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E.C.S.(Electronic Camouflage System)

If it's bending light and using forcefields, wouldn't gravity-type or magnetic sensors see this thing like a sore thumb?
originally it was supposed to do this through the dispersion of nanoes, but I guess Zack changed that
with nanoes, i'm not sure why forcefields would be necessary at all if i'm honest
Darn memers getting into the NTSE again... XD

Though I'm pretty sure that there needs to be a bit more explanation to the field than just saying nanobots do it , unfortunately.

I haven't taken a look at the article yet though so maybe it's in there.
this article was supposed to have been submitted shortly after the R1-SPA PA was.
but Zack's been busy, so I decided to do so.
I'd like to caution that the same style of device with the same acronym is used in the anime "Full Metal Panic!"

In the anime, E.C.S. stands for Electronic Conceal System, but it's still a similar kind of stealth.

You know, just in case we need to be leery of copyright issues. That's up to @Wes to determine.
I thought this was already approved along with the armor? Or does it actually need a different approval thread?
Blah, I'm not going to dig through the approval forum during the necromancy event. Lets do it live.

1: yeah it only works on visible light and a bit in thermal depending on the surroundings.

2: forcefields help bounce the light around, obscure things, hold nanomachines, ect.

3: ECS.... Bleh. I feel like ECS is so generic it shouldn't count but if we need to change it I'll go in there and make Jack change it.
I didn't think I was reviewing this. I was just providing concern about the name.

I know you do have one typo: "coverign". I notice that the R1-SPA armor this is supposed to be put on is not linked to yet.

I'm not a checklist-kind of mod. Personally, I don't think it's anything outlandish and can buy that as a type of stealth tech. I'm hard-pressed to find more detail about thermoptic stealth, so, I don't think this article is lacking.

I would be interested in knowing how the tech fares with adverse conditions. Say, when damage is caused: what would a nearby explosion do to the nanomachines around and how would it affect stealth. Is partial stealth possible if you don't have all your projectors active? Then there's weather: how does it deal with rain and snow?

Wes also may have had a point: most camouflage isn't absolute, so, you may want to make clear what this is good against, and what is more likely to see through it.
they're not projectors, it's done through dispersed nanos, that are released through vents spaced around the armor.

as for adverse conditions, I figure heavy storm conditions could through the nanos out of formation to distort the system.

also rain would still show up as hitting an transparent figure.

The system is still detectable by magnetic scans.
Well, I see 'projectors' mentioned in the article.

And you don't need to tell me so much as mention it in your article. I wasn't asking only out of curiosity, but in belief that it would enhance the completeness of your submission.
I'm inclined to say it's serviceable and that I don't see much of a problem with it.

@Zack - doublechecking: if this is the intended end result, does it meet with your FM approval?
Yeah, this is fine. I do t really see the need to explicitly state what Can and can’t see through this.
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