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Ecstasy Class Recreation Ship


Inactive Member
Here's what I have so far with the idea of a recreation ship that was listed in the 'Designs Needed' thread. Keep in mind this is a first draft, and it's cut and pasted from the HTM page I've been editing. I sent a copy over to Wes that looks better. These are small compared to the amount of people in a standard fleet, thus the Ecstasy class is concieved!

Shipyard Name
Model SX-004-021 Ecstasy
Table of Contents
1. About the [Ecstasy Recreation Ship]
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the [Ecstasy Recreation Ship]
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Compliment
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Ecstasy Recreation Ship
A newly commissioned class of ships, the Ecstasy Recreation ship was designed for the expressed purpose of providing leisure opportunities for Star Army Fleets that are between major battles or movements. They are meant to accommodate a large amount of personnel at once to ease the stress accompanied with living for prolonged periods in space by providing a social and off-duty area during down-time. The Ecstasy Class will typically remain in the rear formation of support ships, and warp in behind or with the other logistically based craft. During full operation it will typically fly with escort vessels, for safety reasons. Enjoying the company of others and a change of scenery is the tenant of the Ecstasy's design.
2. History and Background
The original, massive Ecstasy was built at [such and such] Shipyards in YE 27, and completed testing in late YE 27. Full production models were commissioned by the Star Army of Yamatai for it's major inter and outer-system fleets. They were produced and finally delivered after the battle of [Hoshi no Iori] in YE 28. The Ecstasy can also provide an economic outlet for personnel with expendable income.
3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Organizations Using This Vessel:
Yamatai Star Army

Type: Recreation
Class: Ecstasy Class Model SX-004-021

Production: Six Ecstasy Class vessels have been built to date: The Ecstasy, Paradise, Kyoto Clipper, Rapture, North Wind, and the Yasashi. Plans for more are being considered, given the size of a typical YSA fleet.

Crew: Essential Crew: 46, with four shifts of eleven, and one Captain. Personnel for various amenities can vary from 2,000 to 4,000 depending on the load out of the vessel's areas.
Maximum Capacity: Maximum visitors beyond the standard crew: 40,000. Most elect to return to their ships, though lodging can be available depending on the ship. This falls normally in the 10,000 to 15,000 person range.
Appearance: A long circular vessel, the Ecstasy has a core section that is surrounded by integrated docking bays. There are a total of eleven ‘sections' for leisure activity, with the twelfth core section (forward) is exposed to space. The aft portion houses the engines and shielding array, and at various points between docking ‘rings' are thrusters. The main bridge is located on the interior of the ship, forward of the engineering section. The entire ship may have a unique color scheme by each deck, or over it's entirety.

Length: 4200M
Width: 1800M
Height: Roughly 1800M (depending on exterior load out)
Decks: 11 Primary decks*, 2 command decks, one primary, and two tertiary engineering and environmental control decks. *300M high
Mass: 8,465,900 tons empty, 17,356,000 tons capacity.
4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): .557 light speed using main engines .113 LS/30 second acceleration
Speed (FTL): 55,897,773c (5LY/min)
Speed (Aerial): Not capable of atmospheric entry/travel
Speed (Water): Not capable of atmospheric entry/travel

Range (Distance): Limited by access to fueling supplies.
Range (Support): Air supply requires replenishment every four months, less often if the air is cycled through a plant filled observation deck.
Lifespan: 45 years without refits or upgrades.
Refit Cycle: 10 years.
5. Inside the Ecstasy
Bridge: The bridge is located aft of the first primary deck. It is accessed from a lift on ‘street level' of deck one. A homey rectangular design with one level, the officer in command will sit in the command chair located center, and slightly aft of the two pilots. The tactical systems officer has a station perpendicular to the commander on the starboard side. Along the Port side perpendicular to the captain is the internal systems monitoring station. The first officer has a chair to the right of the commander's chair. In front of the helm station is the holographic projector, which will display required and pertinent data to the bridge-officer requesting it. The other stations, located along the walls are reserved for the monitoring of populated areas. The secondary bridge has a simple pilot's chair and two monitoring stations. It is located on outer portion of deck ten, between the landing bay ring.
Crew Quarters: For operational crew, all quarters are on deck one of the main area. The command staff has private rooms with their own toilets, while all other crews share doubles, using a communal showering and dining area. This is located a short walking distance from the lift down to the command deck. The crew typically spends little time in their own quarters.
Passageways: Running from docking bays to the decks associated with them, the passageways are wide enough for large groups of soldiers to pass through on their way to or from a good time. (Approximately five meters wide)
Rapture Decks: These massive decks make up the core of the Ecstasy. Each deck is 300M high, and features customizable environment simulation along the upper ceiling of the deck, to simulate various real conditions, or create an ambiance pertaining to the time or setting of the particular deck. They can be modeled at production to emulate various settings, from wilderness to urban. These can range from a sunny partially cloudy day to the soft glow of a simulated nebula. The largest structures are typically built to include the passageways leading to the landing bays. Almost uniformly, the deck open to space (deck 11) doesn't use holographic projectors, and features a shielded clear ‘dome' in which there are community areas such as parks and a few scant hotels lining the edges. Typically this deck will be facing any prominent feature in local space at the Captain's discretion.
Amenities: The heart and soul of the rapture decks are the various amenities they can offer to the weary YSA soldier. They may include, but are not limited to: hotels, normally short stays for romantic interludes or getaways, ranging from cheap (45 KS) and higher, ‘outdoor' shopping arcades, malls, foodstuffs emporiums, occasionally with fresh produce sections, adult boutiques, casual and formal clothing stores, salons, barber shops, body modification centers, sporting arenas, exercise centers, uniform shops, cafeterias, officer's lounges, art centers, libraries, music halls, and fine dining.
6. Ship Systems
Hull: The hull is surrounded with landing bays, each with their own private shield generator to prevent decompression during loading or unloading of launches and ships. The armor cannot be compared to Star Army grade, however it has standard radiation shielding.
Supply System: The ZS-572 series transfer system will work with most freighters sent for re-supply. It operates by extending a sealed shaft around the mouth of a cargo bay opening, and transferring via zero-G. If this fails, an entire landing bay can be temporarily cleared.
Escape Pods: There are enough lining the exterior of the ship and in launching centers adjacent to landing bays (two on each ‘ring') to evacuate 70% of maximum capacity. The AI monitors if the ships present in the landing bay cannot accommodate the remaining 30% (almost always operating overwhelmingly higher). The pods are a redundancy during normal operation.
Environmental Systems: Most power goes to keeping each deck constantly at the temperature, humidity, and visibility during operations. The Holomatril Mark IV-L72 system is responsible for holographic projections that coincide with the settings for each deck. In an emergency, this system can be powered down to supplement shield energy. The systems of the Ecstasy are otherwise revolved around keeping the ship in safe operations, and in tact long enough during a surprise battle to evacuate crews to their ships.
Air Recycling System: If the observation deck contains plant-life that can produce oxygen, the system of vents and enormous circulation fan centers around the interior of the deck rings will be sent to the 11th deck and recirculated. This eliminates stale air, but isn't always as close to the unpredictability of planetary winds.
Sensor and Computer Systems: All systems of the Ecstasy class revolve around internal and short range detection and sensors. The array only extends to direct space, and the vessel requires warning from other vessels in the fleet about long range threats beyond FTL travel range.
Melody Class AI: The perky sounding AI of the ship is never the same purposefully, as they can sometimes end up as the mascot for advertising by vendors. They are almost all exclusively female. Basing from the ‘Melody' AI on the Ecstasy, the AI will oversee given tasks and day to day operations of essential systems and regulatory systems.
A19 Hopper Sensor Suite: This suite is designed for internal use and monitoring of possible problems with the complicated environments the Melody system oversees. The operators on the bridge can calibrate a small array for use before and during FTL travel, but some non-essential systems may fluctuate depending on the situation and jump length.
Bunker-C413 Shields (2 generators): These heavy generators will come online during periods of surprise conflict, designed to shunt power from the non-essential systems when needed, either during surprise combat or extreme spacial radiation. The purpose of such generators on a ship is to provide enough time for a full capacity of soldiers to escape to their combat vessels in the launches or shuttles they arrived in, or to make their way to escape pods if the ship is threatened.
ECM Launcher Pods (36):
Location: Located at firing arcs designed to cover all exterior zones of the ships, at intervals. The observation deck does not have the launchers, but they are located around the dome's ring.
Primary Purpose: Creating interference in the electronic systems of kinetic weapons such as missiles.
Range: 10K
Rate of Fire: How long between shots?
Payload: 60 rounds in each launcher, firing in barrages of ten.

This page written by William Lee using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2005 StarArmy.com
Last revised
This is an interesting concept for a ship. Pretty imaginative.

How much would one of these things cost?
Tom said:
This is an interesting concept for a ship. Pretty imaginative.

How much would one of these things cost?

That's a good question, but I would think the Star Army would pre-sell space on it to companies or lease it out before it was built to help subsidize the cost. I'll have to compare prices, I'm just getting used to the KS system.
Approved for IC usage.
Putting this on the site, I'm still not sure which shipyard should be making these. ^_^;
Hmmm, I'd say some sort of Geshrin Civilian manufacturer? Are there actually any of those that would build something so massive? Geshrinari seems more Nepelisian to me for some reason. Maybe I need to take some crazy pills...
Added to the site.