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[Discussion] Long Term Refugee Future


Inactive Member
I would like to start by saying that the refugee system is a nice short term solution for those saved from the former UOC territories...but it is just that -- a short term solution. I fear that long term, it will be insufficient and sow seeds of malcontent if the people must stay there indefinitely.

I served aboard Pisces Station as its Chief Engineer during a time when refugees from Taiie were aboard and cared for, and while the Command staff were distracted investigating on-station crimes, I took unofficial charge of ensuring the refugees' needs were met. While I was praised for trying to meet their needs and was absorbed into the 5th XF for those actions, the overall situation was perceived insufficient and led to the 5th XF reclaiming the refugees. I wound up staying until the secession of the UOC, upon which I remained with the Empire. In the interim, I participated in the planning and construction of Tokyo.

Within a year of losing their home system, a new capital city on a home planet was well on its way to being built, and the needs of these people were being met. Because the 5th XF had aided them in swiftly rebuilding their lives where the Army and Empire had allegedly failed in the eyes of the citizenry, fierce independence and eventually nationalism arose.

In light of past knowledge, sticking them in refugee camps for the remainder of the war and expecting them to endure without an end in sight is likely an unacceptable solution which may well lead to large problems. Whether it is to give the survivors their own planet which to populate and develop or some other measure, something must be done.

Fortunately, past knowledge also indicates that if there is a good plan that allows the former UOC people to better their standing, they will pursue it with zeal. I hope we can discuss ideas and options to find a plan which will allow a true and swift recovery, rather than risk repeating history.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
First Expeditionary Fleet
Re: [Discussion] Long Term UOC Refugee Future

Repeating history? The misery of the Jiyuuians was largely one of their own making that was born in the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet's poor stewarding of the Bard Cluster.

It became a clique - a giant clique that somehow decided it was best to stand apart from the Empire, abandoning us due to 'convenient ethics' to risk those supporting them into a less protected region of space a year shy of the Mishhuvurthyar's one-year ultimatum.

I call that irresponsible.

If they had shown responsability and the ability to back it, I would've suggested something like having them bring extra bodies to the Bard Cluster, resettle their old homes, and gainfully contribute to the Empire.

But we tried that before, and the result was our current predicament. Only fools repeat the same actions and expect different results. I say there are no Jiyuuian refugees. No reason to resettle them collectively anywhere to support that nationalistic identity born from a couple of years of rebellion.

Harsh? Perhaps. I would applaud the quest for freedom if it had not cost my people so much blood. But it did. They played with fire and in the end, we too got burned for it. So it's high time the state of such things change.

They are Yamataian refugees, just like all the other displaced Yamataian refugees, just like the millions of returnees from the Second Draconian Fleet as well... and we'll attend to them all equally by finding places for them on the systems we liberate from the Mishhuvurthyar (for example: the Warmaster worlds).

So, to sum up? I say it's time to stop treating the Jiyuuians as special, and treat them just like the rest of our people. Reframe this discussion as 'Long Term Refugee Future', and then we might have something else to discuss.

~ Ketsurui Kotori-Hime
Re: [Discussion] Long Term UOC Refugee Future

I agree with the above senator. The refugee camps were overflowing after the great Expedition but as the refugees find jobs and homes and move out, the camps will become increasingly unnecessary. THe best thing we can do to accelerate the process is to make jobs and homes more accessible for those that need them (refugees or not). I propose the drafting of a homestead act that will gift any Yamataian who asks an piece of planetary land to call their own, along with access to affordable home construction plans and materials. For jobs, I suggest we energize the mining industry with government support for new mining colony and ship designs, and colonize a maximum number of planets with economic prospects.

--Taisho Yui
I have renamed the topic as recommended, in hopes that recommendations will apply to other refugees, because of the validity of considering their needs as well. However, to consider the needs of the Jiyuuians as the same as that of the Yamataians invites problems because of their mindset. Yes, it was a horrible situation, and I am attempting to prevent a repeat of preventing the onset of malcontent and revived ultranationalism.

I ask that due consideration be given to the mindset of these formerly independent peoples. For all the ill judgment shown by some members of the Tange clan and the second generation of the Motoyoshi shogunate, I do not believe that the populace should be judged for the flawed activities of their government in former Empress Katsuko's absence. It should also be noted that the SMX general, Mellisson, manipulated events which led to the split and enabled the internal coup in the first place. Blaming the citizens accomplishes nothing, and we still have to deal with the recovery of a people with a different mindset.

I believe that Taisho Yui's idea is a solution worth considering, though I wish to keep the floor open for additional ideas. Given the scope of the populace being discussed, multiple concurrently implemented ideas may well be necessary to resolve the refugee problem in a swift and actionable manner.

However, I would like to inform the Taisho and the Senate that a company called Nayacesen Industrials, subordinate to the Tamahagane Company, was founded and is presided over by an officer in your own fleet and specializes in mining operations. They do asteroid mining and may well be interested in opening up new planet-based mining operations to begin with. While I am not trying to advocate one corporation over another for government contracts, it is one avenue ripe for exploring that I know of off the top of my head if no other better choices present themselves.
"While I feel for the refugees from the collapse of the UOC. I fail to see any reason that we should takes steps to create a special process for them. The term Jiyuuian is not even accurate, these people were Yamataians who chose either wisely or unwisely in an unprotected area in search of a dream.

The consensus from my constituents on Daichi is in line with the others. We need to deal with ALL refugees the same. We see no need to treeat the former UOC members differently. After all, if they do not wish to remain within Yamatai. There are other empires that they can move to. There should be no distinction because that leads to trouble faster than treating them all the same.

To that end, we on Daichi have been working to help any refugee that makes to our world. When we had waves of Elysians, we worked with them to create Joukai, a mountain settlement with their needs and design aesthetics taken into account. When we were approached about taking in UOC refugees, we agreed and have been helping them to build Bakufu a second coastal metropolitan area. Our policy has been simple, those who want to move into the cities, must help with them. People get a better sense or pride and self respect by making something. Making homes for their families, creating jobs to product food and goods for their neighbors. We've had those who can not perform manual labor, helping by caring for the children of those who can, or cooking and delivering meals to the construction teams.

To our way of looking at the overall refugee problem, because after all, what is to become of the Nekovalkyjra that the enemy produced in large numbers. They will eventually need to be resettled. This method has worked successfully here on Daichi, there is no reason it can not work on other worlds."

Gunther Bordolf
Senator, Daichi.
The construction of cities like on Daichi is indeed another option which can be considered on other worlds. A big part of what I was saying was that we need some sort of long term solution which is available to all. This could as easily apply to the other refugees as well, though I had worried special note to the Jiyuuians might be needed.

I regret that knowledge of their history and thinking won't be considered in the process, as it could prevent or dampen issues, but if we generally swiften recovery across the board, I hope that the majority will be willing to acclimate. Only time will tell if that will be sufficient for most...though I can almost guarantee it will not be sufficient for all.

Many former sprites and Neko were born to refill the ranks of the 5th XF after the move to Jiyuu, and saw Yamatai as a foreign world which demanded loyalty, though unseen and often unfelt until they had to change bodies on their independence. If they are not to be treated differently, at least bear this in mind, please.

Regarding other refugees, it was never my intent to say they were any less deserving, I simply have more personal experience with the UOC remnants than other refugees, and spoke on a point on which I was familiar and concerned might cause escalation.
Gunther listened and replied, "Kage-Taisa, do not think that we are unfeeling. But how is their suffering or situation different from the Elysians who saw their cities and stations destroyed at the hands of the NMX.

Yes, it was terrible that unfortunate things happened to these people. But we can not show favoritism, or bias. After all by your own words many of these people chose to break their oaths the very Empire that now is seeking to help them.

Any refugee who comes through our borders looking for help, should be treated equally. We are not offering them, hand outs, but a helping hand so that they do what they tried to do in the UOC. Build something that they can be proud of. If they have issues with that, or issues with being in Yamatai, I repeat they are free to go elsewhere. If they want to feel anger at the Empire who gave most of them life to begin with, and now is trying to help them rebuild their lives. They are free to once again leave the Empire and seek their fortune elsewhere."
I feel I should clarify that my reasons weren't intentionally to give special treatment, as much as avoid what a feared would be a conflict if something was not done more swiftly in a case I was aware of -- I would hope that Kotori-hime would bring similar comments to our attention if the Second Draconian Veterans had to be viewed in the frame of their specific situation.

Given that we seem less interested in specifics, and I'm not familiar with the details of other groups, let's broaden the scope instead on general improvement and turn around of refugee re-integration programs. If we can speed up and improve the system en masse, hopefully most will still be satisfied.

We have improve the mining program, homesteading, civic construction as on Daichi....any other ideas?
Also, would the use of the Ayame Layer-class help speed up the refugee construction on Daichi? It was notable in Tsubomi's construction for the downtown/core areas of its wards, while the suburban areas were constructed normally. It could help set up the core utilities and infrastructure of the city as well as underground transit without taking away the refugees' jobs, and even allows for underground facilities.
I'm not sure. The current camps use portable structures. Using a layer would mean making a new camp design. But we've built all the camps we need to build for the moment and they're gradually clearing out as their residents find homes and start new careers around the empire.

I think there is a need for more housing designs, though (apartment skyscrapers, family homesteads, etc).
Actually on Daichi the Ayame Layer-class is used to build the central core of the settlement, after than its building stick homes and expanding the infrastructure. After all you can't build a city with all the same modules.
Good, that is what I meant -- the actual city design rather than the refugee camp design. Then the layer is already being utilized to help speed things along. As far as I can tell, Yui-Taisho's proposals along with what is already happening on Daichi seem to be the best solutions presented.