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"Divine Comedy" State-Issue Ayame


Inactive Member
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=fr ... ine_comedy

W.I.P., so bear with me. There are issues and such here and there, I know.

The concept was two fold: Firstly, to give the newly founded mercenary board, as well as other rogue factions, equipment that doesn't...well...suck. Or at least something better than civilian-grade equipment (no wonder there aren't many pirates on SARP!) Second, it is what I hope is the first of many projects to recycle some older chassis, and put an unusual twist on them. It's amazing what one can do when Nepleslia gives them open-door armament shipments and funding!

Edit: Added arts. Yay. Pew pew pew!

Um, the Ayame-class is mainly a support ship, not a ship-of-the-line. Not many has been produced. (On the order of hundreds?)

I guess I'm questioning the wisdom of a ship design that requires a destroyed, but mostly intact shell of a foreign warship, as a main component. How many Ayame-class wrecks are you expecting to find out there, Strangelove? ^_^;

Also, does this mean that I'm not getting a picture of an Ayame-class from you?
Dude, Yangfan, with art like this, just nod along with anything Jessica says. *points the Ayame drawing* This is the best looking rendition of an Ayame I've ever seen. I expect Wes to fall in love - it really looks the part.
guess I'm questioning the wisdom of a ship design that requires a destroyed, but mostly intact shell of a foreign warship, as a main component. How many Ayame-class wrecks are you expecting to find out there, Strangelove? ^_^;
Yeah, I would like to know how many of these will be made before I approve it. Also, it'd be nice of some of the copy-pasted stuff was edited out. It's StarWiki policy that we avoid duplicated content when possible.
It's amazing what one can do when Nepleslia gives them open-door armament shipments and funding!

When I started this project, I talked to Uso. Apparently, in Nepleslia just about anything military-grade is available on the free market if you pay enough. Also, he said Nepleslia would be willing to donate just about anything in the 1st Defense Fleet (see here ) since they were mostly "obsolete" chassis -- but only on the condition that most of the traditionally illegal equipment such as aether cannons and TDD were stripped off. This means 100 chassis, not including salvage or other market sources.

Also, does this mean that I'm not getting a picture of an Ayame-class from you?

The older vessels the SAoY uses takes on a smooth, rounded, mono-hulled appearance. This makes them relatively easy to draw 2D but an absolute pain in the rear to attempt 3D angles with...well, maybe a professional artist could do it. But spatial projection has always been one of my weaknesses; I even had to get Sublimeinal create a plain posable "doll", the central hull shape, using DOGA for this one (see below). Hence the angular hull shape instead of the rounded one...

https://stararmy.com/starchan/images/507 ... mplate.PNG

Yeah, I would like to know how many of these will be made before I approve it. Also, it'd be nice of some of the copy-pasted stuff was edited out. It's StarWiki policy that we avoid duplicated content when possible.

Well, at the moment the the only things copied are the shield system, and a fraction of the minor layout assets (bridge, armory, hallways, recreation room, lift). Most of the systems have been fully replaced...well, actually all of the systems except the shielding, I think.

Originally I was thinking it would be limited-production...but since Wes wants me to go with a 100% original design, then that means all components are Freespacer-produced and therefore the vessel could theoretically be put into full-swing mass production. So I'll go with that then; since it's already nine-tenths original equipment I might as well go all the way, right? I guess in that case it should be more "based on a reverse engineered" Ayame chassis rather than a "modified" Ayame. I'll make the writeup changes sometime soon I hope.
For reference: For modified versions of a ship, the mod should generally list only the changed items. See the Mindy 1H for an example of modifications using links instead of copy-pasted descriptions.
I have several questions here:

1) Overall, I am curious as to how the Freespacers have developed such a extremely advanced, overarching knowledge and skill with subspace technology, considering that their state-of-the-art technology not a few months previous was nuclear weapons, comparably slow STL, and their communication systems. Even with the help they no doubt received from the Nepleslians, it seems excessive that they went from studying blueprints of subspace devices to advanced theoretical development in the span of month or two.

2.a) What is “Phenolic-Fulleride layered mesh”? How does it go about “releasing a high capacity discharge to disrupt particle beams, plasma bursts, and even vaporize solid munitions”?

2.b) How does it release a electrical burst (I am assuming that is what you mean, it is not stated) powerful enough to “vaporize a solid [round]” but not cause itself catastrophic damage, considering most starship-grade rounds (and many PA ones) in this setting are composed of solid chunks of starship-grade armor?

2.b.I) Won’t vaporizing a round within/near the hull be a bad thing? Metal expands massively when vaporized and requires a huge amount of energy to vaporize, so you are creating a extremely fast, energetic, and very powerful bomb right next to or in the hull. This seems like a bad plan.

3) I can see the whole “death with honor” thing going on behind the escape pod destruct feature, but wouldn’t it be better to remove the “random chance” of blowing up but keep the remote-destruct feature? That way you can kill deserters but when you really need to get off the ship you don’t have a 1-in-10 chance of blowing yourself up (no doubt to the bewilderment of the enemy).

4) Is the fission system the only power source for the ship? Is see no way a nuclear fission system would provide the energy outputs that this ships other systems would provide. Fusion is maybe, and that’s if it is really large. As much as it is annoying how they are frequently poorly described, there is a reason most ships require exotic power sources to operate. Nuclear systems simply do not provide the power output you need.

5) Where on the ship are the graviton projectors? Forward main hull, docking ring, etc.

6.a) Where did this “Entropy Shroud ECM Generator” come from? Is it a new addition with this item?

6.b) How does this system block a sensor signal? Photons do not “destroy” each other when opposite phases intersect (and cancel), it just that the net waveform in that region is zero. As soon as the two waveforms move apart the net waveform will not be zero. Since you can’t predict the waveform exactly before detecting it and because it requires a non-zero time to detect the incoming waveform, analyze it, and transmit the phase-opposite waveform it is impossible to precisely match the incoming signal. This means that you can’t, at range, cancel out a senor signal. The rapid decay of the evanescent waves only exacerbates this issue.

6.c) What frequency ranges can this system cover? Also, how is the systems array built on the hull? The more surface area it covers the better it will operate in the short range (since it can better match the angles of incident photons).

6.d) This “spatial destabilization” business is what I am talking about in Q.1. How do they manage to generate a system on-par (or exceeding) with the systems used by top-of-the-line Nepleslian and Yamataian vessels when such technology as a theory was foreign to them not more than a few months ago.

6.d.1) What are the power requirements of this system? To output a powerful enough subspace distortion at ~40,000,000 kilometers is going to require a huge amount of energy. I will agree that you don’t need to match the total output of said ships drive systems, thanks to the metastability of subspace drives, but you are still going to require a fraction of its output to cause a system failure as you describe (and at .25 AU no less).

6.d.2) Likewise, it would require a massive amount of power to drown out gravimetric sensors. Unlike subspace systems, you can’t just “disrupt” a gravimetric sensor, which is detecting things using gravimetric waves (or at least as far as I understand the sensors operation). You need to create a field where the net gravimetric energy is higher than that of the sensors waves (much like how modern ECM functions), otherwise they will still be able to detect them.

6.d.3) I have just noticed, reading through it again, that the field it generates is sufficient to bend light. To do this at short range, this would require a titanicaly powerful gravimetric field. Even if it achieves this bending over hundreds of thousands of kilometers you are still making your ship a beacon to everyone out there fielding gravimetric sensors, since the field that would need could not be hidden. Since gravitimetric acceleration decays predictably with range, they would be able to pinpoint your ships location pretty easily. This could also be achieved even by races without gravimetric technology by simple observation of the starfield viewed through the field. Comparing the distorted image with the know starfield would allow them to locate the fields origin (and the ship).

6.e) I would like to know how this system is not a “’barbaric’ application of brute force”. By their very nature area-effect ECM systems (or interdiction fields) are brute force systems, overwhelming the sensor output of other starship through high-powered random emissions.

6.e.1) On that note, what kind of a EM band can this thing jam? The wider the band, the higher (much, much higher) the power requirements are.

7) What is the length on the tethers? If it is extending to .25 AU and assuming the tether is only 100 microns wide (slightly thicker than a human hair) the spool would have a volume more than 1,200 cubic meters. Assuming it where perfectly wound (with no inefficiency due to shape of the tether or mechanical needs of the spool) this would be a spool 10 meters long with a radius of 6 meters. That is a huge spool.

8.a) As I reload the page I see two notes have been added to the end of the writeup. The energy requirements for this to act as a weapon at 15 million kilometers are quite simply insane. DR 5 is on the order of multi-megaton nuclear weapons and you are saying that the “powerful EM emissions and spatial warping” are doing this. Even with the inherent metastability of subspace shields (and I must add that not all shields are subspace based) the energy output of this system would be, quite literally, astronomical.

8.b) To give a idea of the kind of output this would require, I have done a calc of it (we all know I love calcs). Assuming DR 5 is equivalent to a 10 megaton nuclear weapon and that the 10 megatons is released perfectly efficiently (i.e all of it is damaging). I am also assuming that cross section of the power armor is 2.5 m^2 (estimated from a 5 m^2 total surface area, roughly 2.5 times larger a normal human, also making the following calc conservative) and that this area takes the form of a circle, making its radius ~0.9m. At a distance of .1 AU this circle will subtend an arc of approximately 12 billionths of a second of arc. Its overall area as a percentage of the total effect sphere (with a area of 2.81E27 m^2) at this range will be ~8.9E-26% (or 89 billion, billion, billionths of a percent).

Assuming the armor is being subjected to the above 10 megatons of energy over a period of one minute (though it should be noted that most shields perform substantially better against energy applied over a long period of time, meaning the actual energy that the armor is being subjected to is much higher than assumed 10 megatons) this amounts to a power of 6.97E14 watts or 697 terawatts or approximately 46 times the average power demand of the human race in the year 2004. The overall power of the entire field is 7.8448E41 watts. This is 160 thousand times more power than the luminosity (read= power output) of the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

Even if you assume that the destabilization effect requires a small fraction of the “effective energy” of that DR, you are still talking about insane energy needs. And all of this, I need to add, is coming from a nuclear power plant a few dozen meters in size.

9) Why do different weapons systems have different to-hit modifiers? I would think secondaries, since all of them are controlled by the same AI in most instances, would have a much better chance to hit since they have much better tracking than the bigger guns.

10) Overall this whole ECM system is hideously overpowered, even it where on a state-of-the-art Yamataian ship, never mind a Free Spacer’s one.

11.a) On this “difference engine”, is this related to the inertial dampener system?

11.b) If the above is correct, then this system is taking the leap to being able to actually direct the ships momentum, yes? Isn’t that really freaking advanced?

11.c) Also, how is this system affected by the ECM or other types of interdiction fields? I would think it would totally collapse, since it is saying explicitly that it requires very exact control of gravimetric fields.

12.a) What is the propulsion for the missiles? 0.6c is pretty damn fast. I also think the DR ratings are a bit high for a nuclear weapon, but they are in line with the scaling of the DR system.

12.b) Isn’t 4 missiles a minute really, really fast construction time?

13.a) What kind of wavelengths does the laser system operate on?

13.b) I have also just noticed a large number of notes about the utility of systems on the ship to pirates and other criminal entities. Will the Free Spacers be selling these refitted ships to such groups, either openly or in secret?

14.a) How does this ‘Kinetic Detonator Cannon’ interact with the ships own systems as well as any interdictor fields?

14.b) How big is the round?

14.c) This system apparently is generating a massively powerful gravimetric field to contain the core , wouldn’t this have serious adverse consequences to the rest of the ship? Remember that gravimetric fields do not just vanish after a certain distance, they are persistent.

14.d) What does this thing use for in-flight guidance? Not just the system itself (which has to be extremely resilient to survive the massive shears it would be subject to), but also what kind of sensors it uses. Realize that its own effects are going to be hugely distorting its view of space.

14.e) Wouldn’t a gravimetric field strong enough for relativistic accelerations rip the core apart?

14.f) How do you create the negative matter? This also ties in with Q.1 and Q.6.d, this seems like a very advanced use of gravimetrics and matter creation for a race that otherwise does not seem particularly advanced and has not had access to advanced technologies for very long.

15.a) What do the drones use for propulsion that allows them to go 120,000 km/s? How long can they travel at this speed under power?

15.b) Similar to 12.b, isn’t a production rate of 12 drones a minute excessive?

15.c) What is the payload for the Phantasm gunships when using the laser (which has a output in the high megaton range judging from its DR)? In my support of these guys, I explicitly stated several times that they would have a limited payload due to the strict limits of their power systems.


Edit: Q15.C is of less import as I found the description of the weapon in question and since it is a explosive-pumped laser it is less of a issue. However, I do have to seriously question how a light-weight ship can withstand a DR 7 nuclear detonation occurring within the ship, since said detonation is going to have a yield in the gigaton range.

>> viewtopic.php?f=17&t=151

I would appreciate you using this little post as a guideline for your posts in the future. You tend to be very good at tearing apart the creations of other people but appear to be rather weak in the area of offering them help.

This forum is no longer about arguing somones submission to the point it is abandoned or so complicated scientifically that no one can understand it. My Staff and I will be working hard to steer people away from this kind of destructive review. Our goal is to have people who are reviewing technology be helpful and constructive, assisting the submittor in getting their creation to a level where it can be approved.

Also, I wanted to point out that the level of scientific knowledge you demand from your fellow players is unrealistic expectation in a science fiction roleplaying community. I ask that you relax a little bit on these points.

Thank you.
To Vesper: In reply to Qs 1, 6d, and 14f regarding the speed of the Freespacer adaptation of radically new technologies and theories: The Polysentience is made of the collective minds of the entire race, plus Syntelligences, working together. I think they could find some way to comprehend what they have just been given and quickly figure out ways to advance it at speeds beyond what people working on their own would be able to.

Also, to SL, that picture ROCKS!
Mkay, I will try to apply those to my above post:

Q.1 and also Q.6.d and Q14.f are dealing with general issues with the overall technology in question. How the race was presented and the technology it has otherwise used and been described as using supports a view that the a number of technologies in this submission are too advanced to have been developed in the allotted time frame, even given plans by groups with this knowledge.

I can whole heartedly understand the desire to make ones creations actually able to challenge modern combat vehicles and not be pushovers, but there are limits on how fast things can advance. I like the Freespacers as a nation, but I do not see how they could have advanced this far in so short a time. Due to the nature of this issue, I don’t see how I can provide a alternative solution other than “don’t do it”.

Q.2.a is a question on the basic composition of the armor in question. I am not looking for anything super technical here; “it consists of layers of fulleride mesh bonded into a composite with a phenolic resin” is fine, though it does not answer the second part of the question. I am assuming it is also composited with some form of conductor to generate the potential that disrupts the weaponry.

Q.2.b and Q.2.c are issues of plausibility, since it seems that anything releasing enough energy to destroy an incoming projectile made out of similar or stronger material would cause as much or more damage to itself than the projectile would have in the first place. I don’t really see how I can provide a alternative here and not wholly change the thing.

Q.3 is more a question of preference; a suggested alternative was provided.

Q.4 is an also a question of plausibility. Nuclear power, while providing a huge amount of energy relative to modern demands simply cannot provide the outputs that are needed, given the ships components and performance. It either needs to devote much of its internal space to power generation or it needs an alternative, higher-output exotic power source.

Q.6 and Q.8 more or less in their entirety deal with a single system. This system is technical by its nature and I felt it reasonable to ask technical questions.

Q.6.a is just in regards to its origin (as I do not remember seeing it before). A simple yes or no is all I am looking for, with a qualifier of its origin if it is not new.

Q.6.b is in regards to its technical function. It is possible that I am misunderstanding the wording of the submission, but its description as I understand it of blocking EM sensors is simply not going to work at any sort of range due to the precision that would be necessary. Due to the huge ranges involved in space, ECM is not nearly as useful in space (especially since it makes you stand out relative to the background even more). That’s just the way it is, I don’t really see a way to say it differently.

Q.6.c is a fairly simple question on its operation and structure. I am not looking for in-depth details of its range, just something like “the system can operate in the radar, microwaves, IR, visible, UV, and X-ray ranges”. With the second part I just want to know what its structure is; is it composed of a few antennae/generators located in clusters, spaced over the hull, etc.

Q.6.d.1 and Q.6.d.2 are more of a positive question on the power requirements. Disregarding Q.8 and its normative analysis of the issue, I was looking for notes that it has large dedicated power supply or that it can tap directly into a large-scale main power system on the ship. This would be in concert with a large reduction in range.

Q.6.d.3 is similar to Q.6.d.1-2 in that its operation as described would require immense amounts of power and also questioned viability of such high field strengths, since they give away your presence and position to anyone putting any tiny effort into looking. That defeats the whole purpose of the ECM system.

Q.6.e is a question of verbiage. Is has no real bearing on the viability of the rest of the design, it just seems like a hypocritical statement, considering the nature of the ECM system.

Q.7; a simple request for how far the tether can reach. The second part is just a very, very simple volume calculation for a cylinder. Everyone should have learned this in HS (hopefully early on in HS). If someone does not, just Google it, the first result will actually calculate the volume for you. In regards to any unit conversion, Google is also quite good at this; just use its “X to Y” notation and you’re good. V=Pi*r^2*h

Q.8 is the most serious of the issues as it shows quantitatively (as opposed to “I think that…”) that the ECM system would require utterly insane levels of energy to operate. There is no way I can sugar coat it, as written Q.8 shows that the ECM system is not viable. Its effects would need to be drastically reduced.

In regards to the technical component of Q.8.b (the calculation) it looks more complicated than it is, mainly due to my poor formatting turning it into a jumble of numbers. At its core it is just a ratio of areas multiplied by a power. In this case its formula is:

P (system)=P (PA)*A(Field)/A(PA)

Where P(system) is the total system power output, P(PA) is the power acting on the Power Armor, A(Field) is the total area of the field at 1 AU (taking the form of a sphere; A(sphere)=4Pi*r^2), and A(PA) is the area of a power armor, estimated here from the area of a similarly sized human.

Q.9 is a question on rules design and I give my reasoning for it being the other way.

Q.11.a and Q.11.b are simple requests for clarification on the drive.

Q.11.c is a observation that the system would be disrupted by interdictor systems. A note within its description to this effect (or defense of why it would not be affected) is what I am looking for.

Q.12.a; this is just a request for what it uses for propulsion, also commenting that the speed seems excessive for a missile.

Q.12.b; the opinion that this is a excessively fast construction time.

Q.13.a is much like Q.6.c, I am just looking for the frequency ranges it can operate in (microwave, IR, visible, etc.).

Q.13.b has no bearing on the validity of the submission, it is just a request for a clarification on the matter since in numerous submissions it seems to be the intent to sell it to criminal organizations.

Q.14.a and q.14.C are also like Q.11.c, except in regards to the ships other systems. The kind of gravimetric field this device would require would have damaging consequences throughout its parent ship.

Q.14.b is just requesting some dimensions for the round. Mass is already given, so I would just like its dimensions.

Q.14.d is a question on its guidance system. The missile one is described, but this weapon’s is not. It doesn’t require a terribly long description, just some general notes on its capabilities and operation.

Q.15.a; just what it says, what is it using for propulsion, be that ion drives, gravimetric drives, etc. Also its flight duration under its own power.

Q.15.c) as I noted in the edit, I did find the description of the weapon so that as an issue, directly is resolved. However, I would still like a operational duration on it. Also as noted in the edit, such a small ship surviving repeated gigaton-yield detonations within it seems extremely implausible.



To MissingNo: Yes that would speed it up a great deal, but it is still excessive. Even for a superturing it would take time to process and understand what had been totally foreign concepts and technologies and to then progress to theoretical designs based on that knowledge.

I also agree the picture is cool.
I think we should move away from using 'hard numbers' in submissions because this exact kind of thing will happen. We don't need to know the exact joules per square meter output of a shield in order to use it in RP.
I can't answer all the questions now. Or even today, since being a student keeps me busy with studying...and your list of questions is practically an essay unto itself, so it'll take to read, research solutions or counter-arguments and whatnot. I just glanced through your few douzen questions and/or falsifications, answering whatever didn't require several more hours of pouring through my physics textbook or an encyclopedia to answer.

Edit: Gah, Vesper went and re-wrote the questions already. No wonder he can type out multi-paged critiques; he must type really fast. These answers might not match up with the 2nd list of questions he posted, just so you know. I think I'm going to go do some homework before sitting down for another hour to answer more questions.

1) Missing is right. The principal for the concept of Polysentience was based on collaborative internet work; for example, projects like Wikipedia, open-source OS development, SETI@home, etc. Except now replace the guys sitting at their computers with transapient digital constructs. As Uso put it, any Joe Blow can access PANTHENON and design a full battleship schematic in five minutes, so why can't a network with a much higher baseline creativity do the same in a month? Don't forget the fact Nepleslia is literally giving away starship technology with it's "if it's not against interstellar superweapon proliferation treaties, you can have it!" trade policy.

2) Will reword more scientifically, I guess? The original Ayame simply said, "Zesuanium-lined armor", not specifying what was underneath and/or the superstructure. I just randomly picked something that sounded technosprechenish...but I can change it. Buckypaper with some sort of insulator, maybe.

3) That isn't so much an issue as an opinion. You're assuming a traditional pilot-training-and-life vs ship cost ratios, not factoring in cloning and accelerated growth into the former, assuming traditional modern morality, sociological and cultural factors, etcetera.

4) It actually says fission-fusion assembly, not pure fission. Fission alone takes gross amounts of time to perform most types of transmutation reactions, not to mention the costs associated with running a reactor that long; hence the fusion element of the reactor. Also, it's meantioned in one of the weapons description there are also secondary aether generators supporting the vessel.

5) The original Ayame didn't specify in it's writeup, though I could add a location.

6,7,8,9,10,11) This was approved a while ago, before you came back from obscurity. Not that I like smacking you with the rulebook, but technically you're not allowed to critique canon tech. It's a recent addition to the rules. Yes, it's powerful, but it has to be in order to compete with the sheer effectiveness of force field technology on SARP...well, not so much technology as the way the DR rules are written so that a ship's durability revolves around force fields.

12, 15) It's a three-deck factory on a ship that has a horizontal area roughly a quarter kilometer squared; that's pretty big for a factory. Also, just because they don't have "magic stuff up from nanobot goo" that doesn't mean they don't possess miniaturization technology (i.e., intermolecular assembly, nanobot-assisted assembly), etc.

14) If I tell you how big it is, are you going to smack with with a eloquent "OMGWTFsize/outputratioisinsane!" ^^;

14) The universe is supposedly 95%+ dark energy/matter. Is it that hard to obtain given SARP's technology level, which can already tap other dimensions for exploitation

15c) Nuclear-pumped laser. The energy comes from ammunition charge detonation. I guess the RoF should be changed.

Just so you know the second post by Vesper is more ammendments to his original questions as that I had posted a request after his first set.

There is no reason for you to hit a physics book over this, there is a level of plausibility required but as mentioned I dont believe it is at the level in which Vesper tends to be at.
The only constructive criticism I can offer is, I'm glad I will never submit something that offers enough detail to justify essay-length question-and-answer threads.

This being a ship, though, I suppose it's justified. But I echo Uso/Zack here -- I can make a solemn promise not to hammer people with small arms about their numbers, if that helps even things out.
I noticed something while looking over the ships systems, it apparently includes interdiction among its electronics functions.

I'm wondering two things, where did the freespacers acquire interdiction technology?

And then regardless of where they acquired it, won't Yamatai be particularly ummm... how shall I say this.... well.. interested or curious(miffed maybe??) that there are people flying around in a ship which was originally built by them and is fielding restricted technology?
I'd still argue Yamatai has more important things to worry about besides restricted tech. But until we know that for certain somehow ...
What I want to know is, can this thing take on an Ayame-class in a firefight? What about an Ayame-class minus its Legacy Cannon? :?:
IC groups getting pissed off for any reason and how this ship stacks up against other ships really shouldn't be an issue in the approval process.
Uso said:
IC groups getting pissed off for any reason and how this ship stacks up against other ships really shouldn't be an issue in the approval process.

You're right Uso, the implications of the design ICly means little to nothing in terms of the approval. There appears to be two different situations here getting crossed:

The first being Scribbles' comment which has no weight whatsoever on the approval process. Yamatai's IC feelings towards it doesnt bear on the approval process--though it might be wise for those on the plot end of things to realize there maybe some IC action if they find out about it.

The second is Yangfan's question. Which is an attempt for us to gage how this modified Ayame stands up to the original design-its covering the How powerful is it? What is its usefulness to story and setting?-angle. Which does have bearing on the decision of approval.
Edit: Fixed missing numbers. Comedy's damage is 1900 per second, not 1600. Also, please note this is purely offensive value. This does not factor in the Divine Comedy's stealth and enhanced defense value from ECM jamming.

I'll reduce the ranges and add the little missing tidbits, like where the graviton projectors are, ammunition size, and so on some time later this week when I have time.

I think the original Ayame wins due to it's (if you'll excuse the bashing) gross overpoweredness in my view. The Drones are (DR 7 x 720) if I've read correctly, which equals 5040 damage points per combined barrage...well, technically, 5760 points due to the +1 DR bonus they get for barrages. Times that by 5 shots per second each and you get 28800 combined output. Though, said attacks have zero area-of-effect value. There are also six Striker arrays rated as "heavy"; assuming (DR 6 x 1500 total points all together) meaning 9000 damage points per second. Of course we still have the coup-de-grace, the DR 10 weapon with an aftershock radius of 200,000,000 miles. (Dr 10 x 0.0166... per minute refire = 0.01 DR points per minute).

So, to conclude the Ayame inflicts (excluding resist effects)...
...22800 DR points per second from Drones
...9000 DR points per second from the Striker
...plus Legacy Cannon equals...

The Divine Comedy inflicts (excluding resist effects)...
...9.6 DR points per second from Cruise Missiles
...32DR points (assuming "continuous" is one attack per second) from Pylons
...0.9 DR points per second from Kinetic Detonator
...1080 DR points per second from Drone Fighters
...240 DR points per second from Gunships
plus 560 if you include the two single-launch torpedos per gunship...

The Divine Comedy does 1923 DR per second, rounded up, of sustained fire.
The Ayame does 31800 DR points per second of sustained fire, plus 1 BFG.

Even factoring the Divine Comedy's barrage damage...and limited ammo reserves....hmm....maybe I went a little too conservative in designing it due to fear of being beaten with the "OVERPOWERED!" stick. I might have to increase the rate of fire of weapons a bit, just to balance that out.

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As for usefulness: Well, firstly as a vessel for the OSC, which was approved quite a while ago but Exhack and I were planning to do the IC introductory post for some time this week. I'd like to have at least one (semi-)original design for both them and the Freespacers in general.

Secondly, SARP seems utterly devoid of ships oriented towards, and design for/by priates and criminals. They almost overwhelmingly use second-hand antiquated military technology, often making them fodder for the good guys in plotship PvE encounters. It might help encourage future pirate plots if they had a vessel strong enough to take on more than [randomly generated civilian NPC ships], as well as the capacity to hide when needed using the keen electronic warfare systems (PANTHEON and/or MEGAMI has a sensor range of 250 LYs, which is larger than the known universe :/ ). Also, having criminal factions equipped with non-second hand equipment might, y'know, make them a real threat for once. This might be a nice change of pace in comparison to them getting wailed the tar out of by any passing military vessel. If approved I plan on disseminating this model down to certain black markets; yes, I realize the IC ramifications of that. But sometimes it's good to be bad! Mwahaha.
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