The suited breadhead jumped on Nevaraon the minute he stopped talking, trying to pull some kind of stranglehold move. The guy was damn heavy and whatever was underneath that suit was damn pointy.
It was easy enough for Chandler to pick the shotgun off, alrough now the lights were starting to dim, and the wind started to pick up. Somebody must have been telling him to move on. The exit on the other side was now more obvious, anyway- the light coming from the side of the fake hill was casting a weird fizzy shape onto the mountain holograms.
The machine Luca had set off rung for a little while longer than the last one, before finally landing on "RUN". As soon as the letters were appearent, the machine exploded outward with somekind of directional mine, making an almighty "KZUNGH" sound with a hot flare of sparks. It was damn fortunate Luca decided to step back, as the blast would probally have blown out his whole torso where he still standing infront of it... more than this, just as the blast ended, there was the apperant patter of steps; somebody else was in here now.