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RP: Neshaten Divison 5 Case 01 - Part 2,

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Same day as Case 1
RP Location
Kingdom of Neshaten - Nesha Prime
Several Hours Later

Division 5 Safehouse

Leo and Adrea stood before the rest of the Ai'Seru, they'd had to stay put for quite some time while waiting for official word from HQ, while it may be true that operators are given almost complete freedom in the field this was set to become a full blown raid, apparently another Commander was being brought in from a neighbouring region to help oversee preparation and execution, that's where Leo and Adrea came in.

"Team! Listen up." Leo started with a slight bark to make sure he had the attention of his remaining members, remaining, what a somber throught. "The intelligence branch has managed to locate what is believed to be a small forward base for these terrorists, whoever that bastard was in the armour didn't play it very sneaky, sprinted stright to the place. On top of that they didn't even deactivate Arynn's communication gear which we were able to track." The snowy haired Daur paused to compile his thoughts for the next portion of his briefing. "We have a new member coming to reinforce our Ai'Seru, ex Navy with a good history, they'll be joining up with us when the rest of the assult team arrives."

Adrea nodded along with Leo during his little speech and stepped forwards to assume command when it was his time. "For the duration of the raid this team along with another will be under my command, your code is Alpha, they're Omega. As a combined force we'll be taking the back door approach while the main force including several Gi'Gin swarm tanks attacks the front, this operation is being made in conjunction with the Navy hence the use of their assets, its a common goal to root out these people after all." The commander looked over the group, still somehow keeping a light expression though not quite smiling, more likely he was keeping a calm composure to help prevent unneeded tension and stress among the others.

Kingdom Fall Forward Base

While the team prepped for the raid with the distant sounds of tanks and trucks in the distance Arynn had been chained to a bench in a locked room, all of her gear had been taken when she was dumped out of the sack. So far they had questioned the operator on her name, information regarding Division 5 and information on her team and why they'd come out here to investigate. As proof of her loyalty and backbone the small Daur now had some nasty bruises on her ribs and face, a rather nasty Laibe entered the room with a sneer already plastered on his face as he wielded a large wrench, Arynn would know him well as the instigator of her pain. "Well well, still alive and kicking are you? That's good, you haven't given us any info yet and we'd be so happy if you would, now if you dont start talking we're gonna start breaking things starting with your legs."
Division 5 Safehouse

The silence burned in Cirillo's mind.

The air hung quietly as he sat alone in a side room, his hand squeezing his arm til his fingertips turned white. If he had any means, he'd be sprinting out of here to the enemy, but he was far away and ill-equipped. He cursed himself for his negligence, his slip of attention as he thought the mission was over right before Arynn disappeared. The brief idea of stealing a vehicle and going alone crossed his mind, but he brushed that away. He had no way of dealing with a power armor anyway.

Why am I being so hotheaded right now? Cirillo tried asking himself. I hardly know Arynn. They're my squad mate, sure, but is that the reason? I'd do the same not only for anyone else on the team, but an honest civilian as well. I've been reprimanded for it before. The image of his brother Elio flashed in his mind, his scared eyes staring at Cirillo from the second story window just as the fire destroyed the floor and sent him down to his death.

I just don't want to see anyone suffer anymore.

I should have died that day instead of my brother. I should have stayed up there with him and made him jump to safety first. Even if I fell into the fire instead, it would have been better if he survived. Maybe every time I try to rescue someone, it's like I'm replaying that day. Hoping that by saving this person, it'll fill the void.

But nothing ever does.

He felt lost to this impossible situation and wanted to scream. He nearly punched the wall next to him in frustration, but at that moment Cirillo received a message to meet for a briefing. He shot up out of the uncomfortable chair and threw the door open. He jogged to the meeting room and stood silently at attention. He listened to his commander, the news of cooperating with the Navy a pleasant addition. A second task force couldn't hurt either. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Fitting, but a little arrogant, Cirillo briefly thought. A new squad mate as well though, they're really pulling all the stops for this.

"Question," Cirillo barked as the commander paused. "In the event that Alpha and Omega run into the power armor, do we have anything to combat that?" His words were professional as always, but his tone was more raw than normal.

Leo had a grim expression, "As it stands, we don't yet know the full defensive or offensive capacity of the armour and don't have any effective strategies in place yet. Our new addition will be fielding a high powered rifle however as they're a direct transfer from the Navy where they specialised in sniping operations. Our current strategy to deal with that armour should the diversion fail is to draw it into his line of sight or identify and attack weak points. It's going to be an extremely dangerous mission and our current orders are weapons-free, prisoners are a secondary objective and the armour and its pilot are classified as a high-value target." Leo replied, he was nervous about running into it as well or any other surprises but they had all signed up for this and all knew the risks, it was about being on the top of your game and trusting your team now.

"If we're unable to deal with it we will need to pull out of the area and regroup with the main force, their munitions stand the best chance of dealing damage." As Leo spoke one of the Prowlers pulled up outside their building, its occupants were the Ai'Seru Omega, plus one Limr'viad Kil'nda, a rather tall Laibe who would be joining their team as informed by Leo.
Kil'nda began to fallow the directions he had been given to meet up with the new team. He messed around with the collar of this new uniform for a few moments. It felt strange being in a new outfit but he was just have to adjust. He looked over the info he had been given one more time as he started his walk. The mission consisted of clearing out terrorists and the rescue of prisoners if at all possible. Most of the briefing though concerned the mysterious power armor. He sighed shaking his head. His Rife felt heavy on his back for a moment. No doubt that if they came across it he was going to have to engage but as there was so little they knew about it there was no guarantee he could punch though the armor. Still he could tell that was his main purpose here.

He could see that there was a commander giving orders to his men and it seemed to fit the description of the new assigned team. He walked over his mind for a time flashing to his recent past. He hadn't thought he would miss the stars so much, but now he felt he missed the Gam'trosha and the crew he had come to know. These terrorists had played no small part in making sure they were back to being grounded and the thought of wiping them up for that was a small comfort to him. Perhaps one day he could return to those starts that now once more seems almost out of ones reach. But he left his musing aside, there was a new mission for him and he needed to focus all his attention upon it. He approached the group keeping atleast a respectable distance and then gave a salute. "Limr'vaid Kil'nda reporting for duty" He announced himself
Kingdom Fall Forward Base
Interrogation Room

Arynn Sher'Meso had certainly been... Okay, no, this was officially the worst situation she's been in so far. Not like it mattered. Her green eyes burned with defiance, which had only been fueled by the beatings.

"Oh, you want me to talk, do you? Sure, I can do that. Have you considered asking nicely?" She snickered smugly, but there was still pain seeping into the Daur's voice. And honestly, she didn't enjoy the prospect of having broken legs.

Kyet had a few bandages and bruises hidden beneath her uniform, on top of that she stank of cheap deodorant but neither of those were the reason the quiet fox was frowning as she sat there, foot tapping against the ground with a concerned rhythm each time her boot impacted with the flooring - she was worried for their team mate who'd been grabbed, though she assumed that was the source of the other frowns and pursed lips around her.

The ex-agent swallowed hard and cleared her throat before speaking up, pushing her shoulders back to straighten out her back, "What~ what countermeasures do we have in-place for the event that they prepared for our arrival and ambush us? They are expecting us~ no doubt~ so how will we deal with that if it arises, sir?" Kyet asked keeping her posture perfect despite wanting nothing more than to crawl away and hide in her helmet.
Interrogation Room

The laibe snickered, “Here that? She wants me to ask nicely.” The burly fox pursed his lips and made an almost snarling sound as he smacked the wrench into his palm several times. “Since you decided to try being a smart ass, consider this the warning!” With that he swung the heavy object right into the guts of the captured operator, “That should teach you, bitch.” The laibe snickered again as his friend walked into the room.

“She talk yet? Boss wants intel so its make or break, and he said we can do plenty of breaking.” As if to emphasise his point the new arrival delivered a swift kick to Arynn’s shoulder, though being chained to a bench the little daur simply got knocked side to side. “Get something out of her before her friends get here, then we can clean up the whole lot thanks to that armour.”


“Right on time, good to see you operator.” Leo said nodding at their new arrival. “If they are indeed waiting for us, our only option is to grit our teeth and fight through them. I, know it’s not a terrific plan but its all we have to go on with such a short amount of time. The diversion with the main force is our only chance of getting in and out with little resistance.“ The captain breathed a sigh as he collected his weapons and gear once more.

There was little time for the team to get to know their new sniper unfortunately as Alpha boarded the Prowler. Along the journey maps were handed out and studied with Leo and the captain leading Omega team lost in conversation for almost the whole trip, once they reached their drop point the crowd of daur and laibe operators leapt from the vehicle to grab cover. It may not have been an active zone where they were deployed but with the looming threat of the armour every precaution was taken, Leo motioned for his group to follow and keep close with Limr’vaid following at a slight distance to provide support if they got jumped.

While the Ai’Seru got to work sneaking towards the back entrance of the alleged forward base the not so distant sounds of gunfire rang out across the junkyard. The main force had already engaged the enemy head on and the sky was lightning up with the flashes of gunfire and explosions. “On me, we’ll make a break for that side office.” Leo whispered over comms to his team as he rose from his crouch and made a low sprint to a small side office connected the the main warehouse. “Deniska take point, Hana go in with him, Limr’Vaid watch our flanks.” The snowy haired daur ordered, as he checked the outside while he trusted Kyet to do the same.
Kil'nda checked his gun one last time once boots were on the ground he had it good and ready and his role within the team was clearly established. There wasn't really any need for the engineer part of him right now, nothing big and fun to ride around in. But right now his Rifle could do a lot of good for the Kingdom and he prepared himself to use it. He lagged behind the others covering them from and distance and keeping several spot open in his mind for where to go in case a gun fight broke out. He would need to be mobile at times if his position was found. He could hear the fighting on the other side of the compound they had to hope the armor was not coming after them if it did he would have to figure something out on the fly.

They were approaching the building now and if they could get inside well there was less chance of meeting the armor. "Alright." he said "Want me going in with you or staying out here and picking people off through the windows?" he asks. If he went inside he'd have to switch to the SMG like the others as the rifle wasn't as practical indoors compared to the fast firing SMG.
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Cirillo looked over the map several times as the vehicle sped down the road. Without information about the building's interior, however, there really wasn't much to gleam from it. Eventually, he put the map down and checked once again that his SMG and Needler Pistol were loaded and just waiting for the safety to be flipped off. He reached down and tapped his calves, verifying two knives rested in their sheathes. The two in his gauntlets made the overall count feel excessive, but really it was about having one close to a hand that needed it in a split second. Lastly, two smoke grenades and two flashbangs sat ready in small pouches on his tactical dress. Maybe these could blind that power armor, though I wouldn't bet on it. A diversion at least perhaps.

Finally, the vehicle halted and Cirillo flooded out with the rest, taking position behind a derelict car. He swung the SMG off his shoulder and flicked off the safety.

"Roger, taking point," Cirillo responded, looking over at Hana and nodding before sprinting forward with his head tucked, scanning ahead for any enemies.
Hana had been silent, once again. It seemed the failure of the previous mission still weighed heavy on him. And while both Leo and Kyet seemed intent on convincing it just wasn't his fault, the Daur had no interest in actually listening to it. A bitter, stubborn old man, apparently, which prospect he thought about with a small smirk on his face. But now was no time for such thoughts, he was still alive - breathing. And most importantly, he had learned his lessons. There was a moment to think about these things whilst staring at the map and idly loading with a variety of slugs and scattershot, each two slugs were followed by one scattershot shell. Before cocking it and chambering a single round. The safey flicked on as a cautious and alert Hana that stepped out of the prowler. Having already taken his time to memorize the map Cirillo was holding. The extended Trike swapped position from his lap to being strapped to his back. A quick clopped feel against the pistol on his hip and the somewhat larger-than-standard-issue combat knife strapped halfway down his chest. A variety of shells strapped a bit above, as well as a peculiar few boxes on his belt. Upon closer inspection, three differently coloured shells. All neatly packed in shell holders. The colours indicative of a heavier caliber of magnum slugs, more of the regular slugs and standard scattershot.

While he wasn't exactly a gun-nut, a professional knew their tools. And he knew the Trike was a trustworthy tool. Certainly with the speedloader that was strapped to his back. Filled with another 8 of the slugs. But maybe the thing he favoured most about the shotgun was it's added silencer. It wouldn't be more than a whisper. While the shotgun wasn't exactly standard issue, he was happy to fill in the form distributed to requesting the operators for improvements in the arsenal for the upcoming raid. It would be a great addition to the team and to his pleasant surprise, the brass listened.

"Got your back," Hana answered as Cirillo offered taking point. Causing Hana to meet his eyes and offer a nod in response as he pulled the shotgun up into his shoulder. Moving up as well with the sights trained on any potential enemies. Slower and more delibirate than Cirillo. Just enough to get himself in a proper position. The safety by now had long flicked off already.
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Kingdom Fall Interrogation Room

Arynn coughed and sputtered as the solid metal tool smacked the soft flesh of her belly, knocking the air out of her undersized lungs for a few seconds; she broke her eye contact with the laibe standing before her, struggling to breathe. This was only made more difficult when the new arrival kicked her in the shoulder, though that was of little effect compared to the wrench attack from earlier. Her eyes fluttered some, narrowing as her head raised itself up again, as if to challenge her captors. She was breathing heavily, but her mouth hardened into a thin, flat line.

Save your energy for now. Make the most of what you have," she thought to herself.
Adjoined Office

As Hana and Deniska moved through the front door of the office building it would quickly become apparent they'd finally had a change of luck, the sounds of Arynn's captors laughing and jeering at the Daur floated down the hall and between a crack in the door that joined their small room to the rest of the warehouse. Unlike most warehouses this one seemed to have been outfitted with many temporary walls to create a multitude of smaller rooms rather than one huge stock storage area. Inside their little office there was nothing of notable interest, even if their objective hadn't been search and destroy, it was bare with little more than a decrepit desk and broken ceiling light to indicate it had ever been in use.

Once through the door the two operators would see a long hall stretching to a similar adjoined room as the one they had just come in through, partway down the hall was a T-junction that presumably led down the long length of the large building with rooms on either side. One of them contained their ally.


"Cover the windows for now, keep an eye out for Arynn. Hana and Deniska you'll only have his support on the entry side rooms so watch yourselves." Leo responded, motioning for Kyet to follow him into the building behind the other two, they'd be in charge of watching the rear and making sure any hidden foes were dealt with if they were missed by the two on point. "If your position gets discovered break for the building if possible and regroup with us."

As the team filed into the building leaving the sniper alone in the open a figure moved past a window, barely noticeable thanks to a set of blinds but unmistakably a person though their face was still hidden at this point. The figure stopped, and seemed to raise something into the air slowly.

Interrogation Room

Watching the small Daur splutter and cough brought a sadistic smile to the faces of both Laibe in the room with her, the new arrival folded his arms and leaned against a wall. "You know, there's no way that fighting outside will get in here, all those operators of yours out the front will be getting kept in line by our friend in the armour i'm sure you're well acquainted with." He said, referring of course to her abduction at the hands of the terrifyingly large suit only hours earlier. "But I'll let you in on a little secret, we already know your own little group will be trying to slip in the back way and save you and we've got a fun surprise when they find you." He said, not letting on much as his demeanor became more serious unlike his companion who still held the heavy wrench.

"Well, ready for a face lift?" He sneered, bringing the wrench up above his head as he prepared to bring it down across her face as promised.
Kil'nda kept his eyes open and his finger resting near the trigger ready to pull it the moment that the time came. Suddenly he caught movement from one of the windows. It was hard to tell looking though blinds as to just what was going on but he activated his comline. "Be advice I have activity in my sites." He says before he could finish the report he noticed that the figure was starting to slowly raise something up as if to strike. He gave a groan and then made a call. He had already had this person in his sites, he moved the crosshairs so that it would aim for center mass. There was too much of his site obscured to risk a head shot, this would ensure he hit the target.

He pulled the trigger and the suppressor coveresd most of the noise. In less then a second that window would be blown open and immediately after so too likely would be the torturer.

He pulled the bolt back to ready another shot. "Enemies engaged." He says looking though the scope still. He knew who was on his team, and he knew what the hostage looked like. Anyone else would end up neutralized until his orders were changed.
Interrogation Room

Where the instigator of her pain had been a moment ago was now empty, Arynn would be lucky enough to get a front row seat as his chest was blown apart by the higher caliber round as opposed to the spikes their SMG's used, the crash of the window being blown apart seeming to catch up with the visuals a moment later. The Laibe with the wrench collapsed on the floor and didn't stir as his friend fell over briefly, eyes going wide, apparently they hadn't expected a sniper to be attacking them, then again neither would Arynn. The companion scrambled out of the room on his hands and knees, partially because he couldn't keep his legs in check enough to stand and also to avoid more sniper fire, yelling and screaming about a surprise attack.


For the rest of the operators inside the building, Kil'Nda's commentary came over their earpieces loud and clear before the window exploded, and the screaming began. For Hana and Deniska up front the immediate danger level jumped up several levels as voices rung out through the building while boots thudded on the ground, most noticeably was a voice on the other side of the wall to their left, apparently they'd decided to hole up in a room and cover the door not anticipating the walls wouldn't help them.


His scope would only come up empty for now, with the barest hint of another figure in the room though only their head was visible and they didn't seem to be moving or even panicking from his earlier shot. Logically he could assume they weren't Kingdom Fall with that kind of a reaction, or potentially a hostage.
Interrogation Room

Arynn was about to call the bluff. It had to be a bluff, right? The organization would be too fast for a mole to sabotage their attempts like that. And then the terrorist's chest exploded, sprinkling droplets of blood onto her shocked face while the other one scooted away from the window. Time to go! She thought, practically jumping around in her bound-up state, bruised muscles and bones driving pained thorns through her body. With a crash, she managed to get the chair to fall over - slamming her side into the hardened floor very uncomfortably.

At least she was out of sight from that sniper, probably.

Cirillo thrashed his head left and right as chaos erupted around them. He heard the sniper's shot reverberating from one side of the hallways, but there were still too many possible rooms. He briefly noted the voices to his left, but the slam of a falling chair in the direction of the sniper shot stole his attention.

"Got a possible location of the target, advancing! Rear, possible hostiles to our left through the wall, be advised." Cirillo's one-track mind might be leading him into danger, but now that the enemy knew they were vulnerable, Arynn might not last long at this rate.

All that mattered was getting there.
Kil'nda watches the hostage take cover, not a bad move save for the part where he couldn't make an ID just yet. He makes radio contact once more. One Terrorist down, One unidentified hostage in the same room. You should find them in your sweep of the place." He knows he can't just baby sit that room forever though. Well seems they know I'm here now. Alright the call in the shots you need me to make, becareful I only have a single side of the building covered." With that he returns to staying in cover and looking for more targets to take out
Hana's ears flattened as he listened in on the auditory cues, reading possible locations and movements as his eyes narrowed. Moving to cover possible entry points he made sure no one snuck in between them - nor catching Cirillio's exposed back. A chair thumped and his ears drooped down further, it was mute - but he had a pretty good idea where it was at. Taking note of the room left, with hostile presence, Hana moved to lean against the wall. Shotgun trimmed on the exit. Whoever would step out would be in for a nasty surprise. "Solid copy - got your back," he retorted over comms.

In front of Hana and Deniska two members of Kingdom Fall appeared, apparently they'd been rushing to get to the room the team entered through as they were not expecting the four black clad operators to greet them so suddenly, with a yell they began bringing their own weapons up to bear, almost tripping over each other as they attempted to back-step away from the danger before them. Through some stroke of luck, or just the situational advantage of the sniper shot causing panic the yell of the Laibe in front didn't yield any immediate concern from his comrades.


"Scan the windows operator, fire at will but confirm your targets first." Leo's voice came back in Kil'nda's earpiece. Along the outside of the building there were a total of 10 windows excluding the one he'd just fired through, most were covered completely by blinds or boards however three of them were still visible, and through one of those windows a scope peered back at the Division 5 sniper. The other two showed figures moving about here and there but never being in view for more than a second or so as they rushed around within the building.

Interrogation Room

It had only been a moment since the last Laibe had left her alone with the steaming corpse before another walked back into the room, however this new face was dressed head to toe in what appeared to be a sort of heavy combat armour. Nothing like the suit which had kidnapped her as it was definitely not powered, more akin to a juggernaut style of gear with no easily exploitable weak points. "Don't try anything funny." She ordered bluntly, the voice muffled from within the large helmet as she hefted a rather nasty looking weapon. It was clearly some sort of rotary chain-gun, except instead of just three barrels it had three sets of three barrels which were all whirring softly as it idled. A black cable ran from the glowing blue box on the underside of the weapon up to the back of it, indicating this weapon may be a laser or plasma type given the lack of any ammunition belts or boxes.


Leo had barely finished talking to their support member when the two turned the corner ahead of them. The snowy haired Daur nearly pulled up his own gun but stopped himself from overreacting, he wasn't the point man and risked injuring his team if he tried to shoot from behind in the confined space. Instead he put his faith in the other two and instead drew his needle pistol as the terrorists raised their SMG's, intending to use it only if somehow the two ahead of him were slow off the draw.
Kil'nda could see movement in the "prisoner" Room but right at this moment he had somthing else to deal with. He could see a scope looking at him and he figured he wasn't dead so he was seeing that person first. Thre asn't time in an engament like this to stop and see if the scope was for a rifle or for spotting all he could do was take aim and then pull the trigger again. He figured this should be a clean hit. He pulled back the bolt once more and then took off. He had alreacy chosen other vantage points that would allow him to fire from a rage it was best not to get too comfy in one for very long. He would set himself up once more and then look though the scope. His heart was racing but he forces his body to be steady shaking, even a little bit could get him killed afterall he made a quick sweep for more scopes and then looked to the "Prisoner" window to try and see what was happening.
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