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Do Mishhuvurthyar have colonization ships?

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Re: A question onf Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

They don't really need to. They have slaves instead. Either on their ships, or on the planets they conquer.

Then it's a simple process of impregnating them and them producing new members of their race. They end up being born in about a day (less than that, even) and grow to adult size in something like 3-4 weeks.
Re: A question onf Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

Holy crap. O_O I would've thought they'd at least have colony ships, but wow. Anyways thanks for answering that.
Re: A question onf Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

Every ship with a full-fledged Mishhu (not a mind slave) on it is potentially a colony ship, if you think about it.

All it takes is one. :shock:
Re: A question onf Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

Civilian resistance would likely be a problem for Mishhu - they seem to have trouble handling two dozen people just pointing guns at them and holding down the triggers. Very likely, they would be forced to lie low, grabbing one or two people at a time, until they got together a sizable force. They'd be fairly undetectable, and they would likely be able to smuggle a hatchling or two out in the event of an evacuation.

'You must understand, then,' Sister Murasaki said as she gazed down on the planet below, as its atmosphere was consumed by the orbital fire-bombing. 'It would be a grave sin against every single man, woman, and child, there and in the entire Empire, not to do this. Praise the Emperor.'

On a more serious note, it seems to me that it would be a worthwhile idea to open mental backups to the general population in a case like that - it may be heroic for civilians to strap bombs to themselves and jump screaming at the Mishhu, but it's worthwhile to get them back afterwards.
Re: A question on Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

Melisson laughs from her seat, flings again the yamataian forearm she was nibbling on and leans forward, eyeing the people reading this thread.

"Actually, dealing with ground forces is ridiculously easy," she giggles, using her fingers to wipe the blood clean from her lips. "I have one of my warships go in, make it use its scalar arrays to stun the populace, and then I send in my Mishhuvurthyar warriors to hunt."

The pink skinned woman chortles as she licks her fingers clean. "Psionic compulsions can help... persuade organized resistance to break down. We can sow paranoia by infesting friends of the defenders with our parasitic offsprings." With a smack of her lips, Melisson finished cleaning herself and enjoin her hands together, interlacing her fingers before resting them both over her lap, just where her babydoll dress' hem ends. "We Mishhuvurthyar aren't necessarely just brutes, you know. We could know of all your delightingly simple plans to oppose us just with Ghost Mishhuvurthyar lurking around your leader silently, stealthily - hearing your words and your thought - then, your clever little traps aren't traps, but new games we can torment you with."

The humanoid interpreter chuckled, her long and wavy crimson hair stirring over her back. "You shouldn't underestimate our desires to turn you into our helpless little playthings... or, when we must think of more practical things... incubators or food. We have patience, we have guile and we do not fear pain... we enjoy it - especially when you can share it with us! We are many, but then, what are our lives before the pleasure it brings us to be able to snuff out your hopes when they shine so brightly."

"Ah, but not snuff them out entirely," Melisson amends. "There is no fun in dominating if we end up with nothing to dominate. We choke your hopes... just enough to bring out your suffering, but not enough to crush you entirely. We leave some embers of those hopes, that will to defy, to rise against adversity, and let you get back up so the flame can live on -- all for the purpose of playing this game again until..."

Melisson pauses, thinks and smiles as she adds: "...until we tire of it, or until you break. All good things must end eventually, after all." She points to a volumetric display, showing the map of charted space. "Or are you still deluding yourselves into thinking you can still win at this point? Ask Yui, ask Hanako: they know. They will tell you the things you wish to hear, but their eyes will speak more eloquently than their words. They go through the motions of living, knowing their time is drawing short."

"They do," She nods. "Hope is, after all, the denial of reality. The self-delusion that a better future is still possible. The little carrot dangling before you to keep you going, to keep you from thinking about your frail sense of mortality, from feeling the dread of your consciousness not being an enduring thing, from the fear that one day... you will end."
Re: A question onf Mishhuvurthyar Colonization

Recommend the above post be reposted in the News section as a Mishhu propaganda broadcast. :geek:

Edit: Confound it, beat by Doshii... the above above post.
Although no Mishhu colony ship design has been posted, the Mishhuvurthyar have clearly been colonizing...just look at how many Mishhu worlds there are on the Star Map.

The Mishhu will continue to spread unless they're stopped.
Yangfan said:
Melisson! I hope, for your sake, that you brought enough Yamataian arms for EVERYONE. :twisted:

I always wondered, supose Nepelisa and Yamatai were fighting and then a bunch of SMX attacked. Would the two formers join arms against the latter? or would it turn into one of those akward three way fights?
Melisson shakes her head. "Wouldn't happen. Why? So we have more enemies to handle at one time. Pfft." The pink-skinned woman snorts derisively. "We'd let each side grind each other away, piece by piece... and subtly intervene to insure that no attempt at a truce or peace be made. Once a clear victor would be shown, we'd come in and finish them off."

She grins Yangfan's way. "As for bodyparts, I have more than just live yamataians." She pauses, smirks and adds: "Did you know that Phods don't taste like pigs at all?"
Nepleslia has a plan for absolutely everything. A lot of what Nepleslia would do is based on circumstances, but for major details you need to be a Nep GM.

As it is though, neither the SMX nor Yamatai is powerful enough to wipe the other two factions off the map outright so there really isn't a situation where two factions would need to team up to take down the third.
((This is purely meant for entertainment. Do not take it the wrong way, 'cos if you do, you're a sillyman))

As Melisson smirked at her 'playthings' and audience, suddenly a gunshot rang out and took out a glass of wine she had on the table next to her. Then another voice rose up. A lazy figure was seen with a revolver in his hands, slumped back in his chair and a cowboy's hat covering his facial features.
"Y'know, I too, will end one day, but ah'd like to feel fulfilled a'fore then." He started with a genteel accent while twirling the revolver on his finger, "An' ah don't wanna end at yer grubby little claws, missy."

He stood up shakily, still not revealing his identity and holstering his revolver, "Bluntly put: Yer underestimating us with yer whole psychomalogy gobblydok." He pointed at her intently, "Ah, am Nepleslia. A simple fella who likes 'is shootin." He paused for a moment to regain his raspy breath, "You, on the other hand... you're ruthless, psychological, deep, gots big toothy bits, intricate an' probably batty and all..." He searched one of his pockets and pulled out a single .45 bullet, "However, either way... This little number here don't see that. It don't determine right and wrong, 'cause in the end, we're all equal... all of us."

And then he faded away with the wind, leaving the single bullet to fall on the ground with a clink.

((End OOC clusterfluxy sillyness))

Mishhu can colonise, well, anything with only 1 of their own. So, if you think about it...

...Oh dear.
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