Behind Enemy lines - Charlie Strike Team
Charlie was swift - bringing naught but death and ruin to the Crimson forces. Swift and precise execution caused the troops to fall apart more easily. Calling for a hasty retreat and hoping to make it past Charlie. Which was in and of itself a detrimental attempt for them. A screeching roar pierced the woods - reminiscent to one of the massive predators home to Sirris VI, but the sound in and of itself was alien, seemingly not native to Sirris VI's wilderness as far as anyone knew.
It was then that Charlie team would realize what it was. Twice the size of a mere man, though moving in a blur. Enemies falling- ripped apart by odd skeletal spikes, one soldier suddenly split in two with only a blurred, shadowy figure around, before it moved swiftly past Spark and company. Ignoring them completely.
Craig was nowhere to be found - whether he was hurt somewhere in the sideline by the enemy fire that did hit him, or if he was just missing in action, remained to be seen.
Though with the swift uptake of both Nora and Hati, the line seemed to be held. With the assistance of the primed grenades Charlie threw in and their flanking manouver to out-manouver the crimson forces seemed to make sure the sideline was properly guarded now. Only a handful of soldiers remained at this point. And with the breathing room afforded for Q, these were swiftly dispatched as well. Causing the mercenary to seep into comms; "Sideline seems clear enough, resuming overwatch."
Lynn licked her lips momentarily, before swallowing thickly. "They should know," she murmured, glancing over at the Tsumi once more, before back at Jacky. "I'm gonna make sure these aliens see us, should be able to with Tal's cover." She exhaled briefly. After all, she was tired of doing nothing and just running behind Jacky. Strapping her shotgun to her back, the clone pushed herself up. Glancing over at Talos, before at Jacky. Gauging exactly where bullets were flying before exhuming a faint breath. "Alright-... Alright alright alright, no big deal," she muttered to herself. Before putting a hand of the side, she positively pulled herself into motion, jet boosters making sure she was swift enough to make the open crossing. Several bullets smacking into her armour - though low enough caliber that both shields and plating could compensate for it - for now. Several of the Tsumi turned to her, raising rifles. Though taking note of how the figure was approaching them without a brandished weapon, caused only a few of them to hold their rifles trimmed - yet hold fire.
Main clearing - Tsumi encampment
Affin glanced over at the odd figure that came sprinting over, turning to her as she came crashing down behind the shieldwall. Clad in black armour, the Tsumi pulled her blade and stomped a foot down on Lynn's helmet, keeping her down. Gauging for a moment, before exhaling a soft breath and lifting her boot again. Causing the clone to get to her feet and raise her hands, before pointing over at the frontline which was still raining down hell on the now scattering Crimson forces - before giving a thumbs up. Hoping her message would be clear.
And clear it was. Affin pulled Lynn to her feet again with a massive amount of strength, before clasping her shoulder once more. "Allies - black!" She cried out loudly. Causing the shieldwall to slam their shields against eachother's. "Allies - black!" Came the repeated chant.
Though the chant was interrupted by an ear-splitting
roar. Though the Tsumi didn't seem to cower or be scared of it - they knew exactly what happened. They cheered it on, for them, this meant the battle was won. Those on the sideline would be able to notice what exactly had made such ear-shattering roar. A cloaked figure that seemed inconspicuous at first - though now, had slammed four arms in the ground. Spikes on it's back growing as the cloak was shredded to bits and maw unhinging as it made such noise. It seemed like a regular Tsumi at first - though flesh and bone warped it into a being of predatorial nightmare. And within the blink of an eye, it was gone, seen sprinting across the field on all six, before disappearing into the woods.