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Do Away With the Contact Thread?

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I'm considering removing the Contact Info thread and instead having new player put their contact info on their user pages in the wiki.

Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Most relevant information is centralized on the wiki, so why not contact information? Easier to keep track of and edit when necessary.
Hmm, I think it should be kept or we should put requirements on the user pages. There have been multiple instances where users weren't old enough to play on the site and it was noticed by their posting in the contact thread. It's also nice to see where people heard of Star Army from, imo (though not everyone posts that there). Just my two cents.

edit: my bad I just read all of what wes posted. (Sometimes I miss parts of people's posts). In retrospect, I think it should still be kept. I don't visit people's user pages too often but occasionally I gander into the contact thread (usually by accident).
I like the contact thread because it helps me keep track of when new people join, and gives me a little blurb about them. I rarely look at userpages, so the contact thread is helpful for me.
kai said:
I like the contact thread because it helps me keep track of when new people join, and gives me a little blurb about them. I rarely look at userpages, so the contact thread is helpful for me.

And considering most new people take AGES to make new user pages too. The contact info thread is like the "Heads Up!" Thread to me.
A lot of new users have problems with the wiki. So I don't see how removing the contact thread will do anything but take away an easily visible piece of info.
Keep it. There's no good reason yet stated that justifies killing it.

It's been a very useful tool in catching underage players and banned players. Considering wikis can be edited by anyone and quickly, the convenience and permanence of the thread makes it worth keeping.
Voting "keep it". As mentioned, when a new user posts on it the thread appears in the "New Posts" area, and that's usually where I notice there's a new player. When someone makes a userpage, there's no notice, for me at least. And Kim's right, not all new players know how to make one.

Plus the age alert, knowing how they got here, all that good stuff ^_^ It's kinda like a briefing before reading the full file (the user page). Plus, they can link to their user page from there.
Doshii Jun said:
Considering wikis can be edited by anyone and quickly, the convenience and permanence of the thread makes it worth keeping.

People can edit their own posts on the forum, usually, but with timestamps. Just as in the wiki, changes are documented by who and what time it occurred.

That said, I also think it would be best if we kept it, but perhaps heavily encouraged new players to also create user pages. In this case it's very easy to have both and get both of their benefits.
Yeah. For every wiki edit, an email is sent to me with the exact changes made to the page.
I still like the contact thread, though. After all, other GMs and players are the ones that have used the contact thread to find those underage players.
I've added age as a mandatory, visible profile field.
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