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Anywhosit; this is my first attempt at what I'm presently nicknaming my nonasector (as in nine by nine sectors) starmap. What do you reckon guys? Will this work? It's depicting an area 2250 x 2250 LY; each of the larger grid squares is a 250 x 250 LY 'sector' like the Kikyo sector, further subdivided into 10 x 10 lightyear paler grid squares to help readers better determine distances.
I've chosen only to add homeworlds/empire capitals to the map to avoid over saturating the map with impossible-to-read labels. I've also tentatively titled what is essentially the Astral Cluster in this map the Iroma sector, but it can be renamed Astral Cluster if nessersary... though I kinda think making an area with likely tens of thousands of stars a mere 'cluster' is a little odd, but meh
I've also chosen to make the nebula further from Kikyo a little more Spartan and realistic in their sizes and distances from one another -- making the area in and immediately around the Kikyo sector the only 'odd' area, but which might be explained away at some point with some future plot device.
... now, to drop dead. *immediately keels over and starts snoring loudly*