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Disturbing Thought


Inactive Member
This is a question that i am not sure if anyone has considered before what would happen if a Type 5 Freespacer was able to connect to a Iroma's entry port (such as one in the back of the neck) would that Type 5 be able to take over the Iroma's consciousness, would there be some kind of mental struggle between the two, or what as i have not found any information on the subject and it is one i hope someone will be able to answer.
Reactions: Wes
Well, the secondary question is the entry port an actual physical cybernetic jack? I mean the Iroma use biotech, so it might be something like what Nekos use.
That's because the iroma are largely, well, unintegrated with the setting, for the most part. They're around: but they don't have anything running.

Besides, depending on the spacer, it'll either be A: an incompatible connector/connection/hardware/software or B: Irradiate the iroma to death. Probably.
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Additionally, if the Freespacer were a male and the Iroma a female, the latter would most likely burst into a rosy red blush, embarrassingly stutter out something like "P-Pervert!" and brutalize the curious Freespacer in question as it all turns into an inter-species Rom-Com.
. . . Don't we have a thread for show ideas floating around in the lounge? Because that needs to be added.
Poor, curious freespacer tries to link with an Iroma... I smell an anime there, Mog is right.
Realistically I would say most likely not, seeing as (from my understanding) the port on the Iroma's acts something like the Neko's and is more of an interface to a system then the internet. Also type 5's are usually computer programs of sorts (again unless i'm wrong) and there arises the challenge of actually connecting physically. Furthermore there always the techno language barrier being used and that would be hard to surmount.


"I... its my first time frespacer-senpai.. p..please be gentile."

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