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Do the following technologies or items exist?


Retired Member
Inactive Member
1) Biomorphic materials (sort of like Xenomorphic):

Metalloids and synthetic substances able to mimic specific properties of a living being such as replication/division, movement and problem solving capabilities, possibly branching out into the control of specific energy types.

2) Dimension shifting:

The ability to transverse areas beyond our concept of time and space or to branch across more than 4 dimensions (X/Y/Z/Time) simultaniously.
Aren't Mindy teleporter units dimension shifting, essentially?

I'm thinking of a more permanent or appliable application, possibly involving shifting simultaniously from 4 dimensions to 6 or even 10.

Wouldn't the NH-27 and NH-28 fall into the first category?
Possibly. I'm thinking something that could be used on anything from starship hull material to a razor thin body-suit.
I'm not talking about dimension shifting as a weapon or a defencive capability by shifting a thin field around you.

I'm talking about traveling dimensions or even going directly into the "greater space" lies between them.
Are you sure you want to even go there? I mean, the RP universe is pretty complex already...
I'm not saying I want to go there.

I'm saying I'm questioning it because it would mean the devices you use to create holes in space could be used as a portal for something quite nefarious that's been banished.

...Or something.
Do they exist? More so the secondary Dimensional shifting tech. One could easily make a "Bag of Holding" of sorts with it, allowing them to carry more equipment without adding further weight to the soldier. Imagine an entire camping kit that fit into what would equate as a fanny pack? Capsules from Dragonball Z that have entire cars, houses, ect ect ect on them? It would be perfect for an aerospace pilot who happens to eject, or a backup armour and weapons suit that would allow a soldier who may have damaged of destroyed their to go in with protection. Increase storage space on ships simply because you could have a pantry that pulls a tardis and become an entire room filled with food.

Sure, there may be technologies that make this obsolete, but could it exist?
Zack and OsakanOne have tried to introduce "bigger on the inside" tech and I've resisted it. I just don't feel like it's good for our setting.