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ELR26 Series Electrolaser rifle

sada sakue

Inactive Member
ELR26 Weapon Series

Producer Information

Designer : (not determined yet)
Manufacturer : (not determined yet)

Intended use :

The ELR26 Weapon Series (also reffered as Weapon Systems) were initially intended as non-lethal crowd control guns, in the form of the current CV and CP version. However, it was soon discovered that the weapon's internals were sturdy enough to handle more power, and the military versions were developped. A lot of aftermarket parts were developped, to allow more versatility on the battlefield.

Nomenclatures :

Name : ELR26-xx (ELR stands for Electro Laser Rifle, 26 is revision number, xx is replaced with model type)

Model : CR (Carbine)
Type : Short to medium range assault rifle
Lenght : 91cm/35.8 inch, 67cm/26.3inchs (stock folded)
Weight : 2.5kg/5.5 lbs

Model : MP (Military Pistol)
Type : Backup weapon
Lenght : 24cm/9.4 inchs
Weight : 1.2kg/2.6 lbs

Model : CV (Civilian Version)
Type : Low-cost, low-powered rifle. Basically, looks like a CR version, with fixed stock, and far less customisation options. Non lethal.
Lenght : 91cm/35.8 lbs
Weight : 2.1kg/4.6 lbs

Model : CP (Civilian Pistol)
Type : Low-cost, low-powered backup weapon. Basically, looks like a MP version, with shorter barrel, no compensator, and far less customisation options. Non lethal.
Lenght : 15cm/5.9 inch
Weight : 1.0kg/2.2 lbs

Price : (not determined yet, but should be pretty much abordable, and vary, depending the model bought.)
Component costs : (not determined yet, will depend on the price of the gun, custom parts will be expensive)
- Standard energy core
- Low capacity core
- High capacity core
- Small core
- Barrel
- Bipod
- Core charger
- Sniper stock
- Folding stock
- Solid stock
- Top rail
- Side rail
- Bottom rail

Looks :

The ELR26 Series guns looks very sturdy, made of a polymer frame and corrosion-resistive internals. It has a fully ambidextrous design, since each control are reported on both sides of the gun.

The pistol versions just looks like a very shortened carbinee.

Operation :

Insert the energy core inside the front grip by the magazine well located below it. Push the safety lever located between the trigger and the front grip toward the front of the gun, choose your firing mode (heavy, stun) by moving the switch located either side of the rear sight, aim, pull trigger, watch the electric current hit the target. (or miss, don't blame the gun.)

The different firing modes (single, full) is defined by the trigger pull (kind of a Steyr AUG). A light, halfway pull will shot only once, while a fully pulled triger will allow for automatic firing)

Looks fun, but how does it work ? :

When the trigger is pulled, two distinct high powered laser starts emmitting, heating up the air between gun and target, creating an ionized plasma path. Meanwhile, an alternating current of very low amperage and very high voltage is pumped out of the energy core, and fed into the laser beams.

This create a thunder arc between gun and target, with the sound and light you'd see with a real thunder.

The target feels like she's struck by a thunder (well, I think no one here knows how it feels. To be honest, neither do I.) and is electrocuted, and may be incapacitated or killed. Any electronics inside target may be seriously compromized.

This weapon cannot be fired in space, or in airless environments ('cauz it needs air to create the ionized plasma path)

This rifle, in it's original civilian version, has a relatively low range, and at around 50-60m/160-200ft range. It has only a "stun" mode, which will effectively stun a target at half range.

The way more powerful military versions could kill a target at ranges up to 400m/1300 ft, and wound up to 700m/2300 ft.

A standard energy core allows 50 shots.

The civilian pistol is semi-auto only, and ineffective past 10m/30 ft.

The military pistol has stun and heavy fire modes, and would incapacitate (in heavy mode) someone up to 200m/650ft, but the very low power output only allow effective killing at ranges around 15-20m/50-60ft.

The recoil is inexistant.

The ELR26's rate of fire is a low 300 rpm, but the gun tends to build heat quickly, and a 15s burst will trigger the heat protection and the gun will disallow firing for 5 seconds

Customisation :

As stated earlier, the ELR26 has a lot of aftermarket parts (except for civilians versions, which modding is impossible without resorting to cutting and damaging the gun.)

However, the military versions allows for complete tweaking of the frame, you could put a sniper-style stock, or no stock at all...

The (optionals) rails allows for a broad range of accessories, from the simple flash light, to the complex night vision scope with telemeter, a grenade launcher or a laser.

Each version comes with its own, standard package.

  • CR Model
    Comes packaged with folding stock, four standard energy cores, top and side rail.
  • CV Model
    CV Model comes packaged with 2 low capacity cores and a solid stock. However, the stock is welded to the frame and isn't easily removable.
  • MP and CP Models
    Comes packaged with 2 small energy cores.

Optionals items include

  • Low capacity core
    The only energy core which fits CV models. Can be used with another model, but will only hold 10 shots. Low-cost
  • High capacity core
    This core will allow 500 shots. However, it won't fit entirely inside the battery hold, and will wrap outside the front grip and is huge.
  • Small core
    This core is the only one which fits the MP and CP Models. This core allows 50 shots with a CP and 35 with a MP
  • Bipod
    Mounted outside the barrel
  • Sniper stock
    Long, skeleton-style buttstock (think SVD-Dragunov-like, for the gun nuts)
  • Folding stock
    Short, skeleton-style buttstock, which folds to the right side of the gun (looks a lot like an H&K UMP, for the gun nuts, again.)
  • Solid stock
    Standard, full stock (looks like an M16 one)
  • Top rail
  • Side rail
    Those 2 allows for custom accessories. Top rail fits on top of the frame (hence the name), side fits either side of the frame (can be both), near the top front of the gun.

The civilian version would be sold to, well, civilians, and military version only to security, army and police organization.
Re: PR26 Series Photon rifles

Wow. Thats a lot. Looks pretty complete. I like the sheer number of different models... could this be the next AK?

Suggestions for next time: turn off word wrap in notepad.

And yay for pixel art.
Thanks I don't know how this goddamned notepad turned wordwrap on alone.

And no, it isn't pixel art, but vertex art. I somehow managed to delet the original picture before noticing the lines were so small
It isn't just because of Wordwrap; it's also the hugeness of the picture. I remember someone asked SaltedFish to provide a link to the picture of his MCP design, instead of embedding it, and that's probably a good idea here, too.

EDIT: Found it
Kotori said:
One request : try to link pictures in another window instead of putting up an image that will break the table arrangement. Please.

In terms of what it is, I think it's a great idea, since a lot of the currently available weapons are very standalone. I'm not sure it'd be needed, though, since pretty much all of its functions seem to already be met by other publically available guns. Then again, it would still be neat to have a variety to choose from.
First I'd like to say good job on this, you really went in depth! I also like the modular design, that would probably be quite helpful.


Now onto the other things though.

The first of these is that light does not posses mass, nor can it be affected by magnetic fields. It is, in fact, the transmitter for such forces (hence the name electromagnetic radiation). Also, "energy ballsâ€
Mmhmm, I think I may scrap it and redesign it from scratch. I wasn't fond of the weapon design anyway, as it had some flaws (the reloading method, as you pointed, and, well, how the gun works in general.)

However, I wanted something which would make the feel of a punch when being hit with, so it needs a high projectile mass, made of smooth materials, while keeping the capacity to throw it fast and precisely enough. Maybe including a small canister inside the core with the materials needed. Mmmhmm.

Also, i LOVE your "lightning gun" idea, mind designing one ? Or could I use your idea to do one myself ?
sada sakue said:
Also, i LOVE your "lightning gun" idea, mind designing one ? Or could I use your idea to do one myself ?
Err, I'm pretty sure the technology is pre-approved since it already exists (IRL) >.> but feel free to design a more military-style weapon with it.

If you want it to have mass, then yes, it will have to fire projectiles made of stuff...perhaps that Magneto Contraterrene Projector's cyclotron-thingy firing mechanism would be of interest to you?
Keep in mind that a linear accelerator can get things going faster than a cyclotron. It'll take up a larger footprint, but it could make for a deadlier round.
heh, i was reading some stuff about particle weapons on the internet while redesinging this thing, and i was thinking about using a linear accelerator
So what happaned with the modification of this weapon? The idea of the photons being crafted into a bullet has been shown to be effectively unatainable, yet there is no altering in the first post.

Have we given up any chance of this being approved, or are some of the modifcations going to be made?
I changed the design of the gun, and went for a lightning rifle one.

Since I modified the old post, there may be some inconsistencies that made past the proofreading.

What do you think ?

Still needs a pricetag, and some picture. I'll do that later.
Approved. Needs a manufacturer though (KZ?) and Steyr AUG trademark removed when it goes to the webpage.
they work the same, but yours is a fully integrated lightning rifle with grenade launcher, door breaker and other funny stuff

mine is lightweight, simple lightning rifle.

the firing modes are quite different, too, your's being continuous fire, mine's being repeated fire

and diversity is fun

(and I don't want to redesign it again )
When it comes to the company it could be just another line of weaponry from Nova Corp thats based on similar tech, or can just be a KZ improvement of Nova Corps tech (The empire doesn't belive in patents).
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