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Does insanity exist?


Well-Known Member
Does insanity still exist in SARP? If so, then do mental institutes exist as well? I refer to insanity as mental breakdowns... some violent, some not. I'm sure that there are more docile breakdowns than violent ones (like in real life). Some of the violent ones could be psycho-killers, but that would have to be a very small minority. I suppose. With a digital mind, I would think it hard for a Yamataian to go insane, no?

Yamataians and Nekos can loose their grip on reality. We generally don't have any sort of mental health facilities to house them because well.. if a neko is that badly damaged they are recalled and destroyed. If it's not so severe of a break, they can be counseled or.. if they are really concerned... they can have those memories erased or modified.

Digital mind but they have a human heart- if an event corrupts their "program " they'll break. Think of psychological trauma as a virus that slowly destroys the data and corrupts their ability to function.
I see. That is probably even more frightening due to the fact that life isn't technically a luxury anymore. It's good to know though. My sprite character is basically in need of a little psychological help due to the loss of her ship, but I wasn't sure how far her mind would go. Also, this might help in a future that might've had a traumatic event in his past that affects him even today. Sounds like a good way to make a character grow, if you ask me. :mrgreen:
Very true, psychological growth is sometimes spurred by traumatic events. The trick for nekos to survive is to continue to function and adapt to the change. As long as they are able to do their jobs- they don't need to be destroyed.

But, this was something Chiharu learned when she rescued Iseki from Jehenniel during her stint as his POW during the very last Elysian War. Perhaps, now the KZ is running the show instead of PNUGen we don't have to resort to something like that. It has been 4 years and we're on the 29 model rather than the 7 model.

BUT with Mist, she could go any direction you choose be it good or bad. Unless she is a complete danger to the crew, I can't imagine that she'd get put out of her misery or have to fall on a sword.

I've always felt that exposure to horrible events forces character growth and makes for moving and realistic stories. If there is no danger of harm- what's the fun? Part of roleplaying is creating a character that feels real that people care about- sometimes, just letting the perfect soldier be well.. human in their emotions helps build their humanity.

But yeah, we have insanity of all sorts in this setting. =) Neps just give their crazies guns and a license to kill. (I can't imagine Lenz passing any sort of psychological examination for sanity..) Nekos just try to deal with them and hope they don't another one that eats people.
I have yet to decide if Mist will turn for the worst or not, but I probably will just have her get more emotional then psychotic. I'm sure that Nekos sometimes try to get emotionally attached to certain individuals for additional comfort. I might have Mist do this eventually. ^^

Haha, I'm not surprised that Neps do that. :p A Nep that is not partially insane is not a Nep at all. :mrgreen:
-Barges in with an example.-

Miles Gunn, a former officer of the YSS Sakura and a Shoi in the Star Army of Yamatai, suffered from a severe case of post traumatic stress disorder. The result of his mental defect was that he had a homicidal episode when forced to transfer into a Yamataian body. The homicidal episode led to him attempting to kidnap Hanako, while attempting to kill the Sakura's MEGAMI. Unfortunately his attempt failed due to a NH28's intervention.

Poor guy, he was on his way to psychological treatment when he was ambushed, which resulted in his original body supposedly being irradiated beyond repair. Oh well, the Lorath fixed him better than ever. :3

There have been other examples of psychological disturbance; such as the physical mental defect found in Sana, or the suicidal tendency of Yosef, and the self inflicted headshot by this one character I can't remember.

Anyway, example session over.

PS: The Lorath provide excellent psychological treatments.
I will try to make a page about mental health facilities in Yamatai when I have time. *Jots the idea down on a notepad*