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RP Dusk and Star, Reaching Across The Bounds (SAoY/NDC diplomacy)

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
New Dusk Conclave: Sirris VI - Obsidian City
In the small shuttle, dispatched from the Tranquility-class Diplomacy Ship that had just landed in Obsidian City, carried the offical colors of the Empire of Yamatai. Senator Anslen Volontany and the new Ambassador to the New Dusk Conclave. Anslen had his long tail curled into a pile under his seat. Across from him sat Ranga Havard, the offical Ambassador to the New Dusk Conclave. She was a Neko who had retired after her first tour of service and joined the Department of Diplomacy. She was a quickly rising star and the assignment to the New Dusk Conclave and the surrounding area was an important step in her career. When the shuttle landed, their honor guard preceeded them and then Senator Volontany slid off of the shuttle with the short blue haired Neko following him.

Having been informed well ahead of time the lords made sure to prepare for this visit. Making sure to avoid the errors made during the Neshaten diplomatic visit. A woman with silver hair and eyes would greet the group while dressed in a nice suit top and a knee length pencil skirt with leggings, flanked by a security personnel to either side acting as escort.

"Greetings ambassadors and welcome to the New Dusk Conclave, I am Alice Casdan. I've been tasked by the lords and council to escort you to the council hall. In advance, please forgive the use of an APC as transport, luxury vehicles are still in development for such occasions." she said politely before giving a customary Yamatain bow in greeting.

Anslen smiled at Alice, bowing himself, "Thank you Alice, allow me to introduce Ranga Havard, my associate. I'm sure a APC will do fine."

Ranga stepped forward and bowed to Alice. "I'm pleased to meet you. Anslen told me about you, you were in the Army at one point weren't you? Where did you serve?" Ranga asked politely as they headed to the APC

"A better question I suppose would be, where didn't I serve," Alice answered with a small chuckle as they walked, "I served back when they were still called the Grand Star Army, and served until YE38 where I retired at the rank of Shosa. I participated in every major war the empire has fought within those 16 years of service."

A Hound APC sat waiting outside the port, a driver waiting by it as they left the terminal. As the driver saw the entourage's approach, he began to lower the ramp in the rear before climbing into the driver's seat.

Ranga nodded, "I was born for the second Mishhuvurthyar war, spent most of that time in communications and cryptography. Afterwards, I realized that the Army wasn't for me, and left when my contract was up and joined the Department of Diplomacy." Ranga summerized as the three of them climbed into the APC.

"And I was never in the Army, just a simple country blacksmith." Anslen joked, he had been signifigantly more then just a blacksmith on his homeworld of Yamatai. His son ran the large fabrication company on Essia that Anslen had started as a blacksmith shop long before contact with Yamatai. He tucked his tail under the seats so they would be out of the way as he sat down in the APC.

"Mmm, blacksmithing sounds like a rather enjoyable trade. I may take it up as a hobby. I in all honesty took to the military more out of family pride." she hummed at such an idea being the hard work oriented lifestyle she lived. "Granted I am still doing much the same here, it just has more of a personal weight to it. And it offers a chance to do something more when all is said and done."

The casual discussion was only briefly interrupted for a moment as the drive declared, "Five minutes till arrival."

The interior of the vehicle had port screens, or false Windows allowing a view of the city as they passed through. The buildings were edged and straight, having been built from deconstructed cruisers, they had a technological aesthetic to them. People of numerous races walked along the sidewalks, going about seemingly everyday casual lives. Every once in a while, security personnel would be seen on their daily patrols. Automated humanoid drones were seen about as well, acting as anything from assistants to security units.

In either case they were regarded as normal, and if observed close enough, could be discerned to be run by AI of some sort. Their actions and mannerisms to developed and humanoid to be simple VI.

"I have enjoyed it my entire life, there is something enjoyable about creating something with your own two hands. Given what we see here, I suspect you know quite a bit about creating something from nothing. If we had the tools and a place to work, I would enjoy teaching you how to blacksmith when I am here sometime." Anslen offered.

"He taught me a little on the way here using the fabrication bay. It was certainly enlightening, but I will probably never be a proper blacksmith." Ranga commented.

"Not all perfessions or hobbies are for everyone. While some of my children joined the family trade, others did not want to and sought out their own fortunes." Anslen noted as they arrived.

The armored vehicle parked before the ramp was lowered once more, revealing the exterior of a domed building. It was different then the rest in a few ways. Shorter, more decorative in terms of architecture, and the fact of having a dome. Security here wore dress uniforms here, as well as those not civilian, also wore formal wear.

Casdan rose from her seat and disembarked from the Hound, "I would indeed appreciate such teachings, and thank you for the kind words. We have worked hard for what we have accomplished, and sacrificed much. It has been a long journey, and not without losses."

Anslen nodded, "No creation is painless." He remarked as they disembarked from the APC.

Ranga nodded, still trying to get a read on Alice and the world where she would be advancing Yamatai's intrests. As the three walked forward, she levitated herself a couple of feet off the ground to keep her head at the same height as her massive companions. They seemed, for the lack of a better word, plucky. Not willing to let things stop them from acomplishing what they wanted to. She could respect that. As she glanced around the capital building, she tried to get a better sense of not just the leaders but the people those leaders represented.

The silver haired almost giant of a woman lead them up the steps and towards the main entrance of the council hall. People of numerous races could be seen about the city, and even now around the hall. The populace was diverse, having come from all over. A few of the Tsumi were even about, the newest addition to the melting pot of a people the NDC had become.

The massive four armed people with horns even made up a few of the security personnel. A pair standing watch at the entrance itself, their stature even taller then that of Alice's. Where she stood a whopping 7'2", they stood at around 8'5".

"That and we seem to keep attracting the sick minded of the sector. We've become very adept in dealing with bioweapons and biohazardous compounds as a result. First it was a group called Hades when we arrived, now we're dealing with a cult calling themselves Crimson."

Anslen was not a short man, typically 7'1“ but he could vary that with his posture. Even he was dwarfed by the giant four armed Tsumi. Ranga, standing only five feet tall was tiny compared to both her two companions and the intemidating guards. "Crimson, I don't think I've heard of them before. Are they a large group?" Ranga asked as she floated along, almost two feet off the floor just to keep her head at about their eye level. She wondered just how much time was going to spend most of her time flying here just so she could look people in the eye.

The Tsumi gave a respectful nod as the trio approached before one opened the doors to let them past. Alice returned the nod as she lead them through. "To answer your question, we are not entirely sure to the depth of their numbers, but all signs point to them being numerous. Being their psychotic devotion to whatever belief, intelligent minds yet encountered guide them. So far we engaged on a ground war here, which we have been for the most part, winning." Casdan replied as they entered a spacious atrium.

It was much like the exterior, with however more furnishment, including polished wood paneling on the walls. The floors were some sort of marble, and all doors beyond this point we're traditional large wooden double doors.

"Oh welcome, I did not realize we had visitors Miss Casdan." Came the soft and sweet voice of girl with almost a polar opposite set of features. Hair as black as space, and eyes that were a crimson red, stood just to the side watching curiously. She had a infant in her arms who cooed at the new presence, "I'm sorry, where are my manners. I'm Nora."

Ranga smiled at the child that Nora held. "It's all right, I'm Ranga Havard. The Empress of Yamatai has sent me to this region of space to act as her ambassador." She smiled at the infant. "Can I ask who this is?" She asked of the infant.

"My daughter Mia, she recently hit her first birthday. I was away for work though, so I stopped to see if my grandfather wanted to do a little get together tonight to celebrate. It is nice to see dilomatic relations being of interest, something I wish was true between every nation."

Ranga nodded agreeing with Nora, "One step at a time. For everyone to be talking to each outher, the two of us have to be talking to each other. It was a pleasure to meet the both of you." Ranga said as she began to depart. Anslen also gave a short greeting to Nora before they moved on.

Nora gave a kind smile and wave, before heading on her own way as well, "Hope we meet again."

With the slight detour over, Casdan proceeded to lead the trio into the council hall itself. It was much more spacious and sported a dome shape to the room. It reached another story above the three that made up the majority of the building itself. The top of the dome acted like a false skylight, showing the sky above, but little icons representing ships in orbit that entered it's radial range of view.

Holographic windows rotated around its edge, displaying various government related information. The council itself sat in chairs arranged around a long U shaped table. Ornate in its decorative carved exterior and polished, metal emblems for the department of each member's department was attached on the front.

25 sat around the great table, the lords sitting at the top, all watching the information displayed by a projection system built into the center of the floor. "Welcome Miss Havard, we are happy to be honored with your presence today." Said Jack from his black chair.

Mark Oaklen nodded respectfully in agreement, "We hope your visit to our little corner of the sector has been pleasant so far. Also hello again Mr. Anslen, a long time since our last meeting."

Anslen nodded, "It has been, and your assistance in the liberation of my world is appreciated and will be remembered. However, my journy here today is to make an introduction." Anslen paused, to give weight to his next words.

"Your Excellencies, Lords of the New Dusk Conclave, I have the honour to present to you the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to be accredited of the Yamatai Star Empire, Her Excellency Ranga Havard." He said with a flourish.

Both lords gave the woman a respectful bow. "Again, it is an honor to receive such a visit from an esteemed member of the Yamatai Empire. A table an chairs were brought in preparation for your arrival. Please, have a seat, any guest should be comfortable and treated with hospitality. If you wish for anything to drink before we begin, you have but to ask." Mark also greeted properly now, "You are most likely already well aware of who we are, but I am Lord Mark Oaklen, and this is my brother Lord Jack Pine."

Jack turned his gaze to Casdan for a moment before communicating to her via neural network, ["Admiral, please report to the carrier Shield for deployment. I need my best at the helm for the assault fleet. Orders will be received upon arrival."]

Casdan swiftly snapped a crisp salute before turning to Ragna and Anslen, "Please excuse me, I have duties to attend to." With that she turned and strode from the hall.

"Thank you your Excellencies, may I present my credentials for your verifacation?" She said, giving a real envlope made from the finest paper that was sealed with blue wax in which the Empress' signet pressed into the wax. On the front was a handwritten signature of the Empress addressing it to the leaders of the New Dusk Conclave. Inside on the finest paper was handwitten message informing them that Ranga was indeed who she said that she was and that she would represent Yamatai. The actual information in it was information that had already been shared and sent in digital form, but the physical presentation was an old tradition. She placed the credentials in the hands of a humanoid drone.

The AMP unit with smooth steps, strode it's way around the outside of the table and delivered the parcel to the two lords. Jack accepted it first before the unit dismissed itself. Carefully opening it, cimson eyes read over the document, a smile coming to his face at the old fashioned style. It was indeed everything he had already been sent, but he appreciated the gesture. After reading it over, he handed it over to Mark next to him who did the same.

After a minute, Mark nodded his agreement towards his brother. "Both of us, the Lords of the New Dusk Conclave have reviewed the letter. We both the accept what is written therein. With this confirmation of authenticity, we may now properly begin."

Mark stood with that for a moment, just long enough to announce, "With this, and introductions complete, the council is now officially in session."
Ranga Havard moved to her seat and stood beside it. Anslen stood behind her where a assistant would usually be. "I want to thank you on behalf of Yamatai for the support that you have shown us in recent times, particularly with Essia. Now that you have established yourselves on this world, we would like to normalize the relationship between Yamatai and the New Dusk Conclave. The question that lies before you is what relationship do you want to have with Yamatai? I am here to help you make that decision by representing Yamatai and providing information that may be useful in making this decision. It is my hope that you will choose one that will allow both the Conclave and Yamatai to prosper together. Thank you." She said before sitting.
Harmony had stood when the ambassador entered the room, dressed in a simple deep forest green robe, beautiful white stitching that ran along the length with designs of flowers and leaves. Her hair was brushed out for once and straight save for a small number of curls at the bottom that bounced ever time her head moved. Her yellow eyes trained on Ranga as she spoke, she sat as the ambassador did, and shifted a little to allow her single wing to be comfortable behind her. She waited to see if anyone else had questions, and with no one wanting to go first, Harmony stood.

"Thank you, Ambassador, for taking the time to come out to us and speak. If you would allow me to introduce myself, I am Councilor Nall'Tis Harmony Hulut Llamnel, I lead the Biotechnical advancements here, among other pursuits. As a Lorath, I was also with the Matriarchy when first contact was established, and want to see what sort of restrictions there would be on technology, specifically the Hemosynthetic and Soul Transfer technologies."
Ranga nodded thoughtfully at the question, "That is a broad question and broadly the answer is yes. It's a bit like asking if we would be willing to share engine technology. Yamatai considers having a Soul Transfer backup to be a right and the basics of Hemosynthetic technology can be found in any medical textbook. However, some specific applications and techniques are corporate or military secrets. It depends on the specifics and the application we are talking about."
Isabelle looked around nervously as the session began, she knew the basics for these kinds of proceedings but wasn’t fully accustomed to them. Her place was in her lab office working on tech and other odds and ends, not establishing delicate relationships.

“I will add my thanks as well, I am Isabelle Pine, my position is the head of general Research and Development for the NDC and wife to Jack. I hope the Empire and Empress can form a long lasting bond with our growing nation.” The elysian woman sat down and tried to avoid meeting anyones gaze for a moment, if she was lucky her role would be observer not contributor.
"I ask only because, during the Lorath and Yamataian treaty, these technologies were considered restricted and thus left out of any trade of information or technology. The use of Hemosynthetic and Soul Transfer technologies would be a huge help for us. Applications would mostly be the same as what Yamatai uses them for, for saving people in with bodies failing from injury or disease, as well as the revival of our dead should the need arise. This won't be something forced upon our people, and I'm sure..." Harmony paused for a moment before she turned to look to Jack and Mark before she continued, "I'm sure that Lord Mark and Lord Jack, along with this council, will make sure laws are put in place to ensure there is no abuse of said technologies."
Standing firmly in front of her chair, the 7'11" Osman Human woman that was Sindy stood glaring at the Yamatai emissary. She donned her Osman Draguuns' Dragoon Officer Uniform. Her arms crossed as she gave off a less than impressed look down to Ranga. Sindy's entire determiner was of doubt towards this meeting, not that she was one for politics; it was more of the fact she had to be there.

"Sindy-xou Draguun, of the Honourable Osman House of Draguun, Duskian Head of Fleet Development. It is quite an, experience, to finally be able to 'greet' you. I am assigned with managing the Fleet and all new ships designed and developed within the New Dusk Conclave. If you have any questions on our ship writes and fleets, I am the one to speak to." She introduced in a very upfront and militaristic manner.
"The galactic situation and Yamatai has changed over the last decade. Applications of those technologies were not as widespread then as they are today. Due to the changing technological landscape, the technologies as a whole are not off of the table." Ranga answered Harmony.

"Thank you miss Pine and miss Draguun. I'm sure that the exchange of information will be profitable. I am here as well to provide you with the information that you need to decide what kind of relationship you want to have with Yamatai and to help create a positive and mutually beneficial relationship between us." Ranga explained.
"I believe we and the people are in consensus that we are not looking to join Yamatai as part of it. We mean no offense by that, but our people have fought long and hard to get the independence we have now. The masses would not agree entering in under the rule of another government body. We however would like to become allies, friends, and possible trade partners. Unless there is anyone in the council who wishes to voice their concerns, and with majority decision, will decide that this indeed our official stance. Again, among the council, my friends, this is now the time to speak." Jack said after standing, declaring this to the council hall. He already knew Sindy harbored concerns and doubts, but he wanted to hear from the others. To know if they agreed they were doing the right thing here.
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