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Draco Eridanus Celebrates Fourth Annual Founding Day!

[Conclave Broadcasting Network] Draco Eridanus Celebrates Fourth Annual Founding Day!

The screen shows a massive town square scene behind the reporter where light shows, and dances abound as non Yamataian military Nekovalkyrja, Separa’shan, Synthetics of any kind as well as humans and, Senti and anthros dance, or observe the light shows above.

“Greetings Citizens, I am Shana Shadelight, coming to you live, in downtown DracoTown, The Capital of Draco Eridanus where civilians, law enforcement, government employees and visitors alike flock to the streets, to celebrate Founding Day! That’s right, today's the day, Draco Eridanus was discovered, and Station Omacron, in which the great Capital of the system DracoTown was founded. It also comes as a momentous day as CEO Astrid Kurosaki appears to have an announcement which we will of course be showing you later. I’m told that this announcement comes with hype and interest in the upper ranks of the Mining Guild Board, and from what we’ve been told it is in regards to the system. Stay tuned, for now, lets interview some party goers!”

The Cameras pan over to a group of 8 teens which contain couples which were male and female, as well as lesbian couples. “So can you tell our viewers about your thoughts on today, and how you're enjoying the Celebration? “ Asked the reporter. “Yeah, sure! I mean its amazing, four years have passed I mean there are cities out there in the universe that are older, but the fact that we have something safe and comfortable is amazing, I mean I have a sister, and she’s literally four years old and she’s a happy girl, I’m really happy that she’s happy and we have great security, food, and every amenity that a city should have. I’m also glad that the mining guild has made friends with other Corporations so that we can get amazing things too!” Said the spokesperson for the group.

The Reporter turns to the camera “The young man is correct, DracoTown is a safe and secure city with no crime, or deaths other than natural causes. Later this week, we will be doing a poll which may get extended to international cities, to see which city was the happiest place to live.”

The reporter’s eyes began glowing as her Geist began receiving a message. “Oh, I’ve just been informed that Miss Kurosaki is ready to begin her announcement.” Shana hurried to the press area and they, and the entire city and those watching, would soon be able to see the Nekovalkyrja twin sisters Astrid and Aeta step up to the podium. “My Dear citizens, I am honored and grateful to be here, on the fourth annual Founding Day Celebration, as I am to begin with my announcement. As many who have family or friends that work in our Mining Guild have been aware, Draco Eridanus is home to a giant field of asteroids, which ends with the ice drifts. I’ve just been informed that the ice Drifts have formed together into a Dwarf Planet full of ice and cold. We are currently setting up a contest to name this new planet.” Astrid pauses to catch her breath and possibly to let this information to settle in. “Further more, as many know, there is a protect called, Project Terra, and I have made the order to designate numerous asteroids rich in Iron ore, to be moved to a new location within Draco Eridanus, these would be used in Project Terra."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and beings of all species, and gender! Project Terra is a project in which we will create a planet, but a feat that will not take as long as some cynical people may say. The Engineering Core, and a few other Engineering groups have been working together to create something that would allow us to not only quickly create a planet, but terra form it, and allow us to settle it!”

The crowd erupts in cheers and woos! Reporter Shadelight and the others look on in shock, before smiles form. Planets would of course help with system population growth, and the segment cuts there, as it switches to an new system location. Where her colleages speak on what they just heard, and talk of other topics.
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