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Dr.Versh's ClashLand {Nep Bloodsport Gameshow}

Luca began clambering up the slot machines of semi-certain doom, getting to a silver machine. He rested his feet on a pair of gold machines and gave the pistol grip a tug and a pull to try and force it out. To him it looked a bit like the .44 Calibre revolver his dad keeps on him.
Chandler broke into a fast jog/slow run across the bridge, searching for an improvised weapon- a bit of frayed rope, some chain, a solid plank, anything.
"GOAJGSOJG! ZAMG!" Nevaraon was answered by a man in a purple pinstripe suit, whose head was ammusingly replaced with a loaf of bread.

Luca, despite his mighty-fine strength, was unable to shift the pistol by force. It was only when he pulled the trigger by accident that the machine sparked into life, the three whirling bars now spinning around with an irritating little chime. One by one, the bars spelt "GUN", and the hefty revolver finally jolted free... and then the cheesy music came to an abrupt halt.

Chandler's foot went straight through one of the weakened wood boards, but thankfully the hole was too small for him to fall through completely, so it only really resulted in crushing his groinards. Swinging to his right was the cause of the weakness and weight- a pump-action shotgun nailed to the bottom of the plank.
Nevaraon said "Whaaaat? I don't understand you maaaan." His voice was really slow and weirded out.
"Hmm..." Chandler turned a bit and gripped one of the supporting ropes while angling himself around towards the shotgun. It wasn't his weapon of choice, for certain- that was the GP-1 assault rifle- but it would have to do.
"Ohh." Luca said as he spun the revolver on his fingers and flicked the cylinder out, seeing 6 .44 bullets. He took one out and found it to be of the "Starpoint" type, "Groovy."
He put it in his left holster and clambered further up the slot-machine tower. Finding another Silver slot machine and giving it a pull. He decided to move out of the way a little. He already had one gun.
The suited breadhead jumped on Nevaraon the minute he stopped talking, trying to pull some kind of stranglehold move. The guy was damn heavy and whatever was underneath that suit was damn pointy.

It was easy enough for Chandler to pick the shotgun off, alrough now the lights were starting to dim, and the wind started to pick up. Somebody must have been telling him to move on. The exit on the other side was now more obvious, anyway- the light coming from the side of the fake hill was casting a weird fizzy shape onto the mountain holograms.

The machine Luca had set off rung for a little while longer than the last one, before finally landing on "RUN". As soon as the letters were appearent, the machine exploded outward with somekind of directional mine, making an almighty "KZUNGH" sound with a hot flare of sparks. It was damn fortunate Luca decided to step back, as the blast would probally have blown out his whole torso where he still standing infront of it... more than this, just as the blast ended, there was the apperant patter of steps; somebody else was in here now.
Chandler considered running straight for the exit, but decided against it- knowing blood sports like he did, there would be something waiting for him at the other side. He chambered a shotgun shell, pumped it and prepared to fire, then moved across the bridge.
Nevaraon grinned slowly. He definatly held the advantage here as he pushed back keeping their bodies apart, away from that pointy thing. Then He drove his lower set of arms at the wierd man.
One thing that the producers probably didn't account for is that Luca had an itchy trigger finger - all the time.

He cocked the magnum he'd picked up and turned around, looking for his competition in the maze of slot machines.
"C'mon - don't be shy!" He said as he ducked down and pointed his magnum, turning around occasionally.
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