, the Yamada being added as a tributary. Hitomo and Okanaya followed.

"Please, I encourage the senate to stay focused on the topic at hand. The Northern Colonies Incident, and the other unfortunate situations that have developed between our nations." She said, waiting for the proceedings to finish. She hoped Hanako would chime in soon, the current course was as it was.
"The topic?" Mifune responded. "Pardon me for saying something true that you don't like, Taisho, or that casts some shadow of a doubt on the reasons you have for attempting to harm our relations with other empires.

"I'll just sit behind my podium if you want, and let the military dictate international policy, why don't I? That seems to have worked very well for us in the past.

"No, I don't think I will.

"You opened discussion on a trade embargo, which is the definition of suggesting policy. The fact you have not written it yet yourself is immaterial because you have proposed the idea and it is most certainly yours. I am getting extremely tired of reading these shortsighted, wounded-pride articles of yours, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi. When will you take the hint? The days of glorious and bloody campaigns are over and for once we must live with our neighbors. We should be more focused on food than on some military slight that we've been done because they're looking at us funny. Wasn't that your idea? Have you changed your mind so suddenly about focusing the senate on matters of internal recovery?"
Gallant said:
"The topic?" Mifune responded. "Pardon me for saying something true that you don't like, Taisho, or that casts some shadow of a doubt on the reasons you have for attempting to harm our relations with other empires.

"I'll just sit behind my podium if you want, and let the military dictate international policy, why don't I? That seems to have worked very well for us in the past.

"No, I don't think I will.

"You opened discussion on a trade embargo, which is the definition of suggesting policy. The fact you have not written it yet yourself is immaterial because you have proposed the idea and it is most certainly yours. I am getting extremely tired of reading these shortsighted, wounded-pride articles of yours, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi. When will you take the hint?"

"My pride is not wounded. I suggested a policy, and I presented that the senate should be discussing incidents such as this." Katsuko placed her reply, "I'm not dictating policy, nor am I protesting the statements made by the senate. I see discussion, and that was my aim." She looked towards the senator, "The Star Army of Yamatai serves to protect its people, sometimes the incidents we are involved in touch on our intergalactic relations with others. If we cannot communicate freely with the senate on these matters, I find that to be a shame. Tell me senator, what is it you are looking to cover up here? You cannot deny that the incident occurred because two fleets were mobilized to the call of it. " Katsuko smiled and stated without wound, "Perhaps you wish us not to discuss the incidents that occur in space, because your view has become terrestrial in nature. Should we just bury discussion on incidents that effect our Empire?" Katsuko had no interest in the continued assault on her pride.

Misato made a nod in Katsuko's direction. They are focusing on you, rather than the issues. Regardless of the losses you are taking here, you are winning at home. Let them continue. Misato checked the status of the other meeting. Yamato and Mazu had reconfirmed.

Katsuko, looked back to the senator, "Please, by all means..If you wish to sit silent behind your podium and make accusations. Continue so. However I remind you, that I posed discussion. Perhaps in the future I should reconsider such a venture." As soon as the three weeks was up, she'd be back doing what she did best anyway, with a strong backing behind her as she did it.
"'Cover up'?" the senator responded, perplexed. Then, standing up, she asked, "Do you even have a chain of command to go to, Taisho?"

Mifune spread her arms out, shrugging a bit to adjust the way that the suit coat sat on her shoulders, before rebuttoning the bottom couple of buttons. She was well dressed, a gray suit and skirt, and wore a small flag on her lapel. A typical politician by all accounts.

"For some reason I think that I should not be hearing your concerns directly. Or is the military now standing divided, every admiral giving an opinion to the senate in an attempt to curry favor? Do you all have opinions? Don't you report to somebody who can give us an official opinion? Because otherwise the only thing I see here is a desperate bid to get your way. Would you like to go to war, Taisho?

"Because if you really want to be flat about it, and honest, the fact of the matter is that we can smell war on the air. I served. I was a Taii. I had command of a starship too and it's very tempting to view things, sometimes, through that narrow perspective. Two fleets were mobilized to cover up a diplomatic travesty, Admiral. Don't tell me that you weren't just rearing to launch into another war the moment the Lorath twitched - and right now you're trying to find that twitch. You're smelling the blood on the air, too, and just begging for the Lorath to make some sort of move that you and your admirals can interpret, so that you can enact upon their people a slaughter and a slavery that they would consider to be much more broad and worse than the civil war that they just finished.

"You want that twitch because if Taisho Yui-denka declares war just on her own whims, we're not defending ourselves, we're attacking - we're monsters, warmongers, and might as well be the singleminded war machines we're painted as.

"Well I'm not going to let you have this War. And I should hope the rest of the senate sees sense, and denies it to you, as well."
"Okay, let us shift this discussion around some then. The finger pointing amongst us is bringing us nowhere.

Put aside notions of warmongering, or the suggestion of embargo. For better or for ill, we have an unhealthy rivalry - and that's putting it nicely - with the Lorath. There is definitely a problem. It would be naive to pretend otherwise.

I hear catisgating, but as I see it, this is a discussion because no single person here can provide a perfect solution. That is why we have this forum to discuss it as an assembly and come up with something better, if such is possible.

Saber-rattling, as it has been so quaintly named, is a possibility. But what the non-militant here have failed to really acknowledge is that those whom are more on the side of this notion are really concerned with one thing: somehow reaching a more lasting solution to a problem which could end up harming our people.

What better ideas are there? I see critique of the solution offered, but no true suggestions that could provide a better answer. Inaction, at this point, is just allowing the situation to stagnate until a lapse occurs either on thier part, or ours. Hindsight has proven this, if nothing else. So, what then?"
"A treaty."

Mifune took a sip from the glass of water floating gently above her digital podium.

"We are considering a treaty with Nepleslia. Why not consider a treaty with the Lorath as well? Instead of an Embargo. Then the international community will pressure the Lorath to conform to it. I believe that's more constructive pressure than putting two fleets on their border and daring them to try anything, and using Hanako-Shosho as bait."
Gallant said:
"'Cover up'?" the senator responded, perplexed. Then, standing up, she asked, "Do you even have a chain of command to go to, Taisho?"

Mifune spread her arms out, shrugging a bit to adjust the way that the suit coat sat on her shoulders, before rebuttoning the bottom couple of buttons. She was well dressed, a gray suit and skirt, and wore a small flag on her lapel. A typical politician by all accounts.

"For some reason I think that I should not be hearing your concerns directly. Or is the military now standing divided, every admiral giving an opinion to the senate in an attempt to curry favor? Do you all have opinions? Don't you report to somebody who can give us an official opinion? Because otherwise the only thing I see here is a desperate bid to get your way. Would you like to go to war, Taisho?

"Because if you really want to be flat about it, and honest, the fact of the matter is that we can smell war on the air. I served. I was a Taii. I had command of a starship too and it's very tempting to view things, sometimes, through that narrow perspective. Two fleets were mobilized to cover up a diplomatic travesty, Admiral. Don't tell me that you weren't just rearing to launch into another war the moment the Lorath twitched - and right now you're trying to find that twitch. You're smelling the blood on the air, too, and just begging for the Lorath to make some sort of move that you and your admirals can interpret, so that you can enact upon their people a slaughter and a slavery that they would consider to be much more broad and worse than the civil war that they just finished.

"Well I'm not going to let you have it. And I should hope the rest of the senate sees sense, and denies it to you, as well."

Katsuko was humoured to say the least. "Actually I'm not a war monger, tools of diplomacy which includes sanctions against nations who wrong us provide venues other than violence to solve our problems." Katsuko said dismissively, "Opinions vary, it happens when everyone shares experiences differently. It is in fact the marvellous nature of society to be able to agree and disagree. It is just some people bear insult and defamation rather than fact to bring arguments." Katsuko said openly, "I am a Taisho, and I do report to Taisho Yui. I also have an invested future in this nation as we all do." Katsuko shook her head, "Conspiracy theories are the plight of the desperate. My apologies, I thought you would have something to bring to this table besides blatant insults upon the admiralty and myself." She stepped down from the podium, "I am proud, loyal member of the Star Army. I relayed what I needed to here, since the discussion seems to be on everything but the issue at hand. So be it. I stated opening in the beginning I was open to other solutions. So far besides some kind of failed assault on my honour you really don't have any solutions of us, now do you Senator?" One final glance, lifted to the gallery and then back to the senator.

Her words were cut short when Kotori took over. She fell quiet as the senator mentioned the treaty. Finally, something was being discussed.
Gallant said:
I would like to ask that more senators weigh in on this issue, as opposed to the - and no offense meant, here - frontier officers who have too much cause to hate the Lorath, and not enough cause to consider the effect of their warmongering on the people of the Empire."

“An embargo would be a simple prohibition of trade with the Lorath, Mifune-san,” Hokusai explained in a sort of patronizing, exasperated way. “It is not an imposition on their nation so much as it one on ours and the businesses that choose to operate within our borders. The only notions of war have come from you and the other senators here. That you understand so little about diplomacy and public policy makes it a wonder that the people chose you to represent them.”
"Please, let's not go back to talking down on each other again. The Empress made a request when she turned down the request to abolish the Senate. Let us strive to stick to the spirit of it and prove her faith justified.

This said, Mifune-dono... I think I see where you come from, but-

We had a treaty with the Lorath before. They were a member world of our Empire. It was an alliance. In return, they willingly conspired with the enemy. They took advantage of our technology. Even when the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet gave them succor which they supposedly appreciated, the Lorath took the UOC split at thier chance to leave our Empire behind along with whatever obligation was carried with the treaty they signed with our Emperor.

That does not make them very credible to me. It makes the idea of a treaty look rather flimsy. If expectations are low, I do not really feel the pressure you speak of will be there.


Mifune-dono. I am nekovalkyrja. You tell me my kind's purpose is to kill. I turn this around: I feel my purpose is to protect you. The Lorath being willing to commit genocide on thier own kind frightens me. I do not want to lose anyone to them.

Based on past precedent and the danger they could pose... do you really think a treaty would protect the Yamataian people? Ideologically, the bond they had with the kinsmen was even stronger than any treaty with a foreign power, and they still annihiliated them just on a difference of opinion. Would the pressure of other peers truly be as much the deterrent you claim it to be?"