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Approved Submission [Elysia] Neo-Caelisolan


Banned Member
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Subspecies
Template Used: N/A
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:species:neo-caelisolan
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:neo-caelisolan

FM Approved Yet? No @FrostJaeger
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

So this has been in RP for a while even since it was approved by Ame and Frost as an RP device on the Kaiyo for my character, Seinosuke Iemochi.
The subspecies was created in RP over a matter of months a year or two ago now, I just never felt a need to create an official page.
Now, I would like to formally run the subspecies through NTSE so that anyone can use the subspecies too!
I didn't base it off the template as much of the information is already based in the Elysian page, though all that needs to be noted should be.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Wherever people can visit, there's a certain percentage that come back and stay. Elysia is visited often by many vessels and people, it makes sense some of them would decide it's a good place to settle down. At least, that's how it happens IRL. So, they're from wherever they come from that can visit Elysia.
Try to use third person language.

From the checklist:
[ ] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
Hmm, I can't see any first person and I use second person in the "playing" guide section?

Added a link or two to Elysia.
It is in the "playing" section, so I can see it technically being a guide portion of the article.

Now, is it available to Yamatai? It just says Elysian Senate gets it and doesn't say anything about SAoY having it, despite someone making it on an SAoY ship.
Good question. It was made as a private project and privately funded in canon because the guy making it didn't think it'd be more than a shot in the dark.

So I'd guess just Elysia since they were all it was shared with legally, though if the SAoY had any purpose or use for it they can contact the creator I guess? It's still his invention so he can distribute the template however he wishes.
I don't really mind that but I'm looking at this and I'm thinking...is there actual demand for this OOCly or ICly? What real reason would immigrants have to switch to a new body? Is there a real problem that adopting this body solves? Is Elysia so racist that it doesn't want to see Phods or Iroma or Kodians walking on the street so they push for them to get this body instead? I've read the article's attempt to explain this but I'm like "really?" and want more elaboration.
Elysia is established to have a strict social heirachy, which would poise people to try and reduce their differences. Also Frost wants this as FM and the other Elysian FMs are happy for an addition.

Either way it's already hard canon that it's been developed and given over to the Senate so they can do what they like with it, its popularity isn't stated at all in the article. No reason not to have it. You can pretty much take or leave the article since it's already been developed in and out character for a year or more.
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@Wes I hope this helps answer your question.

Added a paragraph to Availability at Frost's request.

Also I've just been talking to those FMs and it seems there is a notable event being planned around this setting element that is shaping up to be very interesting.
Firstly, @Wes, Elysia is indeed that “racist”; as far as I know, the Diplomatic Institute on Elysia Novus is the only place in the entirety of Elysian territory where non-Elysians are permitted (unless said non-Elysian is a member of the Star Army or Yamataian government). Iroma, Kodians, and Phods aren’t just be banned from “walking on the streets” - they’re banned from virtually all of Elysia’s star systems.

Secondly, I’d be glad to, @Ametheliana. The “utility of this article” is that it makes the Elysian Celestial Empire drastically more accessible to players, which is something it desperately needs.

Anyhoo, as the Faction Manager of Elysia, I APPROVE of this submission. ovob
Wouldn't it just make more sense to let people in?
i think it's more to do with the way the faction has been constructed, from my understanding and research for my elysian plot reasons, it seems that the social structure of elysia is as frost said, very racist. So much so that currently Elysia Novus (i havent heard anything about the rest of their territory i thought it was just their proclaimed homeland) is off limits to non elysians iirc and this is not because frost wants to keep players out but rather sticking to the core values of a very class based society of egotistical angelic people.

The neo caelisolan continues upholding the original virtues of birds only, but gives more options in backstory for players, as well as providing a way for non elysians to essentially, "gain access" by getting a new body for a time and then switch back afterwards.

It wont necassarily make it more accessible as a faction but will provide more options which seemed like the goal of the neo project whenever i had been in a discussion about it.

I don't mean for this to sound harsh or blunt I had just been watching the thread and thought this seemed like it could be useful to point out for anyone else who may not have known about it.