Star Army

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RP: Elysia [Elysia, ECV Raven] Pre Mission - Feathers of Black and White


Everything Is Magical
Elsyia Novus
Civilian Spaceport

As the morning flights came and left streams of people passed by Icarus as he stood waiting among the crowd, he brought up his datapad and checked the image of his contact he was looking out for. Having recently acquired the position of captain of the ECV Raven he had received many applications from people wishing to join the crew, Sofiel Castien being one of the first.

Said applicant was walking around looking for Icarus, her gait carried a slight timidness to it as she clutched her bag closer, crowds were never really Sofiel's forte after all but she was excited at the prospect of getting away from the day to day grind of teaching people how to turn something off and then back on again.

An individual bearing the brief description she had been given came into view, and so she began to walk towards said individual, sidling up beside them.
"I..Icarus I presume?" she spoke softly, hoping that she hadn't just embarrassed herself in-front of a random stranger.

Hearing the softer voice beside him the towering Elysian turned and looked down at her, "So you must be Sofiel then, pleased to meet you. You placed an application wishing to join the ECV Raven not so long ago, consider this the interview, I'm Icarus Asellio former officer of the Star Army and will be your captain in the event that you join the ships crew." pausing he took a moment to notice her appearance, well presented and seemed nice enough, "If you'll follow me we should move to a quieter location." The tall man took off heading towards one of the small cafes that had a free table.

A wave of relief washed over the white-haired bird lady as she nodded and followed him toward the cafe.
"Wow, those are some impressive credentials if you don't mind me saying" she spoke as she slid into a seat opposite him and prepared for the interview, feeling a little less nervous than before.

"Thank you, I spent many years in the army and officer school to reach the position and sometimes I think it was the biggest mistake of my life, however being given this opportunity to serve Elysia once again I took it without hesitation." Raising a hand to attract a waitress he ordered himself a light coffee, "Would you like a drink?" he asked looking over at the shorted woman sitting across from him.

Sofiel had a short-lived look of somebody deep in thought on her face before it suddenly lit up and she politely ordered an iced tea.
"Quite the patriot I see" she spoke before immediately regretting the decision to do so
why would you even say that
"R..Regardless, I'm glad you took the time to consider bringing me along, I feel honoured" she continued, trying to change the subject in case she had said something out of line.

Icarus motioned to the waitress to add her drink to the list before she left to prepare them, "Guess you could say I am, either way my place is here and not working for those who almost destroyed our great empire." Pulling our his datapad Icarus opened a file and handed it to Sofiel, "What we are about to discuss, the true nature of the ship and its benefactor are classified and is not to be spoken about, that document is a basic contract binding you to such secrecy if you wish to continue the interview."

Sofiel accepted the datapad and her eyes squinted slightly as they darted around the screen, making sure there were no secret clauses which involved her organs being stolen or her family being taken hostage or anything else that she didn't agree with.
"I see I see"
A few moments later she was scribbling her name down on the appropriate lines, the aforementioned scribble being made of elaborate loops and curves that crossed over each other multiple times, in her opinion it was both appealing to the eye and hard to replicate.
A sudden look of realisation crossed her features, if she was signing something then that most likely meant she basically had the job already and that they were just making sure she wasn't a nutcase with loose screws.
"There you go, all signed" Sofiel said as she handed the datapad back, her voice was now lacking that nervousness and it now almost sounded somewhat confident.

Nodding Icarus took the datapad and replaced it within his coat, he'd noticed her expression and indeed the air about her change and smiled inwardly, under the older circumstances he would have instantly jumped on the detail and told her the job was not yet guaranteed however this was different. "Excellent, now we can get down to business. From your application and the files kept on you like any citizen, you are a mechanic and engineer by trade correct?"

"Indeed, it's the family trade so I essentially grew up with a toolbox in my hand, If it can't be fixed then I'll fix it" Sofiel said in response, smiling inwardly as she recited the family motto.

"An interesting motto to live by, I can respect your trade seeing as how it keeps the equipment working that I use, I'm sure I don't need to spell out why having you on board would be useful for a number of reasons." Icarus shrugged off his coat and relaxed back in his chair giving a faint and brief smile, "So, there's only so much a file can tell me I'd like to hear it from you, so tell me about yourself and don't worry about trying to sound professional I'm interesting in the good and the bad. It's important I know who I'm working with and how they operate."

The waitress returned and handed them the drinks they each ordered earlier, Sofiel accepted hers and took a sip to make sure she was composed before she started her answer.

"Well uh, I'm a very driven person driven when It comes to work, and generally speaking I work pretty well with groups of other people and I like to keep myself somewhat fit and I tend to tinker with stuff even in my down time" Sofiel paused for a moment to consider her next words.

"Hmm, oh, I don't have any strong standings when it comes to politics and other dividing subjects so I suppose that's notable, OH and I currently have a clean bill of health just as a side note I'm generally not the kind of person to get sick, I'm not sure what else I can tell you" she finished speaking, hoping she had said enough at least for now.

Icarus listened intently with the occasional sip from his own drink as the two sat in the cafe talking, "Well how about what you want to achieve by joining us, why do you want to be here so badly when you don't even know what it is you'll be doing yet?" He stared straight into her eyes without moving in the slightest as he waited straight faced for her reply.

Sofiel readjusted in her seat when Icarus stared at her, slightly unnerved yet resilient in her effort to make a good impression if nothing else.

"Well from what I've heard the whole operation is pretty out of the way so I figure Hey Sofiel, these people are off on an adventure of discovery, they could use somebody to make sure everything continues to function correctly. That and it'd be nice to get away from the every day grind to experience something new, which is always a good thing in my opinion, even if everything goes, pardon my language, balls up, then you've still learned from it" the white haired and feathered engineer finished speaking, thinking that she had tried to explain herself the best she could as she went back to sipping on her iced tea.

Icarus didn't break his stare as she spoke nor did he move quietly waiting until she'd finished, "So you're looking for an escape more or less and using you're skills as the excuse to apply, tell me have you ever thought about what would happen if you died? Or perhaps if something happened to your family because of your actions?" The Elysian sat forwards in his chair, expression as straight as ever waiting for her reply.

Sofiel's eyes widened and she almost covered her potential employer in a spray of her drink as a shocked reaction to his question, it was quite sudden and out of the blue compared to how normal the other ones had been.

With a loud gulp, she started her response "Well if I spent my whole life worrying about whether I'd die or not - then I wouldn't have time for much else but uhh... Putting the life of somebody else - especially if that life was a family member of mine - seems wrong, but if this job is as hush hush as you are saying then I shouldn't have to worry about people going after my loved ones, should I?" the engie asked, her eyes shimmering a little as she did so.

Icarus said nothing simply staring her down as he had been for a while, after a brief moment he looked down at the table before back up to her, his expression had changed however to one much lighter. "No, you wont need to worry about your family, and to some extent you wont need to worry about yourself either but I'll explain that later." Icarus looked out into the crowds streaming by and sipped his coffee again before turning back, "So knowing that your life is at risk for an unknown cause do you still wish to join?"

She finished her own drink in a hearty swig and shut her golden eyes, breathing out a long, drawn out sigh before opening them again and answering.
"There is only so much time we have to do stuff, so why not try to see it all"
Sofiel pushed her glass aside and stared into the eyes of the man who had been staring into hers so much.
"Sure, I'm down"

Icarus gave her another brief grin, "Well I'm glad to know you aren't phased by the idea, of course I'll be doing everything to ensure your safety during your time aboard and now that I know you're prepared to risk it we can get down to the real business." Icarus finished his coffee and brought out his datapad again, "As you pointed out there should be no one coming after us due to the nature of this task, and the task we will be performing is something that hasn't been attempted in a long time."

"Due to recent events we have been commissioned to investigate and explore the mystery of the Ancients, I don't need to tell you the bed time stories however I can say this. Those old rumours of them being perfect beings may not be so far fetched, and we are tasked with finding any information relating to them within an ancient ship burried beneath Empyrean."

"Wowee, that's uh, damn that's certainly something" she answered with, wondering why there weren't people more qualified than her on the job but not wanting to bring it up incase it'd sully her chances.

Fuck it, she'd ask

"So uhm, what's the deal with picking me instead of somebody more qualified, I mean I'm honoured and everything but for something seemingly so important..."

"I'm glad you asked, in truth there are plenty more qualified but that skill is only part of what I'm looking for, the main reason you were chosen is your background. No military involvement, no direct contact with high up officials and no illegal actions to your name having spent your life in this trade." Icarus spoke with a hard and fast tone now ensuring she would not forget what he was saying, "That makes you one of the least likely to have been influenced to join by some outside group, you're the least likely to be a spy essentially and with the work we are doing a spy would be a very bad thing to have on board."

Sofiel's eyes slowly widened as Icarus spoke, and her head gave slow nods of agreement while she waited for him to finish speaking. "I may not be well versed in all this, this... cloak and dagger guff, but I understand the need for it from time to time so..."

The white-haired lady mimed zipping up her mouth and throwing away the key, before giving a small, light-hearted smile.

Icarus nodded acknowledging her motion, he stood up from the table and motioned to a waiter to collect the pay now that they had finished. "Well with that all the agreements have been made and you understand the situation so I don't think there's any more professional discussion that needs to occur at this moment." The tall Elysian moved towards the exit through the sea of people recently disembarked, "So now is the time when you can ask me any question you like while the necessary preparations are made."

She rose with him, with one arm crossed under her chest and the other one balled into a fist under her chin, Sofiel thought hard for a short moment about if she had any pertinent questions...

"Hmmmm... OH!" Sofiel suddenly piped up, a question popping into her mind.
"Is the date of the voyage still as you previously mentioned? or has is changed?"

Nodding he replied, "As long as we don't run into any unforeseen issues yes, the ship will depart as previously specified whether the whole crew is present or not, I shan't tolerate lateness and neither will this mission, is that understood?" he asked reached the doorway of the cafe and turning back to face her.

"yes yes yes, with the clarity of a crystal if not moreso" she responded with, before stretching out her wings a little and turning around to pick her bag up off the ground.

"Well Mr Asellio" Sofiel began speaking, turning around to face him once more, "I must say this was probably the most pleasant interview I've ever had, and I look forward to potentially working with you in the future"

"Oh you will be, after all should you refuse now the military will take custody of you and your family for the rest of your lives." He spoke in an almost cheerful tone but there was no hint of sarcasm or joke in his voice as the tall Raven winged man left and dissapeared into the crowd.
