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Do Nekovalkyrja Have Periods?

It could have far reaching consequences if they had PMS. Can you imagine almost the entirety of SA having PMS at the same time! The slaughter.

I base the on the same time remark, due to a study which I can't find which discovers that if two women live with each other, gradually there periods come in sync with each others and happen at the same time.

I wouldn't like to be the Mishu then.
Well, if they follow one the current method of reproduction, they will reproduce copies of themselves asexually as NH-17s do. Pregnancy occurs when the female starts thinking about having babies a lot (kind of like how boners occur when men think about making babies).

Always knokw your stuff.
Zakalwe said:
Quite possibly some Neko are in a constant state of pregnancy.

Doshii's normal response: That's kinda hot, actually.

Doshii's 4chan response: I came.

Doshii's response to 4chan response: *shakes his head and sighs*

Doshii's response to new "When you post, it makes me so horny" picture shown after posting: Holy crap that threw me off.
Doshii Jun said:
Zakalwe said:
Quite possibly some Neko are in a constant state of pregnancy.

Doshii's normal response: That's kinda hot, actually.

Doshii's 4chan response: I came.

Doshii's response to 4chan response: *shakes his head and sighs*

Doshii's response to new "When you post, it makes me so horny" picture shown after posting: Holy crap that threw me off.

Sayo's 4chan response: FTW. :D
Doshii Jun said:
Zakalwe said:
Quite possibly some Neko are in a constant state of pregnancy.

Doshii's normal response: That's kinda hot, actually.

Doshii's 4chan response: I came.

Doshii's response to 4chan response: *shakes his head and sighs*

Doshii's response to new "When you post, it makes me so horny" picture shown after posting: Holy crap that threw me off.

Sayo's 4chan response: FTW. Very Happy

Talon's 4chan response: How do I birthed Nekos? (includes Yaranaka face shopped over a catgirl's)
Rei said:
*buries face in hands* We must find another place to advertise. Ya'all scare the herd! :)


*chortles to his 4chan buddies and his 4chan self*

But honestly, I'm sure I can speak for us 4channers when I say that we take this forum MUCH more seriously than our beloved 4chan.

Right, guys?
Excellent... MOST excellent! (I say this a lot!)

Incidentaly, to further the biological side of the original topic, neko do not reproduce sexually (at least, the older versions don't) and so do not have the same internal system for reproduction as human females. THis means that there's no build up of material in the womb every month, which therefore doesn't need to be got rid of in the absence of a growing baby.

(somewhat obvious, but writing it is easier than not. Yay.)

...Although that does raise the question of whether neko are permanently ready to bear mini-neko (yay! chibi!) or whether their bodies make the necessary changes on the fly, as it were.

Just a bit of speculation :P
Jack Talon said:
Rei said:
*buries face in hands* We must find another place to advertise. Ya'all scare the herd! :)

NO you

*chortles to his 4chan buddies and his 4chan self*

But honestly, I'm sure I can speak for us 4channers when I say that we take this forum MUCH more seriously than our beloved 4chan.

Right, guys?

It's what you get for advertising there.
I mean, the banner is plainly visible there at the top of /b/

It's how I got here!

Nozomi Scout Owns the Space, This Thing Can Turn on a Dime! Star Army Style!
It's what you get for advertising there.
I mean, the banner is plainly visible there at the top of /b/

It's how I got here!

Truer words could not be spoken about that. I'm damned glad 4chan lead me to something productive. If it weren't for that banner...

4chan ftw :P
I came to see what happened that turned a one-line reply into a multiple reply thread. I saw 4chan and understood.

Nice to see this knowledge, though. #TheMoreYouKnow... unless this stuff doesn't apply anymore and they do.
I'm pretty sure that at this level of technology, even baseline humans don't have periods unless they want to get pregnant, but somehow haven't managed to, yet.

Not all women suffer from PMS, it's caused by a hormone problem (and that problem is not 'being female'). So the concerns in this thread aren't really valid, anyway.