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OOC Draconian Sector Xenobiology (Incomplete)

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Species: Homo sapien
Type: Mammal
Reproduction: Sexual
Sexual Maturity: 13 - 14 years
Gestation: 9 months
Litter: Usually 1
Average Height: Male (1.9 meters), Feamle (1.75 meters)
Average Weight: Male (85 kg), Female (55 kg)
Psionic Ability: Yes
Intelligence: Class 5 [IQ - 130 to 160 average]
Strength: Class 4 [M = 80 F = 50 kg]

Human Beings are bipedal Mammals divided into two sexes, Male and Female, with six distinct breeds. Skin tone and distinctions in facial characteristics can identify different breeds of human. Both halves of this race, male and female are required to reproduce sans the use of cloning and genetic technology. For the most part, humans mate for periods up to seven years and some humans are even known to mate for life. Humans are social creatures and usually mass in large groups and generally don't cope well with solitary life.

Human females are fertile once every month and humans mate often, even when females are not in season. Females give birth usually to one offspring and human males assist in the raising of the offspring. Males will usually remain with the female long enough to produce at least one viable offspring before looking for a new mate. Males will stay with the female to protect her and the offspring and will remain with the family unit for up to four to seven years. If a male remains in the family group for periods longer than fifteen years, chances are low that he will leave the family group and will remain with his chosen mate for the rest of his life. Typically, 62% of human males and females mate for life.

While there is still some debate over the issue, it is believed that Humans originated on the continent of North Africa on their home world Earth. Humans are decedents of apes, who reside in the jungles and trees. Unlike other apes humans have the ability to swim, little body hair and have an extra layer of body fat. These physiological differences from their ape cousins is believed to have been caused by humans migrating into an aquatic life in the southern waters of Africa, possibly during one of Earth's many ice ages. This gave rise to a humanoid that would come to be known as Homo Erectus, more than 70,000 years ago.

Homo Erectus eventually have rise to two separate types of humanoid - Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. While Homo Erectus migrated eastward and became extinct for reasons unknown, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon thrived in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe, the two humanoids separated by the ongoing ice-age. Cro-Magnon would eventually render the Neanderthal extinct via a combination of war and environmental changes the Neanderthal - specialized to survive the ice age - could not adapt to. Cro-Magnon would eventually give rise to the humans as seen on Earth Today, who would come to dominate their planet in only some 15,000 to 5,000 years following the great ice age that saw the death of the other human subspecies.

Humans are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of animals. Humans prefer to feed on large grass eating herbivores such as Cows (see: planetary species - earth), as well smaller creatures like pigs, sheep, rabbits and small cats. Humans are also known to feed on fish, birds, as well as fruits and vegetables, a hold over from their genetic past when the lived in the jungles.

While not the strongest of species, humans are much tougher animals then are usually credited. Humans can go days without water, weeks without food. They can survive cold temperatures to a far greater degree than other races such as the Altarans, or high temperature environments that would kill a Pozarid in as little as a day. Their ability to adapt is probably the human race's most powerful genetic trait.


Species: Vaishan
Type: Non-corporeal
Reproduction: Thermodynamic
Sexual Maturity: 1 - 60 ESY (Earth Standard Year)
Gestation: N/A
Litter: Usually 3
Average Height: 2.1 meters
Average Weight: 85 kilograms
Psionic Ability: Yes
Intelligence: Class 6 (IQ - 190-220 average)
Strength: Class 2 (50 kg)

The Vaishan have no true physical description to speak of. Their unique existence is comprised of noetic energy, commonly referred to as Psi. In the most recent step of evolution for the Vaishan species, they have chosen to discard their physical forms in favor of electromagnetic containment suits that allow the Vaishan to become beings of pure psi without dispersing into the universe.

Using a unique weak nuclear force that naturally occurs only when the Vaishan are in their stable Noetic forms, they are able to displace three distinct amounts of their energy in a manner very similar to cellular mitosis. The weak nuclear force that occurs from the noetic resonance acts as an energy siphon and gently absorbs ambient electromagnetic energies to replenish the energy that was displaced. The displaced energy takes almost one Earth Standard Year to fully replenish itself. During that first ESY, the 'newborn' Vaishan is taught the ways of its species and the ways of Psi.

The Vaishan are capable of using types of Psychokinesis to levitate and transport themselves in real space, as well as using teleportation to cover long distances. Their electromagnetic containment suits restrict their Psi bodies to the shape of a two-meter, frail and thin humanoid bipedal form. These forms are only superficially different from their original forms, but since the psionic form feeds off of electromagnetic energy, it provides an advantage in allowing the Vaishans' psionic powers to be amplified and even further explored.

In their corporeal form, the electromagnetic suits hold them to the form they are most familiar with, that being their original body. Their skin ranges from ash gray to brilliant green. Their bodies, despite being larger than the average human, weigh the same. Most of that weight is actually the suit that contains their psionic forms. Their heads are hairless and slightly larger than the average humans, and they taper towards the chin. Their eyes are large and black on their comparatively small heads, and their mouths and noses are almost nonexistent. Their hands evolved in a manner that developed two opposable thumbs (opposing each other) on each hand and three regular digits (one by the inside wrist opposing two at the end of the wrist. This evolutionary configuration allowed for the Vaishan to perform multiple tasks with each hand, effectively eliminating any sense of the "dominant" or "off" hand.

The Vaishan utilize a weak nuclear force that occurs around them when they are in their psionic forms that allows them to transfer ambient electromagnetic energy into Noetic energy, to reconstitute any energy used to employ powers or otherwise lost (as in reproduction). Their electromagnetic containment suits are composed primarily of thermal receptors that power the electromagnets that charge the containment field. There are other receptors present, but the Vaishans Noetic existence transfers heat as the primary waste product, essentially providing a self-sufficient system.

Previously, the Vaishan consumed only one dish, a nutrient gruel composed of a soy-like legume and a prolific water-dwelling crustacean.

Vaishan are no longer limited by their original life spans that ran upwards of two hundred and forty years. However, as a social condition, the Vaishan believe that to maintain the balance of the universe, they must adhere to a self-imposed lifespan limit of two hundred and fifty years. After each Vaishan has lived one quarter-millennium, it willingly dispenses its electromagnetic containment suit and disperses into the universe, joining the sub quantum energy they previously manipulated.

The ability of the Vaishan to utilize psionic powers has been among their kind for most of their history. It was early in their civilization that they united their forces and decided to ensure their species survival. Their outwards expansion was controlled to neither allow them to expand so far outwards that they crumbled from within and also to prevent their kind from becoming a cancerous species.

The intelligence of the Vaishan has long surpassed that of any of the other Draconian species. Their adaptability strategically is superior, though they are more than balanced out by their physical limitations, which stunts their tactical adaptability. Their focus on their psionic powers has been the entirety of their technological research. With no need to worry about sustenance, the Vaishan were free to worry about more social needs. The Vaishan, however, are limited in their ability to empathize. Combined with their deductive and inductive reasoning abilities, the Vaishan are a completely logical being. This sort of thought process has led the species to a level of unification that is separated from a hive mind by the distinction of free will. Every Vaishan chooses to support its species because they sees it as the only logical thing to do.

The telepathic abilities of the Vaishan include a wide variety of techniques, with expertise in teleportation, telepathy, and sensory projection.

The technology of the Vaishan as previously mentioned, focuses on their natural psionic abilities, and performs tasks related to the enhancement of those powers. Vaishan Technological devices span the spectrum from quicker energy restoration to power amplification to power substitution.

Examples of technological advances made by the Vaishan are evident in the new Xintium Alloy, which utilizes the same weak nuclear force (artificially produced) to collect ambient energies to repair damage. The shield capacitors are another Vaishan development, utilizing technologies designed for quicker energy restoration.

Standard Vaishan ship-based weaponry, in fact, is nothing more than a collection of psionic power amplification devices (Psi-PADs) utilized by the psionic Vaishan as a system platform for their offensive and defensive psionic powers on a ship-to-ship basis.

The Vaishan as a whole are the most intelligence species of the Draconian League and are also the most powerful psionicists known. Their unification ideals and their telepathic tendencies give them a high security advantage against spies and infiltration. Their high intelligence has lead to refined production procedures that allow them to utilize resources far more efficiently than any Draconian species, second only to the Pozarid.

Humans often see the lack of emotion in the Vaishan as a weakness, and in some cases it is. Their focused minds have a difficult time anticipating responses that aren't based on logic. This has made predicting human behavior more than impossible for the Vaishan. It also lowers their military efficiency against non-tactical opponents, as they are easily led into a responsive position by such uniform chaos.


Species: Altaran
Type: Aerial
Reproduction: Sexual
Sexual Maturity: 4-12 ESY (Earth Standard Years)
Gestation: 0.5 ESY
Litter: 6-8 Eggs
Average Height: 1.7 Meters (Male), 1.5 Meters (Female)
Average Weight: 60 Kilograms (Male), 50 Kilograms (Female)
Psionic Ability: Low
Intelligence: Class 5 [IQ - 160-190 average]
Strength: Class 2 [50 kg (Male), 40 kg (Female)]

The Altaran are a proud aerial race. From the beginning of their evolution, they had two wings and four limbs. This genetic advantage allowed them to develop opposable thumbs while retaining useful wings. Their feet maintain the clawed appearance of many Earth birds, but their hands look more reptilian, with one opposable thumb and three active fingers, the middle of which is tipped with a massive, poisonous dew claw that is considered to be a left over trait of less civilized days. Altarans that do not remove their dew claws upon maturity are considered feral and wild. Feral Altarans are considered a lower class than those of more refined nature.

Altarans average about the same height as their human counterparts, though their hollow bone structure (which provides the physics for their flight) means they weigh considerably less and are far less stronger. As such, the Altarans have focused on tactics that allow them to utilize intelligence and speed over brawn and might. From their beginnings as stealthy, quick-striking birds of prey to their massivly powerful warships that are just as stealthy fast, and hard-hitting, the Altarans prefer more powerful punches from a safe advantage over stronger defenses.

Having evolved in a three-dimensional biosphere, the Altarans understand space combat more intuitively than any other species in the galaxy. They were among the first to bring naval combat to the stars, and their ships and tactics have always been at the front of any successful joint-military endevor. With their intuitive understanding, combined with their generations of research, practice, and experience in space combat, the Altarans have become the most powerful stellar force of the Draconian League.

The Altaran social order has a more individualistic approach than most other species of the Draconian League. In their democratic society, each Altaran is valued for its individuality and ability to add to the collective knowledge and understanding of the universe. This general acceptance makes it particularly easy to infiltrate the Altarans with the appropriate spies.

WIth the inception of the starship, the Altarans had been a species focused on exploration and understanding. The acceptance of the Altaran makes the transfer of knowledge so easy that Altarans of several years are often far more informed than humans of equal age. Their higher birthrates are countered by their shorter life-spans, and a veteran Altaran fleet commander is often times half the age of any Human ship commander.

The hollow bone structure of the Altaran race allows them to carry their otherwise massive frames in the air. This genetic trait conceeds to a lower weight allowance. As such, individual bones cannot carry the weight another species might. Development of the Altarans has caused a secondary, recationary, brain to develop in the mid spinal column. This secondary brain focuses on regulating involuntary muscles and functions, allowing the crainial brain to focus on higher matters. This early evolutionary trait allowed the Altarans to discover civilization fairly early on, and they have had as much time to develop ideals such as morality, ethics, and the value of life as the humans have had.

The Altarans also possess a unique species trait of two tri-chambered hearts, one that pushes blood to the lungs, for oxygenation, and one that pushed the blood back into the body. If one of the hearts suffers from some failure, the other heart is fully capable of moving the blood by itself Altarans are less likely to suffer from cardial diseases than most other races. It is believed that much like the development of two brains, this feature was an evolutionary response to the need to even out the strain on the hollow bone structure.

Of all the species, the Altarans have developed the most powerful space-faring weaponry, devised from their predatory minds. The Quantum Detonator, the trademark weapon of the Altaran capital ships, is a testament to this practice. The sheer power of this weapon alone can obliterate everything within a span of distance that can rival the smaller of systems. The capcity for the Quantum Detonator's fierce destructive power arises from the advanced applications of Hyperspace tap technology. By generating dusrupting sub-quantum particles, the Quantum Detonator is able to initiate a full release of quintessent energy. This release of energy creates a devastating explosion of raw energy so tremendously powerful that the very fabric of space tears, rendering shielding effectively useless. The energy bleed off is so intense that it can literally vaporize anything within 93,000,000 miles of the center-point. Using the energy potentials of an area comparitively smaller, the weapon can have devastating results on any enemy ship formation.

Other weapons of the Altarans are more reserved, focusing on slicing beam weaponry that can literally cut a ship in half. The gravimetric principles employed in their beam weaponry produces tightly measured, high-yeild beam that tears through both distortion type shields (repulsor shield, etc.) and hardened armor.


Species: Hushain
Type: Mammal
Reproduction: Sexual
Sexual Maturity: 8-28 ESY (Earth Standard Years)
Gestation: 1 ESY
Litter: 4-8
Average Height: 2.1 Meters (Male), 1.8 Meters (Female)
Average Weight: 100 Kilograms (Male), 85 Kilograms (Female)
Psionic Ability: Low
Intelligence: Class 3 [IQ - 100-130 average]
Strength: Class 5 [150 kg (Male), 110 kg (Female)]

The Hushain, on average, are slightly larger, and moderately heavier than their Human counterparts. Females ovulate once every two months, and fetal Hushain take one earth standard year (or half of a Hushar'ri year) to gestate. The average Hushain lives to 150 by the same earth standard year (75 Hushar'ri years). They are slightly less intelligent than the Human species, but that is an average basis. Highly intelligent Hushain are not the average, but they are certainly numerous enough to be considered commonplace. It is believed secretly by some other species that the intelligent Hushain encourage their followers to remain uneducated.

The Hushain originated on the planet of Hushar'ri, where they began as a feline type species. In the early days of the Hushain, they were much akin to Earth's prehistoric Saber-toothed cats. Over time, genetic developments created thumb-like appendages and the Hushain began to utilize tools. Unlike their earthly cousins, the Hushain were not carnivores, but omnivores.

Even more so, their home world was richly organic, with many predators far more fierce (though less intelligent) than the Hushain. Their adapted thumbs probably arose from a need to climb the planets massive number and variety of trees to either acquire food or to escape predators. Through generations of use, the thumb-like appendages became true opposable thumbs, and their shoulders slipped further outwards, with extensions in the biceps and forearms.

These genetic developments allowed the early Hushain to climb and swing through trees much like any primate. Combined with their digitigrade hind legs, the Hushain quickly evolved into the fiercest hunters on their planet, utilizing pack tactics and tools to take down beasts larger than them.

After millennia of cultivation, the Hushain had developed a nomadic culture that focused around the Hunt. Every Hushain born was raised in the proud warrior tradition that idealizes the Hunter, and infamizes the prey. These bipedal cat-like peoples took the survival of the fittest to a very personal level. Every Hushain strives to be the best hunter, and the ideal death of every Hushain is to hunt something so strong that it would be their last hunt. The goal to die while on a hunt has become so important to the Hushain that duels of honor are no longer allowed to be fatal, and a Hushain that has grown too old to hunt commits ceremonial suicide, very similar to the Japanese tradition of Seppuku.

While the Hushain are not, on average, as smart as humans, they have developed the ability to travel in space on their own. Initially, this occurred when a meteorite landed on a small tribe of Hushain. News of the carnage had spread quickly, and every tribe, upon discussions, had agreed to form a joint rulership of all Hushain so that they might begin to protect themselves against whatever celestial being was hunting them.

As they developed a more static lifestyle, their technologies quickly advanced to the level at which they were able to determine what the meteorite originally was. At this point, their war-based technologies had grown so massive, that to explore was their only option. While the Hushain had certainly out-grown their home planet, they soon found that they were by no means in trouble of overcrowding. The Hushain quickly spread out to the several inhabitable planets in their system, having developed an efficient means of in-system propulsion. Multi-system travel was completely out of the question at this time, as they had limited talent in the scientific department.

Science had been thrusted on this species so early in its evolution that only a small number of Hushain were capable of comprehending the applications. These few quickly rose to power as they were soon regarded as the wisest of their kind. Over centuries of in-system cultural development, the comprehension of the universe became more commonplace, and the Hushain's cultural scientific achievements began to catch up to their war-based achievements, stabilizing the culture.

While the Hushain had begun such industrial practices as automated hydroponic farming and advanced terraforming, they were limited to the nine habitable planets in their system, and a culture that still idealized the Hunt. Eventually, the Altarans would explore the Hushain system, and encounter this prolific, inter-planetary species that had developed space travel, but stopped within its own system. The Hushain initially perceived the Altarans as a worthy hunt, due to communication differences and a predatory preference for bird-like creatures, and attempted to initiate hostilities. While the Hushain were certainly fierce fighters, the simple power of the Altaran weapons was enough to quell the opposing force immediately. When the Hushain realized that the Altarans were a stronger species, they became enamored with their destruction. Despite the overwhelming power of the Altarans, the Hushain did not waver in their quest for power. After several battles, the Altarans were forced to request aid from the other species. The telepathic abilities of the Vaishan were eventually the key to ending this series of battles. After peace was made, the Hushain were invited into the Draconian League, where they were given knowledge of hyperspace travel, and other technological benefits that have brought their species far beyond anything they have ever been.

The greatest advantage of the Hushain is their unquenchable thirst for blood. When the Hushain agree to attack, the are willing to fight to extinction, as anything that can kill all of them is a worthy foe to die by. Their ships do not number even those of the Humans, but they are among the fiercest, most persistent fighters the galaxy has seen. The abilities of the Hushain's space force stem from their history spanning idealization of the Hunt. Ships were built with combat in mind, and when several artifacts were found on the planets of the Hushar'ri system, the Hushain become a force to be reckoned with.

The ancient race that brought both life and the idea of space travel to the Milky Way galaxy is thought to have been a species known only as the Draconians. While some are hesitant to maintain this name, with its obvious ties to the Jaaq'tah, there has been no suggestions for a better name. The artifacts found in the Hushar'ri system indicate that the Draconians had also been a war-like society. What technologies the Hushain were able to derive from these artifacts were what enabled them to make the deadly Mauler Device and the almighty Stellar Converter attainable weapon platforms.

These weapons created from Draconian technologies were so powerful that the other species of the Draconian League paid the Hushain large amounts for the construction information. The e amounts of credits were able to allow the Hushain to increase their quality of life by numerous amounts, primarily building more powerful ships, though they did not have enough to amass a serious naval organization.

Instead, what the Hushain prefer to do is focus on creating scores of frigates or corvettes that mount Mauler Devices, and building a restricted number of destroyer sized vessels that mount one or two Stellar Converters. Focus on ship defense has been more towards stealth and avoidance rather than absorption. Hushain ships are known as the stealthiest in the galaxy, able to avoid detection by nearly every system known. Much as they stalked their prey on Hushar'ri's surface, they stalk their prey in the endless sea of space, waiting until the right moment to strike a deadly blow.

Of all the species, the Hushain suffered in the first Draconian War almost as much as the Gr'andal. Their home system was obliterated in the early battles, as it was along the border of Jaaq'tah territory when the faction split from the League. By this time, they had managed to inhabit many other systems, and were saved from extinction by the Jaaq'tah. But their survival has only hardened their hatred for the reptilian species.

As a species, the Hushain are as stealthy as their ships, though their appearance makes infiltration a matter of staying hidden, as blending in is impossible. Their flexibility, agility, and training makes them adept spies, and their beliefs on knowing the prey before they attack are as strong as their belief in the Hunt itself.

Despite the number of systems and planets inhabited by the Hushain, their cultures do not vary. The only differences are physiological, as their pelts tend to take on the colors of their surroundings. This trait also adds to their stealthy abilities, as Hushain Pelts are capable of adjusting to new surroundings in a matter of weeks, making them stealthy hunters no matter where they go.

Species: Gr'andal
Type: Mammal
Reproduction: Sexual
Sexual Maturity: 15 ESY (Earth Standard Year)
Gestation: 2 ESY
Litter: Usually 4
Average Height: 2.8 Meters
Average Weight: 260 kilograms
Psionic Ability: Highly Infrequent
Intelligence: Class 4 [IQ - 130-160 average]
Strength: Class 4 [375 kg]

The Gr'andal are an amazing mammallian species. With an average hight of 2.8 meters (almost 9 feet) they tower above every other race. Their muscular bulk is often in proportion to match their intimidating appearance.

The Gr'andal are covered in a solid dermal armor much akin to an Armadillo, only on a grander scale. The stability of this natural armor is capable of withstanding prolonged abuse from light to medium calibur fire as well as light direct-angle energy attacks. What little of their bodies that is not armored is fur covered, their pelt colors ranging in black, brown, grey, red, white, and orange.

The Gr'andal have many similarities to the Ursine family on Terra, though their lower canine have grown into seven-inch tusks, and two small, slightly curved horns bud from the heads of all Gr'andal upon reaching sexual maturity at about 15ESY (8 Andalian years). Many have likened the fearsome Gr'andal in battle, with their horns, tusks and natural armor to the image of a Japanese Oni of myth.

The Gr'andal are an omnivorous race, though they prefer fruits and vegetables over meats on average. Females ovulate every lunar cycle, and litters range from two to six, averaging four. While Gr'andal medicine has evolved significantly, Gr'andal that are born unable to survive on their own are allowed to die, the community believing it to be better for all.

In all, the Gr'andal are at one time both sides of the coin of pacifism. They strongly believe that strength should be used only when necessary, preffering to rely on their charisma and intelligence to negotiate their way out of unecessary trouble. Despite these beliefs, their history has forced them to learn the art of war, which they have reluctantly done with great ease. The Gr'andal are considered by all to be the greatest ground warriors in the galaxy. Even the fearsome Hushain, who to this day maintain a bitter rivalry on this issue, conceed the Gr'andal as master warriors.

Long ago, before the Draconian League had been established, when the races were just beginning to contact each other, one race had already been busy at work. While the Gr'andal have purposefully forgotten the names of this race, it is well known that they had enslaved the entirety of the Gr'andal and forced them to mine minerals and gems from high-gravity worlds. It was in these conditions that the Gr'andal developed their tremendous strength and size, being forced to work under horrid conditions. It was also in this time that Gr'andal chose their name for their race, never once forgetting their heritage, always hoping to one day reclaim their home planet of Andal.

By the time the Altarans had reached this sector of space, the Gr'andal had been fighting a war for freedom for fifteen years. Despite the obvious advantage of the race that had enslaved them, the Gr'andal were able to keep them at bay, one Gr'andal having the ferocity and ability to eliminate scores of opponents before succumbing to what they have termed "the final freedom."

The Altarans quickly learned of the situation, and chose to assist the Gr'andal, and prevented the unknown race from replenishing any supplies or troops they had left on the planet, pushing them out of the system, where they were lost.

While the Altarans assisted the Gr'andal in building their newly freed civilization, the Gr'andal chose to forget the names of their former masters, choosing rather to let that part of their history go free. Soon after the Altarans finished establishing the Gr'andal as a space-faring race, there was a massive migration back to their home planet of Andal. A grand many Gr'andal still persist on the high-gravity planets they were relocated to generations ago, but now they mine the fields willingly, using what wealth they garnish to improve their own lives, rather than the lives of others.

The Gr'andal are not "dumb" by any means. They do not possess the average level of intelligence of human beings, but human beings are by no means the measure of success for other species. Though the Gr'andal are only slightly below average intelligence, they firmly believe in the advantages granted when one's opponent chooses to believe that they are foolish or slow. The ability of the Gr'andal to "ham it up" and play dumb almost always tricks even the most weary spies into relaxing their guards enough to slip up.

While the exact method of filtering out spies is unkown to the rest of the galaxy at large, the general lack of spy success over the many years can put some stress on even a well-weathered spy.

Socially, the Gr'andal have had no time to develop. Though they cannot remember the time before, the Gr'andal believe that had they been a great civilization before they were enslaved, they would not have fallen to their nameless captors. Since they had freed themselves, however, they were thrust into the stars by the Altarans, never having a chance to approach the subject on their own terms. For such reasons, the Gr'andal find themselves slow in social and scientific situations, though their peaceful ways keep them patient and they do learn well. This, also, adds to the image of their lack of intelligence.


Species: Pozarid
Type: Arachnid
Reproduction: Sexual
Sexual Maturity: 1 ESY (Earth Standard Year)
Gestation: 0.5 ESY
Litter: 200-400
Average Height: 1 Meters
Average Weight: 30 kilograms
Psionic Ability: Always
Intelligence: Class 7 [Unchartable]
Strength: Class 1 [25 kg]

The Pozarid are perhaps the strangest race in the entirety of the Draconian League. The average Pozarid stands at only one meter, but at two meters length. Pozarid are arachnids, meaning they have a Copper based blood system, eight legs, and three body sections (head, abdomen, thorax). Unaltered Pozarid are unable to spin webs, but they all excell at digging.

Pozarid reproduce sexually, laying eggs in sacks of two to four hundred. Pozarid are hermaphroditic, capable of performing either role in the mating procedure. Constant intra-species competition keeps this race from overcrowding the universe, allowing no more than eighty of any egg sack to survive to sexual maturity. Pozarids live a lifespan of only three years.

Socially, a Pozarid is not even regarded until it reaches sexual maturity. This is because no other Pozarid can hear a larvae, literally. Pozarid are naturally incapable of hearing or seeing. At sexual maturity a particular horomone occurs that always triggers specific psionic abilities in the Pozarid. All Pozarid are masters of Telepathy and Biokinesis. They are unable to possess any other psionic abilities, but their mastery of Telepathy and instinctual communal tendency (which is the primary difference from the Terran Arachnids) creates a perfect Hive Mind. Telepathy also allows a Pozarid to communicate with other species.

At Sexual Maturity, when a Pozarid becomes capable of communicating with the rest of its species, it chooses a particular task, generally the one most necessary to be filled immediately, and performs that task for the remainder of its life. The Hive mentality of the Pozarid renders the need for a central authority figure pointless, and it also makes it impossible to infiltrate any Pozarid community.

Until a Pozarid reaches sexual maturity, it is left in the "hatching pits" with the rest of its egg sack, where they are forced to fight each other for the right of survival. Instinctual and territorial habits stop the young Pozarid from killing themselves off entirely, but they do maintain an astonishingly high infant death rate. Hatching pits exist in the lowest levels of the Pozarid's subterranian worlds, encompasing large areas, allowing the young Pozarid the ability to space themselves out while they learn about the harsh existence of their species.

A Pozarid's Biokinesis is how the race has evolutionarily compensated for its blindness. The Biosense ability of the Pozarid allows them to sense every living thing in their sphere of influence. Pozarid are so attuned to the life forces of living things that they can use energies released from living beings in a sort of echo-location to sense non-organic material. Their Biokinesis has also allowed the Pozarid to develop into master Biotechnicians.

Pozarid worlds are wonderous creations of Pozarid bio-technology, everything from their homes to their ships being living organisms. Their ability to genetically engineer organisms is considered unsurpassed, even by the Vaishan and Humans. Pozarid have altered every species on their planet to create a more compatible echosphere. More than just genetically engineering existing species, the Pozarid have made a culture based on growing devices concocted from successful traits of many species and merged with technical devices.

For example, Pozarid aero-space fighters are living breathing beasts who are capable of withstanding the pressures of deep space. They need a seventy-two hour nutrient bath after every five-hundred hours of activity. They possess no conscious brain, and only the internal organs aboslutely necessary to survive, utilizing basic capilary flow and computer terminals to regulate functions. They leave planetary atmosphere utilizing Altaran propulsion engines.

Not only are the Pozarid exceptional Biotechnicians, but they are astounding mechanical engineers. The entirety of the Draconian League is constantly purchasing the services of the Pozarid to construct (or reconstruct) fleets of ships. Pozarid factories are capable of churning out ships up to three times faster than even the expert-automated Human ship yards.

The Pozarid are unimaginably intelligent. Even the sagely Vaishan and Altarans bow to the wisdom of the Pozarid. The Pozarid as a race do not forget anything, and are always learning. What one knows, all know. The Pozarid were the inspiration for the initial SCRIBOL/SLICS program, providing invaluable assistance during the development of the systems.

The drawback to the Pozarid, is that their hive mentality has lacked somewhat in the means of expansion. The Pozarid, as intelligent as they are, are highly focused in their efforts of Bio- and Technical Engineering. And while the Vaishan and Altaran may listen to the Pozarid when they speak, they tend to only speak on matters they care about. As such, they tend to take a back seat in political affairs, almost always choosing to side with the Vaishan (some specualte the psionic Vaishan may have unkown markers on the Pozarid that keep them "in check").

The final point worth noting on the Pozarid relates back to their Biotechnology. The race as an entirety has not just altered everything around them, but they have begun to alter themselves as well. Chosen Pozarid are genetically altered to develop humanoid forms. It is these chosen ones that represent the Pozarid in Citadel halls, being able to speak and hear, unlike their brethren. Some Pozarid also choose to alter themselves in other means. It is by this method that some Pozarid are capable of spinning webs, and performing other tasks otherwise unfamiliar to the race's genetics.

Some humans believe that the spiders of Earth are actually scouts sent by the Pozarid centuries ago to keep track of Humans until they were ready to join the Draconian League. The Pozarid have neither confirmed nor denied this, but there is no hard evidence either way.

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