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[Elysia] Elysia Novus Update


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: Article Update
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Original Article URL: Linky
  • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
  • Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Nope.
  • Contains New Art? Yes - the animated globe and the planet map.
  • Previously Submitted? Nope.
  • Changelog: Linky
An overhaul of le birb's (new) homeworld that I (unintentionally, I swear) took six days to create.
Can you outline some flora and fauna? You link each twice but I don't know what those things could be.

What you did at the top of the page with the planets all in a row is really neat.

@Wes needs to approve if I'm not mistaken.

Sorry for taking my time.
Can you outline some flora and fauna? You link each twice but I don't know what those things could be.

Not to be rude, but the reason I didn't outline any flora and fauna is due to the fact that to the best of my knowledge there isn't any Elysian flora or fauna on the wiki ( ;-; ) - and because in my humble opinion creating (and submitting) new wiki articles for the flora and fauna would be outside the scope of this update.

Rest assured, though - I definitely plan on having myself and the #MEGA birbs create flora and fauna articles in the future.

What you did at the top of the page with the planets all in a row is really neat.


@Wes needs to approve if I'm not mistaken.

boops @Wes

Sorry for taking my time.

Last edited:
So here's the only snippet from the New Elysia planet wiki about fauna:

"That planet did have indigenous fauna, and the Elysians have largely disposed of any that didn't fit in with the new eco-system they designed and supplanted them with species from Old Elysia (otherwise known as Uesyreya or Planet Yamatai). The land is now occupied by animals either introduced or designed by the Elysians." https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:elysia_novus

Elysia was originally a series of floating land masses above Geshrintall (Yamatai) so you could get away with describing just about anything you wanted. I would imagine that the native animal species on Old Elysia would've been a variety of birds or otherwise winged critters. I don't remember too much about the creatures and plants up in the islands being described at any length. I would imagine that any sort of thing that could survive at high elevation with large exposure to sunlight might be good?

Old school Elysians were also incredibly good at bio-engineering so this would mean you could again, have any species you truly wanted for Elysia. You could have a series of pegasus running around or winged Ligers.
Instead of just editing the Elysian Calendar to say it's Yamatai-based, you want to retcon this star system so that Elysia Novus has an exactly matching orbit to planet Yamatai? Isn't that a bit extreme? It seems implausible the two systems would have planets matching the same exact orbit without some sort of...intelligent design.
(Apologies for the lack of links and the presence of typos - am posting this from my phone)

Wouldn't it be plausible that the Elysians - in addition to re-designing the planetary ecosystem - also altered the orbital speed of the planet itself via their "Grand Fleet"?

Yamatai, if memory serves, moved Hanako's World and another planet (whose name I can't recall) to different star systems back in the day - so wouldn't it have been possible for Elysia (prior to losing the vast majority of their navy in the Fourth Elysian War) to perform a task as "simple" as changing a planet's orbital velocity?
^ And, for that matter, an extremely Elysian thing to do. Like coming up with a convoluted philosophical history about how EN is actually their *true* homeworld.
Well, Yamatai had Hoshi no Iori to move planets, what did the Elysians use?
Well, Yamatai had Hoshi no Iori to move planets, what did the Elysians use?

Although this is merely an "off the top of my head" guess - I'm on my phone at the moment - I'd say that they probably used a vast network of satellites which encompassed the planet in an inertia-canceling field of some kind, then gradually decreased (or increased) the planet's orbital velocity. Once the desired velocity was achieved, the satellites would've been deconstructed for usage elsewhere - or destroyed during the Fourth Elysian War.
Make a change to the article and then we can will look at what you decided on.
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