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Art Edto's horrible DoGA work!

I suck at DoGA =D! I am aware of this. Nothing I have made in the past has been complicated, but I sat down tonight and took a nice long look at the parts to see what I could do. Each post will be a ship and a description of what I have in mind for it. Seems simple enough? I'll probably throw in how many parts I used to make the things.

This is a fighter craft. Approximately 40m in length if you count the entire body, about 30 if you only count the body. Room for one pilot, this thing is designed to be a boom and zoom craft. Screams it at high velocity, strafes a target, and tries to blow past before anything gets a lock on it. Most of the body is dedicated to the power plants. It has four Modes.

Cruise: All power is directed into the Engines. This allows the craft to reach maximum speed capabilities, but it cannot utilize weapons unless the weapons have been charged already.

Charge: Some energy generated by the powerplant is fed into the weapon systems. It takes about 45 seconds to charge the weapons up for a strafing run before the weapon can be fired. A pilot will enter this mode a few seconds after a strafing run is complete, only when it's speed has carried it far enough past the enemy to quantify the minor drop in speed. Generally .01-.015c.

Dog Fight: This craft is not built for dog fighting, but it can if it has too. Taking a .1c drop in speed, it feeds power into the weapons constantly allowing the pilot to take shots when he needs to. They do not have to be as careful with their shots, but the loss of speed takes it's toll on the crafts capabilities.

Emergency Dog Fight: This mode is only to be used if absolutely necessary. Pushing the Powerplants to generate more energy than the ship can handle, the craft will only suffer a .05c loss in speed while being able to shoot at will. The craft can only handle this output for about a minute, maybe two. After three, the craft will start to fail, and the powerplant might melt down, causing the craft to explode or cook the pilot inside.


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This is an Carrier type ship. About 1.5km long from end to end, and 300m tall not including the tower, this is a ship that has very little in the way of offensive power. Designed to be a command and control ship, it will never be found alone. It has four separate launch bays, each one able to hold a Flight of fighters in storage, as well as a flight on deck. It has internal hangars inside should more than 8 flights be needed for any particular reason. It can hold 80 fighters per Launch Bay.

On top of it's craft capability, it also has a massive sensors array, as seen on the front of the ship. They are built to allow the ship to see everything happening in a wide area in detail. It can feed this information to the fighter craft and escort accompanying it.


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This is a Transport. Military or Civilian, it is about 80m long. It is generally slow, and built to transport large amount of resources, supplies, or even troops if need be. It has two static canons the wing, giving it four guns total. It's a Transport. It transports stuff. It can move small vehicles if need be, and can even mount some on the bottom via magnetic connection points. VTOL capable.


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Torpedo Bomber.

This is a bomber... Can be used in or out of atmosphere. Powerful sensors in the nose with two canons on the top for emergency. Can load up two six torpedos ((Curently)) on the under wing. It will likely be capable of holding more munitions for in Atmo combat.

Destroyer. 150m in length. Lots of small guns, some big guns. Click the picture for a better view, I just realized you can view larger for those having a hard time seeing. Been getting comments these ships remind people of Yamatai, and while I do see some resemblances I think the resemblance is merely based on the parts available. If anyone has any suggestions to give them a more "Unique" appearance then just post something down. Don't want to modify the general look too much.

Also, how do you save objects as parts? Like, if I build a gun in DoGA and want to use it on another model how do I do that?

WARNING! This is a massive picture! 1500 x 3000

I really don't know what to do with this one. What it is, and other such information. Figured out why people got the Yamataian Vibe from them so I decided to try and break up the shape a bit more and quit using the stock wing in the parts section. It was majorly the primary triangle hull, maybe the "Trident" effect will shake it up enough to not be so closely linked? No offence Yamatai XD

It is hard to get a fairly unique looking build when using stock parts. I wouldn't be shocked if there were ships on the site that use a similar trident or have made a ship almost exactly like this. If it exist on the site, totally show me!

But, if you think you got a good idea for what this ship should be, throw down some stats! Length, Height, Purpose, Class. Tis all I want. I have one suggestion for "Cruiser"

Another ship. Kinda took the origonal idea I had for the carrier ((As shown further above)) and elaborated on it I suppose. I think I have found a profile I really like. Will probably start making more Models based on this design. Same as the post above, if anyone has any suggestion. I'm thinking Assault Carrier or Dreadnaught.

Fun Fact! The tower on the ship is only for small craft support. That is not where the bridge is. The reason the sensor arrays are so big ((Those grey things on the front)) is because that is what is used to pilot the ship in it's entirety. All ships have a over powered sensor array, and they can link up with one another to create massive sensor zones. The data they get from the sensors is accurate enough to pilot the ship with. Even on the fighters!
I've left this page alone long enough. Let's see what new things I have done! Some old models with new images, some are brand new images!

GIFS! Going from my oldest design up to my latest design.

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