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Do the skills Fighting and Fighting (Power Armor) Overlap?

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Inactive Member
I'm new and I'm working on a first character, and I came across this in the CCG.

Sorry if this has already been covered.
Yes. Depending on which Army, it'll go something like:

Star Army of Nepleslia said:

//Your character// has received intensive hand-to-hand combat training(primarily focused on disabling and/or killing opponents) and has followed up that knowledge with a rigorous training program. Weapons she is trained in include pistols of all types, knives, grenades (and other forms of explosive weaponry) and rifles of all kinds. They are in excellent physical shape and has considerable endurance. He is also able to pilot land-based power armors, but must rely on the suit’s A.I. to do anything advanced.

Star Army of Yamatai said:

Your character received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor.

All the setting info -> https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php
To be perfectly honest, with the way armor combat is actually conducted, I personally don't think they do overlap.

Granted, you need the reaction speeds and physical finesse but like piloting a fighter, a lot of it is actually a skill of its very own.

For example, hostile environment behavior (gravity well events, massive temperature shifts, hazardous obstacles, etc) aren't covered in general combat training. Neither are say BVR (Beyond Visual/Optic Range Combat), dogfighting (a common occurrence for many air based armors and a very useful skill to have) or the kind of in-depth knowledge like how armor users behave differently and how you can exploit the flaws of enemy training.
Power armors are covered in fighting because they're humanoid and to Nekovalkyrja, controlled the same way as they control their own bodies and flight.

This is not a discussion forum, though, and the question was already answered before you posted. Topic locked.
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