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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Driker isn't here...

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Inactive Member
Driker hasn't posted since the move. I plan to take steps to have him preserved, albeit incapacitated, if the player doesn't return soon.

Is anyone capable of NPCing Eve? She's a character who I find has a lot of potential, and do not wish to lose her.
I feel this is an optimal time to mention that I've not been shirking my duties, but the forum move coupled with a couple other circumstances(catching a nasty computer worm that I just vanquished today, for one) have seriously thrown me off-kilter.

Expect more regular posts shortly.
*shakily raises hand* I could possibly NPC Eve, if it is very very necesary for her to be RPed.
I could...but I'm not exactly one to auto or NPC other people's stuff. That, and I gotta start including Kurio more often.
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