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Do your characters carry a wallet?


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So I was thinking today about the stuff we carry every day. For me, this includes my keys, wallet (gotta have your drivers license and credit cards to buy gas/food/etc), and phone. In my wallet I have a metal card that can be used to open bottles and a few other nifty things. It got me thinking: Do our characters have a set of everyday carry items on them and do those actually include a wallet or are they the wallet (e.g. their brains can do transactions wirelessly)? Maybe it's the same for communication? So what does your character carry all the time?
Nesh still use coins as part of their economy so I feel like a lot of my foxy characters have some form of small coin-purse strapped to their belt rather than wanting to carry around an item they can trade (Nesh economics are weird and I love it).

It's not quite a wallet but my blonde lad Donvan Black keeps a business card holder that has a money clip on the back and a small, integrated PCB for storing digital wallets on it, since he refuses to get mindware. Probably one of the more old-fashioned wallets on Sarp that still make sense with how diverse everything is, and he does business with a lot of the bigger factions so that makes sense for him.
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Interesting question. Well, all my characters are Nepleslian, so they all carry at least one knife (though like me they probably carry 2 or 3. I carry a different pocket knife for every need.) They all carry at least one firearm (again their all Nepleslian). I imagine they would carry a wallet with some ID and petty cash. A pocket watch. I wear a pocket watch and there is just something sophisticated about pulling out a pocket watch and seeing what time it is. Being futuristic I imagine they also carry some fancy gadget for some use.
As Elysians have electronic currency (their physical currency is typically in the form of polished gemstones, for HUUUUGE purchases) they don't really have much of a need for a traditional wallet. That being said, as the Aureas card they use is customizable and people often like to show cool ones off, a little carrier or organizer that serves the same purpose as a wallet but without being discrete would be quite common in Elysia.

(Speaking of, I'm going to recommend to many Elysian character players to try making Aureas card descriptions, because it's a nest bit of inventory detailing).

I think the main thing about SARP is how many cultures have migrated to electronic currency, and as such there's a reduced need to properly organize currency and have "cash on hand".

...Now, there's some thing carried daily by some characters here that of course, depend on the character. Like Arble, who loads herself down with bottles and other child care stuff... And usually one of her kids... Constantly!
Or how Aradia's datapad is a bit... Tinkered with, so she doesn't let other people use it.
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Yea, most of my Nesh would also be having some kind of coin-purse or bag on their belt. Though the coin system in the Neshaten economical system is quite rare and is used for big purchases so being in combat or something like that the bag would be secure somewhere else. Most of the Neko characters I have would mainly keep it digital? While my NDC characters would keep it on the bank and the lower status characters more on a secure location with some with them.

Independent would not have it on them, Igia would not see a reason to do so if she has to deal with various kinds of factions that are having different kinds of payments
My Nepleslian, Carina has a Phalanx Phillip wallet, worn brown leather had it for years with the logo on it. She uh... 'appropriated' it as 'legitimate' salvage as a little girl from an unsuspecting person on Fortuna back in the day. Otherwise, she'd keep her DA card there, perhaps a few other cards and photos. Typical wallet stuff. Plus. Phalanx Phillip with NEVER go out of style.!
Yes. She wears the uniform cargo pants, and keeps her KS card, an ID, and a couple of keycards in it. If she could get a mini tablet and a wallet case for it, she absolutely would.

But then again, that's Aliset. She has all the hardware to never need to carry any of that in her new body, but old habits die hard. And she uses that tablet for everygoddamnthing.
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Tachi carried a wallet back in the late 20's when she actually needed a KS card and keycard to her berthing on the Akuro
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Saiga probably has one of those card wallets that has enough room to hold 4 cards, and only keeps his KS card and SAoY ID in it (if soldiers are issued one in hard copy at all). The empty slots might be used for a rotation of business cards received from other staff officers he encounters now that he's a Taisa who has to talk to other bureaucrats. He also carries a sunset photograph he took of his gf, the one and only Hoshi

Aiko does not carry a wallet because she is on the prestige system and assumes the vendors she encounters immediately recognize her and then make note of her purchases for subsequent repayment from the government. Even her undercover alter ego for exploring society doesn't carry a wallet and likely just shoves a fake-name'd KS card into a jacket pocket or snug bodysuit location. She does always carry her gold Type 36 communicator, though. And almost always has a katana either held by her or by her samurai. Do samurai count as EDC items ?
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I mean, in the grimdark of the current year I have a mobile phone with NFC with multiple cards. Considering YSE citizens have computer brains I don't see why you wouldn't have that stuff stored on board and transmitted via an NFC implant in the hand.

For Neps and others less integrated, you could have it on a phone or considering the tech level everyone's at you could simply have a micro controller chip implant with an NFC transmitter. Wouldn't need to interface with the persons biology like a cybernetic implant so should be a universal fix.
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Sacre's EDC is a med kit, several knives of various descriptions, and a communicator. If she needs to carry any cards, they probably go in a pouch of the medkit.
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Steiner, well, I'm not quite sure how he carries currency; likely either has it stored somewhere on the Warden or in some kind of satchel he wears maybe-I hadn't given it much thought. Morris has a simple coinpurse; a carryover from home as a lot of Valhallans used crude coinage over a lot of the standard card-based credits that a lot of the factions in the sector use.
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