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Dokuwiki image uploader (still) doesn't work.

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Inactive Member
Retired Member
I clicked Upload 40 minutes ago. It still says "Sending Request".

If you want us to use this instead of imageshack, you've got a long way to go.

Personally, I miss the damn chan.

2MB is too big... Well yeah, I am uploading a 1280x1024 image.
How else do you expect me to clearly display the deckplans of a vessel that's over 300 meters long?
I know the flash multi-uploader is broken, and I'm waiting on a fix from the developers. Use the normal uploader.

Maximum width of images on this wiki is supposed to be 700px. Split it up up or something. If you put a giant image in there that's going to h-scroll my 768x1024 screen, I'm just going to delete it or resize it anyway.

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