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Does the SARP have.... ?


Inactive Member
A concept like liquid metal/memory alloy already in place? You know, like the T-1000 from T2 or metal that can be reformed and shaped at will with enough durability to still have practical application? Or some metal alloy that could take different shapes and then be restored to it's original form? I'm sure we've all seen/read enough sci-fi to know what I'm getting at. But does it exist or is it ruled out?
I always sort of compared yamataium to a sort of memory alloy.

As for the T-1000 reference, the NH-18 comes pretty close. Not exactly liquid metal, but close enough to being an amorphous being able to alter its shape, I think.
Does SARP have the technology? Abso-freaking-lutely. Nekovalkyrja use Femto machines which are basically quantum-scale bots. The main problem is cost. In reality, building quantum-scale robots would take ridiculously large sums of power. So stuff made completely out of it would be the single most expensive building material in existence.

However, you could lower the cost by downgrading to different levels. I'm not sure if you're actually planning on making a T-1000 style humanoid or just using it as a generic building material, but this rough guideline should help you understand potential and cost.
  • Nanotech -- I imagine it tops out at nothing more advanced than fusion power. Something humanoid made out of them would probably be no more intelligent than pre-sentient algorithms. Likely cheap enough for civilian industrial use in places like Yamatai.
  • Picotech -- You're likely to start hitting self-aware AIs here, if you really wanted to. Human intelligence and beyond. Wormhole generation. Producing exotic things like neutronium, yamataium. Can't produce aether-level technology, but coming quite close. Energy requirements to build are getting quite steep, to the point you likely won't be able to produce it without mastering at least anti-matter reactor technology.
  • Femtotech -- What the Nekos use in their blood. You can make AIs borderlining on omni-potence. God-like levels of consciousness. PANTHEON-style. Since it's quantum scale, you can do pretty much anything you could imagine with it. Aether, CFS generators, anything is within your reach if you know what you're doing. Production would require mind-bogglingly huge amounts of power. Nothing short of Aether power would do for production.
To put it simply - no-one has any idea how Femtotech should (or in this setting does) work. Simply what you can build a machine out at this scale is something which hasn't been satisfactorily answered.
I was thinking of designing something on the nanotech level. My idea was to develop weapons and tools that could be programmed to take the shape of what the user requires. Like say you want a screwdriver or a hammer and you just tell or will the device to turn into it. Or say you're working on a complicated machine and need to reach around that tight corner to get that hardware you dropped just out of reach. You have the device go all Mr. Fantastic and reach around whatever squeeze it has to and retrieve it.

Or a weapon that could stretch and reshape itself however you want it to. You could be fighting with a sword and right as you parry your opponent's weapon the sword wraps itself around the weapon and spears right through them. Or attacks from multiple directions like a flail you can directly manipulate.

You could say I'm leaning on the weapon side but the tool side would be useful too. Although I am thinking it would be limited to just single unit semi-solid devices. The same limitations the T-1000 had more or less.

So all I gotta do is figure out a solid method for this to work then?
In the previous RP which I played, the engineers of the fraction I created had nano-assembler/deassembler backpacks. So if say the machine is missing a part, they just have the bagpack create it on the spot. Any tool can be created right out of the bag, and once they were done with it they simply re-cycled it back into raw materials for future use.

So yeah, it takes the place of a toolbox and a pack of spare parts. The drawback was things recycled are not reclaimed for their full value, and they have to hand carry their luggage. But it is real fun when they repetedly assembled and flug grenades nonstop at the enemy, heh.
Unyuu said:
In the previous RP which I played, the engineers of the fraction I created had nano-assembler/deassembler backpacks. So if say the machine is missing a part, they just have the bagpack create it on the spot. Any tool can be created right out of the bag, and once they were done with it they simply re-cycled it back into raw materials for future use.
This sounds doable in the SARP, too.
Actually, it already exists. The nodal pack attachment on the Mindy II, if installed, allows the user to use the nodal devices inside along with the matter at hand (either in reserve, or converted so) to build tools.
I'm not looking to make something that is fully independant such as an AI with memory alloy functions but more on the tool/weapon side. I'd say the grenades are a little bit out. Although now I'm starting to wonder how this substance would be able to reach out with any type of kinetic force behind it.