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RP: UOC Government [Discussion] Future Relations with Nepleslia


Well-Known Member
Alexander sat in his chair at the Assembly table, hands steepled in front of the lower half of his face. His glasses shone slightly in the light as he looked at his fellow members of the Assembly, and Crown Prince Tio Motoyoshi and Prime Minister Ayana Katsura-Tange. He cleared his throat politely before speaking.

"Crown Prince, Prime Minister," Alexander greeted each politely before looking to his fellow Assembly members. "And my fellow Members of Assembly."

Alexander then intertwined his fingers together.

"I wish to discuss our future relations with our neighbors, and cousins, the Nepleslians. Since our declaration of independence, it would seem they whole heartedly support our actions thus far." He took a sip of water before continuing.

"Ironically this reminds me of their own separation, hence how I can see us being kindred spirits. However, my main concern is how we go on from here an alliance? Pledge of friendship, simple trade? Or research ventures? Or a mixture of the above. We are a new nation, and must make our friends, and decisions with care. As such I wish to submit an idea, one that could lay the foundation for strengthening our new ties to our Nepleslian cousins."

He made a wave of his hand, a simple flourish and a volumetric projection of a planet shimmered into being. The world in question if anyone knew was Kennewes.

"I present to you the world of Kennewes, the scene of many struggles, hardships, and previous stronghold of the Red Army. Now the world would appear to be under Green Army control. However, conditions are low due to the battle, not to mention the conditions they were living in under Red occupation. I would like to suggest we send humanitarian aid to Kennewes as one of our first acts as a nation, and of good will to the Green Army, and the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia as a whole." He explained, and both politely suggested before looking at everyone there, and then back to the 3-D rendition of the planet.

"A simple act like this could do wonders for us, of sending medical aid, of supplies of food, water, and perhaps equipment to make their lives a little easier."

Alexander willed the projection to dissolve. "So, I would humbly like to ask what all of your thoughts are on these issues, and my suggestion."
Mamami listened to Alexander for his entire speech, then sighed, shrugged and shook her head.

"Representative Romani," she started as she calmly placed a hand on her desk. "I must tell you that while discourse is indeed encouraged here. Declarations like this are required to be in proper bill format."

She took a second then calmly held her data pad in one hand, reading over the entire supposition Alexander just said, "from what I see, this is not the case," she then lowered the pad, and pointed at him, "please rectify this."
Alexander nodded slightly before looking at Mamami politely. The man held a glass of water in his hand before sipping at it and replying.

"Ahh, but Madam Mamami, how does one start a bill but from an idea? We must discuss such things before putting them in the form of bills so as to not waste time. Where as putting it in such a format would be nice and neat, it would also be a time consuming affair from everything to revisions to clauses. By discussing the idea behind the possibility of a bill before hand we can hammer out the kinks. And then put the finished product up for submission, and approval." He explained.
Mamami regarded Alexander somewhat with a raised look, as though she was looking down her nose at him, but that would be rude, and Mamami was never known to be a rude woman.

"Representative Romani," She said slightly as she crossed her arms, "I appreciate your apparent respect for efficiency, but this back and forth discourse is anything but." She said, gripping her left sleeve tightly and then releasing it, in fact she was doing this rhythmically.

"If you truly understand that notion, then you would have prepared a bill to go along with this ramble before hand." She said, extending her right arm out, the hand open. "Clearly, you have not, so you are seeking to waste time with this trivial talk." She then crossed her arms again, "foolishness."
Tio interrupted the two quietly, "With all due respect Mamami, I believe Alexander has a point here. We should all be involved in this discussion after all there is a process to be followed here. I do not believe this is a bill that is being proposed, but the opening of diplomatic relations and a situation which will give us a chance to utilize our Peacekeepers."
The diminutive Mr. Iga cast glances at the two debating senators, and then respectfully waited for the Prince to finish before speaking.

"Hm... I see our humanitarian offer as having enormous potential for the future as long as we play our cards right. The Greens are a proud, noble faction, as their pontificating Sky Marshall would have us believe. We should dare not tread on that pride lest we risk losing the advantage of favorable status in Nepleslia's economic juggernaut. The Greens, after all, have considerable influence in the financial sector as they practically run the senate.

I am in support of this action, but we must make such a move with as much tact as possible. The rewards are potentially endless."
"Quite true Mr. Iga, hence the suggestion of going about this. A member of my own family is a prominent member of the Green Army. Admiral Nero Romani, second in command to Grand Admiral Vladimirus Corcyra. So, you could say at least to some minor degree I have an insider's knowledge." Alexander responded before folding his fingers together on the table.

"Not only are the Greens a proud faction, but the entirety of Nepleslia, and her people are too. One thing I do believe they would appreciate in such times is honesty and being forth right of our intentions. We wish to make friends, and perhaps lend aid not as a nation out to make a name for itself, but to cement the bonds between potential friends and brothers in arms as far as being independent civilizations go. And in the future as Mr. Iga has said partake of the potentially endless rewards that come from this, both from a moral, and political standpoint."
That's where I've heard that name before... Fritz watched the proceedings, reclining slightly in his own chair. "We might also want to consider the Greens' military might. Uesu apparently thought enough of their abilities to send SAINT to try and drive them to war with the Mish- er... Mishew-... the tentacle things. While I'm not pushing towards appeasement or anything here, I don't think it do us much good to be in the blackbooks of two military powerhouses in the sector, so I believe diplomatic channels should certainly be opened, and perhaps a treaty drafted." He spoke, looking to the Prince.

"Of course, you're already well acquainted with their big man on campus, thanks to the peace conference, which may be quite helpful to us."
Tio put the message he received from Sky Marshall Davis up on the screen. "Seems Nepleslia is the first to extend their hand....I suggest we accept the help, we are short on ships. MFY is working as fast as they can."

Tom said:
Encrypted message

Prince Tio,

Congratulations on your declaration of independence and the opportunities presented therein. Surely, the promotion of free will shall lead to a brighter future for all of us.

It goes without saying, however, that your nation rests in a perilous situation. Extracting yourself from Yamataian control must have put a serious toll on your defensive capabilities, as I am certain the Taisho would not want ships of her own fleet assisting in a revolution.

It is our opinion that the safety of your fledgling nation is of the utmost importance... and I know firsthand how it feels to be undertaking such a daunting task. Therefore, without any ill intent, we hope to extend to you an offer of support.

While you are busy crafting the foundation of your nation, Nepleslia will serve as an honor guard to ensure you can do so without worry. We have a rather large number of ships at our disposal right now, and would not miss them for the immediate future.

Is this acceptable to you?

I hope that we can continue a fruitful relationship together,

-Sky Marshall Robert Davis
"I too think both ideas are good. It would be nice to have a fleet gaurding us until ours can finish construction. I also think a humanitarian mission to Kennewess is an ingenious idea, it allows us to put 'our money where our mouth is' as it were, and what better place to start than a planet with such a recent and devastating conflict?" Shinichi took a sip of the water in front of him.

"However, in regards to the Nepleslian fleet, we must tread carefully. If we do not do this right Yamatai may not look so favorably upon this. Lately tensions between Yamatai and the UOC have been high, so we must consider this carefully before we accept the Nepleslians aide."
Tio said pointedly "Shinichi...I agree with everything you said...up until you mentioned Yamatai" Tio said with a sigh, "If they are upset, too bad. We have the right to have diplomatic relations with anyone we want."
"They no longer have a say in our actions. We're a free nation Mr Shinichi." Alexander replied politely with a soft smile. "We do not need to hold onto our mother's hand any longer as we're 'old enough to leave the nest'. As for Nepleslia...this is quite generous of the Sky Marshal..." Was all he said after a few moments. His people seemed to be rallying behind the UOC like brother's in arms.
Shinichi nodded his head. "Forgive me Crowned Prince Tio, Mr. Romani. I feel that I didn't quite say what I meant. You are quite correct, if Yamatai get's upset it is indeed their loss as, like you mentioned we have the right to have diplomatic relationships with whoever we desire." Shinichi paused before continuing "However, in it's very long past Yamatai hasn't shown very much effort into staying it's hand when it felt either angry or threatend.

For example look at the Freespacers, a catalyst of our creation. Yamatai felt either threatend, angry, or even both by a small country who had supposedly had a single meeting with the misshu leader Mellison. In response, Yamatai threw her entire first fleet at the home planet of the Free Spacers. A single meeting, from a single ship, and from my understanding this wasn't a representative ship of the Freespacers. Furthermore we know that tensions between Yamatai and Nepleslia have been high in the past, this could cause undue stress not just upon us but our Nepleslian friends as well."

Shinichi looked at Crowned Prince Tio, "My statement, though improperly worded, was more of a word of caution. I am not suggesting we do not accept the aid that has been offered to us, I am merely suggesting that we find a way to do so without angering or making Yamatai feel threatened. Even with the aid of the Nepleslians I doubt we could fight a war against our former parent."

[[edit: Grammar fix , for . editx2: another , . mistake as well as aide --> aid (x2); threatend ---> threatened. I promise next time I'll review my posts for pathetic grammar and spelling :| ]]
"This is a risk, that's for sure," Mr. Iga said. "But, since we're at Yamatai's mercy right now regardless of what we do, I say we take the offer. If the unspeakable were to happen, I'd welcome having the Nepleslians taking our side. We have just as much right to use them as a political chess piece in this game as they do to use us."
Tio said, nodding to Mr. Iga. "I would like it if you all could vote on this, so that I may respond to the Sky Marshall."

Foreign Policy Inquiry 001:Nepleslia said:
This is a two part question is to ratify a competent answer to the aid offered by the Nepleslians. Please vote on both item #1 and item #2.

Item 1: Do we accept the offer of Sky Marshall Davis for assistance in defense of our territories until we can get more ships produced?

Item 2: Do we send humanitarian aid to Kennewes?

Vote possibilities: Yes, no, or abstain.
"While it was my suggestion for humanitarian aid to be sent to Kennewes... I must vote yes on item two as it would be the first of hopefully many acts of kindness and respect between ourselves, and our Nepleslian brethren." Alexander responded, sipped at his glass of water before continuing.

"As for item one, I to will vote yes."