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"Door Breaker" Lockpicks


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
(First Tech Submission... don't confuse me with big words)

Organisation: CSEIA
Short Description: Utility Item
In a Nutshell: Lockpicks for the resourceful Rogue.

Lockpicks are a tool favoured by rogues, burglars, safe-breakers and fanciful jewellers of times old. Now, CSEIA has rekindled the concept and object for the handy thief.

One basic set of these picks and locks includes the following:
- A minuscule, fine toothed, diamondised handsaw
- A small hammer with a pair of wedges
- A long-nosed set of Pliers
- A clamp or two.
- A selection of various long picks, made from a hard metal to reduce the chance of breakage.
- A pair of generic Skeleton Keycards.
- A hand held computer, disguised as a PDA or similar device which can hack into electronically guarded safes and vaults.

The Computer has the hacking options of things such as hexadecimal, binary and many other types of codes. Usually, to break through a door with this system requires a few minutes worth of concentration to unlock a door. However, you'll need to cover up traces of the tampering and hacking manually.

An advanced set includes all of the basic objects, plus...
- A small, plasma-powered blowtorch
- 12 quieted thermite strips, which can be used to blow doors open
- 4 pounds of Blasting Gum
- A detonator (Includes wires)

A basic set comes in a cloth bag with pockets and slots for everything which can be easily concealed and stored. An advanced set comes in a small briefcase made of a very hard material.

Cost: 600 KS for a Basic Set, 950 KS for an Advanced Set.
500 KS for only the PDA/Computer.

Any Suggestions, Additions or Feedback?
I have a question... Will it work on any door? <.< >.> I need one to crack open a... *ahem* a classified door at my house. ^_^
*shakes his finger at fay* naughty, naughty... but most likely not any door. most but nothing can open all doors except a 2 ton charge of C4.
*laughs nervously* Yeah... but I'd rather not blow half of my house up! I'd rather do it in a sneaky, unnoticable way. ^_^ I hope this gets approved for you, Luca! =D
I'd say given time, you could break just about any door open with the various methods you have available.

Can't pick it? Blowtorch it.
Blowtorch not working? Try hacking into the security!
Firewall too hard to breach? In come the thermite Strips to blow it up!
If the thermite doesn't work, blow it up using the Blasting Gum!

Thanks for the support.
Moonman said:
Maaan you totally stole my idea for thermite lockpicks.

Actually I was the one that suggested thermite strips. The stuff has been used for (usually non-stealthy) sabotage for decades.

Aether might be a bit overkill, but if I recall correctly the 'Plasma Torch' has already been approved.
Layla Veressis said:
Moonman said:
Maaan you totally stole my idea for thermite lockpicks.

Actually I was the one that suggested thermite strips. The stuff has been used for (usually non-stealthy) sabotage for decades.

Aether might be a bit overkill, but if I recall correctly the 'Plasma Torch' has already been approved.
I got the idea of a blasting strip from the movie "Entrapment", they use some to blow a hole in the floor of a museum from underground.
I am afraid I am not certain what the status of CESIA is, but keep in mind that Aether weaponry is strictly restricted by international treaty to the military's of Yamatai, its allies, and subsidiary "states".
Don't worry, I never planned on using Aether weaponry for this thing in the first place. Too complicated.
Lady Xerena said:
A small aether-cutter should also be included, for those Zesuaium doors.

Layla Veressis said:
Aether might be a bit overkill, but if I recall correctly the 'Plasma Torch' has already been approved.

Even Yamataium doors are plasma-torch-proof, unless by "plasma torch" you really mean "NDI Stellar Converter".
I think the point of "Small and easy to conceal" has been heavily misinterpreted through this.

Besides, I don't want something the size of TV being hauled about, or that blatantly defeats the purpose of 'concealment'.
Wrong Situation said:
Guard: "I can see those lockpicks. Hand them over."
Rogue: *hauling a huge box under the shoulder with lots of noise* "What Lockpicks?"
Guard: "They stick out like a sore thumb, dumpkoff."
Right Situation said:
Guard: "Come right in and enjoy the atmosphere, sir."
Rogue: "Thank you, I'm sure I'll enjoy it."
The focus is being on 'Simple', understand?
The cutter in question would not be much (if any) larger than the smal plasma torch, which with SA technology would be pretty small - in fact, the device in question would not emit a meter-long blade, but a tiny aether "jet" similar to the plasma jet produced by a plasma torch. It wouldn't cut through Zesuaium/Yamataium any faster than your own plasma torch would cut through DR 7 material (the toughest "ordinary" materials).

The only other practical way to cut Zesuaium/Yamataium is an "antimatter cutter" which would be hard to conceal and even harder to use safely.
Submission approved!

Please wikify it when you get a chance.