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RP: Neshaten Divison 5 Case 01 - Part 2,

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Cirillo swiftly raised his gun and fired a few controlled shots at the first terrorist. They're green, he thought as he briefly noted their panic. But they're terrorists nevertheless. He kept sprinting past his enemy, trusting his partner would take out the second one. He reached down for a flash grenade on his belt, prepared to breach the door and cause immediate chaos.

"Ready when you are," he called to Hana, making sure the flash grenade was obvious in his hand.
The second one was taken care off - the second one to run out didn't have time to consider the consequences of his actions. By then he was nothing more but a lifeless, headless body and a stain against the plywood wall. Life ripped from him by a hushed, though high impact whisper. The clicking of Hana's shotgun in synch with his body dropping to the ground. One flechette and one slug, the Daur reminded himself, forming up next to the door Cirillo had designated. "On your go," he offered in response. Pressed against the wall and watching his back still. Though as soon as the stun grenade went off, Hana turned on his feet and moved into the room. Shotgun raised and with the intent to take no prisoners. They had to act fast, who knew what state their colleague was in?
Interrogation Room, but Sideways

Arynn bared her teeth at the new arrival, but her less than comfortable position of being tied to a chair bigger than she was, her bruised body pinned to the floor, made her consider running her mouth for the first time since she'd managed to see anyone in this godforsaken building. She made it clear that the armored woman wasn't welcome here, though, with the constant glares. And occasionally bared set of tiny teeth.

The scope had indeed been attached to a rifle which went flying in the air as the sniper took a bullet to the shoulder and was thrown backwards into the wall behind him with a howl of pain echoing down the halls of the warehouse. The Division 5 sniper's decision to change positions was a good one as not even a second after he settled in his new area an explosion shook the ground with a ball of fire rising from where he'd just been standing. With his focus on the prisoner window once more the lucky sniper could see the instigator of the explosion clearly, a huge juggernaut suited figure with another grenade in their hand, apparently they didn't know where he was now and must have been listening to reports from the sniper he fired at to pin him down.

"Show yourself if you dare! The second you pop up you're dead you hear!" They yelled out across the open area, still looking for Kil'nda, their large helmet made it difficult to tell exactly where they were looking and the armour was tough, nothing the kingdom had ever used in the navy before either.


The first two who rounded the corner very quickly dropped to the floor, unable to usher a scream or warning to their companions before they each took a handfull of deadly metal. As Cirillo tossed the flashbang into the first room a cry went up a moment before it detonated, once inside Cirillo and Hana had their pick of four targets rubbing their eyes, unknown to them that two had ducked in time and were waiting for the opportune time to attack from behind cover.

As they entered the room the scream from the next room promising to kill their sniper rang through the halls. For a moment afterwards Leo seized up fearing the worst before shaking himself loose and refocusing, they wouldn't be screaming like that if they'd actually got him, from the explosion that went off earlier he assumed this person was trying to throw explosives at the sniper who would hopefully be moving enough to avoid being pinned so easily.

Interrogation Room

The juggernaut dressed woman had her focus on the outside completely, her huge gun left unattended on the floor while she juggled another grenade in one hand, scanning for the sniper no doubt. If she was going to attempt anything now would be her most opportune time, the chains binding her had held up so far but knocking herself over had slipped the links on her torso upwards slightly. Alternatively she could play along, the sound of the flash-bang in the next room over was certainly a good sign someone else was inside the building now.
Side Room

Not this room
, Cirillo noted to himself, his eyebrow twitching impatiently. He nearly turned around and continued down the hall before reminding himself not to leave enemies to attack them from behind. He leveled his SMG and slowly walked forward, firing burst shots at the two closest stunned enemies. Maybe they can at least replace my grenade, he thought coldy, scanning their belts for explosives as the needles pierced their bodies.
Hana seemed to be quicker on the uptake than Cirillo on making sure their backs weren't exposed to potential enemies. As soon as the grenade burst, he had stepped in. A calm and collected pace, with each footfall, a shell clattered against the floor. The first flechette round went through a stunned terrorist's chest - the second was a slug placed right between the eyes. A resolute cock of his shotgun as Hana proceeded to clear the room swiftly, taking a left to make sure he had a wall as cover and not get flanked. Intent on making sure the entire room was empty.
Bits of debris hit him nothing major just falling on him and covering him with gravel. He could see the armored enemy though his scope, thy could not see him. He cursed his luck. He could take them out right now. One well placed shot to that explosive and it would be all over. But there was a hostage in that room, he couldn't risk it. He activated his comm.

"This is Kil'nda. Be advised enemy has a heavily armored unit in the hostage room I mentioned before. They are armed with an explosive and who knows what else. If you can create a distraction I can take a shot but right now it's too risky with that bomb and hostage. Needles aren't going to work on that armor but this rifle should get the job done"
1st Room

Hearing the shots impact with their comrades the two hiding members glanced at each other before dropping their guns, there was no reason for them to wait to be gunned down by these professional killers, besides there was no way Division 5 could get the media on its side so their organisation still won the battle. "We surrender, don't shoot." One spoke as he raised his hands up before slowly rising from behind a desk while his companion did the same, raising her own hands up slowly while she stood and stared angrily at the operators.

Leo had reached the entrance when the declarations of surrender were made, keeping his own weapon ready and his focus on the hall he spoke up. "Deniska, detain them, Hana with me. Our hostage is close by with a guard." Switching to comms the Captain spoke once more. "Kil'nda, do you have a clear shot on the target's torso or legs, as you mentioned the explosive is too risky and detaining them may prove useful."

Interrogation Room

The juggernaut dressed woman seemed to freeze for a second, her focus quickly shifted from the sniper outside back to the present as she noticed the soft sound of movement outside the room and what sounded like gunshots. Quickly replacing the grenade on her belt she reached down and rearmed herself with the intimidating minigun. Instead of going for the door with who knows how many operators waiting outside she chose a more practical approach and sprinted into the connecting wall, bursting into the room where Desniska and Hana were currently searching with the barrels on her weapon already spinning up. With a roar she pulled the trigger and unleashed a deafening thunder of plasma fire through the room, narrowly missing the other Kingdom Fall members as the fire slowly moved around towards the squad.
Kil'nda looked though his scopeonce more just in time to see this massive figure turn around and try to use it's bizarre weapon in the next room over. This was likely the only chaince he would get without the team being torn apart He took aim and as the other mentioned aimed for the legs. He needed to cripple the target even if he couldn't hit them. Lucky for him then that the enemy in question had turned their back on him he aimed for the back of the knee lining up the shoot and pulling the trigger hoping his pullet would not only hit but force this massive armor to fall. He would then pull back the Bolt and prepare to put more rounds into the massive figure if needed.
1st Room

"Rog--" was all Cirillo could respond before the room shook and dust flooded in from the broken wall. His instincts kicked in, forcing him to jump backwards just in time to dodge a volley of plasma that flew dangerously close to both him and the prisoners.

Heavy armor, Cirillo noted. He needed either the sniper or Hana's shotgun for this; his needles would hardly help. Smoke would just make things worse since the minigun hardly needed aiming. His best bet would be to free up his teammates to go for the kill.

Cirillo leveled his SMG and started running in an arc away from Hana, firing burst shots at the enemy's center of mass. He needed the attention on him. After a few moments, he slipped his hand over one of his smoke grenades, pretended to prime it, then tossed it towards the enemy. "Frag out!" he shouted so the whole room could hear his gambit.
Misaligned Interrogation Room

Arynn Sher'meso: Operative of Division Five, an elite unit specializing in counter-terrorism operations. Also, her everything hurt, and everything else was sideways.

Her oversized listeners twitched in pain as the thunderous footfalls of the armored woman charged across the room, culminating into the thunderclap of a destroyed wall and the roar of a rotary cannon. She used the noise to her advantage, though - now was the time to move! If being tied to a chair could be called moving...

Her little body made surprising progress towards putting herself basically anywhere other than the center of the room, the scraping of her chair soundless under the chaotic battle happening barely a few meters away - and the girl herself invisible with no eyes to watch her.
'we surrender, don't shoot', though Hana held the barrel pointed at them. Narrowed eyes and a finger that cried out to just inch the trigger a bit more back.

They ambushed him and his team. They kidnapped and probably tortured Arynn.

They were the reason his torso was mangled and scarred now.

He was no stranger to scars. But this was a brand of shame, a mark of carelesness. And somewhere, he wanted to take revenge. But, like an itch and a hand with no fingers, he simply couldn't. Certainly not now when hell seemed to break loose, along with the plywood wall that used to be infront of him. The telltale whizzing of an electric engine could only mean one thing.

Hana dove for cover. Feeling the heated plasma rip through and shriek past inches from his body. Though he cocked his shotgun as a shell clattered against the floor. And again, again and again, counting shells while he hunkered down and let Cirillo do the distraction. Finally, when a different colour of shell popped out, Hana pulled the speedloader that contained more AP magnum rounds from his back and racked it his shotgun. As soon as he heard Cirillo yell, he jumped up to his feet.

One pull of the trigger aimed dead center before he jumped to the side, back in cover whilst a second slug whistled through the air, aiming for the neck area best he could mid-air.
Fight Club

While her plan had been based around not encountering all the operators in the hall by avoiding the door, it hadn't gone any better for the juggernaut smashing through the wall. To begin with, her chest was pelted with huge spikes, several of them getting stuck in the armour while most plinked harmlessly away, though the impact was still rough. Then the false grenade cry in amongst all the dust had her briefly let go of the trigger to try and step away and shield their face, big mistake as she discovered in the next blink of her eyes.

Luckily for the rest of the team Kil'nda had plenty of ability when it came to wielding his large rifle as the shot flew true and slammed home into the back of the juggernaut's knee, the woman within let out an anguished cry as her now bloodied leg crumpled beneath her right as Hana's first shot also impacted going slightly higher than intended and ripping through her left shoulder. The second shot thudded harmlessly through the wall, the combination of rapid descent of the target plus mid-air shooting had resulted in a desperate kind of accuracy. With her left leg and now left arm out of commission, the large figure had fully slumped to the floor on her knees, cradling the wounded shoulder as best they could. Though while she had her arm across her body her hand was, in fact, going for the grenade once more, a sight only Arynn could currently see from her side view in the next room over.

"Boss are you fucking mental?! You nearly killed us, bitch." Screamed out one of the surrendered members as he climbed to his feet, apparently not caring what these fancy operators thought of him as he stomped towards the armoured woman intent on delivering a strong kick to her now reachable head.

"Quit whinging asshole, you shoulda died instead of being captured by these clowns, besides, unlike you useless chumps I actually got one of em." The juggernaut coughed violently before a sneer broke out beneath her mask.

In the doorway Leo hadn't been so lucky, hesitating for a fraction longer than the other two he'd copped a shot of plasma right in the gut, a neat smouldering hole in his uniform and abdomen was proof as he slid down the wall outside the door and grabbed his midsection. "Kyet, get me a bandage would you." The snowy captain sputtered through gritted teeth, it wouldn't be a fatal wound so long as he got proper medical attention soon, but he was definitely out of action. "And someone shut her up, we need to confirm Arynn's status and get out, the mission hasn't changed just because I'm hit." With a sharp intake of breath Leo shut his mouth and focused on not passing out as best he could with the pain and stars clouding his vision.
Kil'nda sighed as it seemed that the situation was resolved but when comms chatter came on he realized one of there own was down but not mortally wounded. He made another sweep of the windows for enemy snipers as he would put down any her might see. He got on comms when his attention came to the prisoner room again. "give me the word and I'll neutralize her now. That armor gives her extra height I got her head in my sites. If you want her alive say so now cause if she so much as makes a twitch I'm not going to hesitate."

"Alright the rest of the team is active? Then throw the other guy to the ground and take out anyone resisting and secure whoever is still alive in that room."
He says of course they didn't have to listen to him but his suggestions seemed solid enough as he kept ready to execute either of the enemies still alive
A soft grunt came from the operator on the floor, then again, only walking away with a bruised shoulder deemed it a successful mission. Though it seemed like Hana had a similair idea as Kil'nda had. He scrambled to his feet and raised his shotgun, "VIP located," was spoken through comms, before he took a deep breath and began to shout; "On the floor! Hands behind your back. Suit, power the fuck down!" And the lungs this man seemed to possess. His shouting was loud, overbearing and best of all, threatening. Even their sniper would be able to make out just what the Daur was shouting out. Though he wasn't about letting this terrorist get up and do as he pleased.

Assuming the worst and presuming the one in the suit would know more than the unarmoured ones, the telltale sharp whistle of his Trike resounded and the man's foot exploded into a raw paste of bits and blood underneath him. Another pump to chamber a new AP shell "I said; On the fucking floor!" He reiterated slowly, though not diminishing in volume as he barked the orders one last time, moving over to the powered armour, thumping the barrel against the helmet with a soft sigh. "Come on, give me a reason to smile," he stated rather casually. "Or, get on the floor."
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Time moved slowly for Cirillo as the adrenaline slowly faded from his body. His squadmates pulled through, and the chaingun stopped. He carefully eyed the prisoner jogging over to the fallen juggernaut and chose not to act. They're not in sync, they'll get in each other's way if they try anything, he thought, justifying it to himself. He hadn't even realized Leo was hit until the woman sneered at them. What felt like a dulled sense of anger flared up briefly before he let it go. The bellowing of rage from Hana shook his senses back to the moment as well, a little surprised at just how loud he could be.

"Moving to the target," Cirillo called, sprinting past the enemy towards Arynn. Seeing her in a crumpled heap bound to a chair made his heart sink, but the fact that she was breathing meant it wasn't too late. He slipped out one of his combat knives and began to cut her free.

"Sorry... for the wait," was all he could think to say at the moment.
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Hey, see that 'nade?

"She's going for your grenade!" Arynn sputtered out between coughs, the dust from the rubble and fight causing quite a bit of trouble for her bruised lungs. She held still as Cirillo's knife cleanly severed her bindings, slightly awkwardly flopping forward onto her face once her attachment to the chair had been removed. She managed to utter out a "Thanks," before making to stand up, taking the other operator's hand if he'd offered it.

"Fucking, shit! Ahhh!" The man screamed as he was shot in the foot, "What would you do if your boss nearly shot you huh, dammit this hurts." He spat at Hana, meanwhile the woman in armour grinned. This guy was clearly unhinged to just blast him in the foot like that, he'd be sorry soon enough though. At that moment however her plan to draw a grenade was cut short as she heard the yell from the former captive and cursed herself for not taking care of that sooner, and it wasn't like her drug cocktail could shield her from a grenade blast either.

"Commander Mago'sani to all Division 5 Operators in the field, the majority of insurgents in the area have fled or surrendered and the mission has succeeded. All hands be advised, there have been no sightings of the armour yet so stay on your toes and get ready to exfil, commander out."

The short message rang through each operators helmet as the rest of the gunfire and fighting seemed to stop leaving the building in relative silence for a moment, the three kingdom fall members suddenly noticing the lack of fighting whipped their heads around as though searching for a sound to indicate they hadn't lost yet. Outside the door, Leo cracked a strained smile as he heard the familiar and all too welcome voice of the commander, he opened his mouth to bark at Hana for misconduct and excessive force but coughed instead, pain streaking through his head from his still very real wound, well he would be dealt with when they got back anyway. Without wanting to strain too much the captain gingerly reached for a bandage only for Kyet to stop him and grab one of her own, he had asked her after all though Leo wasn't quite thinking right for the time being. With a little bit of hissing, she managed to move his back away from the wall and wrap his midsection up to help stop the slight bleeding.

With the opposing forces defeated the front door force of Division 5 had started to swarm the building, within moments of the message the second captain in Netoshen district, Saeri Piet'Zki a black-furred Daur woman, along with three other operators came jogging down the hall. One of the operators, a large bulky Laibe with fiery red fur attended to Leo with Kyet while the others and Saeri moved into the room to contain the prisoners, the other two Laibe operators going for the whining KF members who'd surrendered earlier and the captain moving to properly cuff the armoured woman. Upon seeing the bloody mess of her knee and shoulder the captain shot Hana an interesting look, given he was the one holding a large shotgun it was safe to assume at least some of this was his doing, she quickly confiscated the grenade while the armoured woman just groaned, the pain from her wounds was catching up with her and it was impossible to stay awake let alone try moving.

"You with the shotgun, help me move her this armour is too bulky to take it off here." Saeri said as she grabbed one arm and hefted it over her shoulders, waiting for Hana to grab the other side. The two Laibe who'd come in with her each marched a prisoner out of the room and towards the exit at the back of the building, giving Kil'nda a chance to join up with the group on their way out and back to the waiting vehicles. The red Laibe who'd helped Leo also took an arm over his shoulders helping the wounded Daur to limp along with the Kyet taking his pack and weapons to help remove some of the weight from his shoulders.

"Everyone... this is the other Netoshen captain if you haven't met her yet." Leo croaked out as he headed for the exit, they'd finally managed to get Arynn back and come out on top though not without a few scrapes and bruises, he was definitely having a nap on the way to the medical center.


For the sniper it seemed like most of the action was finally dying down, his shot had saved several lives in the squad and that was something he could be proud of, like everyone else the news of a successful operation reached his ears to signify their job was all but done here. Inside the building, he could see the new operators arrive on the scene and help out the wounded Ai'Seru who'd made it this far. In the darkness, however, the silence was pierced by several heavy thuds from the direction of the vehicles they'd used to get here. Following the strange sounds was rustling and frantic footsteps headed his way, A short Daur burst from the piles of scrap and bushes, he had the telltale uniform of Division 5 on but it was bloodied and torn, he was limping on one leg as well with a nasty gash stretching across his forehead, a wild look in his eyes.

"We gotta run, we can't fight it! Where's your unit, do you have any heavy munitions?" The damaged operator asked, wheezing as he collapsed in a heap next to Kil'nda and dragged the sniper down into the dirt with him, frantically scanning the path behind him for whatever it was he was attacked by. The Daur looked to be one of the younger operators in the organization, probably a high scoring navy enlistee with a high aptitude for this sort of work, but all that training seemed to have vanished as he panted against the ground, trying to make himself as invisible as possible behind the cover the sniper had been using. Before Kil'nda could question him however the boy made a shushing motion and pointed to the other side of the clearing where a large creature had just emerged silently from the shadows.

Ri'to'ree weren't native to the Neshaten's new homeworld but their ancestors had brought some and bred them to be working animals, this one, however, looked like it had stepped out of a nightmare world. 5ft tall and 8ft long from head to tail, unlike most of its kind in captivity this one seemed to resemble its wild ancestors more than the domesticated farm animals they were now. Its teeth glistened in the light as it sniffed around and began skulking through the clearing, it made a soft clicking sound as it moved, looking around for presumably the Daur shivering beside Kil'nda now. Something else seemed off though, on top of looking more wild and hungry than usual it seemed to be missing its eyes, as though it was never even born with them at all, and occasionally it would flick its tongue out as though tasting the air. Both common traits of a certain rodent well known the Neshaten, the Duy'cha.

"It's some kind of freak man, it'll dodge any bullets you fire before you've even pulled the trigger." The Daur whispered, barely audible even for the enhanced hearing of the Shukaren species.
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Kil'nda sighed with relief hearing the comms chatter. It seemed it was all over now and they would be taking in the prisoners they had caught. The Rescued hostage had also been their captured member. Time to go home right? Unfortunately he was then meet with an extreme panicked Dura who was in really rough shape. Before he could lend aid, this poor guy was rambling about something he could barley understand. Something about a monster that couldn't be shot.

While he could barley get a feel for what this poor guy was going on about he managed to get a glimpse. It was huge and it looked.. wrong. Like a cross between two creatures. He very gently put his hand on his comm button. "Come in," He says as soft as he can but enough for the mics to hear. "Unknown creature in my vicinity.. bring that huge gun."

He hated not being more clear but he had a feeling that this Dura was at least right about this thing being fast and dangerous. He already had a round in the chamber and got ready to pull the trigger "If we run, we'll have to scramble for that building to get backup" He tells the wounded Dura
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"Holy shit you guys are stupid," Hana remarked as the terrorist was whinging on the floor. It was simple damage control after all. Certainly when he stated the armoured individual was their boss. Which meant she was so much more important than the idiot who thought it was a wise idea to try and tempt the armed operators that just dismantled their safehouse. "Now shut up, facedown on the floor, you'll be tended to," he reiterated without even looking away from the armoured leader on her knees. Not deviating once with the barrel from the side of her head.

And those eyes that stared down at the PA. Intrusive, staring ice-cold daggers. As if he knew, no, as if he challenged for her to continue reaching for the grenade. As he stated earlier, all he needed was a reason.

Though luckily for the woman on her knees, said reason never came. Reinforcements did, however and soon, Hana hung the shotgun over his shoulder and grabbed the other shoulder. A soft grunt of exertion as he pulled the armoured prisoner up, though nodding silently in response.

Though when he saw Leo limping around with Kyet, just before another operator came to take over the prisoner off of his hands. He broke in a soft jog to catch up with the two. "You alright, cap?" Was that genuine concern in his eyes? There wasn't enough time to know for sure, though. Kil'nda's call hadn't go unheard and without a second thought, Hana turned on his feet, glancing around to see who would join him.

Though even if he was alone, the safety was flicked off again. Before a single resolute pump racked a fresh shell in the chamber. Maybe somewhat of a useless gesture, though to Hana, it was naught but superstition. The old shell was dropped in a small dump pouch.
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