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RP [Echoes] Welcome to El Hermosa. Quiet, Beautiful, Deadly.

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Lover of Purple
Inactive Member
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia

The small warehouse complex set roughly in the middle-skirts of the sprawling sub-tropical metropolis of El Hermosa wasn't exactly was Yoko was used to. It's squat industrial appearance on the outside, lit by floodlights against the dark of late night, was only partially mollified by the high tech equipment on the inside. Cranes that shuffled around the ceiling were pulling objects that looked like eggshells on their sides, pointy end resting on a platform underneath while the round end merged into a perspex covered block showing an array of circuit boards and other processing equipment.

Like ants the cranes worked pulling the eggshells one by one off of a truck trailer, workers like ants pulling back shrouds and packing to protect the cargo as though lifting the remains of a larger animal from its bones and carrying it away.

The warehouse floorspace was dominated by the arrays of five to six of these eggshell pods, their backs together in the centre of each array with their points radiating out like spokes on a wheel. A much smaller area had been set up for the rest of the time the operators were expected to stay here, an open theatre made briefing room with folding chairs was in one corner, while a small cafeteria and lounger were next to it, and in the other corner were a series of capsule bunks for the operators to sleep in. The beds inside being familiar to most in shipboard life and insulated from sound, comfortable for most.

Yoko's heels clicked on the false floor and onto a duckboard set up over a wide gap as a worker was running cables through the area, walking towards a foreman with a cybernetic arm talking on his phone. Seeing Yoko's approach he hastily cut the call off and put the phone away, turning to face her.

His hardhat, glasses and high-vis clothing contrasted markedly her short heels, and pencil skirt matching her suit blazer but she made sure she gave the impression of having every right to be here and more as she looked up at the tall engineer.

"Miss Yosuta, this is the last batch. We'll finish setting up tonight and then we'll go over to management mode as the tests get underway. There should no delays tomorrow." The engineer reported, scars over his face detailing a hard life around industrial machines that did not always play nice.

Yoko tried not to stare, it was hard. Nekovalkrja often saw injury, but permanent scars were foreign to them. She focused on her reflection in his glasses instead. Nodding to acknowledge the engineers report.

"Carry on, mister Vas." She said, continuing once more her walk through the warehouse, taking a meandering path through the pods towards the upper walkway and offices closer to the roof, and the dark, opaque glass of the Upper Management. Always open like a dark eye watching the proceedings below.

Making her way up the metal stairs and onto the catwalks she pressed a hand to the door of the Upper Management office, the edges of the door glowed red, then green as it recognized her. With a click the entire door slid to the side and allowed her entry, closing quickly behind her.

She didn't relay the situation, her employer probably already knew. At the very least, they could watch it all happening.

"Have you screened the latest candidates?" A suggestively male voice asked from the darkness,a vague shape sitting on a lounge-suite in the dark room.

"Yes, I've vetted all of them and selected the most desirable ones for selection. We have also kept a list of back-up candidates should any of our first selections drop-out. Hopefully tomorrow isn't too traumatic for them. We're hoping the ones with leadership talents will help regulate the others." Yoko replied, keeping her tone respectful and her eyes down on a volumetric pad in front of her.

"Good. Go get some sleep, I'll need you at the top of your game tomorrow."


The next morning.

They arrived by private cars, aircraft, shuttle and coach from the spaceport or local hotels. However they came, they all arrived the the complex by late morning before noon. Slightly bedraggled men in high-vis clothing directing the candidates to drop off their baggage and head inside, taking the bags towards the largest warehouse in the complex in a small trickle or hauling and sweating as the sun beat down on the light concrete.

Fortunately the shade of the trees around the property kept the small crowd cool while they checked in at a reception table and let into the warehouse after their identities were confirmed. Gathering in the downstairs lounge and waiting. The rowdier ones chatted, the quieter ones might sit in the corners with their arms crossed. But they all waited together until the lines were done.

At least the beverages and snacks were complimentary.
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia - Warehouse

The first of the candidates made his way into the cavernous expanse of the warehouse's interior - though not with any fanfare, pomp, circumstance, or any of that nonsense.

He was too goddamn old for that kind of thing.

Instead, the weathered, battle-scarred, and weary form of that first candidate entered with a tap-thump, followed shortly after by another thump, with the reason for this - as the "pilot" came into view - soon becoming apparent.

The man not only had two cybernetic legs and a pronounced limp in his stride.

Oh, no.

He had a cane, as well - and a look of extreme annoyance on his face as he made his way over to the lounge, further expressed with a sigh as he took note of the vast, vast distance remaining between him and the chairs inside the aforementioned lounge. How incredibly convenient of them to place it at the other end of the goddamned building!

His tone laden with sarcasm, the cyborg known as Thomas Phanan quipped "Brilliant job with the interior design, kid..." as he passed by an important-looking Nekovalkyrja clad in expensive-looking heels and an equally-expensive pencil skirt. "'s just perfect for maintaining your cardiovascular health!"
The second wasn't too far behind - entering with cat-like thread (which meant darting through the doors and through the floor), stopping to stare at everything much like a lost cat in a new house does. Even if it was just a dusty warehouse, the tech inside was shiny enough to draw a gaze, and maybe a finger poking at it. Occasionally, whenever one of the workers(?) passed by, she'd stop to give them a friendly grin and a wave - even if it happened to be frowning suits or workers - and went back to studying the eggshell pod, admiring her reflection in the mirror.

Curiosity killed the cat, it seems.
The Lounge

Yoko's silvery-haired head turned to Thomas sharply at the mention of 'kid', data slate going one arm while the other went to her hip angrily. Her suit stretching with her.

"Get some real legs and get fit, old man. Or stop bitching because you paid for the wrong cybernetics, who needs a cane other than for show anyway?" She shook her head and went back to her work.

She probably shouldn't have lashed out like that, but the old man was one more irritation of the hired set up after what happened to the last batch. She pulled her dataslate to her breast and marched off towards the Upper Management office, making a not to herself to have Vas check the old mans implants to make sure they were still functional. Although half the candidates seemed to have something wrong with them she noticed as she walked up the catwalks in her sensible but stylish, and reasonably-priced heels.

The couches and chairs available were numerous and seemed fairly comfortable, snacks were placed on the dinning and coffee tables for participants to nibble on while they waited for the lines outside to be processed and let in. Thomas would have no trouble pulling a chair here, he wouldn't even have to pull the cripple card to remove someone else from their seat for him.

"Und vat do zey call you, old man? Wheels?" Came a snide voice from one of the couches.

Clearly the furniture was build with abuse in mind as the large abwheran sitting on it hadn't even sunk uncomfortably deep into the cushions with his metal-plated bones. All four arms crossed in front of him and smiling at Thomas behind his googles.

Meanwhile exploring through the warehouse.

Felicidade could easily see that the eggshells were some sort of device they were meant to be working with routinely, judging by the easy access placement and number of the machines, they were probably meant to climb into the eggshells as part of the simulation she'd been told about. The workers who were still occasionally seen walking to and fro mostly smiled and waved despite the bags on their eyes from lack of sleep and fatigue, she even spotted a few leaning against the machines with their hardhats over their faces taking a quick bit of kip.

As she poked around she spotted one of the workers on his phone by one of the side exits having an animated conversation. Overalls were tied at his waist by the sleeves one of his arms was a large bulky cybernetic implant that had required the removal of one of his shirt sleeves, and as he turned she saw the wrap-around glasses over his eyes.

"No, baby. I just wanted a job. No, I'm not avoiding the kids...Honey...Honey, look, I need to get back, okay? Ok-bye!" He quickly slammed the phone shut and put it into his chest pocket.

He spotted the ID badge on her chest and pointed over towards the waiting area, visible only by the dark shroud of the Upper Management office above it, on the upper cat-walks a woman in suit and skirt walked with purpose towards the only entrance door.

"You're one of the new pilots, right? You'll be wanting to wait over by the lounge and mess. You'll probably be sick of seeing these things by the time your contract is up." He pulled his dataslate up and a red beam scanned over the ID card on Felicidades chest. "Huh, your unit is right up by there anyway, convenient if you want to live in the capsule hotel."
The Lounge

So far, the food table had been the thing Amelia had liked the most about that job. For someone who had sat for several hours inside the cramped cockpit of her personal starfighter, the days old, cold snacks being offered tasted as good as a five star gourmet meal. Out of the bulky EVA suit that doubled as her usual flight attire, she was back to wearing a more comfortable clothing by the time she had arrived at the meeting point to get screened and ''checked in.'' As soon as that was done and she walked through the warehouse towards the lounge, she had quickly grabbed one of the recyclable, plastic plates and moved towards the food without ceremony. The Nepleslian had the gut feeling that they probably would be spending the next hours doing more tests, so she had better fuel up before anything else.

The process of choosing and picking which of the snacks seemed to be going pretty well to her, until the first noisy person showed up and brought complaints with them. She eyed the newcomer with a deadpan look as she took a measure of him after the bad first impression

That made the Nepleslian exhale slowly. Maybe it was the long flight that made her short-tempered, but even after the old man got a dressing down from the busisnesswoman, she still felt annoyed at the man. The raven-haired girl wondered in the end if she simply didn't like old people as she watched Yoko walk away before returning her attention to the table, a sly half-smile creeping up on her mouth.

She waited until the Abwehran spoke before adding her own two cents to the small drama.

"Having a healthy cardiovascular system is one of the many things someone requires to pilot at peak condition," Amelia said said, looking briefly at the old man. "But then, you probably knew that already from experience," she added before putting, looking at what looked like a slice of cheese wrapped around a slice of ham, and quickly put that on her overfilled plastic plate, making that small food pyramid she held grew taller.
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia - Warehouse

Roar of a bike engine could heard as another test pilot arrived to the place. The female figure on an old-school roadbike pulled in front of the warehouse. She looked up through the helmet figuring out if she was at the right place. Nodding to herself, she put some more gas into the bike and slowly drove close to the table with receptionist. She took her helmet off and shown her face to the man, who run her by his data. With identification done, she slowly rode the bike into the warehouse and found a spot to park the bike.

The woman now without the helmet easy to identify as a nekovalkyrja, hanged the helmet on the bike's handle and unzipped the biker jacket she wore. Turning around she spotted the lounge and headed there as instructed by the receptionist before.

The Lounge

Walking to the table with food and drinks, Suvi Harmaajärvi thought about what she got herself into.

"Curse you Jaina," the woman said through her teeth with a frown. She looked around the place, noticing there were several other people around. One of them was the target. Well at least that made the things easy.

Suvi simply hooked to the net and send Jaina a simple message. "I am in. We are even now, consider the thing done." And then she moved on to join the others.

The neko picked one of the plate, nodding to the raven-haired girl by the table. Then without any pride, she proceeded to load the plate full of the complimentary food, stuffing some of it into her mouth right away. She than grabbed a bottle of beer, flicking the lid off the bottle, which landed into the garbage can nearby.

"At least they know, that hungry pilot is a shitty pilot." Suvi said and grinned at the group. She did not know what everyone was talking about just now, but she wanted to fit in a bit. It would make her other job easier.
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It wasn't clear when she'd let herself in but a tall Fyunnen dwarfing all else within with short black hair had been in the lounge for a while now making something of a ruckus. She didn't seem to be there for any discernable reason, knocking back drinks and talking shit with the receptionist. Their argument had gradually gotten louder until My'ean had taken a different approach, leaning so close she could smell the Nepleslian woman's blood.

It wasn't clear if she was haggling or hitting on her, perched over the elevated desk on her elbow with the widest shit-eating grin as she spoke Trade in a thick Lorath accent. Our Fyunnen friend had made the fatal mistake of laughing at her own jokes and already people were stood about her.

"We're fully booked, miss...?"

"Wolf will do" she said with a predatory smile and sleepy mellow eyes, taking the receptionist's hand in her's - running her fingernails delicately along the woman's palm with a hushed whisper, flustering her.

"What I mean is... We're reserved for a hiring meet."

"Yeah?" the Fyunenn rolled her jaw. Her eyes drifted, fixed on the backside of one of the men entering before slowly returning her attention to the lady at the other side of the desk. Target-locked.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave... Miss? Miss?"

Already, My'ean was following somone else, a dismissive gesture over the tall woman's shoulder. She soon seated herself with the other pilots without invitation - sat next to a man with a cane who'd arrived earlier.

More quaffing. More drinks.

"Don't need no legs to fly a plane, just stick" My'ean eyed Yoko stiffly - knowingly down the length of her nose before setting her elbow on Thomas' shoulder. Her hand was already moving for the afformentioned appendage, settling on his hip instead.

"The management giving you trouble, slick?" she set her chin atop his head.

Then she smell of drink hit him. For all her composition, she was wasted: hair of the dog.
The former noblegirl had perhaps been bred and trained for being the center of attention for this sort of thing, but she was pretty happy this was a talent she had never really learned anyway. It gave her a pretty good chance to be able to observe everyone else, without having them all notice her either... although she somehow had the nagging suspicion that this type of 'immunity', seemed to last until you realized no one noticed you.

Curious, that.

Still, Runessa wasn't going to ignore the chance to snag some free food, she was in one of her more 'poor' moments at the moment... she wondered what this entire deal was supposed to be about anyway. Up front, it sounded rather straight forward, but she had to wonder what the actual reason for it was. Well, whatever it was, that didn't matter anyway. She was probably the least experienced pilot here - having pretty much no actual practical time flying but, well - but who needs raw experience, when you're just naturally talented at anything?
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia - Warehouse

Yoko said:
"Get some real legs and get fit, old man. Or stop bitching because you paid for the wrong cybernetics, who needs a cane other than for show anyway?"

"Heh, you think I actually paid for these worthless things? Dream away, kid......these right here" - Thomas gestured at said legs - "were 'paid' for by your precious taxes because, although I'm sure this comes as a surprise to you, us Nepleslians don't regenerate. You'd want a cane too if you spent every waking moment of your life in pain.

After an obligatory eye-roll at the antics of his new employer, the Nepleslian (Geshrin, really) continued tap-thump thump-ing his way over to the lounge - then chuckled at the comments his appearance had prompted. My oh my, aren't we all just delightful little rays of happiness today!

Max said:
"Und vat do zey call you, old man? Wheels?" Came a snide voice from one of the couches.

Oh, joy, we have a comedian, too. Abwehran male, Nightwalker,......heh, this'll be fun to watch. "Name's Phanan-"

Amelia said:
"Having a healthy cardiovascular system is one of the many things someone requires to pilot at peak condition...but then, you probably knew that already from experience."

Touché, kid. Gonna have to try harder then that, though. "-and you're right, I would know, seeing as how I learned how to fly before you learned how to walk. Besides, crazy as it sounds...unlike the cave-dweller over here" - the cyborg paused, sitting down in one of the comfier-looking chairs as he indicated the Abwehran from earlier - "I ca-"

The voice of one Thomas Phanan broke off as a Fyunnen that reminded him entirely too much of an old friend sat down next to the cyborg (Goddamn, and I though Milo smelled bad after his drinking binges!) - and proceeded to...

"Don't need no legs to fly a plane, just stick" My'ean eyed Yoko stiffly - knowingly down the length of her nose before setting her elbow on Thomas' shoulder. Her hand was already moving for the aformentioned appendage, settling on his hip instead.

"The management giving you trouble, slick?" she set her chin atop his head.

...flirt with him?

Phanan blinked, rather......unaccustomed to being the subject of a female's attention - and quite unaccustomed to being dwarfed by said female. "Nothing...terrible. So far." Slick? Fuck, either I'm overdosing again,or I need to prepare for a lot of complications...
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My'ean could tell he was caught off-foot, giving him a firm thump on the back with her palm as she laughed before setting her arm about his opposite shoulder, pulling the shorter man under her arm - arching it over him posessively as she note the ongoing conversation amongst the others.

Phanan would feel the weight of that arm: compact but heavy with muscle. Her hip too, her hip pressed into his waist firm and taut with the slight sensual twist of her spine. She was oblivious, grinning like an idiot, laughing softly at the occasional traded word with a flash of big well formed teeth that suggested she took her health very seriously, even for a Fyunnen.

With that in mind, My'ean could probably bench double his bodyweight. Or break his shoulders if her arm tightened.
Suvi stood by, watching the rest of the pilot mingle. It was a bit funny to her, nepleslians were funny. The arrival of a lorath changed things a bit, but the neko was not too worried about it. She just leant back, watched and listened. tipping back a free beer and enjoying some scavenged hotwings, which she poured chilly sauce all over. The conversation was not really that interesting, but it was only thing to watch. Suvi also noticed another girl coming in, not really saying anything to the group, but attacking the free good with as much glee as Suvi herself did. So yeah situation was fun, but it was slowly getting boring again. Time to add some gasoline into the fire.

"Oh well, birdy took liking to a cripple." Suvi said and grinned at the old man and the fyunnen. "We are gonna be a one big happy family here eh?"
"You're one of the new pilots, right? You'll be wanting to wait over by the lounge and mess. You'll probably be sick of seeing these things by the time your contract is up." He pulled his dataslate up and a red beam scanned over the ID card on Felicidades chest. "Huh, your unit is right up by there anyway, convenient if you want to live in the capsule hotel."

He'd most likely been more focused on trying to calm his wife to pay attention to the odd catwoman busy trying to poke a hole in the pod, but the reflection grimaced. You know what they said about cat's ears. She straightened up and gave the worker a bright (and slightly pitying look that frayed the ends of her lips) smile.

"Thank you! If you ever want to chat, just stop by!" Not exactly the sort of opening lines you give to a stranger you'd probably never see again in your line of work, but, well. And with that, she scampered off in the direction where she was pointed to-

-and when she arrived, she made a beeline for the snacks, immediately digging in as soon as she was in arm's reach.
The Lounge

As the group chatted amongst themselves, more pilots began to trickle into the hangar, gathering around the large lounge area that had at first appeared almost generous slowly revealed itself to be slightly less so as about fifty people, all with barcodes on ID cards on their chest found or stole seats and munched on snacks. They came in all shapes and sizes and all different levels of physical ability. Clearly there was a large diversity in level of skill and specializations also.

"Cute girlfriend." The big abwheran man laughed, but not saying more about Phanan's condition.

"I am Max, but my friends call me, how you would say it? Fat Max? Yes." The abwheran invocation of the name was rather less innocent.

The snacks on hand were plentiful and rich, but clearly not enough for those gathered to gorge themselves upon all of it.

Upper Management Office

Yoko pressed her palm against the access pad and strode in, the door snappily closing behind her and took a breath. As she stood by the entrance the floor gradually lit up, revealing a top down view of the floor below, almost as if the floor were transparent, but to those below the roof above remained as opaque as ever.

"A lively bunch. I like them." Came the voice from the couch easily.

Yoko took a long breath before walking forward, dataslate clutched to her chest. Trying to decide if she should look down at the scene below, or at the dark couch where her master resided. The air around it thick with...something.

"Ninety-five percent of respondents have been checked in. A few we have tracked that never left their dwellings, one was checked into hospital earlier today. Shall we cancel their invitation?" She asked, deciding to peer down at her dataslate, the bottom end resting against her firm stomach as she cradled it in her arms.

"No, let them come if they can walk." The voice replied.

"And the woman who came unannounced?"

A series of images flashed over My'eans form on the floor below, security footage, mugshots, identity cards. "Let her stay. She has a reputation with some, even in my limited searching. Why do you think I did not apprehend her when she entered."

A moment of silence as the scene below played out, Yoko was reminded of the ideas of the gods of old watching from above, but quickly tossed it out of her mind.

"I think I'd like to meet them." The voice said, musing. Thinking.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, sir." Yoko quickly replied, trying to stop herself imagining the possible repercussions of such an act.

"Oh? Very well. I did not hire you just to ignore your consul. You will remain their sole point of contact for now. I will watch." The shape on the couch sat back. "Go."

The Lounge

The click of Yoko's heels on the spiral staircase down sounded loudly through out the room. Professional skirt and suit, tightly controlled hair, smart looking glasses aesthetic.

"Ladies, gentlemen." She said, practised voice being heard by all except the most determined not to listen.

"Welcome to your first day of the Stress Inducement Longitudinal Knowledge Study. I am Yosuta Yoko, I will be your supervisor. Most of you know why you're here, but for those of you joining the street, we will be putting you through as close to real combat encounters as we can. You will be tested, scored, and challenged by missions and each other. The best of you will be rewarded well, not that the pay for the rest of you isn't bad either."

Her heels continued to click across the floor as she slowly walked between the gathering in the lounge.

"Fortunately for those among you with military experience, we will not be holding successive safety briefings. The machines you will be using should be simple enough to understand once you get in them. Those of you with cybernetics and SPINE interfaces may be able to connect to the system by default. As long as you are familiar with your chosen fightercraft, you should find the transition very easy."

The stopping of the heel and turn to face most of the room indicated the amount of scorn that might come down on any who could not fly their chosen designs. Green eyes stopped examining around the room and went down to the dataslate she now held for herself.

"As stated in your brochures, you may live either on site or in accommodation of your choosing, your leisure time is yours to spend, there is no curfew except that you be fit and able to fly before operations begin each day. If you insist on drinking until late I suggest you supply your own detox pills."

The clicking heels on the concrete floor continued as Yoko made her way from one side of the lounge to the other, turning again to face the entire crowd assembled.

"Before we continue, are there any questions any of you might have?"
The Lounge

Suvi listened and fox-like grin appeared on her face. She took another swig from her beer bottle. Detox pills. What a joke. She felt kind of sorry for all the other, who actually had to worry about that kind of thing. Suvi meanwhiel was a neko, she did not have to worry about anything like that. She could just filter her hemosynthetic blood as she please and get sober within minutes if needed. She would have to want to get drunk in the first place anyway. There was a joke that nakovalkytja were a master race and moments like this made less of a joke. Well also moment when a neko suffers a grievous wound and just walks it off. Those helped too.

"I got a question for you bosslady." Suvi said, looking at Yoko, keeping the grin on her face. "What will we be flying in the simulator?"
The Lounge

Amelia wanted to reply something to the old man in the lines of the time where he learned how to fly was the time where people were still flying biplanes, but seeing as he had bigger problems to worry about, just turned around back towards the snack table and continued to eat the bite-sized snacks that she had arrayed on her plastic plate. The Nepleslian finally, once and for all, came to the conclusion that the snack table was the thing that she liked the most about the entire meet-up, which even made her ignore the man speaking as people started asking questions. Maybe she would ask something if someone didn't ask one of the many questions that she had, but, for now, the pilot would continue to give her full attention to the particular tasty cheese cubes on her plate.
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia - Warehouse, Lounge

My'ean could tell he was caught off-foot, giving him a firm thump on the back with her palm as she laughed before setting her arm about his opposite shoulder, pulling the shorter man under her arm - arching it over him posessively as she note the ongoing conversation amongst the others.

Phanan would feel the weight of that arm: compact but heavy with muscle. Her hip too, her hip pressed into his waist firm and taut with the slight sensual twist of her spine. She was oblivious, grinning like an idiot, laughing softly at the occasional traded word with a flash of big well formed teeth that suggested she took her health very seriously, even for a Fyunnen.

"Oh well, birdy took liking to a cripple." Suvi said and grinned at the old man and the fyunnen. "We are gonna be a one big happy family here eh?"

Yet another reason love sucks. "Never said she was my type, kitty......and I'm not a family person. Always ends up..." Phanan paused as yet another Nekovalkyrja (this one, like many of those moronic Hanako wannabes, with sky-blue hair) dashed into the room - "...with someone getting a parasite. Or two. Or three."

As the group chatted amongst themselves, more pilots began to trickle into the hangar, gathering around the large lounge area that had at first appeared almost generous slowly revealed itself to be slightly less so as about fifty people, all with barcodes on ID cards on their chest found or stole seats and munched on snacks. They came in all shapes and sizes and all different levels of physical ability. Clearly there was a large diversity in level of skill and specializations also.

"Cute girlfriend." The big abwheran man laughed, but not saying more about Phanan's condition.

"I am Max, but my friends call me, how you would say it? Fat Max? Yes." The abwheran invocation of the name was rather less innocent.

Further proof there's one in every crowd. "Have you been consuming hallucinogens again, Litt-"

The Nepleslian was fortunately interrupted before he could finish verbally cutting "Fat Max" down to size.

"Ladies, gentlemen." She said, practised voice being heard by all except the most determined not to listen.

Phanan let out a sigh of despair as he slumped back in his seat upon hearing the maddeningly-cultured voice of the kid from before - for the cyborg knew all too well what was about to happen.

"Welcome to your first day of the Stress Inducement Longitudinal Knowledge Study. I am Yosuta Yoko, I will be your supervisor. Most of you know why you're here, but for those of you joining the street, we will be putting you through as close to real combat encounters as we can. You will be tested, scored, and challenged by missions and each other. The best of you will be rewarded well, not that the pay for the rest of you isn't bad either."

He hated this part.

Her heels continued to click across the floor as she slowly walked between the gathering in the lounge.

Figures that there just had to be one of those boring and hilariously redundant mission briefings.

"Fortunately for those among you with military experience, we will not be holding successive safety briefings. The machines you will be using should be simple enough to understand once you get in them. Those of you with cybernetics and SPINE interfaces may be able to connect to the system by default. As long as you are familiar with your chosen fightercraft, you should find the transition very easy."

Halle-fucking-lujah...I only have to die from boredom once!

The stopping of the heel and turn to face most of the room indicated the amount of scorn that might come down on any who could not fly their chosen designs. Green eyes stopped examining around the room and went down to the dataslate she now held for herself.

"As stated in your brochures, you may live either on site or in accommodation of your choosing, your leisure time is yours to spend, there is no curfew except that you be fit and able to fly before operations begin each day. If you insist on drinking until late I suggest you supply your own detox pills."

The clicking heels on the concrete floor continued as Yoko made her way from one side of the lounge to the other, turning again to face the entire crowd assembled.

"Before we continue..."

Over already? Miraculous.

...are there any questions any of you might have?"

The Nepleslian - for the first time since entering the facility - smiled.'re going to regret saying that, kid.

Catnip said:
"I got a question for you bosslady......what will we be flying in the simulator?"

Said Nepleslian quipped "Sofas, obviously," then - his features practically the definition of sarcasm - began his response to the aforementioned "kid." "Here's another question, much is 'rewarded well?' I do have to save up for some of those 'real legs,' after all."
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Suvi looked back at the old man with chuckle. Being called kitty did not bothered her much, since half of the nepleslia called her cat, kitty-cat or kitten or even pussy. You either get used to it or get ready to bust a lot of heads. Not that Suvi had problem busting heads and not that it would be a problem on Nepleslia, but day had only so many hours.

"Heh, you might as well save up for a new body Jii-san." The nekovalkyrja grinned. "I suggest some that can grow new limbs, since it seems you keep losing them."
The sound of the click-clack made Felicidade look away from the snacks she was busy inhaling and up at the approaching sound of heels, eyebrows raised. She'd heard that particular snap-snap pattern somewhere-

Ah. And there's the boss lady herself

She waved to Yoko, all friendly-like and with a wink. Either she doesn't realize Yoko's all business at the moment, or simply doesn't care. Other than that, however, she keeps silent - her hand had went up, but went down at Suvi's question.
Yoko turned to give Phanan a look with her eyes that spelled trouble down the line, but turned back to Suvi and the room.

"The interior of the machines are partially transformable, so as long as the flight model and characteristics of the specific craft are in the database, well, you can fly anything." Yoko replied, keeping a perfectly straight face. "So yes, sofa's. For those too frail to fly anything else."

Yoko checked her dataslate to make sure of something while the rest of the group chuckled or waited stoically or whatever they did.

"As for your remuneration packages, you're guaranteed minimum earnings of 20,000 KS at the end of the program, anything you earn above that will add directly on top of the minimum. You will be rewarded based on several criteria for each sortie you fly, so make sure you turn up at the times you're assigned to. Poor attendance is grounds for dismissal without fee. We expect the average earning by the end of the program to be at least 55,000 KS."

Yoko turned back to Phanan with a twist on her heels. "Does that adequately answer the question of money, mister Phanan?"
El Hermosa, Southern Norlin, Nepleslia - Warehouse, Lounge

"Heh, you might as well save up for a new body Jii-san." The nekovalkyrja grinned. "I suggest some that can grow new limbs, since it seems you keep losing them."

And have to suffer being around Yammies again? Thanks but no thanks, catnip-for-brains...

Yoko turned to give Phanan a look with her eyes that spelled trouble down the line, but turned back to Suvi and the room.

"The interior of the machines are partially transformable, so as long as the flight model and characteristics of the specific craft are in the database, well, you can fly anything." Yoko replied, keeping a perfectly straight face. "So yes, sofa's. For those too frail to fly anything else."

Yoko checked her dataslate to make sure of something while the rest of the group chuckled or waited stoically or whatever they did.

"As for your remuneration packages, you're guaranteed minimum earnings of 20,000 KS at the end of the program, anything you earn above that will add directly on top of the minimum. You will be rewarded based on several criteria for each sortie you fly, so make sure you turn up at the times you're assigned to. Poor attendance is grounds for dismissal without fee. We expect the average earning by the end of the program to be at least 55,000 KS."

The cyborg chuckled along with the rest of the crowd, having taken note of Yoko's glare - (Hit a nerve? Don't worry, Yoko-chan, I'm sure your precious body will never become marred by those horrid mechanical cybernetic things.) - then almost jaw-dropped at the numbers mentioned by the kid, opting to raise one of his eyebrows instead. Damn......a hundred grand? That's...surprisingly decent.

Yoko turned back to Phanan with a twist on her heels. "Does that adequately answer the question of money, mister Phanan?"

"Tabun(Maybe), Yoko-chan." Let's see how the kid handles that.

Few, after all, expected Thomas Phanan - who, to put it mildly, looked nothing like a Yamataian - to be perfectly fluent in Yamatai-go.

Fewer still knew that his last name hadn't always been Phanan...
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