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Senate: Passed 119: Election of the Imperial Premier


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RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
Senate of Yamatai
Proposal #119 - Election of the Imperial Premier

This proposal is for the election of Imperial Premier of the Yamatai Star Empire.


1. Whereas the Constitution of the Yamatai Star Empire directs that "The Imperial Premier is an elected position with a five year term, with elections occurring on years ending in 0 or 5"
2. Whereas it as now YE 45.
3. Whereas the Constitution of the Yamatai Star Empire directs that "The Imperial Senate has the sole power to elect and direct the Imperial Premier of Yamatai."
4. Whereas the Empress of Yamatai has called for an Election of the Imperial Premier.

The Yamatai Star System hereby proposes the following:

1. Each world, nation, system, Senti Fleet, or other territory represented by the senate shall conduct a free and fair election within their domain.

2. Senators, as required by the constitution, shall serve as electors.

3. The results of the election should be posted prior end of the month of YE 45.1.

4. By the end of YE 45.1, the senate shall count the votes from each senator and candidate with the most votes will be approved by the senate as the Imperial Premier.
Airwin read the proposed law, by now he had become more familiar with not only the process but the historical context of the Imperial Senate. The telepresent projection of the Norian Aestaesys remained stoic as he reviewed the text of the proposed bill. It brought further context to the constitution, in fact, clarified some areas of the election process and the execution of the election itself. To Norian's understanding, only one candidate, and one questionable candidate that didn't really seem to make sense, had come forwards to run for Premier, a situation that led to a certain unease within his own mind. His red and black robe seemed a little out of place among the other projections but he found it nice to be able to wear the clothing that best represented Tsenlan while present.

"Akina and the State of Tsenlan, vote Yes. This legislation is straightforward and to the point. I have to say Senator Hanako that you have set a pace and presidence in these proposals as my research had led me to conclude that several proposals recently failing this body had not been so straightforward. You inspire me to consider some of my own proposals," he said then paused, "Sorry for the ramble though, my vote is yes." and should this pass it will be executed within my state immediately," he dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Airwin made careful notes on the proposal, more for his own reflection and continued research to gain an understanding of their gracious hosts.
After checking through the particulars, Akina's volumetric projection appeared in her seat. She wore her duty uniform, and held her cover (hat) in her lap. The Taisho unknowingly shared most of the concerns Airwin did, but she waited as he spoke and added some notes and to her staff wirelessly. It would coincide with planetary officials on Nataria, making it a busy election period.

"I thank the representative of Akina for his vote and thoughtful deliberation. My only concern now is the field of candidates at present. As the bill stands, Nataria votes AYE. If we need to amend it to mandate for at least two candidates or the like, I am open to that proposal as well." It would be a hard sell back home, when there was no confidence in the only option available. His agenda did not line up with that of the Nekovalkyrja 'Homeworld'.

When she finished, she settled back into the seat and waited to hear more from the others.
"Shurista wishes to voice reservations. There is no choice in this election. One candidate still bold enough to volunteer. There must be at least two to make a choice. We will vote yes when another potential Premier steps forward. We nominate Anslen Volontany to reclaim their deserved chance, and lead this nation from the heart of the people, rather than the military. Or we may still throw our own name in the running." Shretas gave a soft rumble as he stepped forward, taking his selection. "We would normally wait for a few decades. But do we have the luxury of time? My blood already grows red."
"The esteemed senators from Nataria and Shurista have requested a change to ensure sufficient choices are available," Hanako said, "In light of this, Yamatai motions to change the bill to add the following item: '5. Each system must offer its voters at least three valid candidates for Premier as options to vote on.' All in favor say aye."
"Aye," Airwin responded to the simple request.
"Aye." Finally, Shretas nodded. He settled back against the wall, softly typing a message to his world's council to inform them of the vote. Not, of course, to be sent. Not yet.
Anslen sat, watching the exchanges. He liked the bill, it was more democratic and let more people participate in the election. However, there were certain proprieties that had to be observed. "As I am running in this election, I must abstain." He said formally.
Tamafune listened and waited for a gap to voice her opinion on the voting process. Her volumetric image stood up. "Fujiko feels like the three choices for primer should be determined by a level higher than the systems. I foresee more than candidates otherwise as each system tries to exert more influence in the Senate.

As we have political parties, perhaps each should put forward a candidate and the third can be an nominee determined by the Empress herself.

Fujiko is unsure how to vote on the bill as is without this concern to the election process being addressed first."

Finished, she sat back down.
"Aye." With little more to say, Sachiko busied herself with a delicate task within her hands. With two finite needles she looped several shimmering silver chords around one another. Every so often she would pull a grey blue pearl from inside of her blue and orange furisode's sleeve pocket and weave it in to the line of lacework she was knitting. Above her pursed lips, her eyes were on the room as her fingers stayed busy.

The hatsuhinode sunrise motif kimono was traditional Yamataian in cut and design, an astute homage to the majority that inhabited her planet. They were juxtaposed with accessories of Elven design, like the leaves of the obi's brooch that fastened over her middle and kanzashi that adorned her greyed and bunned hair that were all intricately shaped Xiulurium, made to glitter and reflect light as easily as Sachiko's bright opalescent eyes did as she watched each politician's response.
"Any opposed to the motion to change? Those opposed, say Nay." Hanako asked.
"There are no nays," Hanako said after waiting a reasonable timeframe, "The motion to change passes, and so does the bill."


  1. Yamatai
  2. Akina
  3. Nataria
  4. Xiuluria


  1. Shurista
  2. Essia

  • None

The proposal passes:

1. Each world, nation, system, Senti Fleet, or other territory represented by the senate shall conduct a free and fair election within their domain.
2. Senators, as required by the constitution, shall serve as electors.
3. The results of the election should be posted prior end of the month of YE 45.1.
4. By the end of YE 45.1, the senate shall count the votes from each senator and candidate with the most votes will be approved by the senate as the Imperial Premier.
5. Each system must offer its voters at least three valid candidates for Premier as options to vote on.